Scraper - HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors


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HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors.

scraper is on and GitHub.

Scraper provides an interface to Servo's html5ever and selectors crates, for browser-grade parsing and querying.


Parsing a document

Hello, world!

Hello, world!

"#; let document = Html::parse_document(html);">
use scraper::Html;

let html = r#"
    Hello, world!

Hello, world!

"#; let document = Html::parse_document(html);

Parsing a fragment

Hello, world!");">
use scraper::Html;
let fragment = Html::parse_fragment("

Hello, world!


Parsing a selector

use scraper::Selector;
let selector = Selector::parse("").unwrap();

Selecting elements

  • Foo
  • Bar
  • Baz
  • "#; let fragment = Html::parse_fragment(html); let selector = Selector::parse("li").unwrap(); for element in { assert_eq!("li", element.value().name()); }">
    use scraper::{Html, Selector};
    let html = r#"
    • Foo
    • Bar
    • Baz
    "#; let fragment = Html::parse_fragment(html); let selector = Selector::parse("li").unwrap(); for element in { assert_eq!("li", element.value().name()); }

    Selecting descendent elements

  • Foo
  • Bar
  • Baz
  • "#; let fragment = Html::parse_fragment(html); let ul_selector = Selector::parse("ul").unwrap(); let li_selector = Selector::parse("li").unwrap(); let ul =; for element in { assert_eq!("li", element.value().name()); }">
    use scraper::{Html, Selector};
    let html = r#"
    • Foo
    • Bar
    • Baz
    "#; let fragment = Html::parse_fragment(html); let ul_selector = Selector::parse("ul").unwrap(); let li_selector = Selector::parse("li").unwrap(); let ul =; for element in { assert_eq!("li", element.value().name()); }

    Accessing element attributes

    "#); let selector = Selector::parse(r#"input[name="foo"]"#).unwrap(); let input =; assert_eq!(Some("bar"), input.value().attr("value"));">
    use scraper::{Html, Selector};
    let fragment = Html::parse_fragment(r#""#);
    let selector = Selector::parse(r#"input[name="foo"]"#).unwrap();
    let input =;
    assert_eq!(Some("bar"), input.value().attr("value"));

    Serializing HTML and inner HTML

    Hello, world!"); let selector = Selector::parse("h1").unwrap(); let h1 =; assert_eq!("

    Hello, world!

    ", h1.html()); assert_eq!("Hello, world!", h1.inner_html());">
    use scraper::{Html, Selector};
    let fragment = Html::parse_fragment("

    Hello, world!

    ); let selector = Selector::parse("h1").unwrap(); let h1 =; assert_eq!("

    Hello, world!

    , h1.html()); assert_eq!("Hello, world!", h1.inner_html());

    Accessing descendent text

    Hello, world!"); let selector = Selector::parse("h1").unwrap(); let h1 =; let text = h1.text().collect::>(); assert_eq!(vec!["Hello, ", "world!"], text);">
    use scraper::{Html, Selector};
    let fragment = Html::parse_fragment("

    Hello, world!

    ); let selector = Selector::parse("h1").unwrap(); let h1 =; let text = h1.text().collect::<Vec<_>>(); assert_eq!(vec!["Hello, ", "world!"], text);


    Please feel free to open pull requests. If you're planning on implementing something big (i.e. not fixing a typo, a small bug fix, minor refactor, etc) then please open an issue first.

    Stargazers over time

    Stargazers over time

    License: ISC

    • Looking for maintainer(s)

      Looking for maintainer(s)

      I haven't been actively using or developing this project for quite a while now and haven't had time to respond to new issues and PRs. I would like to find someone more qualified than me to continue maintenance and/or development of this project which seems to be quite popular. If anyone would like to help out, please comment here or send me an email.

      opened by causal-agent 23
    • Cut a new release

      Cut a new release

      Clicked the enter key too early (oops)!

      cc @cfvescovo we should try to cut a new release (probably v0.14) at some point (we don't have many changes, but as they are stable it makes sense to push them to in my view).

      I would make a release, but I don't have permissions to publish on (I think)

      opened by teymour-aldridge 9
    • A way to get innerHTML or innerText?

      A way to get innerHTML or innerText?

      I haven't found any function like this in the Documentation. When dealing with <br> elements, it would be really handy if there was a way to just get the innerText or at least innerHTML of a NodeRef.

      opened by luxalpa 9
    • Selector doesn't work with newline after

      Selector doesn't work with newline after with Selector::parse is not working when there's a newline directly after the the tag.


      let a_sel = scraper::Selector::parse("a").unwrap();
      for el in {

      HTML example that triggers this:


      When printing these affected elements:

      Element(<a\n href="\\\"/...

