An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.



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An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.

Bar chart with benchmark results

Linting the CPython codebase from scratch.

  • ⚡️ 10-100x faster than existing linters
  • 🐍 Installable via pip
  • 🤝 Python 3.10 compatibility
  • 🛠️ pyproject.toml support
  • 📦 ESLint-inspired cache support
  • 🔧 ESLint-inspired autofix support (e.g., automatically remove unused imports)
  • 👀 TypeScript-inspired --watch support, for continuous file monitoring
  • ⚖️ Near-parity with the built-in Flake8 rule set
  • 🔌 Native re-implementations of popular Flake8 plugins, like flake8-docstrings (pydocstyle)

Ruff aims to be orders of magnitude faster than alternative tools while integrating more functionality behind a single, common interface. Ruff can be used to replace Flake8 (plus a variety of plugins), pydocstyle, yesqa, and even a subset of pyupgrade and autoflake all while executing tens or hundreds of times faster than any individual tool.

Read the launch blog post.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation and Usage
  2. Configuration
  3. Supported Rules
  4. Editor Integrations
  5. FAQ
  6. Development
  7. Releases
  8. Benchmarks
  9. License
  10. Contributing

Installation and Usage


Available as ruff on PyPI:

pip install ruff


To run Ruff, try any of the following:

ruff path/to/code/to/
ruff path/to/code/
ruff path/to/code/*.py

You can run Ruff in --watch mode to automatically re-run on-change:

ruff path/to/code/ --watch

Ruff also works with pre-commit:

  - repo:
    rev: v0.0.77
      - id: lint


Ruff is configurable both via pyproject.toml and the command line.

For example, you could configure Ruff to only enforce a subset of rules with:

line-length = 88
select = [

Alternatively, on the command-line:

ruff path/to/code/ --select F401 --select F403

See ruff --help for more:

ruff: An extremely fast Python linter.

Usage: ruff [OPTIONS] <FILES>...


      --config <CONFIG>
          Path to the `pyproject.toml` file to use for configuration
  -v, --verbose
          Enable verbose logging
  -q, --quiet
          Disable all logging (but still exit with status code "1" upon detecting errors)
  -e, --exit-zero
          Exit with status code "0", even upon detecting errors
  -w, --watch
          Run in watch mode by re-running whenever files change
  -f, --fix
          Attempt to automatically fix lint errors
  -n, --no-cache
          Disable cache reads
      --select <SELECT>
          List of error codes to enable
      --extend-select <EXTEND_SELECT>
          Like --select, but adds additional error codes on top of the selected ones
      --ignore <IGNORE>
          List of error codes to ignore
      --extend-ignore <EXTEND_IGNORE>
          Like --ignore, but adds additional error codes on top of the ignored ones
      --exclude <EXCLUDE>
          List of paths, used to exclude files and/or directories from checks
      --extend-exclude <EXTEND_EXCLUDE>
          Like --exclude, but adds additional files and directories on top of the excluded ones
      --per-file-ignores <PER_FILE_IGNORES>
          List of mappings from file pattern to code to exclude
      --format <FORMAT>
          Output serialization format for error messages [default: text] [possible values: text, json]
          See the files ruff will be run against with the current settings
          See ruff's settings
          Enable automatic additions of noqa directives to failing lines
      --dummy-variable-rgx <DUMMY_VARIABLE_RGX>
          Regular expression matching the name of dummy variables
      --target-version <TARGET_VERSION>
          The minimum Python version that should be supported
      --stdin-filename <STDIN_FILENAME>
          The name of the file when passing it through stdin
  -h, --help
          Print help information
  -V, --version
          Print version information

Excluding files

Exclusions are based on globs, and can be either:

  • Single-path patterns, like .mypy_cache (to exclude any directory named .mypy_cache in the tree), (to exclude any file named, or foo_*.py (to exclude any file matching foo_*.py ).
  • Relative patterns, like directory/ (to exclude that specific file) or directory/*.py (to exclude any Python files in directory). Note that these paths are relative to the project root (e.g., the directory containing your pyproject.toml).

Ignoring errors

To omit a lint check entirely, add it to the "ignore" list via --ignore or --extend-ignore, either on the command-line or in your project.toml file.

To ignore an error in-line, Ruff uses a noqa system similar to Flake8. To ignore an individual error, add # noqa: {code} to the end of the line, like so:

# Ignore F841.
x = 1  # noqa: F841

# Ignore E741 and F841.
i = 1  # noqa: E741, F841

# Ignore _all_ errors.
x = 1  # noqa

Note that, for multi-line strings, the noqa directive should come at the end of the string, and will apply to the entire body, like so:

"""Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
"""  # noqa: E501

Ruff supports several workflows to aid in noqa management.

First, Ruff provides a special error code, M001, to enforce that your noqa directives are "valid", in that the errors they say they ignore are actually being triggered on that line (and thus suppressed). You can run ruff /path/to/ --extend-select M001 to flag unused noqa directives.

Second, Ruff can automatically remove unused noqa directives via its autofix functionality. You can run ruff /path/to/ --extend-select M001 --fix to automatically remove unused noqa directives.

Third, Ruff can automatically add noqa directives to all failing lines. This is useful when migrating a new codebase to Ruff. You can run ruff /path/to/ --add-noqa to automatically add noqa directives to all failing lines, with the appropriate error codes.

Supported Rules

By default, Ruff enables all E, W, and F error codes, which correspond to those built-in to Flake8.


