McFly - fly through your shell history


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McFly - fly through your shell history


McFly replaces your default ctrl-r shell history search with an intelligent search engine that takes into account your working directory and the context of recently executed commands. McFly's suggestions are prioritized in real time with a small neural network.

TL;DR: an upgraded ctrl-r where history results make sense for what you're working on right now.


  • Rebinds ctrl-r to bring up a full-screen reverse history search prioritized with a small neural network.
  • Augments your shell history to track command exit status, timestamp, and execution directory in a SQLite database.
  • Maintains your normal shell history file as well so that you can stop using McFly whenever you want.
  • Unicode support throughout.
  • Includes a simple action to scrub any history item from the McFly database and your shell history files.
  • Designed to be extensible for other shells in the future.
  • Written in Rust, so it's fast and safe.
  • You can type % to match any number of characters when searching.


The key feature of McFly is smart command prioritization powered by a small neural network that runs in real time. The goal is for the command you want to run to always be one of the top suggestions.

When suggesting a command, McFly takes into consideration:

  • The directory where you ran the command. You're likely to run that command in the same directory in the future.
  • What commands you typed before the command (e.g., the command's execution context).
  • How often you run the command.
  • When you last ran the command.
  • If you've selected the command in McFly before.
  • The command's historical exit status. You probably don't want to run old failed commands.


Install with Homebrew (on OS X or Linux)

  1. Install the tap:

    brew tap cantino/mcfly
  2. Install mcfly:

    brew install cantino/mcfly/mcfly
  3. Add the following to the end of your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.config/fish/ file:


    eval "$(mcfly init bash)"


    eval "$(mcfly init zsh)"


    mcfly init fish | source
  4. Run . ~/.bashrc / . ~/.zshrc / source ~/.config/fish/ or restart your terminal emulator.

Uninstalling with Homebrew

  1. Remove mcfly:
    brew uninstall mcfly
  2. Remove the tap:
    brew untap cantino/mcfly
  3. Remove the lines you added to ~/.bashrc / ~/.zshrc / ~/.config/fish/

Install with MacPorts (on OS X)

  1. Update the ports tree

    sudo port selfupdate
  2. Install mcfly:

    sudo port install mcfly
  3. Add the following to the end of your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.config/fish/ file, as appropriate:


    eval "$(mcfly init bash)"


    eval "$(mcfly init zsh)"


    mcfly init fish | source
  4. Run . ~/.bashrc / . ~/.zshrc / source ~/.config/fish/ or restart your terminal emulator.

Uninstalling with MacPorts

  1. Remove mcfly:
    sudo port uninstall mcfly
  2. Remove the lines you added to ~/.bashrc / ~/.zshrc / ~/.config/fish/

Installing using our install script

  1. curl -LSfs | sh -s -- --git cantino/mcfly

  2. Add the following to the end of your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.config/fish/ file, respectively:


    eval "$(mcfly init bash)"


    eval "$(mcfly init zsh)"


    mcfly init fish | source
  3. Run . ~/.bashrc / . ~/.zshrc / source ~/.config/fish/ or restart your terminal emulator.

Installing manually from GitHub

  1. Download the latest release from GitHub.

  2. Install to a location in your $PATH. (For example, you could create a directory at ~/bin, copy mcfly to this location, and add export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin" to your .bashrc / .zshrc, or run set -Ua fish_user_paths "$HOME/bin" for fish.)

  3. Add the following to the end of your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.config/fish/ file, respectively:


    eval "$(mcfly init bash)"


    eval "$(mcfly init zsh)"


    mcfly init fish | source
  4. Run . ~/.bashrc / . ~/.zshrc / source ~/.config/fish/ or restart your terminal emulator.

Install manually from source

  1. Install Rust 1.40 or later

  2. Run git clone and cd mcfly

  3. Run cargo install --path .

  4. Ensure ~/.cargo/bin is in your $PATH.

  5. Add the following to the end of your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.config/fish/ file, respectively:


    eval "$(mcfly init bash)"


    eval "$(mcfly init zsh)"


    mcfly init fish | source
  6. Run . ~/.bashrc / . ~/.zshrc / source ~/.config/fish/ or restart your terminal emulator.

Install by Zinit

  • Add below code to your zshrc.

    zinit ice lucid wait"0a" from"gh-r" as"program" atload'eval "$(mcfly init zsh)"' 
    zinit light cantino/mcfly 
  • It will download mcfly and install for you.

  • $(mcfly init zsh) will be executed after prompt


To avoid McFly's UI messing up your scrollback history in iTerm2, make sure this option is unchecked:

iterm2 UI instructions


A number of settings can be set via environment variables. To set a setting you should add the following snippets to your ~/.bashrc / ~/.zshrc / ~/.config/fish/

Light Mode

To swap the color scheme for use in a light terminal, set the environment variable MCFLY_LIGHT.

bash / zsh:




Tip: on macOS you can use the following snippet for color scheme to be configured based on system-wide settings:

bash / zsh:

/dev/null)" != "Dark" ]]; then export MCFLY_LIGHT=TRUE fi">
if [[ "$(defaults read -g AppleInterfaceStyle 2&>/dev/null)" != "Dark" ]]; then

VIM Key Scheme

By default Mcfly uses an emacs inspired key scheme. If you would like to switch to the vim inspired key scheme, set the environment variable MCFLY_KEY_SCHEME.

