6208 Repositories
Rust rust-compiler Libraries
Extreme Bevy is what you end up with by following my tutorial series on how to make a low-latency p2p web game.
Extreme Bevy Extreme Bevy is what you end up with by following my tutorial series on how to make a low-latency p2p web game. There game can be played
D-s theory based on a flexible rule code by rust.
证据冲突理论算法实践 一、背景 公安工作中笔录是重要的言辞证据形式。对控告人、举报人、证人、被举报人、犯罪嫌疑人和其他案件关系人制作的笔录中,往往因立场、认知水平、观察角度、法律认识等因素的差异,造成同一事实的描述存在差异和冲突。
Serenity is a Rust library for the Discord API
serenity Serenity is a Rust library for the Discord API. View the examples on how to make and structure a bot. Serenity supports bot login via the use
Rust scaffold system with Lua embedded applets.
brickpack-2022 Demo Powered by Github Actions CI/CD (Heroku) https://demo-1642622230.herokuapp.com/#/users Frontent Runner Rendered sample code (Lua 5
Adds a uf2 header Microsofts HID Flashing Format (UF2) for copying over to UF2 bootloader mass storage devices
uf2conv Adds a uf2 header Microsofts HID Flashing Format (UF2) for copying over to UF2 bootloader mass storage devices. UF2 is factory programmed exte
probe-run is a custom Cargo runner that transparently runs Rust firmware on an embedded device
probe-run Runs embedded programs just like native ones probe-run is a custom Cargo runner that transparently runs Rust firmware on an embedded device.
defmt is a highly efficient logging framework that targets resource-constrained devices, like microcontrollers
defmt defmt ("de format", short for "deferred formatting") is a highly efficient logging framework that targets resource-constrained devices, like mic
Adds zero-cost stack overflow protection to your embedded programs
flip-link adds zero-cost stack overflow protection to your embedded programs The problem Bare metal Rust programs may not be memory safe in presence o
Quickly set up a `probe-run` + `defmt` + `flip-link` embedded project
app-template Quickly set up a probe-run + defmt + flip-link embedded project Dependencies 1. flip-link: $ cargo install flip-link 2. probe-run: $ # ma
a test harness for embedded devices
defmt-test a test harness for embedded devices This crate has been moved to the defmt repository Support defmt-test is part of the Knurling project, F
A Rust wrapper for FreeRTOS.
freertos.rs A Rust wrapper for FreeRTOS. Beta Rust is required - soon to be stable. The main entry point for your embedded executable should be provid
This project is based on code from freertos.rs and some additions to simplify the usage of FreeRTOS in embedded applications written in Rust
FreeRTOS-rust This project is based on code from freertos.rs and some additions to simplify the usage of FreeRTOS in embedded applications written in
A concurrency framework for building real-time systems
Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency A concurrency framework for building real-time systems. Formerly known as Real-Time For the Masses. Features Ta
Pleco is a chess Engine & Library derived from Stockfish, written entirely in Rust
Pleco Pleco is a chess Engine & Library derived from Stockfish, written entirely in Rust. This project is split into two crates, pleco, which contains
Simple calculator REPL, similar to bc(1), with syntax highlighting and persistent history
eva simple calculator REPL, similar to bc(1), with syntax highlighting and persistent history installation Homebrew $ brew install eva crates.io $ car
loc is a tool for counting lines of code. It's a rust implementation of cloc, but it's more than 100x faster.
2019-10-07: I really haven't been on top of accepting pull requests or looking at issues, you guy should definitely look at SCC. It's faster and more
dog is a command-line DNS client, like dig
dog dog is a command-line DNS client. Dogs can look up! dog is a command-line DNS client, like dig. It has colourful output, understands normal comman
hexyl is a simple hex viewer for the terminal. It uses a colored output to distinguish different categories of bytes
hexyl is a simple hex viewer for the terminal. It uses a colored output to distinguish different categories of bytes (NULL bytes, printable ASCII characters, ASCII whitespace characters, other ASCII characters and non-ASCII).
xh is a friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests. It reimplements as much as possible of HTTPie's excellent design, with a focus on improved performance.