Code Name Message
F401 UnusedImport ... imported but unused
F402 ImportShadowedByLoopVar Import ... from line 1 shadowed by loop variable
F403 ImportStarUsed from ... import * used; unable to detect undefined names
F404 LateFutureImport from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning of the file
F405 ImportStarUsage ... may be undefined, or defined from star imports: ...
F406 ImportStarNotPermitted from ... import * only allowed at module level
F407 FutureFeatureNotDefined Future feature ... is not defined
F541 FStringMissingPlaceholders f-string without any placeholders
F601 MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral Dictionary key literal repeated
F602 MultiValueRepeatedKeyVariable Dictionary key ... repeated
F621 ExpressionsInStarAssignment Too many expressions in star-unpacking assignment
F622 TwoStarredExpressions Two starred expressions in assignment
F631 AssertTuple Assert test is a non-empty tuple, which is always True
F632 IsLiteral Use == and != to compare constant literals
F633 InvalidPrintSyntax Use of >> is invalid with print function
F634 IfTuple If test is a tuple, which is always True
F701 BreakOutsideLoop break outside loop
F702 ContinueOutsideLoop continue not properly in loop
F704 YieldOutsideFunction yield or yield from statement outside of a function/method
F706 ReturnOutsideFunction return statement outside of a function/method
F707 DefaultExceptNotLast An except: block as not the last exception handler
F722 ForwardAnnotationSyntaxError Syntax error in forward annotation: ...
F821 UndefinedName Undefined name ...
F822 UndefinedExport Undefined name ... in __all__
F823 UndefinedLocal Local variable ... referenced before assignment
F831 DuplicateArgumentName Duplicate argument name in function definition
F841 UnusedVariable Local variable ... is assigned to but never used
F901 RaiseNotImplemented raise NotImplemented should be raise NotImplementedError


Code Name Message
E402 ModuleImportNotAtTopOfFile Module level import not at top of file
E501 LineTooLong Line too long (89 > 88 characters)
E711 NoneComparison Comparison to None should be cond is None
E712 TrueFalseComparison Comparison to True should be cond is True
E713 NotInTest Test for membership should be not in
E714 NotIsTest Test for object identity should be is not
E721 TypeComparison Do not compare types, use isinstance()
E722 DoNotUseBareExcept Do not use bare except
E731 DoNotAssignLambda Do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
E741 AmbiguousVariableName Ambiguous variable name: ...
E742 AmbiguousClassName Ambiguous class name: ...
E743 AmbiguousFunctionName Ambiguous function name: ...
E902 IOError IOError: ...
E999 SyntaxError SyntaxError: ...
W292 NoNewLineAtEndOfFile No newline at end of file


Code Name Message
D100 PublicModule Missing docstring in public module
D101 PublicClass Missing docstring in public class
D102 PublicMethod Missing docstring in public method
D103 PublicFunction Missing docstring in public function
D104 PublicPackage Missing docstring in public package
D105 MagicMethod Missing docstring in magic method
D106 PublicNestedClass Missing docstring in public nested class
D107 PublicInit Missing docstring in __init__
D200 FitsOnOneLine One-line docstring should fit on one line
D201 NoBlankLineBeforeFunction No blank lines allowed before function docstring (found 1)
D202 NoBlankLineAfterFunction No blank lines allowed after function docstring (found 1)
D203 OneBlankLineBeforeClass 1 blank line required before class docstring
D204 OneBlankLineAfterClass 1 blank line required after class docstring
D205 NoBlankLineAfterSummary 1 blank line required between summary line and description
D206 IndentWithSpaces Docstring should be indented with spaces, not tabs
D207 NoUnderIndentation Docstring is under-indented
D208 NoOverIndentation Docstring is over-indented
D209 NewLineAfterLastParagraph Multi-line docstring closing quotes should be on a separate line
D210 NoSurroundingWhitespace No whitespaces allowed surrounding docstring text
D211 NoBlankLineBeforeClass No blank lines allowed before class docstring
D212 MultiLineSummaryFirstLine Multi-line docstring summary should start at the first line
D213 MultiLineSummarySecondLine Multi-line docstring summary should start at the second line
D214 SectionNotOverIndented Section is over-indented ("Returns")
D215 SectionUnderlineNotOverIndented Section underline is over-indented ("Returns")
D300 UsesTripleQuotes Use """triple double quotes"""
D400 EndsInPeriod First line should end with a period
D402 NoSignature First line should not be the function's 'signature'
D403 FirstLineCapitalized First word of the first line should be properly capitalized
D404 NoThisPrefix First word of the docstring should not be This
D405 CapitalizeSectionName Section name should be properly capitalized ("returns")
D406 NewLineAfterSectionName Section name should end with a newline ("Returns")
D407 DashedUnderlineAfterSection Missing dashed underline after section ("Returns")
D408 SectionUnderlineAfterName Section underline should be in the line following the section's name ("Returns")
D409 SectionUnderlineMatchesSectionLength Section underline should match the length of its name ("Returns")
D410 BlankLineAfterSection Missing blank line after section ("Returns")
D411 BlankLineBeforeSection Missing blank line before section ("Returns")
D412 NoBlankLinesBetweenHeaderAndContent No blank lines allowed between a section header and its content ("Returns")
D413 BlankLineAfterLastSection Missing blank line after last section ("Returns")
D414 NonEmptySection Section has no content ("Returns")
D415 EndsInPunctuation First line should end with a period, question mark, or exclamation point
D416 SectionNameEndsInColon Section name should end with a colon ("Returns")
D417 DocumentAllArguments Missing argument descriptions in the docstring: x, y
D418 SkipDocstring Function decorated with @overload shouldn't contain a docstring
D419 NonEmpty Docstring is empty


Code Name Message
U001 UselessMetaclassType __metaclass__ = type is implied
U002 UnnecessaryAbspath abspath(__file__) is unnecessary in Python 3.9 and later
U003 TypeOfPrimitive Use str instead of type(...)
U004 UselessObjectInheritance Class ... inherits from object
U005 DeprecatedUnittestAlias assertEquals is deprecated, use assertEqual instead
U006 UsePEP585Annotation Use list instead of List for type annotations
U007 UsePEP604Annotation Use X | Y for type annotations
U008 SuperCallWithParameters Use super() instead of super(__class__, self)


Code Name Message
N801 InvalidClassName Class name ... should use CapWords convention
N802 InvalidFunctionName Function name ... should be lowercase
N803 InvalidArgumentName Argument name ... should be lowercase
N804 InvalidFirstArgumentNameForClassMethod First argument of a class method should be named cls
N805 InvalidFirstArgumentNameForMethod First argument of a method should be named self