      Other elements in the query that are of the form Element(<a href="\\\"/... don't trigger this problem. Happy for a workaround in the meanwhile.

      opened by David-OConnor 8
    • Error using scraper in spawned process via Tokio runtime

      Error using scraper in spawned process via Tokio runtime


      • Linux
      • Rust 1.60.0-nightly
      • Scraper 0.12.0


      When calling rt.spawn(my_job::run(...)); I receive these compile errors

      generator cannot be sent between threads safely within ego_tree::Node<scraper::node::Node>, the trait Sync is not implemented for Cell<NonZeroUsize>rustc, 25):required by a bound in Runtime::spawn generator cannot be sent between threads safely within ego_tree::Node<scraper::node::Node>, the trait Sync is not implemented for UnsafeCell<tendril::tendril::Buffer>rustc, 25):required by a bound in Runtime::spawn generator cannot be sent between threads safely within ego_tree::Node<scraper::node::Node>, the trait Sync is not implemented for *mut tendril::fmt::UTF8rustc, 25):required by a bound in Runtime::spawn generator cannot be sent between threads safely within ego_tree::Node<scraper::node::Node>, the trait Sync is not implemented for Cell<tendril::tendril::PackedUsize>rustc, 25):required by a bound in Runtime::spawn

      UPDATE: The error only appears when I run this code within


      If I remove that line everything compiles. Can someone explain why?


      use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
      let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();

      let title_selector = scraper::Selector::parse("title").unwrap();
      let title =;
      download::run("", "./Downloads", "").await.unwrap();


      It appears scraper might not be thread safe according to Rust compiler. Are there any work arounds to this so I can still use scraper crate?

      opened by Randall-Coding 7
    • How do i remove certain tags/nodes before selecting a text?

      How do i remove certain tags/nodes before selecting a text?

      When we have few tags that need to be removed before selecting a tag for example

      fn main() {
      let selector = Selector::parse("body").unwrap();
          let html = r#"
          <!DOCTYPE html>
         Hello World
         <script type="application/json" data-selector="settings-json">
          let document = Html::parse_document(html);
          let body =;
          let text = body.text().collect::<Vec<_>>();
          println!("{:?}", text);


      ["\n Hello World\n ", "\n {\"test\":\"json\"}\n ", "\n \n"]

      The output will have the value from the script tags, Is there any way we can remove those?

      opened by naveenann 6
    • selector accidently edited html

      selector accidently edited html

      I'm writing a robot to fetch's token data.

      On their site the transfers section has content: 939,005


      while using the following code it gives me different thing:

          let transfers_selector = Selector::parse(
              ".card .card-body #ContentPlaceHolder1_trNoOfTxns #totaltxns",
          if let Some(overview) =


      opened by GopherJ 5
    • An Error Type for `Selector::parse`

      An Error Type for `Selector::parse`

      I might be adding different error types if needed, but for now the error type for Selector::parse's Result is now a custom type that is exported. This PR resolves #60 Improvements to the code are welcome

      opened by Kiwifuit 4
    • Selector::parse transforms > etc. into > etc.

      Selector::parse transforms > etc. into > etc.

      The following code produces the following prints.

          let data = "<html><body><p>Foo bar &lt;&gt; Cake ! Heh &le;</p></body></html>";
          let html = Html::parse_document(&data);
          let selector = Selector::parse("p").unwrap();
          println!("{:?}", data);
      "<html><body><p>Foo bar &lt;&gt; Cake ! Heh &le;</p></body></html>"
      Some(ElementRef { node: NodeRef { id: NodeId(5), tree: Tree { vec: [Node { parent: None, prev_sibling: None, next_sibling: None, children: Some((NodeId(2), NodeId(2))), value: Document }, Node { parent: Some(NodeId(1)), prev_sibling: None, next_sibling: None, children: Some((NodeId(3), NodeId(4))), value: Element(<html>) }, Node { parent: Some(NodeId(2)), prev_sibling: None, next_sibling: Some(NodeId(4)), children: None, value: Element(<head>) }, Node { parent: Some(NodeId(2)), prev_sibling: Some(NodeId(3)), next_sibling: None, children: Some((NodeId(5), NodeId(5))), value: Element(<body>) }, Node { parent: Some(NodeId(4)), prev_sibling: None, next_sibling: None, children: Some((NodeId(6), NodeId(6))), value: Element(<p>) }, Node { parent: Some(NodeId(5)), prev_sibling: None, next_sibling: None, children: None, value: Text("Foo bar <> Cake ! Heh ≤") }] }, node: Node { parent: Some(NodeId(4)), prev_sibling: None, next_sibling: None, children: Some((NodeId(6), NodeId(6))), value: Element(<p>) } } })

      Issue being this part: Text("Foo bar <> Cake ! Heh ≤") It should be Text("Foo bar &lt;&gt; Cake ! Heh &le;")

      Is this a bug?

      opened by Temeez 4
    • How to parse html threads safely?

      How to parse html threads safely?