xh is a friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests. It reimplements as much as possible of HTTPie's excellent design, with a focus on improved performance
RnR is a command-line tool to securely rename multiple files and directories that supports regular expressions
RnR is a command-line tool to securely rename multiple files and directories that supports regular expressions. Features Batch rename files and direct
stringsext - search for multi-byte encoded strings in binary data
title stringsext - search for multi-byte encoded strings in binary data stringsext is a Unicode enhancement of the GNU strings tool with additional fu
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell
A JSON Query Language CLI tool built with Rust 🦀
JQL A JSON Query Language CLI tool built with Rust 🦀 📜 Core philosophy 📦 Stay lightweight 🎮 Keep its features as simple as possible 🧠 Avoid redun
A fast, customizable, and easy to use JavaScript and TypeScript linter
RSLint A fast, customizable, and easy to use JavaScript and TypeScript linter Guide | Contributing | Website | Linter Rules ⚠️ RSLint is in early deve
Monorepo for dprint—a pluggable and configurable code formatting platform
dprint Monorepo for dprint—a pluggable and configurable code formatting platform. This project is under active early development. I recommend you chec
alto provides idiomatic Rust bindings for OpenAL 1.1 and extensions (including EFX).
alto alto provides idiomatic Rust bindings for OpenAL 1.1 and extensions (including EFX). WARNING Because Alto interacts with global C state via dynam
ears is a simple library to play Sounds and Musics in Rust
ears ears is a simple library to play Sounds and Musics in Rust. ears is build on the top of OpenAL and libsndfile. Provides an access to the OpenAL s
PortAudio bindings and wrappers for Rust.
rust-portaudio PortAudio bindings and wrappers for Rust. PortAudio is a free, cross-platform, open-source, audio I/O library. rust-portaudio is still
High-level PortMidi bindings and wrappers for Rust
High-level PortMidi bindings and wrappers for Rust
A simple rust library to read and write Zip archives, which is also my pet project for learning Rust
rust-zip A simple rust library to read and write Zip archives, which is also my pet project for learning Rust. At the moment you can list the files in
SQLite3 Bindings for Rust
SQLite3 Bindings for Rust To compile use rustc src/sqlite3.rs or if you have Cargo installed cargo build. The interface is currently evolving both alo
Cap'n Proto is a type system for distributed systems
Cap'n Proto for Rust documentation blog Introduction Cap'n Proto is a type system for distributed systems. With Cap'n Proto, you describe your data an
xml-rs is an XML library for Rust programming language
xml-rs, an XML library for Rust Documentation xml-rs is an XML library for Rust programming language. It is heavily inspired by Java Streaming API for
Terra rust bot
terra-rust-bot ⚠️ You will need to provide your seed phrase to let the bot create and sign transactions. ⚠️ Terra-rust-bot will not save your seed phr
Kepler is a vulnerability database and lookup store and API currently utilising National Vulnerability Database and NPM Advisories as data sources
Kepler — Kepler is a vulnerability database and lookup store and API currently utilising National Vulnerability Database and NPM Advisories as data so
A (de)serializer for RLP encoding in ETH
An ETH RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) (de)serializer written in Rust
Tons of extension utility functions for Rust
LazyExt Tons of extension utility functions for Rust. English | 简体中文 Status Name Status Crate Documents Introduction lazyext-slice Alpha Thousands of
A CLI-based pride flag generator written in Rust
🌈 prideful (in development) A CLI-based pride flag generator written in Rust. How to run Build the project using cargo. Install cargo by following th
WIP, POC of node js driver for pulsar backed by rust
WIP not ready at all, POC for node js rurt based pulsar driver pulsar-node-rust-client This project was bootstrapped by create-neon. Installing pulsar
A fast, efficient emulator for the osu! Bancho protocol written in Rust
rosu. A fast, efficient emulator for the osu! Bancho protocol written in Rust. Setup Git clone rosu, setup your nginx (example config is in the ext fo
Rux - An x86_64 toy operating system kernel written in Rust
Rux - An x86_64 toy operating system kernel written in Rust. Rux is a port of the Hux kernel, my x86 32-bit single-CPU toy kernel written in C, following the OSTEP book structure and terminology.
A Rust implementation of the AGCWD algorithm
AGCWD is described in the paper "Efficient Contrast Enhancement Using Adaptive Gamma Correction With Weighting Distribution".
Red-blue graph problem solver - Rust implementation
Red-blue graph problem solver - Rust implementation The problem is the following: In a directed graph, each node is colored either red or blue. Furthe
A Rust implementation the HOTP and TOTP Algorithms
xotp A Rust implementation the HOTP and TOTP Algorithms. HOTP was implemented in accordance with RFC4226 TOTP was implemented in accordance with RFC62
A Rust implementation of an Oware AI
Rust implementation of a minimax algorithm. The game is a custom version of the Oware. Using Alphabeta pruning, move ordering, and a tiny iterative deepening.
