6143 Repositories
Rust rust-goldenfile Libraries
An HCL serializer/deserializer for rust
hcl-rs This crate provides functionality to deserialize, serialize and manipulate HCL data. The main types are Deserializer for deserializing data, Se
Rate limit guard - Lazy rate limit semaphore implementation to control your asynchronous code frequency execution
Lazy rate limit semaphore (a.k.a fixed window algorithm without queueing) implementation to control your asynchronous code frequency execution
Multithreaded Web Server Made with Rust
Multithreaded Web Server Made with Rust The server listens for TCP connections at address Several pages can be accessed:
TUI for crate management like lazydocker and lazynpm
TUI for crate management like lazydocker and lazynpm. Shouldve named it as lazycargo but lazycrates sounded good at that time.
Motion detection & video recording software based on OpenCV, built for research on Bumblebees
BombusCV Motion detection & video recording software based on OpenCV, built for research on Bumblebees (hence the name). Index Use case Examples Insta
A Rust port of the command line program playing with the cutscenes files (USM) from Genshin Impact.
GI-cutscenes : Rust Remix A command line program playing with the cutscene files (USM) from Genshin Impact, reimplemented in Rust. Much like its origi
An adventure survival voxel game written using Bevy and Rust.
An adventure survival voxel game written using Bevy and Rust.
ESP32-C3 interfacing to a PS/2 Keyboard (bare-metal Rust)
ESP32-C3 interfacing to a PS/2 Keyboard (bare-metal Rust) Very simplified example of connecting a PS/2 keyboard to ESP32-C3 You need to build it with
A simple, fast and fully-typed JSPaste API wrapper for Rust
rspaste A simple, fast and fully-typed JSPaste API wrapper for Rust. aidak.tk » Installation Put the desired version of the crate into the dependencie
Tests + experiments that aim to answer questions of optimisation + what's possible w/ Rust.
rust-experiments Resources TheDevMethod: Rust YT tutorials Introduction to Rust - Part 15: Futures How to use Mutex and Atomically Reference Counted A
Steggy CLI Tool - hides data within the least significant bit of an image
Written in Rust, features a simple cli and a client-side webapp. This tool hides data within the least significant bit of an image. Obfuscation techniques are utilized to make the
Sysexits-rs (sysexits) is a library that provides the system exit code constants
sysexits-rs sysexits-rs (sysexits) is a library that provides the system exit code constants as defined by sysexits.h. This library implements the T
Rust Concurrency Cheat Sheet
Rust ensures data race safety through the type system (Send and Sync marker traits) as well as the ownership and borrowing rules: it is not allowed to alias a mutable reference, so it is not possible to perform a data race.
Habitat is open source software that creates platform-independent build artifacts and provides built-in deployment and management capabilities.
Habitat is open source software that creates platform-independent build artifacts and provides built-in deployment and management capabilities. The go
Kalker (or "kalk") is a calculator program/website that supports user-defined variables, functions, derivation, and integration
Kalker (or "kalk") is a calculator program/website that supports user-defined variables, functions, derivation, and integration. It runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and in web browsers (with WebAssembly).
ncspot is a ncurses Spotify client written in Rust using librespot.
ncspot is a ncurses Spotify client written in Rust using librespot. It is heavily inspired by ncurses MPD clients, such as ncmpc. My motivation was to provide a simple and resource friendly alternative to the official client as well as to support platforms that currently don't have a Spotify client, such as the *BSDs.
Forest is an implementation of Filecoin written in Rust.
Forest is an implementation of Filecoin written in Rust. The implementation will take a modular approach to building a full Filecoin node in Rust from the Filecoin Protocol Specification, specifically the virtual machine, blockchain, and node system.
interBTC A trust-minimized bridge from Bitcoin to Polkadot.
interBTC A trust-minimized bridge from Bitcoin to Polkadot. Explore the specification » Report Bug · Request Feature This repository is hosted on GitH
Library with support for de/serialization, parsing and executing on data-structures and network messages related to Bitcoin
Rust Bitcoin Library with support for de/serialization, parsing and executing on data-structures and network messages related to Bitcoin. Heads up for
Mk48.io is an online multiplayer naval combat game, in which you take command of a ship and sail your way to victory
Mk48.io Game Mk48.io is an online multiplayer naval combat game, in which you take command of a ship and sail your way to victory. Watch out for torpe
A space shooter game made with Amethyst and Rust.
