A pure Rust PLONK implementation using arkworks as a backend.

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This is a pure Rust implementation of the PLONK zk proving system


use ark_plonk::prelude::*;
use ark_ec::bls12::Bls12;
use rand_core::OsRng;

// Implement a circuit that checks:
// 1) a + b = c where C is a PI
// 2) a <= 2^6
// 3) b <= 2^5
// 4) a * b = d where D is a PI
// 5) JubJub::GENERATOR * e(JubJubScalar) = f where F is a Public Input
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct TestCircuit {
    a: Fr,
    b: Fr,
    c: Fr,
    d: Fr,
    e: JubJubScalar,
    f: JubJubAffine,
///XXX: TODO: Swap out JubJub for arkworks embedded curves
impl Circuit for TestCircuit {
    const CIRCUIT_ID: [u8; 32] = [0xff; 32];
    fn gadget(
        &mut self,
        composer: &mut StandardComposer,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let a = composer.add_input(self.a);
        let b = composer.add_input(self.b);
        // Make first constraint a + b = c
        // Check that a and b are in range
        composer.range_gate(a, 1 << 6);
        composer.range_gate(b, 1 << 5);
        // Make second constraint a * b = d

        let e = composer.add_input(self.e.into());
        let scalar_mul_result = composer
            .fixed_base_scalar_mul(e, dusk_jubjub::GENERATOR_EXTENDED);
        // Apply the constrain
        composer.assert_equal_public_point(scalar_mul_result, self.f);
    fn padded_circuit_size(&self) -> usize {
        1 << 11

// Now let's use the Circuit we've just implemented!

let pp = PublicParameters::setup(1 << 12, &mut OsRng).unwrap();
// Initialize the circuit
let mut circuit = TestCircuit::default();
// Compile the circuit
let (pk, vd) = circuit.compile(&pp).unwrap();
// Prover POV
let proof = {
    let mut circuit = TestCircuit {
        a: Bls12::Fr::from(20u64),
        b: Bls12::Fr::from(5u64),
        c: Bls12::Fr::from(25u64),
        d: Bls12::Fr::from(100u64),
        e: JubJubScalar::from(2u64),
        f: JubJubAffine::from(
            dusk_jubjub::GENERATOR_EXTENDED * JubJubScalar::from(2u64),
    circuit.gen_proof(&pp, &pk, b"Test").unwrap()
// Verifier POV
let public_inputs: Vec<PublicInputValue> = vec![
        dusk_jubjub::GENERATOR_EXTENDED * JubJubScalar::from(2u64),


This crate includes a variety of features which will briefly be explained below:

  • alloc: Enables the usage of an allocator and with it the capability of performing Proof constructions and verifications. Without this feature it IS NOT possible to prove or verify anything. Its absence only makes ark-plonk export certain fixed-size data structures such as Proof which can be useful in no_std envoirments where we don't have allocators either.
  • std: Enables std usage as well as rayon parallelisation in some proving and verifying ops.
  • trace: Enables the Circuit debugger tooling. This is essentially the capability of using the StandardComposer::check_circuit_satisfied function. The function will output information about each circuit gate until one of the gates does not satisfy the equation, or there are no more gates. If there is an unsatisfied gate equation, the function will panic and return the gate number.
  • trace-print: Goes a step further than trace and prints each gate component data, giving a clear overview of all the values which make up the circuit that we're constructing. The recommended method is to derive the std output, and the std error, and then place them in text file which can be used to efficiently analyse the gates.


There are two main types of documentation in this repository:

  • Crate documentation. This provides info about all of the functions that the library provides, as well as the documentation regarding the data structures that it exports. To check this, please feel free to go to the documentation page or run make doc or make doc-internal.

  • Notes. This is a specific subset of documentation which explains the key mathematical concepts of PLONK and how they work with mathematical demonstrations. To check it, run make doc and open the resulting docs, which will be located under /target with your browser.





This code is licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (MPL-2.0). Please see LICENSE for further info.


Initial implementation created by Kev, Carlos and Luke at Dusk Network. Redesigned by the rust zkp team to have a backend which is compatible with the arkworks suite. This allows us to leverage the multitude of curves and optimised algebra present in various arkworks repositories.