A rust-based version of the popular dnsgen python utility
ripgen A rust-based version of the popular dnsgen python utility. ripgen is split into two main parts: ripgen: A CLI utility that calls into ripgen_li
A (mostly) drop-in replacement for Rust's Result that provides backtrace support
Errant A (mostly) drop-in replacement for Rust's Result that provides backtrace support. Please note that Errant is still very early in development an
Rust port of Ghidra's SLEIGH decompiler
Rust port of Ghidra's SLEIGH decompiler. This library allows you to decompile or translate machine code for multiple architectures.
Rustcoin - A LightWeight SDK For Bitcoin, Ethernum
Rustcoin - A LightWeight SDK For Bitcoin, Ethernum
A Multitask Parallel Concurrent Executor for ns-3 (network simulator)
A Multitask Parallel Concurrent Executor for ns-3 (network simulator)
🕺 Run React code snippets/components from your command-line without config
Run React code snippets/components from your command-line without config.
Envful is a CLI tool that verifies the presence of environment variables
Envful is a CLI tool that verifies the presence of environment variables. It looks inside your .env file and the host system. You can use it to run any process while ensuring all the variables are set.
mail-builder is a flexible e-mail builder library written in Rust that generates RFC5322 compliant e-mail messages
mail-builder mail-builder is a flexible e-mail builder library written in Rust that generates RFC5322 compliant e-mail messages. The library has full
Here are a few cargo-generate templates for use when creating bevy applications
Bevy-template-rs Here are a few cargo-generate templates for use when creating bevy applications. Templates Game This is a template for starting a new
Small music theory library with MIDI capabilities written in Rust
mumuse Small music theory library with MIDI capabilities written in Rust (wip). Examples Creating notes and transpositions // Declare Note from &str l
A Rust application that inserts Discogs data dumps into Postgres
Discogs-load A Rust application that inserts Discogs data dumps into Postgres. Discogs-load uses a simple state machine with the quick-xml Rust librar
rust-postgres support library for the r2d2 connection pool
r2d2-postgres Documentation rust-postgres support library for the r2d2 connection pool. Example use std::thread; use r2d2_postgres::{postgres::NoTls,
Memcached support for the r2d2 connection pool (Rust)
Memcached support for the r2d2 connection pool (Rust)
rust-mysql-simple support library for the r2d2 connection pool
r2d2-mysql rust-mysql-simple support library for the r2d2 connection pool.
Rusqlite is an ergonomic wrapper for using SQLite from Rust
Rusqlite Rusqlite is an ergonomic wrapper for using SQLite from Rust. It attempts to expose an interface similar to rust-postgres. use rusqlite::{para
r2d2-cypher is a r2d2 connection pool for rusted-cypher
r2d2-cypher is a r2d2 connection pool for rusted-cypher
Diesel - ORM and Query Builder for Rust
A safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust API Documentation: latest release – master branch Homepage Diesel gets rid of the boilerplate for da
ODBC wrapper for safe idiomatic Rust
ODBC wrapper for safe idiomatic Rust Library for writing ODBC applications in Rust. If you're looking for raw ODBC FFI bindings check odbc-safe and od
ODBC adapter for r2d2 connection pool
ODBC adapter for r2d2 connection pool
A port of the Node.js library json-file-store
A port of the Node.js library json-file-store
This is an Oracle database driver for Rust based on ODPI-C
Rust-oracle This is an Oracle database driver for Rust based on ODPI-C. Change Log See ChangeLog.md. Build-time Requirements C compiler. See Compile-t
Oracle support for the r2d2 connection pool
r2d2-oracle The documentation can be found on docs.rs. Oracle support for the r2d2 connection pool. This fits in between the r2d2 connection manager a
LDAP client library
LDAP client library A pure-Rust LDAP client library using the Tokio stack. Compatibility with Tokio versions Tokio 1.0 is the long-term stable version
LDAP support for the r2d2 connection pool
r2d2-ldap LDAP support for the r2d2 connection pool Install Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] r2d2-ldap = "0.1.1" Basic Usage use std::threa
Auto launch any application or executable at startup
Auto Launch Auto launch any application or executable at startup. Supports Windows, Mac (via AppleScript or Launch Agent), and Linux. How does it work
Easier joystick, mouse and keyboard input handling in Bevy
Easier joystick, mouse and keyboard input handling in Bevy
CarLI is a framework for creating single-command and multi-command CLI applications in Rust
CarLI is a framework for creating single-command and multi-command CLI applications in Rust. The framework provides error and IO types better suited for the command line environment, especially in cases where unit testing is needed.
