Pure Rust library for Apache ZooKeeper built on tokio



Version build status

Async Zookeeper client written 100% in Rust, based on tokio.

This library is intended to be equivalent with the official (low-level) ZooKeeper client which ships with the official ZK distribution.

Some Curator recipes are available in the recipes directory.


Check the examples directory

Features and Bugs

If you find a bug or would like to see a feature implemented please raise an issue or send a pull-request.

Running tests

cd zk-test-cluster
mvn clean package
cd ..
cargo test


All contributions are welcome! If you need some inspiration, please take a look at the currently open issues.

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  • Allow Watching on

    Allow Watching on "/" when using chroot

    The Watchers are registered in the watches HashMap with key being the path of interest. Once a watch has been registered for the root "/" and an event has been triggered for it (i.e. NodeChildrenChanged), the call to cut_chroot would be issued to identify the watches. However, the current cut_chroot would return "", instead of the expected key "/" that has been already registered in the watches HashMap

    Signed-off-by: Seb Ospina [email protected]

    opened by sebosp 3
  • Update uuid requirement from 0.8 to 1.1

    Update uuid requirement from 0.8 to 1.1

    Updates the requirements on uuid to permit the latest version.

    Release notes

    Sourced from uuid's releases.


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/uuid-rs/uuid/compare/1.1.1...1.1.2


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