  • If you want to contribute to this repository/project please, check CONTRIBUTING.md
  • If you want to report a bug or request a new feature addition, please open an issue on this repository.
  • Refactor Public Inputs and add them to the transcript

    Refactor Public Inputs and add them to the transcript

    In this PR we have added the Public Inputs to the transcript as the first step of the prove and verify algorithms. They have been added as the evaluations of the PI polynomial over the used domain (n field elements).

    Close #133

    T-bug T-refactor 
    opened by davidnevadoc 15
  • Add `big_arith_gate` and conditional point negate

    Add `big_arith_gate` and conditional point negate

    This PR adds the following gate:

    • big_arith_gate enforces (a*b)*q_m + a*q_l + b*q_r + d*q_4 + q_c + PI + q_o * c = 0 and returns c
    • big_arith compute and enforces c = (a*b)*q_m + a*q_l + b*q_r + d*q_4 + q_c + PI, and returns c
    • conditional_point_neg returns -point if bit = 1 and point if bit = 0

    Thanks for review!

    opened by tsunrise 14
  • Refactor away from PairingEngine + misc type changes

    Refactor away from PairingEngine + misc type changes

    Summary of changes:

    1. Refactor anything that is only dependent on the scalar field to not depend on PairingEngine (unfortunately this means there's a lot of E::Fr -> F changes in the diff)
    2. Move dependence on TEModelParams to other places and not Circuit/StandardComposer. In practice this means (I think) the implementation of the fixed-base ECC gadget is determined later, and the variable-base ECC gadget depends on the params but not the rest of the circuit.
    3. Suggested change to remove the TranscriptWrapper type
    4. Minor change to Permutation generic types (can be reversed)
    5. Some other minor tweaks to types (can be reversed). I was mostly just experimenting to see what might be slightly cleaner.

    In summary this PR is not really ready to be merged, but open to input and feedback.

    opened by joebebel 12
  • Not enough variety in `add_dummy_constraints` can cause commitment errors for circuits of length 2^k before padding

    Not enough variety in `add_dummy_constraints` can cause commitment errors for circuits of length 2^k before padding

    The function add_dummy_constraints uses two arithmetic gates to add witnesses to the circuit. If the circuit itself also uses only arithmetic gates AND the total number of gates is a power of 2, then the circuit is never padded with 0s and the q_arith vector becomes constant which causes an error when committing to q_arith_poly.

    Although this is unlikely to happen in a production circuit with many gates it can easily happen in tests of small subcircuits.

    Until we implement lookups, all gates (including range, logic, etc.) resolve to arithmetic gates, so it might be tricky to make this work until lookups are enabled and we have a second "elemental" gate. But there may be a way to do it sooner by using an arithmetic selector value > 1.

    opened by lopeetall 9
  • Better Test Framework / Making `gadget_tester` Public

    Better Test Framework / Making `gadget_tester` Public

    I really like the gadget_tester in ark-plonk, which makes writing end-to-end tests much easier, but this gadget is pub(crate) so user cannot access it...

    I believe many users will end up writing their own gadgets (for gadgets, I mean any function that includes StandardComposer as a parameter). Can we make the following public:

    • gadget_tester
    • batch_test!

    If there is any reason that prevents doing so, shall we have a good testing framework? Writing end-to-end tests for a gadget from scratch is a bit verbose.


    opened by tsunrise 8
  • Fix CI missing `uses` parameter in Run clippy

    Fix CI missing `uses` parameter in Run clippy

    In #38 an error was introduced in the CI so that it wasn't possible to run them since they were panicking before starting.

    • Edit the CI config and move clippy to a sepparated job.
    • Edit the CI config and add global RUSTFLAGS env var.
    • Edit the CI config and use better toolchain config.

    Resolves: #39

    Co-authored-by: Brandon H. Gomes [email protected]

    opened by CPerezz 8
  • Consolidate naming for arithmetic Composer gates

    Consolidate naming for arithmetic Composer gates

    I see the naming convention as follows:

    • The methods that have a _gate sufix (add_gate, mul_gate...) do not compute values, they receive as input the relevant wire values and selectors of the gate and check that the equation holds. The methods that do not have the _gate sufix (add, mul...) compute the output value w_o and always generate a satisfied constraint.
    • The methods with big_ prefix receive a 4th wire, those without the prefix don´t.

