An HCL serializer/deserializer for rust



Build Status MIT License

This crate provides functionality to deserialize, serialize and manipulate HCL data.

The main types are Deserializer for deserializing data, Serializer for serialization. Furthermore the provided Body and Value types can be used to construct HCL data or as a deserialization target.

Some supporting macros like body! to build HCL data structures are provided as well.

Deserialization examples

Deserialize arbitrary HCL according to the HCL JSON Specification:

use serde_json::{json, Value};

let input = r#"
    some_attr = {
      foo = [1, 2]
      bar = true

    some_block "some_block_label" {
      attr = "value"

let expected = json!({
    "some_attr": {
        "foo": [1, 2],
        "bar": true
    "some_block": {
        "some_block_label": {
            "attr": "value"

let value: Value = hcl::from_str(input).unwrap();

assert_eq!(value, expected);

If you need to preserve context about the HCL structure, deserialize into hcl::Body instead:

use hcl::{Block, Body, Expression};

let input = r#"
    some_attr = {
      "foo" = [1, 2]
      "bar" = true

    some_block "some_block_label" {
      attr = "value"

let expected = Body::builder()
            ("foo", Expression::from(vec![1, 2])),
            ("bar", Expression::Bool(true)),
            .add_attribute(("attr", "value"))

let body: Body = hcl::from_str(input).unwrap();

assert_eq!(body, expected);

Serialization examples

A simple example to serialize some terraform configuration:

use hcl::{Block, Body, RawExpression};

let body = Body::builder()
            .add_attribute(("topic_arn", RawExpression::new("aws_sns_topic.queue.arn")))
            .add_attribute(("protocol", "sqs"))
            .add_attribute(("endpoint", RawExpression::new("aws_sqs_queue.queue.arn")))

let expected = r#"
resource "aws_sns_topic_subscription" "topic" {
  topic_arn = aws_sns_topic.queue.arn
  protocol = "sqs"
  endpoint = aws_sqs_queue.queue.arn

let serialized = hcl::to_string(&body).unwrap();

assert_eq!(serialized, expected);

Also have a look at the other examples provided in the documentation of the ser module.


This crate provides a couple of macros to ease building HCL data structures. Have a look at their documentation for usage examples.


The source code of hcl-rs is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.

  • Nested function calls leads to extreme parsing times

    Nested function calls leads to extreme parsing times

    Here's a heavily reduced version of a terraform variable definition:

    variable "test" {
      level1 = map(object({
        level2 = map(object({
          level3 = map(object({
            level4 = map(object({

    On my system the above takes ~24 seconds to parse.

    Removing a level by commenting it out:

    variable "test" {
      level1 = map(object({
        level2 = map(object({
          level3 = map(object({
            # level4 = map(object({
            # }))

    Takes about ~1.77 seconds to parse

    Removing one additional level (level3) and parsing this file drops to ~0.455 seconds to parse.

    It seems that there is something that goes quadratic when having multiple function calls nested. We have a bunch of terraform that heavily uses this to make sure the type of the variable is correct:

    variable "network_integration" {
      description = "Map of networking integrations between accounts"
      type = map(object({
        friendly_name = string,
        vpcs = map(object({
          id           = string
          cidr         = string
          region       = string
          description  = string
          subnets      = map(string)
          route_tables = map(string)
          security_groups = map(object({
            id = string
            rules = map(object({
              direction   = string
              protocol    = string
              from_port   = string
              to_port     = string
              description = string
        additional_propagated_vpcs   = list(string)
        additional_static_vpc_routes = list(string)
      default = {}

    As a full example (which this takes ~130 seconds to parse).

    opened by archoversight 13
  • feat: Add specsuite integration harness

    feat: Add specsuite integration harness

    Integration tests as mentioned in #8

    Any HCL construct should have the extension .hcl under the folder specsuite. The JSON equivalent of the parsed HCLis the same name with the extension .hcl.json . If a .hcl.json file does not exist the test is considered ignored. For convenience, this also dumps the JSON output suitable for creating .hcl.json files.

    template {
      source = <<-EOF
      This is valid
      "template": {
        "source": "This is valid"

    Errors are JSON files with the form, and are also automatically dumped if missing json files.