Theta Wave Project Introduction This game was made with the Amethyst engine. It is inspired by games like Raiden and The Binding of Isaac. Game Introd
Scaphandre is a metrology agent dedicated to electrical power consumption metrics.
Scaphandre [skafɑ̃dʁ] is a metrology agent dedicated to electrical power consumption metrics. The goal of the project is to permit to any company or individual to measure the power consumption of its tech services and get this data in a convenient form, sending it through any monitoring or data analysis toolchain.
Vector is a high-performance, end-to-end (agent & aggregator) observability data pipeline that puts you in control of your observability data
Quickstart • Docs • Guides • Integrations • Chat • Download What is Vector? Vector is a high-performance, end-to-end (agent & aggregator) observabilit
Authoscope is a scriptable network authentication cracker.
authoscope authoscope is a scriptable network authentication cracker. While the space for common service bruteforce is already very well saturated, yo
McFly - fly through your shell history
McFly - fly through your shell history McFly replaces your default ctrl-r shell history search with an intelligent search engine that takes into accou
gfold is a CLI-driven application that helps you keep track of multiple Git repositories.
gfold is a CLI-driven application that helps you keep track of multiple Git repositories.
Obvious Unified Compression Helper is a CLI tool to help you compress and decompress files of several formats
Ouch! ouch stands for Obvious Unified Compression Helper and is a CLI tool to help you compress and decompress files of several formats. Features Usag
Helix - A kakoune / neovim inspired editor, written in Rust
A kakoune / neovim inspired editor, written in Rust. The editing model is very heavily based on kakoune; during development I found myself agree
Ruplacer - Find and replace text in source files
Ruplacer - Find and replace text in source files
Yet another youtube (and more) down loader
Yet another youtube (and more) down loader
Xiu - A simple and secure live media server in pure Rust (RTMP/HTTP-FLV/HLS/Relay).🦀
Xiu is a simple and secure live media server written by pure Rust, it now supports popular live protocols like RTMP/HLS/HTTP-FLV (and maybe other protocols in the future), you can deploy it as a stand-alone server or a cluster using the relay feature.
Static Web Server - a very small and fast production-ready web server suitable to serve static web files or assets
Static Web Server (or SWS abbreviated) is a very small and fast production-ready web server suitable to serve static web files or assets.
The Declarative Data Generator
The Declarative Data Generator Synth is a tool for generating realistic data using a declarative data model. Synth is database agnostic and can scale
Cucumber testing framework for Rust. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies.
Cucumber testing framework for Rust An implementation of the Cucumber testing framework for Rust. Fully native, no external test runners or dependenci
m2cgen (Model 2 Code Generator) - is a lightweight library which provides an easy way to transpile trained statistical models into a native code
Transform ML models into a native code (Java, C, Python, Go, JavaScript, Visual Basic, C#, R, PowerShell, PHP, Dart, Haskell, Ruby, F#, Rust) with zero dependencies
A Rust runtime for AWS Lambda
Rust Runtime for AWS Lambda This package makes it easy to run AWS Lambda Functions written in Rust. This workspace includes multiple crates: lambda-ru
Layer 4 load balancer with dynamic configuration loading
Convey Layer 4 load balancer with dynamic configuration loading featuring proxy, passthrough and direct server return modes Features Stats page (at /s
Rust derive-based argument parsing optimized for code size
Argh Argh is an opinionated Derive-based argument parser optimized for code size Derive-based argument parsing optimized for code size and conformance
An easy to use library for pretty print tables of Rust structs and enums.