Code Name Message
C400 UnnecessaryGeneratorList Unnecessary generator - rewrite as a list comprehension
C401 UnnecessaryGeneratorSet Unnecessary generator - rewrite as a set comprehension
C402 UnnecessaryGeneratorDict Unnecessary generator - rewrite as a dict comprehension
C403 UnnecessaryListComprehensionSet Unnecessary list comprehension - rewrite as a set comprehension
C404 UnnecessaryListComprehensionDict Unnecessary list comprehension - rewrite as a dict comprehension
C405 UnnecessaryLiteralSet Unnecessary <list/tuple> literal - rewrite as a set literal
C406 UnnecessaryLiteralDict Unnecessary <list/tuple> literal - rewrite as a dict literal
C408 UnnecessaryCollectionCall Unnecessary <dict/list/tuple> call - rewrite as a literal
C409 UnnecessaryLiteralWithinTupleCall Unnecessary <list/tuple> literal passed to tuple() - remove the outer call to tuple()
C410 UnnecessaryLiteralWithinListCall Unnecessary <list/tuple> literal passed to list() - rewrite as a list literal
C411 UnnecessaryListCall Unnecessary list call - remove the outer call to list()
C413 UnnecessaryCallAroundSorted Unnecessary <list/reversed> call around sorted()
C414 UnnecessaryDoubleCastOrProcess Unnecessary <list/reversed/set/sorted/tuple> call within <list/set/sorted/tuple>().
C415 UnnecessarySubscriptReversal Unnecessary subscript reversal of iterable within <reversed/set/sorted>()
C416 UnnecessaryComprehension Unnecessary <list/set> comprehension - rewrite using <list/set>()
C417 UnnecessaryMap Unnecessary map usage - rewrite using a <list/set/dict> comprehension


Code Name Message
B011 DoNotAssertFalse Do not assert False (python -O removes these calls), raise AssertionError()
B014 DuplicateHandlerException Exception handler with duplicate exception: ValueError
B025 DuplicateTryBlockException try-except block with duplicate exception Exception


Code Name Message
A001 BuiltinVariableShadowing Variable ... is shadowing a python builtin
A002 BuiltinArgumentShadowing Argument ... is shadowing a python builtin
A003 BuiltinAttributeShadowing Class attribute ... is shadowing a python builtin


Code Name Message
T201 PrintFound print found
T203 PPrintFound pprint found

Meta rules

Code Name Message
M001 UnusedNOQA Unused noqa directive

Editor Integrations


Ruff can be installed as an External Tool in PyCharm. Open the Preferences pane, then navigate to "Tools", then "External Tools". From there, add a new tool with the following configuration:

Install Ruff as an External Tool

Ruff should then appear as a runnable action:

Ruff as a runnable action

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions has everything you need to run Ruff out-of-the-box:

name: CI
on: push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Install Python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: "3.10"
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          pip install ruff
      - name: Run Ruff
        run: ruff .


Is Ruff compatible with Black?

Yes. Ruff is compatible with Black out-of-the-box, as long as the line-length setting is consistent between the two.

As a project, Ruff is designed to be used alongside Black and, as such, will defer implementing stylistic lint rules that are obviated by autoformatting.

How does Ruff compare to Flake8?

Ruff can be used as a (near) drop-in replacement for Flake8 when used (1) without or with a small number of plugins, (2) alongside Black, and (3) on Python 3 code.

Under those conditions Ruff is missing 14 rules related to string .format calls, 1 rule related to docstring parsing, and 1 rule related to redefined variables.

Ruff re-implements some of the most popular Flake8 plugins and related code quality tools natively, including:

Beyond rule-set parity, Ruff suffers from the following limitations vis-à-vis Flake8:

  1. Ruff does not yet support a few Python 3.9 and 3.10 language features, including structural pattern matching and parenthesized context managers.
  2. Flake8 has a plugin architecture and supports writing custom lint rules. (To date, popular Flake8 plugins have been re-implemented within Ruff directly.)

Which tools does Ruff replace?

Today, Ruff can be used to replace Flake8 when used with any of the following plugins:

Ruff also implements the functionality that you get from yesqa, and a subset of the rules implemented in pyupgrade (8/34).

If you're looking to use Ruff, but rely on an unsupported Flake8 plugin, free to file an Issue.

Do I need to install Rust to use Ruff?

Nope! Ruff is available as ruff on PyPI:

pip install ruff

Ruff ships with wheels for all major platforms, which enables pip to install Ruff without relying on Rust at all.

Can I write my own plugins for Ruff?

Ruff does not yet support third-party plugins, though a plugin system is within-scope for the project. See #283 for more.

Does Ruff support NumPy- or Google-style docstrings?

Yes! To enable a specific docstring convention, start by enabling all pydocstyle error codes, and then selectively disabling based on your preferred convention.

For example, if you're coming from flake8-docstrings, the following configuration is equivalent to --docstring-convention numpy:

extend-select = [

Similarly, the following is equivalent to --docstring-convention google:

extend-select = [


Ruff is written in Rust (1.63.0). You'll need to install the Rust toolchain for development.

Assuming you have cargo installed, you can run:

cargo run resources/test/fixtures
cargo fmt
cargo clippy
cargo test


Ruff is distributed on PyPI, and published via maturin.

See: .github/workflows/release.yaml.


First, clone CPython. It's a large and diverse Python codebase, which makes it a good target for benchmarking.

git clone --branch 3.10 resources/test/cpython

Add this pyproject.toml to the CPython directory:

line-length = 88
extend-exclude = [

Next, to benchmark the release build:

cargo build --release

hyperfine --ignore-failure --warmup 10 --runs 100 \
  "./target/release/ruff ./resources/test/cpython/ --no-cache" \
  "./target/release/ruff ./resources/test/cpython/"

Benchmark 1: ./target/release/ruff ./resources/test/cpython/ --no-cache
  Time (mean ± σ):     297.4 ms ±   4.9 ms    [User: 2460.0 ms, System: 67.2 ms]
  Range (min … max):   287.7 ms … 312.1 ms    100 runs

  Warning: Ignoring non-zero exit code.

Benchmark 2: ./target/release/ruff ./resources/test/cpython/
  Time (mean ± σ):      79.6 ms ±   7.3 ms    [User: 59.7 ms, System: 356.1 ms]
  Range (min … max):    62.4 ms … 111.2 ms    100 runs

  Warning: Ignoring non-zero exit code.

To benchmark against the ecosystem's existing tools:

hyperfine --ignore-failure --warmup 5 \
  "./target/release/ruff ./resources/test/cpython/ --no-cache" \
  "pylint --recursive=y resources/test/cpython/" \
  "pyflakes resources/test/cpython" \
  "autoflake --recursive --expand-star-imports --remove-all-unused-imports --remove-unused-variables --remove-duplicate-keys resources/test/cpython" \
  "pycodestyle resources/test/cpython" \
  "flake8 resources/test/cpython" \
  "python -m scripts.run_flake8 resources/test/cpython"

In order, these evaluate:

  • Ruff
  • Pylint
  • Pyflakes
  • autoflake
  • pycodestyle
  • Flake8
  • Flake8, with a hack to enable multiprocessing on macOS

(You can poetry install from ./scripts to create a working environment for the above.)