      "Message": "error string"
    opened by venix1 5
  • Splat operators lead to invalid type

    Splat operators lead to invalid type

    Using an input file such as:

    output "sometest" { value = {
      name = module.instance.*.tags.Name
      id   = module.instance.*.id
    } }

    When attempting to read it, will lead to this error:

    Error: invalid type: string ".*", expected unit

    The splat operator is used heavily in our terraform configuration for outputs.

    opened by archoversight 4
  • Panic attempting to parse an integer

    Panic attempting to parse an integer

    Given the following HCL:

    resource "test" "testing" {
      ids      = []

    It leads to this panic:

    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: ParseIntError { kind: InvalidDigit }', ~/.cargo/registry/src/
    opened by archoversight 3
  • Is it possible to use raw expressions in the block macro?

    Is it possible to use raw expressions in the block macro?

    Using hcl-rs = "0.6.5" I am trying to produce the output

    module "foo" {
        name =

    with the block macro. But nothing I have tried can produce this output, at most it always quotes the which is not what I need. I have tried:

            module "foo" {
                // name = // error: recursion limit reached
                name = "" // Produces `name = ""` (as expected)
                name = (RawExpression::new("")) // Produces `name = ""`
                // name = RawExpression::new("") // error: recursion limit reached

    And cannot see anything other way to get this to work. Is this currently possible with the macros?

    Using the builder does work as expected:

                .add_attribute(("name", RawExpression::new("")))

    But ends up being a lot noisier than the macros.

    opened by mdaffin 3
  • Is evalulating expressions supported?

    Is evalulating expressions supported?

    Hi! I'm just wondering if evaulating expressions are supported or even in scope for hcl-rs?

    Currently, I want to serialize a HCL config with expressions into a file, but seems like the value just returns a literal string of the raw expression.

    Is expression support going to be in hcl-rs?

    opened by korewaChino 3
  • identifiers should be validated upon creation

    identifiers should be validated upon creation

    Right now, Identifiers can be created from any string value and will fail to format if they contain invalid characters.

    The type constructors should be charged to make it impossible to create invalid Identifier instances. This would remove the need to validate identifiers during formatting. The identifier validation is the only fallible operation (apart from write errors) that can happen during formatting. If it is removed, we can ensure that to_string really cannot fail.

    • Deprecate Identifier::new and Identifier::from in order to eventually remove them in a future release
    • Add Identifier::new_unchecked to allow deliberate bypassing of the validation for users that ensure identifier validity by other means. It should be marked with a warning to indicate that invalid identifiers may produce invalid HCL.
    • Implement FromStr and TryFrom for `Identifier
    • Move validation from format module into the FromStr impl
    opened by martinohmann 2
  • Expected option when passing an option type, instead of type inside of option

    Expected option when passing an option type, instead of type inside of option

    pub struct Project {
        pub proj_type: String,
        pub spec: Option<PathBuf>,
        pub dockerfile: Option<PathBuf>,
        pub scripts: Option<Vec<Script>>,
    pub struct Script {
        pub name: String,
        pub command: String,
    // function to load HCL config here...
    // conf.hcl
    project "a" {
        proj_type = "generic"
        spec = "./test.spec"

    returns error

    Message { msg: "invalid type: string \"./test.spec\", expected option", location: None }
    opened by korewaChino 2
  • chore(main): release 0.11.2

    chore(main): release 0.11.2

    :robot: I have created a release beep boop

    0.11.2 (2022-12-31)


    • structure: add Structure::into_{attribute, block} (e927806)

    This PR was generated with Release Please. See documentation.

    autorelease: tagged 
    opened by github-actions[bot] 1
  • chore(main): release 0.11.1

    chore(main): release 0.11.1

    opened by github-actions[bot] 1
  • chore(main): release 0.11.0

    chore(main): release 0.11.0

    :robot: I have created a release beep boop

    0.11.0 (2022-12-25)


    • serde: hcl::ser::Serializer does not implement serde::Serializer anymore. Use serializer.serialize(&value) in places where value.serialize(&mut serializer) was used before.