tabled An easy to use library for pretty printing tables of Rust structs and enums. Table of Contents Usage Settings Style Themes ASCII Psql Github Ma
A GSL (the GNU Scientific Library) binding for Rust
rust-GSL A Rust binding for the GSL library (the GNU Scientific Library). The minimum support Rust version is 1.54. Installation This binding requires
Statistical computation library for Rust
statrs Current Version: v0.15.0 Should work for both nightly and stable Rust. NOTE: While I will try to maintain backwards compatibility as much as po
Usable, easy and safe pure-Rust crypto
orion About Orion is a cryptography library written in pure Rust. It aims to provide easy and usable crypto while trying to minimize the use of unsafe
A modern TLS library in Rust
Rustls is a modern TLS library written in Rust. It uses ring for cryptography and libwebpki for certificate verification. Status Rustls is ready for u
A random.org client library for Rust
random.org A https://random.org client library. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random
Easy to use rust driver for arangoDB
arangors arangors is an intuitive rust client for ArangoDB, inspired by pyArango. arangors enables you to connect with ArangoDB server, access to data
High-level async Cassandra client written in 100% Rust.
CDRS tokio CDRS is production-ready Apache Cassandra driver written in pure Rust. Focuses on providing high level of configurability to suit most use
Pure Rust library for Apache ZooKeeper built on tokio
zookeeper-async Async Zookeeper client written 100% in Rust, based on tokio. This library is intended to be equivalent with the official (low-level) Z
Rust High Performance compile-time ORM(RBSON based)
WebSite | 简体中文 | Showcase | 案例 A highly Performant,Safe,Dynamic SQL(Compile time) ORM framework written in Rust, inspired by Mybatis and MybatisPlus.
Polars is a blazingly fast DataFrames library implemented in Rust using Apache Arrow Columnar Format as memory model.
Polars Python Documentation | Rust Documentation | User Guide | Discord | StackOverflow Blazingly fast DataFrames in Rust, Python & Node.js Polars is
Simple time handling in Rust
time Documentation: latest release main branch book Minimum Rust version policy The time crate is guaranteed to compile with any release of rustc from
Cross platform rendering in Rust
Miniquad Miniquad is a manifestation of a dream in a world where we do not need a deep dependencies tree and thousands lines of code to draw things wi
An alternative ggez implementation on top of miniquad.
Good Web Game good-web-game is a wasm32-unknown-unknown implementation of a ggez subset on top of miniquad. Originally built to run Zemeroth on the we
A 2D rust game engine focused on portability.
The Cross Platform Engine Emerald is designed to be as lightweight as possible, while remaining a fully-featured and cross-platform game engine. The a
Fish Game for Macroquad is an online multiplayer game, created as a demonstration of Nakama, an open-source scalable game server, using Rust-lang and the Macroquad game engine.
Fish Game for Macroquad is an online multiplayer game, created as a demonstration of Nakama, an open-source scalable game server, using Rust-lang and the Macroquad game engine.
Planetoid is a toy project to demonstrate and learn several technologies. The goal is to create a little multiplayer asteriod game clone.
Planetoid is a toy project to demonstrate and learn several technologies. The goal is to create a little multiplayer asteriod game clone.
Fermi Paradox - ludum dare 46 compo entry
Fermi Paradox How come we don’t see any life from other planets? What does an intergalactic society need to do to survive? Play Play it directly in yo
Clone of Soldat engine written in Rust
Soldank 🚧 open source clone of Soldat engine written in Rust 🚧 Screenshot Goals Fully authentic look and feel bugs feature-complete port of Soldat b
A game written in Rust, compilable to webbassembly
Dig Escape Dig Escape is a simple puzzle game written in Rust The game is playable here: https://tantandev.itch.io/digescape Background What started o
Monitoring visualization as an aquarium
Rusty Aquarium A monitoring visualization as an aquarium written in Rust. Demo Run Rusty Aquarium in your browser: Web demo Download executables for d
✨Sleek typing tui written in rust
thokr ✨ sleek typing tui written in rust Installation Cargo $ cargo install thokr Docker $ docker run -it coloradocolby/thokr Arch Linux Install thokr
A new, portable, regular expression language
rulex A new, portable, regular expression language Read the book to get started! Examples On the left are rulex expressions (rulexes for short), on th
A simple, terminal-based Erlang dashboard written in Rust
erldash A simple, terminal-based Erlang dashboard. erldash connects to an Erlang node using the dynamic node name feature (since OTP-23) to collect me
A Rust 🦀️ font loading, positioning and rendering toolkit
Toolkit used to load, match, measure and render texts. NOTE: This project is a work in progress. Text measuring and positioning is a complex topic. A
Rust Uint crate using const-generics
Rust uint crate using const-generics Implements [UintBITS, LIMBS], the ring of numbers modulo $2^{\mathtt{BITS}}$ . It requires two generic argument
A Toy Query Engine & SQL interface
Naive Query Engine (Toy for Learning) 😄 This is a Query Engine which support SQL interface. And it is only a Toy for learn query engine only. You can
Unofficial Linux QQ client, based on GTK4 and libadwaita, developed with Rust and Relm4.