Benchmark 1: ./target/release/ruff ./resources/test/cpython/ --no-cache
  Time (mean ± σ):     297.9 ms ±   7.0 ms    [User: 2436.6 ms, System: 65.9 ms]
  Range (min … max):   289.9 ms … 314.6 ms    10 runs

  Warning: Ignoring non-zero exit code.

Benchmark 2: pylint --recursive=y resources/test/cpython/
  Time (mean ± σ):     37.634 s ±  0.225 s    [User: 36.728 s, System: 0.853 s]
  Range (min … max):   37.201 s … 38.106 s    10 runs

  Warning: Ignoring non-zero exit code.

Benchmark 3: pyflakes resources/test/cpython
  Time (mean ± σ):     40.950 s ±  0.449 s    [User: 40.688 s, System: 0.229 s]
  Range (min … max):   40.348 s … 41.671 s    10 runs

  Warning: Ignoring non-zero exit code.

Benchmark 4: autoflake --recursive --expand-star-imports --remove-all-unused-imports --remove-unused-variables --remove-duplicate-keys resources/test/cpython
  Time (mean ± σ):     11.562 s ±  0.160 s    [User: 107.022 s, System: 1.143 s]
  Range (min … max):   11.417 s … 11.917 s    10 runs

Benchmark 5: pycodestyle resources/test/cpython
  Time (mean ± σ):     67.428 s ±  0.985 s    [User: 67.199 s, System: 0.203 s]
  Range (min … max):   65.313 s … 68.496 s    10 runs

  Warning: Ignoring non-zero exit code.

Benchmark 6: flake8 resources/test/cpython
  Time (mean ± σ):     116.099 s ±  1.178 s    [User: 115.217 s, System: 0.845 s]
  Range (min … max):   114.180 s … 117.724 s    10 runs

  Warning: Ignoring non-zero exit code.

Benchmark 7: python -m scripts.run_flake8 resources/test/cpython
  Time (mean ± σ):     20.477 s ±  0.349 s    [User: 142.372 s, System: 1.504 s]
  Range (min … max):   20.107 s … 21.183 s    10 runs

  './target/release/ruff ./resources/test/cpython/ --no-cache' ran
   38.81 ± 1.05 times faster than 'autoflake --recursive --expand-star-imports --remove-all-unused-imports --remove-unused-variables --remove-duplicate-keys resources/test/cpython'
   68.74 ± 1.99 times faster than 'python -m scripts.run_flake8 resources/test/cpython'
  126.33 ± 3.05 times faster than 'pylint --recursive=y resources/test/cpython/'
  137.46 ± 3.55 times faster than 'pyflakes resources/test/cpython'
  226.35 ± 6.23 times faster than 'pycodestyle resources/test/cpython'
  389.73 ± 9.92 times faster than 'flake8 resources/test/cpython'




Contributions are welcome and hugely appreciated. To get started, check out the contributing guidelines.

  • Surprising config file resolution behavior

    Surprising config file resolution behavior

    Our repo has two pyproject.toml files with [tool.ruff] sections:

    • pyproject.toml ("root")
    • examples/docs_snippets/pyproject.toml ("docs_snippets")

    The logic that resolves the config file for any given invocation of ruff surprised me:

    $ ruff `git ls-files '*.py'`  # uses root config for files in `examples/docs_snippets`
    $ ruff `git ls-files 'examples/docs_snippets/*.py`  # uses docs_snippets config

    So, for a given file in examples/docs_snippets, different runs of ruff from the same cwd and with the same config files on disk will use different pyproject.toml files. It suprised me to have the config used for a particular file determined by whatever unrelated files also happen to be being processed instead of just (a) the cwd; and (b) location of existing config files.

    I don't have a strong opinion on how a config file is resolved, but IMO it should always resolve to the same one if the launch CWD and config files on disk are constant.

    opened by smackesey 41
  • Import-sorting (a `ruff` approximation of `isort`)

    Import-sorting (a `ruff` approximation of `isort`)

    isort does have some wacky heuristics to determine first v third party, but ultimately I'd love to elide the import-sorting it does with ruff :zap:

    To me, doesn't have to be 1:1, so long as the behavior is there for import sorting/grouping I'm happy :smile:

    If we want to keep this in the realm of flake8, it'd be flake8-import-order with a fixer :wink:

    opened by thejcannon 27
  • Option to enable the fixable errors only?

    Option to enable the fixable errors only?

    Is there an option to easily enable all the error codes that are fixable (and disable the non-fixable ones)?

    Something like:

    ruff --select-fixable

    Basically I'm looking at pairing this with black in a format command, so black --check and ruff --select-fixable could run together as format --check, and then black and ruff --fix --select-fixable could run together as format without failing on all the other ruff errors that have to be manually fixed (those will be show to the user at a different time)... Just wondering if there's an easier way to select them all than ruff --select A --select B etc.


    opened by davegaeddert 20
  • False positive in F541 (f-string without placeholders) after v0.0.204

    False positive in F541 (f-string without placeholders) after v0.0.204

    not sure if it's #1494 or a different PR... but a F541 "f-string without placeholders" false positive is now appearing in v0.0.204 when using format specifiers in f-strings:

    v = 23.234234
    f"{v:0.2f}"  # error
    opened by tlambert03 17
  • Using ruff as a drop-in replacement for flake8

    Using ruff as a drop-in replacement for flake8

    I'd love to be able to replace flake8 with ruff, and while most things are compatible, one current limitation is the configuration: flake8 can be configured via setup.cfg and .flake8, and at work it's a pretty common setup. Migrating everyone to pyproject.toml will likely not happen anytime soon. So I was wondering what could be done here. I thought of two options:

    1. make ruff support all flake8 flags and configuration files This is probably not something you'd like to have, as it becomes a layer of configuration that you don't have support for.
    2. build a "bridge" package: something that reads flake8 configuration and invokes ruff with the proper parameters (at least the supported ones) This can be done by a third party (I'm happy to do it), but in order to make it happen, ruff would need to support taking the configuration in some alternative mechanism (I can think of either (1) allow all settings to be defined via command line flags or (2) add a command line flag to allow the user to override the location of pyproject.toml - that way the "bridge" tool would generate the config file and invoke ruff with that flag)

    Let me know if you have any thoughts!

    opened by fsouza 16
  • Allow banning of certain modules and certain module members

    Allow banning of certain modules and certain module members

    Sometimes you want to assert that certain modules are never imported. Apparently Pylint and Pyflake have plugins for that (pylint-restricted-imports and flake8-tidy-imports respectively).

