Build database expression type checker and vectorized runtime executor in type-safe Rust


Typed Type Exercise in Rust

Build database expression type checker and vectorized runtime executor in type-safe Rust.

This project is highly inspired by @skyzh's type-exercise-in-rust. While adopting his idea in Databend, I also implemented a few features that I think are useful:

  1. Type checking. The type checker can catch all type errors in the SQL compilation phase with a set of carefully defined typing rules. The type checker outputs a totally untyped expression that is ready for runtime execution. So this makes the runtime free of any type information.

  2. Type-safe downcast. Function authors no longer have to worry about downcasting runtime inputs. Thanks to Rust's type system, so long as your function compiles, the downcast is always successful.

  3. All-in-one generic trait. We've only one trait Type. All other traits like Array, ArrayBuilder, ArrayRef and their sophisticated trait bound are all wiped out.

  4. Enum-dispatched columns. Use enum to exhaustive all column types and scalar types. They should further minimize runtime overhead and mental effort, compared to dyn-dispatched strategy.

Snippet of code

Define a fast, type-safe, auto-downcating and vectorized binary function in three lines of code:

let bool_and = Function::new_2_arg::<BooleanType, BooleanType, BooleanType, _>("and", |lhs, rhs| {
    vectorize_binary(lhs, rhs, |lhs: &bool, rhs: &bool| *lhs && *rhs)


cargo run

Things to do

  • Automatcially generate the nullable function.
  • Implement arrays.
  • Implement unlimited-length tuples.
  • Implment generic functions.
  • Check ambiguity between function overloads.
  • Read material for the project.

Reading material

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    Given two columns:

    a b
    0 5
    1 6
    2 7
    3 8
    4 9

    create_array will combine these two columns into an array:

    create_array(a, b)
    [0, 5]
    [1, 6]
    [2, 7]
    [3, 8]
    [4, 9]

    And of course, you can put create_array in another create_array:

    create_array((create_array(a, b)), NULL, NULL)
    [[0, 5], NULL, NULL]
    [[1, 6], NULL, NULL]
    [[2, 7], NULL, NULL]
    [[3, 8], NULL, NULL]
    [[4, 9], NULL, NULL]

    The memory layout of the last result is like this:

    Array { 
        array: Nullable { 
            column: Array { 
                array: Int16([0, 5, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 4, 9]), 
                offsets: [0..2, 2..2, 2..2, 2..4, 4..4, 4..4, 4..6, 6..6, 6..6, 6..8, 8..8, 8..8, 8..10, 10..10, 10..10]
            nulls: [false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true, true]
        offsets: [0..3, 3..6, 6..9, 9..12, 12..15]

    The memory layout shown above is a three-layers indirect tree into a single underlying data slice:

    [0..3             , 3..6             , 6..9             , 9..12            , 12..15               ] : which row? (the range points to the next layer)
    [0..2,  2..2, 2..2, 2..4,  4..4, 4..4, 4..6,  6..6, 6..6, 6..8,  8..8, 8..8, 8..10, 10..10, 10..10] : offsets into a flatten array item (the range points to the next layer)
    [false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true,   true  ] : is the item null?
    [0, 5,              1, 6,              2, 7,              3, 8,              4, 9                 ] : array data
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  • Implement generics in type system

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    Define the function get(array: Array<T>, idx: i16) -> T for any T is just as simple as:

    registry.register_2_arg::<ArrayType<GenericType<0>>, Int16Type, GenericType<0>, _>(
        |array, idx| array.index(*idx as usize),

    Then it will just work for any T, including multi-dimensional arrays. Explained in pseudo-sql:

    create table t (arr Array<Array<Int16>>, idx Int16);
    insert into t values ([[0, 1], [2, 3]], 0);
    insert into t values ([[4, 5], [6, 7]], 1);
    select get(arr, idx) from t;
    | get(arr, idx) |
    | [0, 1]        |
    | [6, 7]        |
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