      I had load a html, parse with scraper, but got a woring.

          pub async fn comic_introduction(&self, id: i32) -> Result<()> {
              let body = self
                  .get(&format!("{}/galleryblock/{}.html", LTN_BASE_URL, id))
              let fragment = Html::parse_fragment(&body);
              let title_selector = Selector::parse("h1.lillie>a")?;
              let title_elements =;
              let title = if let Some(item) = title_elements.last() {
              } else {
                  return Err(anyhow::Error::msg("not found title"));
                              ^ `Rc<std::string::String>` cannot be shared between threads safely
      opened by niuhuan 4
    • Bump html5ever for removed time methods

      Bump html5ever for removed time methods

      Bug Info

      The current of version of html5ever is utilizing sinnce-removed method (precise_time_ns):



        v0.1 APIs, previously behind an enabled-by-default feature flag ...

        • precise_time_ns
      error[E0425]: cannot find function `precise_time_ns` in crate `time`
         --> ...../cargo/registry/src/
      27  |         let t0 = ::time::precise_time_ns();
          |                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `time`
         ::: ...../.cargo/registry/src/
      230 |             let (_, dt) = time!(self.sink.process_token(token));
          |                           ------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
          = note: this error originates in a macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

      edit: looks like

      html5ever = "0.25.1"

      is still currently the latest published release of html5ever still :\

      opened by bigpick 4
    • Performance improvements

      Performance improvements

      I have tried to improve parsing performance by replacing the standard hash function with fnv and by replacing LocalNames with strings (in as suggested in #45. @teymour-aldridge are there any other changes we could make to improve parsing speed? Could someone that needs to parse multiple/huge HTMLs perform some benchmarks and report back?

      opened by cfvescovo 1
    • Dependency `selectors` is not on the last version

      Dependency `selectors` is not on the last version

      Current version used: 0.22 Last version: 0.23

      Seems like just bump the version won't make a breaking change. A good practice is also to re-export the crate selectors to avoid users having to guess which version they should be using 😊

      opened by Elrendio 4
    • API idea: selector!() macro for Selector literals

      API idea: selector!() macro for Selector literals

      Inspired by this blog post which mentions some API struggles with writing a Rust backend program, and one of the mentioned things is that Selector::parse('...').unwrap() is not ergonomic when the selectors are constants and you are writing a lot of them.

      How about a selector!() macro to define a selector from a string, which removes the boilerplate for this case? There is precedent for this in the form of vec![] provided by the language and e.g. the regex!() macro provided by the regex crate.

      opened by rvolgers 9
    • method select should be implemented as a trait

      method select should be implemented as a trait

      Both Html & ElementRef support the same method select. Having that method implemented as a Trait would allow to create a function that can accept both, and would allow to call that method generically, which doesn't seem to be currently possible.

      My current workaround is to call root_element() on Html, to get its ElementRef, which fortunately works even if it's just an html fragment without the <html> tag... Although its description didn't seem to indicate so.

      opened by joseluis 1
    • HashSet<LocalName> for classes is slow

      HashSet for classes is slow

      LocalName::new called for something that isn't in locks a global Mutex. As LocalName::new is called for every class in Element::new, and most classes are unlikely to be in that list, this means that multithreading is much less of a win for HTML parsing than it should be. While it's a breaking change and probably not the best approach, I've switched to using Strings locally, which gives me about a 10% performance improvement. My program's performance is still dominated by HashSet construction, though. It might be faster to intern the entire HashSet<String>s per-document.

      opened by leo60228 5
    • Ability to get ElementRef of parent of ElementRef

      Ability to get ElementRef of parent of ElementRef

      Please add the ability to get an ElementRef of an ElementRef's parent (and any ancestor/sibling), so that one can call .html() (and other ElementRef methods) on the parent :)

      opened by Boscop 3
    • v0.14.0(Dec 19, 2022)

      What's Changed

      • Update dependencies by @teymour-aldridge in
      • Add a test for tags with newline. by @teymour-aldridge in
      • Implement serializer for Html by @TonalidadeHidrica in
      • refactor: Make selectors field private by @volsa in
      • implement DoubleEndedIterator for Select by @arctic-penguin in
      • An Error Type for Selector::parse by @Kiwifuit in

      New Contributors

      • @TonalidadeHidrica made their first contribution in
      • @volsa made their first contribution in
      • @arctic-penguin made their first contribution in
      • @Kiwifuit made their first contribution in

      Full Changelog:

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
    • v0.13.0(Apr 24, 2022)

      What's Changed

      • feat: add support for order-keeping attributes by @mainrs in
      • docs: add notice for deterministic attribute (de)serialization by @mainrs in
      • Add Github Actions CI workflow. by @teymour-aldridge in
      • Add a Gitter chat badge to by @gitter-badger in
      • Fix Github actions workflow by @cfvescovo in
      • Add contributing guidelines. by @teymour-aldridge in
      • Update dependencies by @cfvescovo in

      New Contributors

      • @mainrs made their first contribution in
      • @teymour-aldridge made their first contribution in
      • @gitter-badger made their first contribution in
      • @cfvescovo made their first contribution in

      Full Changelog:

      Source code(tar.gz)
      Source code(zip)
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