Basic Redis Protocol specification in Rust


Basic Redis protocol implementation

Implements basic RESP encoding and parsing.

The client

Connecting to Redis

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
  let mut redis = Redis::connect("").await?;


Sending commands to Redis

println!("ERROR: {}", e), Reply::Ok(data_type) => println!("OK: {:?}", data_type), }; Ok(()) } ">
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
  let mut redis = Redis::connect("").await?;

  match redis.send("LLEN mylist").await? {
    Reply::Error(e) => println!("ERROR: {}", e),
    Reply::Ok(data_type) => println!("OK: {:?}", data_type),


The RESP parser

Parsing Simple Strings

use crate::resp;


Parsing Error

use crate::resp;

  resp::parse(b"-ERR unknown command 'foobar'\r\n".to_vec()),
    "ERR unknown command 'foobar'",

Parsing integers

use crate::resp;

assert_eq!(resp::parse(b":0\r\n".to_vec()), Ok(DataType::Int(0))),
assert_eq!(resp::parse(b":1000\r\n".to_vec()), Ok(DataType::Int(1000))),
assert_eq!(resp::parse(b":-3\r\n".to_vec()), Ok(DataType::Int(-3))),

Parsing Bulk Strings

use crate::resp;


Parsing Arrays

use crate::resp;

assert_eq!(resp::parse(b"*0\r\n".to_vec()), Ok(DataType::Array(vec![])))


Parsing Null

use crate::resp;

assert_eq!(resp::parse(b"$-1\r\n".to_vec()), Ok(DataType::Null))
assert_eq!(resp::parse(b"*-1\r\n".to_vec()), Ok(DataType::Null))

The RESP encoder

Encoding basic commands

  resp::encode(&"LLEN mylist"),
  resp::encode(&r#"SETEX mykey 10 "Hello""#),
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