    I think the disallowed modules / module members could be defined in a new tool.ruff.banned-api section in pyproject.toml. So you could for example have:

    argparse.msg = "Use typed_argparse instead."
    "decimal.Decimal".msg = "Use ints and floats only."
    "typing.TypedDict".msg = """Use typing_extensions.TypedDict instead.
    typing.TypedDict does not support typing.Generic for Python < 3.11,
    so we sometimes have to use typing_extensions.TypedDict instead.
    If we sometimes use typing_extensions.TypedDict, we however always
    want to use it because:
    class Foo(typing.TypedDict): ...
    class Bar(typing_extensions.TypedDict): ...
    class Baz(Foo, Bar): ...
    results in a runtime type error:
    > TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

    Note that banning module members is a bit challenging because we also have to account for attribute access e.g.

    import example
    # or
    import example as other

    I think it is quite clear that it is impossible for such a lint to prevent all the ways an API can be accessed, for example banned modules could still be accessed via importlib or eval and banning eval is a hopeless endeavor because there are countless ways of accessing it e.g. globals()['__builtins__'].eval or even dataclasses.builtins.eval. Completely preventing attribute access is even more difficult because you'd have to understand data flows (e.g. (lambda x: x.evil_function())(example)).

    So I just think the documentation of the lint should clarify that it's meant to prevent accidental usage of the API and can be easily circumvented.

    Aside from such false negatives the attribute access check would probably also result in false positives e.g.

    import example, other
    example = other
    # or
    def foo(example):

    So I think the error message for detected attribute access should say something like "it looks like you used a banned API" instead of using assertive language that might confuse users.

    Lastly in cases where the fix is just replacing one import for another (e.g. changing typing.TypedDict to typing_extensions.TypedDict) it would be nice if ruff could provide automatic fixing via --fix. This is also the reason why I suggested the .msg in the previous config example because then we could additionally specify e.g:

    "typing.TypedDict".fix-to = "typing_extensions.TypedDict"

    I have not contributed to ruff yet, but if the people here like the suggested lint, I could look into implementing it :)

    opened by not-my-profile 15
  • Exclude option ignored when directly calling dir/file

    Exclude option ignored when directly calling dir/file


    exclude = [ "blah" ]


    import os

    Running ruff on . returns nothing, but running ruff ./blah or ruff ./blah/ will return the diagnostics (F401) even if blah was excluded. Is this intentional?

    opened by jhossbach 15
  • Ruff is removing used imports since 0.0.173 version

    Ruff is removing used imports since 0.0.173 version

    Since version 0.0.173 (up to 0.0.178 - newest when create this issue) the ruff is removing used imports

    I have two examples:

    is converted to:


    and remove the type used in type annotation:

    The ProjectInfoBase is a Protocol if this information is important. In the second case, such import could be hidden under if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: but I use in code other things from this module.

    And even if it should be moved under the type checking clause, the autofix should not just remove it.

    opened by Czaki 15
  • F821 triggers when using non-ASCII characters

    F821 triggers when using non-ASCII characters

    from time import time_ns
    def time_µs() -> int:
    	return time_ns() // 1000
    def main() -> None:
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    	main() F821 Undefined name `time_μs`

    (it's obviously fine with a name like time_us)

    opened by trag1c 15
  • Support remaining Flake8 rules

    Support remaining Flake8 rules


    Mega-issue to track support for the remaining Flake8 rules. This only includes rules that are (1) relevant for Python 3 and (2) relevant when using + compatible with Black.

    If we can cross out these checks, then we can elevate ruff to an 0.1.0 release (with additional testing).


    • [x] E721 ("do not compare types, use isinstance()")


    • [x] F402 ("import module from line N shadowed by loop variable")
    • [x] F405 ("name may be undefined, or defined from star imports: module")
    • [x] F406 ("from module import * only allowed at module level")
    • [x] F632 ("use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals")
    • [x] F633 ("use of >> is invalid with print function")
    • [x] F722 ("syntax error in forward annotation")
    • [ ] F811 ("redefinition of unused name from line N")

    String formatting

    N.B. These are the least important to me, in part because I think they're low-value while requiring a lot of custom logic. I would be fine with an 0.1.0 release that didn't include these.

    • [x] F501 ("invalid % format literal")
    • [x] F502 ("% format expected mapping but got sequence")
    • [x] F503 ("% format expected sequence but got mapping")
    • [x] F504 ("% format unused named arguments")
    • [x] F505 ("% format missing named arguments")
    • [x] F506 ("% format mixed positional and named arguments")
    • [x] F507 ("% format mismatch of placeholder and argument count")
    • [x] F508 ("% format with * specifier requires a sequence")
    • [x] F509 ("% format with unsupported format character")
    • [x] F521 (".format(...) invalid format string")
    • [x] F522 (".format(...) unused named arguments")
    • [x] F523 (".format(...) unused positional arguments")
    • [x] F524 (".format(...) missing argument")
    • [x] F525 (".format(...) mixing automatic and manual numbering")
    opened by charliermarsh 15
  • Autofix F541 (f-string without any placeholders)?

    Autofix F541 (f-string without any placeholders)?

    I think that a string like:


    Which reports:

    F541 f-string without any placeholders

    Can be automatically fixed by the --fix option without any side effect.

    opened by keul 14
  • Implement `autoflake`

    Implement `autoflake`

    • [x] Remove unused imports (F401)
    • [ ] Remove duplicate keys (F601)
    • [ ] Remove unused variables (F841)
    • [ ] Expand star imports (F403)
    • [ ] Useless pass statements
    opened by charliermarsh 1
  • Add isort.force-sort-within-sections setting

    Add isort.force-sort-within-sections setting

    This commit is a first attempt at addressing issue #1003.