GTK QQ (WIP) Unofficial Linux QQ client, based on GTK4 and libadwaita, developed with Rust and Relm4. Screenshots Light Dark Note The two screenshots
TypeRust - simple Rust playground where you can build or run your Rust code and share it with others
Rust playground Welcome to TypeRust! This is a simple Rust playground where you can build or run your Rust code and share it with others. There are a
Deadliner helps you keep track of the time left for your deadline by dynamically updating the wallpaper of your desktop with the time left.
Deadliner Watch the YouTube video What's Deadliner? Deadliner is a cross-platform desktop application for setting deadline for a project and keeping t
A Rust client for Flashbots Relay.
flashbots-relay-rs Rust client for interacting directly with the Flashbots Relays. How does it work ? Using a client from the reqwest crate, you can u
Nix binary cache implemented in rust using libnix-store
harmonia Build Whole application nix-shell --run cargo b C Library Wrapper around libnixstore nix-shell --run make Note: The makefile is only to pro
Rusty Rootkit: Windows Kernel Driver in Rust for Red Teamers
Windows Kernel Driver in Rust (Rusty Rootkit) for Red Teamers Features (Development in progress) Protect / unprotect process (Done) Elevate to NT AUTH
Write Cross-platform application with React-like decralative UI framework and scalable ECS architecture all in Rust.
bevy_dioxus Dioxus Plugin for Bevy Write Cross-platform application with React-like decralative UI framework and scalable ECS architecture all in Rust
Build database expression type checker and vectorized runtime executor in type-safe Rust
Typed Type Exercise in Rust Build database expression type checker and vectorized runtime executor in type-safe Rust. This project is highly inspired
skyWM is an extensible tiling window manager written in Rust. skyWM has a clear and distinct focus adhering to the KISS and Unix philosophy.
Please note: skyWM is currently in heavy development and is not usable as of yet. Documentation and versions will change quickly. skyWM skyWM is an ex
Kusion Configuration Language (KCL) is an open source configuration language mainly used in Kusion Stack
Kusion Configuration Language (KCL) is an open source configuration language mainly used in Kusion Stack. KCL is a statically typed language for configuration and policy scenarios, based on concepts such as declarative and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigms.
Discover GitHub token scope permission and return you an easy interface for checking token permission before querying GitHub.
github-scopes-rs Discover GitHub token scope permission and return you an easy interface for checking token permission before querying GitHub. In many
A IMG2/IMG3 parser
oldimgtool A img2/3 parser, made in rust Usage oldimgtool [OPTIONS] INPUT [OUTPUT] Arguments: INPUT Input filename OUTPUT Output
Provide CRUD CLI for Moco Activities with Jira Cloud Sync Option for faster time tracking.
Moco CLI Provide CRUD CLI for Moco Activities with Jira Cloud Sync Option for faster time tracking. Available commands Login Jira Must be called befor
Easily customizable command runner made with Rust 🦀
Easily customizable command runner made with Rust 🦀 📦 Usage Install by the following command: cargo install rxe Or build from the source. git clone
A raft framework, for regular people
RmqttRaft - A raft framework, for regular people This is an attempt to create a layer on top of tikv/raft-rs, that is easier to use and implement. Thi
🦀 Small Tauri SolidJS Example feat. Vite
Tauri Solid Example (2022) Simple Solid(vite) starter running with Tauri. Should hopefully save some time trying to setup Tauri and Solid. Currently c
A rewrite of my first Password generator in rust.