bash / zsh:



set -gx MCFLY_KEY_SCHEME vim

Fuzzy Searching

To enable fuzzy searching, set MCFLY_FUZZY to an integer. 0 is off; higher numbers weight toward shorter matches. Values in the 2-5 range get good results so far; try a few and report what works best for you!

bash / zsh:

export MCFLY_FUZZY=2


set -gx MCFLY_FUZZY 2

Results Count

To change the maximum number of results shown, set MCFLY_RESULTS (default: 10).

bash / zsh:



set -gx MCFLY_RESULTS 50

Interface view

To change interface view, set MCFLY_INTERFACE_VIEW (default: TOP). Available options: TOP and BOTTOM

bash / zsh:




Disable menu interface

To disable the menu interface, set the environment variable MCFLY_DISABLE_MENU.

bash / zsh:




Results sorting

To change the sorting of results shown, set MCFLY_RESULTS_SORT (default: RANK). Possible values RANK and LAST_RUN

bash / zsh:




Database Location

McFly stores its SQLite database in the standard location for the OS. On OS X, this is in ~/Library/Application Support/McFly and on Linux it is in $XDG_DATA_DIR/mcfly/history.db (default would be ~/.local/share/mcfly/history.db). For legacy support, if ~/.mcfly/ exists, it is used instead.

Slow startup

If you have a very large history database and you notice that McFly launches slowly, you can set MCFLY_HISTORY_LIMIT to something like 10000 to limit how many records are considered when searching. In this example, McFly would search only the latest 10,000 entries.

Possible Future Features

  • Add a screencast to README.
  • Learn common command options and autocomplete them in the suggestion UI?
  • Sort command line args when coming up with the template matching string.
  • Possible prioritization improvements:
    • Cross validation & explicit training set selection.
    • Learn command embeddings



Contributions and bug fixes are encouraged! However, we may not merge PRs that increase complexity significantly beyond what is already required to maintain the project. If you're in doubt, feel free to open an issue and ask.

Running tests

cargo test

Releasing (notes for @cantino)

  1. Edit Cargo.toml and bump the version.
  2. Edit CHANGELOG.txt
  3. Run cargo clippy and cargo fmt.
  4. Recompile (cargo build).
  5. git add -p
  6. git ci -m 'Bumping to vx.x.x'
  7. git tag vx.x.x
  8. git push origin head --tags
  9. Let the build finish.
  10. Edit the new Release on Github.
  11. Edit pkg/brew/mcfly.rb and update the version and SHAs. (shasum -a 256 ...)
  12. Edit ../homebrew-mcfly/pkg/brew/mcfly.rb too.
  13. cp pkg/brew/mcfly.rb ../homebrew-mcfly/pkg/brew/mcfly.rb
  14. Compare with diff ../homebrew-mcfly/pkg/brew/mcfly.rb ../mcfly/pkg/brew/mcfly.rb ; diff ../homebrew-mcfly/HomebrewFormula/mcfly.rb ../mcfly/HomebrewFormula/mcfly.rb
  15. git add -p && git ci -m 'Update homebrew' && git push
  16. cd ../homebrew-mcfly && git add -p && git ci -m 'Update homebrew' && git push && cd ../mcfly
  17. cargo publish
  • Add forward-compatibility check for database schema

    Add forward-compatibility check for database schema

    This adds an extra safety check in case mcfly encounters a schema newer than it knows how to deal with.

    The main motivation is to provide safety for users of my mcfly-fzf companion tool. This way users will see an obvious error if the DB schema used by their mcfly binary somehow is off from the schema used by their mcfly-fzf binary.

    opened by bnprks 0
  • Hanging after each command with zsh

    Hanging after each command with zsh


    I am using this with zinit with the setup commands in the readme, and have discovered that, with a db size of around 25,000, every command hangs for about 3-5 seconds. I can't really figure out why, since it running mcfly add directly runs in a few milliseconds, but I have had to disable the plugin for now.

    Is this known behaviour?


    opened by arlyon 3
  • Error on upgrading mcfly to 0.7.0: The argument '--append-to-histfile ' requires a value but none was supplied

    Error on upgrading mcfly to 0.7.0: The argument '--append-to-histfile ' requires a value but none was supplied

    Using brew to upgrade, macOS 13.0.1 (Ventura)

    Sun Dec 11 12:50 PM jenett [~] $ mcfly search error: The argument '--append-to-histfile ' requires a value but none was supplied

    opened by joejenett 3
  • Feature Request: New way of displaying hotkeys

    Feature Request: New way of displaying hotkeys

    As more features for different hotkeys are being added in, eventually we will run out of screen real estate to display all hotkeys.

    Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 6 39 45 PM

    My first proposal is that we add a new hotkey that will open another termion alternate screen to display a table of hotkeys and their related action. Pressing the same hotkey will close this alternate screen and go back to the main McFly screen. My second proposal is that we remove all the hotkeys from the menu bar and create a fixed hotkey table at the bottom of the screen. The only issue I see with this one is we probably would need to look into removing MCFLY_INTERFACE_VIEW=BOTTOM. Also, the other caveat to this solution is displaying ALL hotkeys on the main screen will clutter the UI in the future if there are too many hotkeys.

    Upon further testing, the menubar will wrap text if it exceeds the terminal width. I mention this because this will cause any issue once the menubar exceeds two lines in length.

    Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 10 00 21 PM

    opened by navazjm 1
  • features: make selete history and copy

    features: make selete history and copy

    sometime ,I selete one command, just copy it. so, make new argu to copy command.

    and, the show line is littel zone image

    look this, more screen is not show, so make history to full screen

    opened by newyorkthink 0
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