    • de: support expressions in custom types (#139) (3fd68ec), closes #137
    • serde: use internal serialization to roundtrip crate types (#135) (fbd555b)
    • ser: support serializing blocks from custom types (#140) (d97bceb), closes #138


    • clippy: fix newly added lints (e95e4d0)
    • deps: bump dependencies to latest versions (#141) (509e62e)

    This PR was generated with Release Please. See documentation.

    autorelease: tagged 
    opened by github-actions[bot] 1
  • chore(main): release 0.12.0

    chore(main): release 0.12.0

    :robot: I have created a release beep boop

    0.12.0 (2023-01-01)


    • structure: The signature of Block::new was changed from Block::new(ident, labels, body) to Block::new(ident). If you depend on the previos behaviour, use Body::from((ident, labels, body)) instead.


    • structure: implement all structure iterators for Body (#149) (ee752fa)

    Bug Fixes

    • structure: update signature of Block::new (2622f4d)


    • deps: bump actions/cache from 3.0.11 to 3.2.2 (#148) (10c550a)
    • license: update year (faee584)

    This PR was generated with Release Please. See documentation.

    autorelease: pending 
    opened by github-actions[bot] 0
  • Feature request: keeping comments in tact

    Feature request: keeping comments in tact

    I am parsing HCL files that contain comments to be able to update some blocks/attributes, but I would like to keep comments in tact after parsing -> serializing back to text.

    Maybe I have missed it, if so please feel free to link me to the documentation.

    Thank you!

    opened by archoversight 3
  • v0.11.2(Dec 31, 2022)

  • v0.11.1(Dec 29, 2022)

  • v0.11.0(Dec 25, 2022)

    0.11.0 (2022-12-25)


    • serde: hcl::ser::Serializer does not implement serde::Serializer anymore. Use serializer.serialize(&value) in places where value.serialize(&mut serializer) was used before.


    • de: support expressions in custom types (#139) (3fd68ec), closes #137
    • serde: use internal serialization to roundtrip crate types (#135) (fbd555b)
    • ser: support serializing blocks from custom types (#140) (d97bceb), closes #138


    • clippy: fix newly added lints (e95e4d0)
    • deps: bump dependencies to latest versions (#141) (509e62e)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.10.0(Nov 17, 2022)

    0.10.0 (2022-11-17)


    • eval: the Evaluate implementation of TemplateExpr returns a Value instead of a String now to support interpolation unwrapping.


    • format: add prefer_ident_keys to FormatterBuilder (#134) (de48f5c), closes #132
    • template: implement Serialize/Deserialize for Template (49e3bdd)

    Bug Fixes

    • eval: correctly handle interpolation unwrapping (85bed59)
    • format: prevent double-escaping of template strings (#133) (9d0d6b4), closes #131
    • parser: improve grammar for heredoc (#130) (d366a32)


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.3(Nov 7, 2022)

  • v0.9.2(Nov 6, 2022)

  • v0.9.1(Nov 2, 2022)

    0.9.1 (2022-11-02)


    • re-export Template type at the crate root (3fac02b)

    Bug Fixes


    • deps: bump actions/cache from 3.0.9 to 3.0.11 (#113) (4706b46)
    • deps: update textwrap requirement from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0 (#114) (9b4f5a4)
    • format: remove ident validation (#116) (d21083e)
    • move Identifier type to crate root (#110) (c8e6af0)
    • move expression types into expr module (#115) (6acba6c), closes #100
    • update description in Cargo.toml (8fc4d9b)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.0(Oct 27, 2022)

    0.9.0 (2022-10-27)