PGen-Rust Getting Started You can get the latest version of PGen from the github actions artifacts or from one of these links: linux, windows, macos U
A basic rust QOI decoder/encoder
libqoi A basic rust QOI decoder/encoder. Why QOI QOI is a lossless image format with a one page specification. It can achieve better compression than
Index-Oriented Programming in Rust
id_collections: Index-Oriented Programming in Rust Download: crates.io/crates/id_collections Docs: docs.rs/id_collections It is common in Rust to defi
Rust binding for WFA2-lib
Rust bindings for WFA2-Lib Rust language bindgings for the excellent WFA2-Lib library. Work in progress. Tests and features are not yet complete. Usag
💣 SMH – a computer vision project for automatic, precision mortar strike calculations in Squad
💣 Squad Mortar Helper (SMH) SMH is a computer vision toy project aimed at automating mortar calculations in the game Squad Download demo.mp4 Requirem
Rust Sandbox [code for 15 concepts of Rust language]
Rust-Programming-Tutorial Rust Sandbox [code for 15 concepts of Rust language]. The first time I've been introduced to Rust was on January 2022, you m
NSE is a rust cli binary and library for extracting real-time data from National Stock Exchange (India)
NSE Check out the sister projects NsePython and SaveKiteEnctoken which are Python & Javascript libraries to use the NSE and Zerodha APIs respectively
Tool written in rust to read for file changes and accordingly run build commands.
Sniff A simple tool written in rust to read for file changes and accordingly run build commands. Note this tool is for linux and linux only. If it hap
😎 A custom invoke system for Tauri that leverages WebSockets
😎 tauri-awesome-rpc This is a crate provides a custom invoke system for Tauri using a localhost JSON RPC WebSocket. Each message is delivered through
Durudex Near Protocol Token.
Durudex Near Token 💡 Prerequisites Rust Near CLI ⚙️ Build To build a token you will need to use this: cargo build --all --target wasm32-unknown-unkno
A HashMap/Vector hybrid: efficient, ordered key-value data storage in Rust.
hashvec A HashVec is a hash map / dictionary whose key-value pairs are stored (and can be iterated over) in a fixed order, by default the order in whi
Renderer-agnostic toolkit for Indie Game Developers
Indie Toolkit Renderer-agnostic toolkit for Indie Game Developers Features Not yet implemented: app_kit debug_kit input_kit asset_kit audio_kit Implem
Reverse proxy for HTTP microservices and STDIO. Openfass watchdog which can run webassembly with wasmer-gpu written in rust.
The of-watchdog implements an HTTP server listening on port 8080, and acts as a reverse proxy for running functions and microservices. It can be used independently, or as the entrypoint for a container with OpenFaaS.
Learn programming with Rust as a first language (book)
Learn programming with Rust as first language This is a book to learn programming from scratch. Read the book here: https://deavid.github.io/lprfl/ LI
Tools that parsing Rust code into UML diagram (in dot format currently).
rudg Rust UML Diagram Generator Tools that parsing Rust code into UML diagram (in dot format currently). Usage $ rudg.exe --help rudg 0.1.0 USAGE:
gpt3_rs is a rust library for interacting with OpenAi's gpt3
gpt3_rs is a rust library for interacting with OpenAi's gpt3
Turns running Rust code into a serializable data structure.
WasmBox WasmBox turns running Rust code into a serializable data structure. It does this by compiling it to WebAssembly and running it in a sandbox. T
Rust environment for Stellar Jump Cannon.
rs-stellar-contract-env Rust contract-environment interface and (optional) host implementation for Stellar Jump Cannon. This crate contains elements o
GZTime's GGOS for OS course project.
GZTime's GG OS OS course project. The basic development of this course operating system has been completed. Using JetBrainsMono as console font. Usage