    The default isort behavior is force-sort-within-sections = false, which places from X import Y statements after import X statements.

    When force-sort-within-sections = true all imports are sorted by module name. When module names are equivalent, the import statement comes before the from statement.


    ~Initially I tried out an enum + match approach but I was struggling to come up with anything that didn't require Copy support.~

    ~The approach in this PR works from what I've been able to test... But it's lacking in clarity. The merge_imports function returns a vector of tuples that represent the final import order:~

    [(0 or 1, idx)]


    • ~0 means use the import_block.import vector with index idx~
    • ~1 means use the import_block.import_from vector with index idx~

    ~Those integers are essentially a stand-in for a type or enum, I'm just not sure what the idiomatic thing to return would be.~

    • ~An new enum like ImportType::ImportFrom / ImportType::Import defined in
    • ~Is there a better way to do this lazily (eg. return an iterator) rather than eagerly construct the vector in merge_imports?~

    Edit: Swapped out the previous approach with an iterator and enum match.

    opened by mattoberle 0
  • Add rule to detect type annotations as default variable assignments

    Add rule to detect type annotations as default variable assignments

    See the thread here.

    Example code that causes problems:

    from typing import Optional, TypedDict
    class Person(TypedDict):
        name: str
    def greet(person=Optional[Person]) -> str:
        if person is not None:
            return f"Hello {person['name']}"
        return "Hello stranger"
    opened by charliermarsh 0
  • Request: Spelling check

    Request: Spelling check

    There are seemingly two big Python code checkers: pyspelling and codespell. Codespell doesn't catch everything, and pyspelling is slow to run. It'd be great to have a version / implementation of the logic of these (eventually including PySpelling's exception syntax etc) in ruff.

    opened by strickvl 3
  • v0.0.210(Jan 4, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Do not Change Quotation Style for PT006 Autofix by @saadmk11 in
    • Implement autofix for PT022 by @harupy in
    • Add isort.order-by-type boolean setting by @mattoberle in
    • Fix *arg and **kwarg handling for Google docstrings by @charliermarsh in
    • Associate inline comments with parenthesized ImportFrom statements by @charliermarsh in
    • Fix leftover whitespace when removing pass for PIE790 by @edgarrmondragon in
    • Treat .pyi files as future annotations-enabled by @charliermarsh in
    • Treat convention as setting ignore, rather than select by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid byte-string conversions by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement missing fixes for PT006 by @edgarrmondragon in
    • Implement yield-to-yield from conversion by @colin99d in
    • Add some more users to the README by @charliermarsh in
    • Check SIM118 in comprehension by @harupy in

    New Contributors

    • @mattoberle made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.209(Jan 3, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Fix several typos in README by @jvstme in
    • Add flake8-pytest-style settings to hash by @charliermarsh in
    • Add autofix for SIM300 by @PedramNavid in
    • Avoid hard unwrap in PT checks by @charliermarsh in
    • Preserve style when generating flake8-simplify messages by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid silently dropping code generator errors by @charliermarsh in
    • Fix PT006 autofix of parametrize name strings like ' first, , second ' by @bluetech in

    New Contributors

    • @jvstme made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.208(Jan 3, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Adds a codespell linter by @colin99d in
    • Avoid merging import from statements with inline comments by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid PEP 604 rewrites for runtime annotations by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement flake8-pytest-style by @edgarrmondragon in
    • Always check directly-passed-in files by @charliermarsh in
    • Remove common-path dependency by @charliermarsh in
    • Rename to by @charliermarsh in
    • Remove extend- from docstring configuration examples by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid invalid trailing comma fixes for mock rewrites by @charliermarsh in
    • Automatically set baseline D codes based on convention by @charliermarsh in
    • Remove need for vendored format/cformat code by @olliemath in
    • Warn user when D203 and D211 are enabled by @charliermarsh in
    • Add flake8-pie plugin with prefer_list_builtin by @charliermarsh in
    • Add scripts to generate plugin and check boilerplate by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement unnecessary-pass-statement by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement dupe-class-field-definitions by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement autofix for F541 by @harupy in
    • Add a link to GitHub from the playground by @charliermarsh in
    • Mark FStringMissingPlaceholders as fixable by @harupy in
    • Swap accent color for playground by @charliermarsh in
    • Prefer GitHub icon on mobile by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement and-false and or-true rules by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.207(Jan 2, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Implement list-to-tuple comprehension unpacking by @colin99d in
    • Avoid triggering PD errors on method calls by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid PD false positives on some non-DataFrame expressions by @charliermarsh in
    • Correct UP027 message to “generator expression” by @andersk in
    • Add flake8-simplify SIM300 check for Yoda Conditions by @PedramNavid in
    • Print warning when running debug builds without --no-cache by @not-my-profile in
    • Fix typing::match_annotated_subscript matching ExprKind::Call by @not-my-profile in
    • Add clarification by @VictorGob in
    • Add explicit new-rule recommendation in by @charliermarsh in
    • Detect unpacking assignments in eradicate by @charliermarsh in
    • Fix being private by @not-my-profile in