Graphical Rust program that uses a fractal algorithm to draw a tree of sorts
rusty-vegetation Graphical Rust program that uses a fractal algorithm to draw a "tree" of sorts. To Build and Run On Linux: Install build-essentials o
game engine built in rust, using wgpu and probably other stuff too
horizon game engine engine for devpty games, made in 99.9% rust and 0.1% shell. this is our main project currently. the engine will be used for most i
Provides a wrapper to deserialize clap app using serde.
clap-serde Provides a wrapper to deserialize clap app using serde. API Reference toml const CLAP_TOML: &'static str = r#" name = "app_clap_serde" vers
Web Server made with Rust - for learning purposes
Web Server made with Rust - for learning purposes
Fable Rust Raytracer - iOS version
Fable Rust Raytracer - iOS version Originally made by @ncave (https://github.com/ncave/fable-raytracer), port to iOS by @delneg Pre-requisites Rust, b
This is a cross-platform tool to historicize different branches/depots/manifests and generating pseudocode for it to compare different game updates
CSHP This is a cross-platform tool to historicize different branches/depots/manifests and generating pseudocode for it to compare different game updat
The never type (the true one!) in stable Rust.
::never-say-never The ! type. In stable Rust. Since 1.14.0. Better than an enum Never {} definition would be, since an instance of type ! automagicall
Noto-sans-mono-bitmap (Rust library)
noto-sans-mono-bitmap (Rust library) Pre-rasterized bitmap font from "Noto Sans Mono", an open font from Google. Original font files taken from: https
Simple island generator written in rust using bevy engine
Getting Started Easy enough to run cargo run --release Change generation speed Find the system set that looks like this .add_system_set(
OptFrame is an optimization framework focused in metaheuristic techniques
optframe-rust Welcome to OptFrame project in Rust. What is OptFrame? OptFrame is an optimization framework focused in metaheuristic techniques, develo
Idiomatic Rust bindings for Pdfium
Idiomatic Rust bindings for Pdfium pdfium-render provides an idiomatic high-level Rust interface around the low-level bindings to Pdfium exposed by th
bspipe A Rust implementation of Bidirectional Secure Pipe
bspipe A Rust implementation of Bidirectional Secure Pipe
Wordlet - a command line clone of Wordle, written in Rust.
Wordlet Wordlet is a command line clone of Wordle, written in Rust. Installation $ cargo install wordlet Usage After installation, start Wordlet by ty
Feign-RS (Rest client of Rust)
Feign-RS (Rest client of Rust)
A Rust wrapper for the Text synthesization service TextSynth API
A Rust wrapper for the Text synthesization service TextSynth API
A tool using binrw to read FFXIV data files
last-legend-dob A tool using binrw to read FFXIV data files. Mainly made to harvest the music from the game files for personal consumption, since it t
The Dutch secret service (AIVD) has a yearly puzzle challenge around Christmas
AIVD kerstpuzzel 2021 18 solver The Dutch secret service (AIVD) has a yearly puzzle challenge around Christmas, called the 'AIVD kerstpuzzel'. This re
Use the osu!direct button on the osu! website to download beatmaps directly to osu
osum!direct-web Use the osu!direct button on the osu! website to download beatmaps directly to osu! - without osu! supporter. Badges Usage Run the app
Rust NACL Wrapper API
Rust NACL Wrapper API NaCl (pronounced "salt") is a new easy-to-use high-speed software library for network communication, encryption, decryption, sig
Basic Redis Protocol specification in Rust
Basic Redis Protocol specification in Rust
CLI tool to encode/decode base64
b64 is a simple util to encode/decode base64 texts.
Una colección de libros y documentaciones de rust de creación propia
Documentación de Rust Esto son una serie de documentaciones, notas y pequeños libros acerca de rust. Es un proyecto en curso y por el momento no hay c
Rust + wasm + websockets
This is a template repo for eframe, a framework for writing apps using egui.
A simple power 4 game wrote in Rust.
🔴 🔵 Power 4 This is a simple power 4 game wrote in native Rust. There's only one dependencie for colored terminal. ❓ How to try it? To try this game
A cog-like tool, written in Rust.
Corg A cog-like tool, written in Rust. The primary difference between Cog and Corg is how Corg executes code blocks. Being written in Rust, it cannot
(Toy) Compiler Infrastructure influenced by LLVM written in Rust
Sericum Compiler Infrastructure influenced by LLVM written in Rust Do not expect too much stuff! To Do Implement basic block parameters Make it possib
Macro assembler for Rust
Macro Assembler This crate implement JSC/SpiderMonkey like macro assembler. Macro assembler purpose is to generate machine code for different platform
JIT compiler and runtime for a toy language, using Cranelift
Hello! This is a simple demo that JIT-compiles a toy language, using Cranelift. It uses the new JIT interface in development here. JIT takes care of m