Ice is a lightweight command line utility to help with simple problems encountered while playing CTFs.
Extracted from graveyard
NOTE: Most of the functions can autodetect if its encode or decode.
- Base: binary, octal, hex, base32, base64
- General ciphers: a1z23, atbash, etc
- Caesar ciphers: simple rots, rot13, vigenere, etc
- Xor: single byte, string vs string, hex vs hex, etc. (wip)
- check todo.norg for the full list working on.
From source (if rust is installed in your system)
cargo install --git
From releases
- Go to releases and download the appropriate file.
- extract the archive and you get a binary.
chmod +x ice
to make it executable.- move it to one of the PATHS (usually ~/.local/bin/)
moved to todo.norg