    New Contributors

    • @PedramNavid made their first contribution in
    • @VictorGob made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.206(Jan 1, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • PyUpgrade: Turn errors into OSError by @colin99d in
    • Add dark mode variant for benchmark image by @charliermarsh in
    • Ignore property assignments in RET504 by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid some false positives for ends-in-period checks by @charliermarsh in
    • Pyupgrade: import mock to from unittest import mock by @colin99d in
    • Fix Name node range in NamedExpr node by @harupy in
    • Simplify unused snapshot check by @harupy in
    • Do not Change Quotation Style for SIM118 Autofix by @saadmk11 in
    • Add visit_format_spec to avoid false positives for F541 in f-string format specifier by @harupy in
    • Rewrite mock.mock attribute accesses by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.205(Dec 31, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Avoid flagging nested f-strings by @charliermarsh in
    • Use more precise error ranges for names by @harupy in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.204(Dec 31, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Trim CLI help during generation by @charliermarsh in
    • Escape strings when formatting check messages by @charliermarsh in
    • Add a "fix message" to every autofix-able check by @charliermarsh in
    • Stop overriding locations for expressions within f-strings by @harupy in
    • Remove F831 by @harupy in
    • Fix detection of changed imports in isort plugin by @squiddy in
    • Remove unused snapshots by @harupy in
    • Improve T20X ranges by @harupy in
    • Improve F811 range for function and class definitions by @harupy in
    • Improve PLW0120 range by @harupy in
    • Fix N818 range by @harupy in
    • Include fix commit message when showing violations together with source by @squiddy in
    • Fix E722 and F707 ranges by @harupy in
    • Adjust test_path helper to detect round-trip autofix issues by @squiddy in
    • Generate source code with detected line ending by @squiddy in
    • Check for Unsupported Files and Display Errors and Warnings by @saadmk11 in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.203(Dec 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Support multi-line noqa directives for 'import from' by @charliermarsh in
    • Simplified code for unicode fix by @colin99d in
    • Remove support for ur prefixes by @charliermarsh in
    • Detect line endings and use them during code generation by @squiddy in
    • Add a command to clear the Ruff cache by @charliermarsh in
    • Generate the README's --help output automatically via cargo +nightly dev generate-all by @squiddy in
    • Move some argument validation into Clap by @charliermarsh in
    • Remove hidden autoformat command by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.202(Dec 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Make banned-api config setting optional by @not-my-profile in
    • Small improvements by @not-my-profile in
    • Improve CLI help for --select by @not-my-profile in
    • Use more precise ranges for class and function checks by @charliermarsh in
    • Set editor background on top-level component by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.201(Dec 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Rename config to settings in the playground by @charliermarsh in
    • docs(README): add missing flake8-simplify by @mkniewallner in
    • Add Sphinx to user list by @AA-Turner in
    • Move default options into WASM interface by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement dark mode by @charliermarsh in
    • Use trailingComma: 'all' by @charliermarsh in
    • Remove generated TypeScript options by @charliermarsh in
    • Copy URL but don't update the hash by @charliermarsh in
    • Removed unicode literals by @colin99d in
    • Implement TID251 (banning modules & module members) by @not-my-profile in
    • Implicit flake8-implicit-str-concat by @charliermarsh in

    New Contributors

    • @mkniewallner made their first contribution in
    • @AA-Turner made their first contribution in
    • @not-my-profile made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.200(Dec 29, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Re-style the Ruff playground by @charliermarsh in
    • [pygrep-hooks] Adds Check for Blanket # noqa by @saadmk11 in
    • Avoid caching diffs by @charliermarsh in
    • Make update check enablement cofnigurable by @charliermarsh in
    • Include docstrings for settings enum members by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.199(Dec 29, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Check for keyword arguments before the last star argument by @andersk in
    • Add Support for GitLab CI Code Quality Report Format by @saadmk11 in
    • Turn off wasm-pack tests by @charliermarsh in
    • Extract duplicated logic into method by @hanneskaeufler in
    • Rewrite xml.etree.cElementTree to xml.etree.ElementTree by @colin99d in
    • PyUpgrade: Replace pipes with capture_output=True by @colin99d in
    • Add a --diff flag to dry-run autofixes by @charliermarsh in
    • Split into lint and lint-and-fix methods by @charliermarsh in
    • Warn the user when max iteration count is reached by @charliermarsh in

    New Contributors

    • @saadmk11 made their first contribution in

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  • v0.0.198(Dec 28, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Set convention in flake8-to-ruff by @charliermarsh in
    • Default to double quotes in by @charliermarsh in
    • Automatically detect and respect indentation and quotation code style by @charliermarsh in
    • Add rule to detect keyword arguments before starred arguments by @charliermarsh in
    • Add nbQA support to the docs by @charliermarsh in
    • Support --select ALL to enable all error codes by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.196(Dec 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Implement pyupgrade check for alias by @squiddy in
    • Tweak secret detection for playground releases by @charliermarsh in
    • Support isort's force-single-line option by @squiddy in
    • Replace make_tokenize with make_tokenizer_located by @harupy in
    • Add cargo +nightly dev generate-all by @charliermarsh in
    • Allow specification of explicit docstring convention by @charliermarsh in
    • Pyupgrade: converts universal_newlines to text in by @colin99d in
    • Fix invalid reference to by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.195(Dec 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add support for ruff.toml by @charliermarsh in
    • Update rust python to handle files with BOM by @squiddy in
    • Only re-associate inline comments during normalization when necessary by @squiddy in
    • Magic Trailing Commas in isort by @colin99d in
    • Web playground with WASM by @squiddy in
    • Enable preview deployments for playground by @charliermarsh in
    • Add ESLint, Prettier, and TypeScript checks by @charliermarsh in
    • Add badge to playground by @charliermarsh in
    • Choose a more interesting example snippet by @charliermarsh in
    • Enable Quick Fix in the playground by @charliermarsh in
    • Only run playground release in main repo by @charliermarsh in
    • Now replace typing.Text with str by @colin99d in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.194(Dec 26, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix F841 (UnusedVariable) range in except handler by @harupy in
    • Improve excepthandler_name_range by @harupy in
    • Ignore unused arguments for @overload stubs by @charliermarsh in
    • Respect natural ordering for imports by @charliermarsh in
    • Add a --fix-only command-line and pyproject.toml option by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid double-extending past the end when showing source by @charliermarsh in
    • Add --required-version by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.193(Dec 24, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update by @colin99d in
    • Add a link to the PyCharm plugin by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid enabling all EM checks at once by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement "native literals" check from pyupgrade by @squiddy in
    • Bump compatibility to 3.11 by @charliermarsh in
    • Add cache-dir to command-line and pyproject.toml by @squiddy in
    • Update RustPython to use the correct BinOp location by @harupy in
    • Add autofix for W292 [NoNewLineAtEndOfFile] by @Sawbez in
    • Don't trigger E721 when comparing with None by @squiddy in
    • Fix false-positive in RET504 when referencing globals by @squiddy in
    • Fix B025 location by @harupy in
    • Add autofix for W605 [InvalidEscapeSequence] by @Sawbez in
    • Generate JSON schema for Ruff options by @edgarrmondragon in
    • Annotate RUF100 messages with unmatched, disabled, and unknown codes by @charliermarsh in

    New Contributors

    • @colin99d made their first contribution in
    • @Sawbez made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.192(Dec 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add some more repositories to the user list by @charliermarsh in
    • Allow unittest methods in flake8-boolean-trap by @charliermarsh in
    • Set force-exclude for pre-commit in README by @charliermarsh in
    • Extend false-positive list for flake8-boolean-trap by @charliermarsh in
    • Respect --force-exclude for files passed via stdin by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement "datetime.UTC alias" check from pyupgrade by @squiddy in

