Yet another youtube (and more) down loader



yet another youtube (and more) down loader

% yaydl ""

How? What? Why?

% yaydl --help


  • Can download videos.
  • Can optionally keep only the audio part of them.
  • Could convert the resulting file to something else (requires the ffmpeg binary).
  • Comes as a single binary (once compiled) - take it everywhere on your thumbdrive, no Python cruft required.

Currently supported sites

  • · · · · · · ·

There is an easy way to add more supported sites, see below for details.


The list of features is deliberately kept short:

  • No output quality choice. yaydl assumes that you have a large hard drive and your internet connection is good enough, or else you would stream, not download.
  • No complex filters. This is a downloading tool.
  • No image file support. Videos only.

How to install

From the source code

Install Rust (e.g. with rustup), then:

using Fossil:

% fossil clone
% cd yaydl
% cargo build --release

using Git:

% git clone
% cd yaydl
% cargo build --release

From Cargo

% cargo install yaydl

From your package manager

pkgsrc (with pkg_add):

% pkg_add yaydl

pkgsrc (with pkgin):

% pkgin install yaydl

Other package managers:

  • Nobody has provided any other packages for yaydl yet. You can help!

How to use the web driver (very beta, at your own risk!)

For some video sites, yaydl needs to be able to parse a JavaScript on them. For this, it needs to be able to spawn a headless web browser. It requires Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox to be installed and running on your system.

  1. Install and run ChromeDriver (if you use Chrome), the typically named Microsoft Edge WebDriver (if you use Edge) or geckodriver (if you use Firefox) for your platform.
  2. Tell yaydl that you have a web driver running: yaydl --webdriver . (The drivers usually run on port 4444 or 9515, please consult their documentation if you are not sure.) Hint: If you need this feature regularly, you can also use the environment variable YAYDL_WEBDRIVER_PORT to set the port number for all further requests.
  3. In theory, it should be possible to use more sites with yaydl now. :-)

How to contribute code

  1. Read and agree to the Code of Conduct Merit.
  2. Implicitly agree to the LICENSE. Nobody reads those. I don't either.
  3. Find out if anyone has filed a GitHub Issue or even sent a Pull Request yet. Act accordingly.
  4. Send me a patch, either via e-mail (yaydl at tuxproject dot de), on the IRC or as a GitHub Pull Request. Note that GitHub only provides a mirror, so you'd double my work if you choose the latter. :-)

If you do that well (and regularly) enough, I'll probably grant you commit access to the upstream Fossil repository.

Add support for new sites

  1. Implement definitions::SiteDefinition as handlers/.rs.
  2. Push the new handler to the inventory: inventory::submit! { &YourSiteHandler as &dyn SiteDefinition }
  3. Add the new module to
  4. Optionally, add new requirements to Cargo.toml.
  5. Send me a patch, preferably with an example. (I cannot know all sites.)

Minimal example that does nothing

(&'a self, url: &'a str, webdriver_port: u16, onlyaudio: bool) -> Result { // Return the direct download URL of the video (or its audio version) here. // Exception: If is_playlist() is true, return the playlist URL here instead. Ok("".to_string()) } fn find_video_file_extension<'a>(&'a self, url: &'a str, webdriver_port: u16, onlyaudio: bool) -> Result { // Return the designated file extension of the video (or audio) file here. Ok("mp4".to_string()) } fn display_name<'a>(&'a self) -> String { // For cosmetics, this is the display name of this handler. "NoopExample" } fn web_driver_required<'a>(&'a self) -> bool { // Return true here, if the implementation requires a web driver to be running. false } } // Push the site definition to the list of known handlers: inventory::submit! { &NoopExampleHandler as &dyn SiteDefinition }">
// handlers/

use anyhow::Result;
use crate::definitions::SiteDefinition;

struct NoopExampleHandler;
impl SiteDefinition for NoopExampleHandler {
    // Parameters sent to the handler by yaydl:
    // - url:            The video page's URL.
    // - webdriver_port: The port that runs the WebDriver client.
    //                   Defaults to 0 if there is no WebDriver configured.
    // - onlyaudio:      true if only the audio part of the video should be
    //                   kept, else false.
    fn can_handle_url<'a>(&'a self, url: &'a str, webdriver_port: u16) -> bool {
        // Return true here if  can be covered by this handler.
        // Note that yaydl will skip all other handlers then.

    fn does_video_exist<'a>(&'a self, url: &'a str, webdriver_port: u16) -> Result<bool> {
        // Return true here, if the video exists.