    • The type of Expression's Variable variant changed from Identifier to Variable. You can create a variable from an identifier via Variable::from(identifier) or by using Variable::new and Variable::sanitized.
    • The From<Identifier> implementation for String has been removed because it causes problems with trait bounds in From implementations for other types. Use Identifier::into_inner instead.
    • The Block struct's identifier field type was changed from String to Identifier. Furthermore, the trait bound for the block identifier on Block::new changed from Into<String> to Into<Identifier>.
    • The Attribute struct's key field type was changed from String to Identifier. Furthermore, the trait bound for the attribute identifier on Attribute::new changed from Into<String> to Into<Identifier>.
    • Identifier::new is fallible now and the return value changed from Identifier to Result<Identifier, Error>. An infallible alternative is provided with Identifier::sanitized. The inner String field of Identifier is now private to prevent direct modification.


    • add Variable type (#108) (ee5a5c8)
    • expression and template evaluation (#99) (ce0d229)
    • implement AsRef&lt;str&gt; and Borrow<str> for Identifier (0a616e1)

    Bug Fixes

    • change Attribute key field type to Identifier (#106) (84e1538)
    • change Block identifier field type to Identifier (#107) (badce8a)
    • change type of Expression::Variable variant (#109) (5e1501a)
    • remove From&lt;Identifier&gt; for String (32a94ff)
    • sanitize identifiers upon creation (#105) (7b085d7)


    • mark BlockLabel::{string,identifier} functions as deprecated (86dda75)
    • mark ObjectKey::identifier function as deprecated (d2f5f94)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.8.8(Oct 22, 2022)

  • v0.8.7(Oct 22, 2022)

  • v0.8.6(Oct 14, 2022)

  • v0.8.5(Oct 12, 2022)

  • v0.8.4(Oct 7, 2022)

  • v0.8.3(Oct 6, 2022)

  • v0.8.2(Sep 30, 2022)

  • v0.8.1(Sep 30, 2022)

  • v0.8.0(Sep 29, 2022)

    0.8.0 (2022-09-29)


    • The Number type was changed from an enum to an opaque struct. Use Number::from to create a number from an integer. Furthermore, the From implementations for f32 and f64 were removed. Use the newly added Number::from_f64 instead.
    • The RawExpression and String variants of the ObjectKey enum were removed in favor of the newly added Expression variant. Furthermore the methods Object::raw_expression and ObjectKey::string were removed. Use ObjectKey::from instead.
    • The underlying map implementation for the Object<K, V> type changed from IndexMap<K, V> to VecMap<K, V>. For the most common operations this is a drop-in replacement, but VecMap lacks some of the more exotic APIs the IndexMap provides.
    • Heredocs and quoted strings containing template interpolations and/or template directives are not parsed as Expression::String anymore, but end up as Expression::TemplateExpr (which can be further parsed into the template elements via Template::from_expr) instead. Expressions of kind Expression::String are guaranteed to not include any templating anymore.


    Bug Fixes

    • allow - in identifiers (be06f53)
    • always do f64 division (5591e22)
    • correctly handle Expression::Null in serializer (ae74def)
    • correctly handle Expression variants in ExpressionSerializer (#71) (8d89437)
    • prevent creation of infinite and NaN Number (#74) (f751fc0)
    • use correct deserializer for index element access (#67) (f7bdd5c)


    • deps: bump vecmap-rs to 0.1.3 (5670415)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.7.0(Sep 6, 2022)

  • v0.6.5(Aug 19, 2022)

  • v0.6.4(Jul 30, 2022)

  • v0.6.3(Jul 30, 2022)

  • v0.6.2(Jul 13, 2022)

  • v0.6.1(Jun 12, 2022)

  • v0.6.0(Jun 10, 2022)

  • v0.5.2(Jun 6, 2022)

  • v0.5.1(Jun 5, 2022)

  • v0.5.0(Jun 3, 2022)

  • v0.4.0(Jun 3, 2022)

  • v0.3.3(Mar 26, 2022)

  • v0.3.2(Mar 26, 2022)

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