    Full Changelog:

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    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.191(Dec 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix false positive DTZ001 on datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, utc) by @bluetech in
    • Extract line length from pyproject.toml Black section by @charliermarsh in
    • Support code redirects in flake8-to-ruff by @charliermarsh in
    • Improve debug logging in flake8-to-ruff by @charliermarsh in
    • Infer package roots when running via stdin by @charliermarsh in
    • Support shell expansion in extend paths by @charliermarsh in
    • Support shell expansion in src field by @charliermarsh in
    • Move number of errors to the bottom of the output summary by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement E401 ("multiple imports on one line") by @charliermarsh in

    New Contributors

    • @bluetech made their first contribution in

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  • v0.0.190(Dec 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Avoid F821 false positives for Mypy extensions by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid flagging RUF100 as a RUF100 violation by @charliermarsh in
    • Allow overriding cache location via RUFF_CACHE_DIR by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid used-prior-global-declaration false-positives in f-strings by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.189(Dec 20, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update Arg section checking to match latest pydocstyle by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid RET504 errors for intermediary function calls by @charliermarsh in
    • Add --force-exclude setting to force exclusions with pre-commit by @charliermarsh in
    • [Stylistic/non-functional] Use an r# format string to make json easier to read by @hanneskaeufler in
    • Avoid DTZ007 false-positives for non-string arguments by @charliermarsh in

    New Contributors

    • @hanneskaeufler made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.188(Dec 19, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • implement flake8-datetimez by @Yasu-umi in
    • Move flake8-debugger tests into flake8-debugger subdirectory by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid T201 errors for print(..., file=fp)-like calls by @charliermarsh in
    • Rename PDV checks to PD by @charliermarsh in

    New Contributors

    • @Yasu-umi made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.187(Dec 19, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • generate-check-code-prefix: Run rustfmt automatically; only write if changed by @andersk in
    • Use --stdin-filename when resolving configuration files by @cdbrendel in
    • pygrep-hooks - deprecated use of logging.warn & no blanket type ignore by @squiddy in
    • Fix inverted E501 condition by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.186(Dec 18, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add instructions for Sublime Text installation by @charliermarsh in
    • Add ruff-lsp to README by @charliermarsh in
    • Repair corrupted PDV007, PDV009 messages by @andersk in
    • README: Add missing backtick by @andersk in
    • Update RustPython to use correct Tuple location by @harupy in
    • Print redirect warnings exactly once per code by @charliermarsh in
    • Readme : Fix incorrect exmaple. by @Honkertonken in
    • Add packaging status badge from repology by @andersk in

    New Contributors

    • @Honkertonken made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.185(Dec 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Auto-detect same-package imports by @charliermarsh in
    • Separate line-based checker from noqa enforcement by @charliermarsh in
    • Move checkers into their own module by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.184(Dec 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • test: Fix flake8-errmsg snapshots by @edgarrmondragon in
    • Add ignore-variadic-names options to flake8-unused-arguments by @charliermarsh in
    • Fix F501 (line-too-long) start location by @harupy in
    • Replace ignore_noqa and autofix booleans with enums by @charliermarsh in
    • Enable autofix for init method with missing None-return by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v0.0.183(Dec 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Avoid fixing E711 and E712 issues that would cause F632 by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement pandas-vet by @edgarrmondragon in
    • Implement U016: Remove six compatibility code by @martinlehoux in
    • Test to prevent continious reformatting when used together with black by @squiddy in
    • Avoid generating invalid statements when deleting from multi-statement lines by @charliermarsh in
    • Implement flake8-errmsg by @edgarrmondragon in
    • Avoid removing partially-unused imports by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

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    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.182(Dec 15, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Ignore any pyproject.toml without a [tool.ruff] section by @charliermarsh in
    • Treat extend-* configuration options as "always extended" by @charliermarsh in
    • Use more precise ranges for function and class checks by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.181(Dec 14, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Apply fix to all errors in E711 and E712 autofix by @charliermarsh in
    • Avoid converting expression to statement in invald contexts by @charliermarsh in
    • Automatically ignore files specified in .gitignore by @charliermarsh in
    • Add new .gitignore behavior to by @charliermarsh in
    • Always check zero-depth CLI paths by @charliermarsh in
    • Enable opt-out of .gitignore checks via respect-gitignore flag by @charliermarsh in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.180(Dec 14, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Apply CLI options even when no pyproject.toml is found by @cdbrendel in

    New Contributors

    • @cdbrendel made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Charlie Marsh
Working on something new. Python, Rust, and WebAssembly. Past: Staff software engineer @ Spring Discovery, Khan Academy.
Charlie Marsh
Tools - The Rome Toolchain. A linter, compiler, bundler, and more for JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, Markdown, and CSS.

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Rome 22k Jan 3, 2023
A Faster(⚡) formatter, linter, bundler, and more for JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, HTML, Markdown, and CSS Lapce Plugin

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The JavaScript Oxidation Compiler -> Linter / Prettier

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Opinionated, zero-config linter for JavaScript monorepos

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⚡ An extremely fast cross-compatible system information tool.

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⚡ An extremely fast cross-compatible system information tool.

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⚡ An extremely fast reimplementation of gmad.exe and gmpublish.exe

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Rust Imaging Library's Python binding: A performant and high-level image processing library for Python written in Rust

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An extremely high performance logging system for clients (iOS, Android, Desktop), written in Rust.

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PyO3 bindings and Python interface to skani, a method for fast fast genomic identity calculation using sparse chaining.

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Extremely simple http rust servers :snowboarder:

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A fully modular window manager, extremely extensibile and easily approachable.

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RedMaple offers an oppinionated yet extremely flexible data modeling system based on events for back-end applications.

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Maccha is an extremely extensible and themable power menu for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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Fast DNA manipulation for Python, written in Rust.

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⚡ Blazing fast async/await HTTP client for Python written on Rust using reqwests

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A fast python geohash library created by wrapping rust.

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A fast, simple and lightweight Bloom filter library for Python, fully implemented in Rust.

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cpa is a cli tool for ultra fast setup of Rust & Python projects

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