Tools that parsing Rust code into UML diagram (in dot format currently).



Rust UML Diagram Generator

Tools that parsing Rust code into UML diagram (in dot format currently).

License License: MIT


$ rudg.exe --help
rudg 0.1.0

    rudg.exe [file] [OPTIONS]

    <file>    Rust source code file path

    -h, --help            Print help information
    -o, --output <DIR>    Sets a custom output directory
    -V, --version         Print version information

Roadmap (TODO list)

  • comprehensive tests and bug fix
  • support for modelling the whole crate's source code


  • All sorts of contributing are welcome. Please feel free to open issue and/or PR.
  • We belive that TDD(Test-Driven Development) approach is helpful not only in development, but also in communication with each other. So adding more tests might be a good way to report a bug or even suggest a new feature.


rudg is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).


Related Project

dot_graph: A library for generating Graphviz DOT language files.

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  • Test failures due to quotes

    Test failures due to quotes

    These look like minor failures to do with quoting of labels.

    > rpm -q graphviz
    > cargo test
       Compiling rudg v0.2.0-dev (/home/jayvdb/rust/rudg)
        Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.74s
         Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/rudg-a1cdaa90caa6ae09)
    running 17 tests
    test graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_composition ... FAILED
    test file_reader::tests::test_visit_dirs ... ok
    test graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_mods ... FAILED
    test graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_aggregation ... FAILED
    test graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_dependency ... FAILED
    test graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_association ... FAILED
    test graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_classes_fns_to_dot ... FAILED
    test graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_fn_relations ... FAILED
    test graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_realization ... FAILED
    test parser::ast_parser::tests::test_parse_fn ... ok
    test parser::ast_parser::tests::test_parse_struct ... ok
    test parser::ast_parser::tests::test_aggregation ... ok
    test parser::ast_parser::tests::test_composition ... ok
    test parser::ast_parser::tests::test_fn_dependency ... ok
    test parser::ast_parser::tests::test_class_dependency ... ok
    test parser::ast_parser::tests::test_association ... ok
    test parser::ast_parser::tests::test_realization ... ok
    ---- graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_composition stdout ----
    thread 'graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_composition' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
      left: `"digraph ast {\n    \"Mock\"[label=\"{Mock|c: C}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"C\"[label=\"C\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"Mock\" -> \"C\"[label=\"\"][arrowhead=\"diamond\"];\n}\n"`,
     right: `"digraph ast {\n    Mock[label=\"{Mock|c: C}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    C[label=\"C\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    Mock -> C[label=\"\"][arrowhead=\"diamond\"];\n}\n"`', src/graph_exporter/
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    ---- graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_mods stdout ----
    thread 'graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_mods' panicked at 'The name of the subgraph should start with "cluster_"', /home/jayvdb/.cargo/registry/src/
    ---- graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_aggregation stdout ----
    thread 'graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_aggregation' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
      left: `"digraph ast {\n    \"Mock\"[label=\"{Mock|b: *mut B}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"B\"[label=\"B\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"Mock\" -> \"B\"[label=\"\"][arrowtail=\"odiamond\"];\n}\n"`,
     right: `"digraph ast {\n    Mock[label=\"{Mock|b: *mut B}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    B[label=\"B\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    Mock -> B[label=\"\"][arrowtail=\"odiamond\"];\n}\n"`', src/graph_exporter/
    ---- graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_dependency stdout ----
    thread 'graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_dependency' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
      left: `"digraph ast {\n    \"Mock\"[label=\"{Mock|mock_fn()}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"f1\"[label=\"f1\"];\n    \"f2\"[label=\"f2\"];\n    \"f1\" -> \"Mock\"[label=\"\"][style=\"dashed\"][arrowhead=\"vee\"];\n    \"f2\" -> \"Mock\"[label=\"\"][style=\"dashed\"][arrowhead=\"vee\"];\n}\n"`,
