Extremely simple http rust servers :snowboarder:


Snowboard πŸ‚

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An extremelly simple library for fast & simple TCP servers in rust

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Quick start

To get started with Snowboard, simply add it to your Cargo.toml file:

snowboard = "*"

Then, create a new Rust file with the following code:

use snowboard::{response, Server};

fn main() {
    let data = "Hello, world!";

    Server::new("localhost:8080").run(move |request| {
        println!("{:?}", request);

        response!(ok, data)

And that's it! You got yourself a working server on :8080. Examples can be found here.

Async routes

You can use the async feature to change Server::run() so that it supports asynchronous handlers:

# Cargo.toml

snowboard = { version = "*", features = ["async"] }
// src/main.rs

use snowboard::async_std::task;
use snowboard::{response, Request, Response, Server};
use std::time::Duration;

async fn index(req: Request) -> Response {
    println!("{:?}", req);
    // Wait 1 second before sending the response
    response!(ok, "Async works!")

fn main() {


Routing can be handled easily using the Url struct as seen in examples/routing.

Why should I use this?

Snowboard is designed and created for people who like coding their own things from little to nothing, like me. This library does not implement what most server libraries have, like an advanced routing system, but rather offers a set of essential tools to create a powerful web server.


Check CONTRIBUTING.md for a simple guide on how to help the project.


This code is under the MIT license that can be found at LICENSE

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