    I think big_arith and big_arith_gate fit in the same family as poly_gate so we should choose a common name for all of them: poly or arith.

    Originally posted by @davidnevadoc in https://github.com/rust-zkp/ark-plonk/pull/43#discussion_r758801320

    D-easy P-medium T-design T-refactor 
    opened by CPerezz 7
  • Todd/is eq gate

    Todd/is eq gate

    Adds some gates that can be useful in combination with conditional selection.  They are 

    • is-zero-gate Has one input variable and one output variable.  The output variable is constrained to have the value 1 if the input is zero and to have the value 0 if the input is non-zero.
    • is-eq-gate has two input variables and an output variable which is constrained to have the value 1 if the two inputs have equal values and 0 otherwise.

    The gates were added in the boolean submodule of the constraint_system module.  This seemed logical to me but should be checked.  

    closes #76

    opened by GhostOfGauss 6
  • Fix broken doc link

    Fix broken doc link

    The broken link is coming from the plonk-book. We need investigation into why it won't work.

    At the moment it is a blocker so we will ignore the infra-link on the PR's

    cc: @CPerezz @mathcrypto @markulf

    P-medium T-bug T-refactor 
    opened by LukePearson1 5
  • Update and Extend Documentation

    Update and Extend Documentation

    Starting with broken links. But any other kind of documentation is also welcome. Might by its very nature, documentation is never finished, be broken up into multiple pull requests.

    opened by markulf 5
  • Define library design.

    Define library design.

    Currently this library has only an implementation of PLONK. In the coming weeks, we will be using the core functional to power gadgets as discussed in #54, and a hashing library. The initial idea was to have these as separate libraries under the organisation. However, given the past difficulty of juggling lots of version updates, I think we should consider placing gadgets and hashing inside this one repo as modules. I see this as a successful approach in many projects.

    It may also help with the exposing of witness values inside of variables, such with the mod_arith gadget that would be needed for the implementation of reinforced concrete. However, this warrants more thought wrt the exposing of modules.

    WDYT? @bhgomes @lopeetall @CPerezz @NoCtrlZ @tsunrise @julesdesmit @joebebel @EDGDrummond @stechu @iquerejeta @davidnevadoc @drewstone @GhostOfGauss @mathcrypto @markulf

    opened by LukePearson1 5
  • poseidon hash

    poseidon hash

    This PR implements 2-in-1-out Poseidon hash circuit with <200 constraints.

    It has the following components:

    • a degree 5 custom gate
    • a circuit implementation of Poseidon with this custom gate
    opened by zhenfeizhang 0
  • [WIP] Short Weierstrass curve support

    [WIP] Short Weierstrass curve support

    We need some short weierstrass support for some things, so here is a WIP (only curve addition, not scalar mul yet)

    I did some traits magic to allow for compile-time selection of TE or SW for the embedded curve (there may be better ways to do it, though)

    I also added the polynomial commitment back into the new CircuitParameters that StandardComposer is generic over, but this is not necessary, it could go back to adding PolynomialCommitment later in the process.

    Until Rust merges Chalk type inference, some of the type syntax is crazy, but in the future it should be better.

    Feedback welcome :)

    opened by joebebel 0
  • Increase blinding

    Increase blinding

    Increases the default blinding so that it works with PC schemes that are both naturally hiding or not. Introduces 2 uncessary rows for the case that the PC scheme is naturally hiding.

    opened by CarloModicaPortfolio 0
  • Proper transcript handling

    Proper transcript handling

    After the discussion on how to properly add the Public Inputs to the transcript (#134 ) we found that other parts of the code were also mishandling the transcript. For the addition of custom gate related evaluations:

    • https://github.com/ZK-Garage/plonk/blob/377c45f2a7e516007ac407255364af29b7decbec/plonk-core/src/proof_system/proof.rs#L288-L295

    This issue should be addressed together with the new design for custom gates in #128

    opened by davidnevadoc 0
  • Use batch commitment scheme and commit only polynomial linear combination

    Use batch commitment scheme and commit only polynomial linear combination

    • Create linear combination of "aw" and "saw" polynomials and commit to it instead of every single polynomial
    • Use batched version of polynomial commitment scheme to reduce number of pairing checks
    T-feature T-performance 
    opened by akinovak 1
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