     right: `"digraph ast {\n    Mock[label=\"{Mock|mock_fn()}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    f1[label=\"f1\"];\n    f2[label=\"f2\"];\n    f1 -> Mock[label=\"\"][style=\"dashed\"][arrowhead=\"vee\"];\n    f2 -> Mock[label=\"\"][style=\"dashed\"][arrowhead=\"vee\"];\n}\n"`', src/graph_exporter/
    ---- graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_association stdout ----
    thread 'graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_association' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
      left: `"digraph ast {\n    \"Mock\"[label=\"{Mock|e2() -> E2}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"E1\"[label=\"{E1|b() -> Mock}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"E2\"[label=\"{E2|a() -> Mock}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"E1\" -> \"Mock\"[label=\"\"][arrowhead=\"vee\"];\n    \"E2\" -> \"Mock\"[label=\"\"][arrowhead=\"none\"];\n}\n"`,
     right: `"digraph ast {\n    Mock[label=\"{Mock|e2() -> E2}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    E1[label=\"{E1|b() -> Mock}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    E2[label=\"{E2|a() -> Mock}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    E1 -> Mock[label=\"\"][arrowhead=\"vee\"];\n    E2 -> Mock[label=\"\"][arrowhead=\"none\"];\n}\n"`', src/graph_exporter/
    ---- graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_classes_fns_to_dot stdout ----
    thread 'graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_classes_fns_to_dot' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
      left: `"digraph ast {\n    \"Main\"[label=\"{Main|a: String\\lb: String|main() -> ()\\lmain1()}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"MainTrait\"[label=\"{Interface\\lMainTrait|main() -> ()}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"test\"[label=\"test\"];\n}\n"`,
     right: `"digraph ast {\n    Main[label=\"{Main|a: String\\lb: String|main() -> ()\\lmain1()}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    MainTrait[label=\"{Interface\\lMainTrait|main() -> ()}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    test[label=\"test\"];\n}\n"`', src/graph_exporter/
    ---- graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_fn_relations stdout ----
    thread 'graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_fn_relations' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
      left: `"digraph ast {\n    \"main\"[label=\"main\"];\n    \"test\"[label=\"test\"];\n    \"main\" -> \"test\"[label=\"\"][style=\"dashed\"][arrowhead=\"vee\"];\n}\n"`,
     right: `"digraph ast {\n    main[label=\"main\"];\n    test[label=\"test\"];\n    main -> test[label=\"\"][style=\"dashed\"][arrowhead=\"vee\"];\n}\n"`', src/graph_exporter/
    ---- graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_realization stdout ----
    thread 'graph_exporter::to_dot::tests::test_uml_class_realization' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
      left: `"digraph ast {\n    \"Mock\"[label=\"Mock\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"D\"[label=\"{Interface\\lD|a(&self) -> Option<T>}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    \"Mock\" -> \"D\"[label=\"\"][style=\"dashed\"][arrowhead=\"onormal\"];\n}\n"`,
     right: `"digraph ast {\n    Mock[label=\"Mock\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    D[label=\"{Interface\\lD|a(&self) -> Option<T>}\"][shape=\"record\"];\n    Mock -> D[label=\"\"][style=\"dashed\"][arrowhead=\"onormal\"];\n}\n"`', src/graph_exporter/
    test result: FAILED. 9 passed; 8 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
    error: test failed, to rerun pass '--lib'
    opened by jayvdb 1
  • Fix tests quotes

    Fix tests quotes

    The quote problem #16 is from the update of dot_graph, from v0.2.1 to v0.2.3. So I changed all nodes' names in the tests. Plus, support for parsing multi-file crate is not ready yet, so I remove the test accordingly.

    opened by SelamaAshalanore 0
  • Cargo extension

    Cargo extension

    I was wondering would it be possible to package this as a cargo extension so that it can generate the class diagram for an entire project (in the spirit of cargo-modules)?

    opened by giannissc 0
  • Project support

    Project support

    Currently the rudg tool only supports generating a diagram for a single file.

    The README does mention support is coming in next release v0.2.0 but I wanted to open an issue so I can track when this work is complete:

    Currently, this tool could only parse single .rs file, and support for parsing whole crate will be released on v0.2.0, which is under development.

    opened by Integralist 4
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