    fn is_playlist<'a>(&'a self, url: &'a str, webdriver_port: u16) -> Result<bool> {
    	// Return true here, if the download link is a playlist.

    fn find_video_title<'a>(&'a self, url: &'a str, webdriver_port: u16) -> Result<String> {
        // Return the video title from  here.

    fn find_video_direct_url<'a>(&'a self, url: &'a str, webdriver_port: u16, onlyaudio: bool) -> Result<String> {
        // Return the direct download URL of the video (or its audio version) here.
        // Exception: If is_playlist() is true, return the playlist URL here instead.

    fn find_video_file_extension<'a>(&'a self, url: &'a str, webdriver_port: u16, onlyaudio: bool) -> Result<String> {
        // Return the designated file extension of the video (or audio) file here.

    fn display_name<'a>(&'a self) -> String {
        // For cosmetics, this is the display name of this handler.

    fn web_driver_required<'a>(&'a self) -> bool {
        // Return true here, if the implementation requires a web driver to be running.

// Push the site definition to the list of known handlers:
inventory::submit! {
    &NoopExampleHandler as &dyn SiteDefinition

Fix some bugs or add new features

  1. Do so.
  2. Send me a patch.


Writing this software and keeping it available is eating some of the time which most people would spend with their friends. Naturally, I absolutely accept financial compensation.

Thank you.


  • Remove unsafe code?

    Remove unsafe code?

    Rust's most important feature is memory safety and using unsafe removes this feature.

    At my forked repo, I have pushed a branch that removed all unsafe code in and can be used to remove all unsafe code in the project

    opened by egdv 7
  • Youtube regex parse error

    Youtube regex parse error

    I have a simple fix for this error. Provide access to upstream and I can test direct upstream update as you have suggested?

         Running `target\debug\yaydl.exe`
    Fetching from YouTube.
    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Syntax(
    regex parse error:
    error: unrecognized escape sequence
    )', src\handlers\

    or fix it by deleting a char

    let id_regex = Regex::new(r"(?:v=|\.be\/)(.*?)(&.*)*$").unwrap();
                                          ^--- fix: delete this backslash 1 char before e 
    opened by egdv 6
  • Keep file on error

    Keep file on error

    There is this msg which is same as youtube-dl when a download from is finished : 'list' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    youtube-dl keeps the file whereas yay-dl doesn't (even though the download is successful).

    Please keep it/ add a flag to allow keeping it :)

    opened by ZuixAlias 5
  • yaydl does not support playlists yet, resulting in weird errors.

    yaydl does not support playlists yet, resulting in weird errors.


    i came across your project when i was looking for a command line tool for video download from i tried to download a and youtube video, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work:

    Fetching from YouTube.
    Dns Failed: failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known
    ./yaydl ""
    Fetching from Voe.
    The video could not be found. Invalid link?
    bug help wanted good first issue 
    opened by D1Ck3n 5
  • Avoid web driver in instances where is not needed

    Avoid web driver in instances where is not needed

    Webdriver is a really useful component to simulate an user browsing the web and running javascript. However it introduces new requirements to the app, like having a compatible web browser installed. It also makes usage and configuration harder for users.

    While the webdriver is useful, it really only shines when we need to evaluate Javascript. If the webpage is server statically we don't really need a webdriver. This is the case of the two sites I cover in the MR. We can replace the webdriver with a simple HTTP request and parse the html. This is way faster and way more convenient

    opened by LuisMayo 3
  • YouTube download fails on Windows, but ok on Linux

    YouTube download fails on Windows, but ok on Linux

    yaydl -v Fetching from YouTube. The requested video was found. Processing... Title: Why is an 8-Track Tape Called an 8-Track Tape? Starting the download. Error: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. (os error 123)

    yaydl --version yaydl 0.11.2

    opened by egdv 1
  • yaydl can't download from YouTube playlists yet.

    yaydl can't download from YouTube playlists yet.

    Here's a link I tried downloading:

    yaydl can't parse this. It's a bit of a complicated link because it's part of a playlist and there's a timestamp attached. However, it can parse this link

    I think with a little bit of regex, the extractor could parse these links better. Probably in the future, it would be good to parse it and recognize it's part of a list and give the option to download the whole playlist, but an easy solution for now is to throw everything past the watch ID out and send it to the downloader. The timestamp can probably be thrown out in almost all cases.

    opened by wkrettek 8
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