Noto-sans-mono-bitmap (Rust library)


noto-sans-mono-bitmap (Rust library)

Pre-rasterized bitmap font from "Noto Sans Mono", an open font from Google.

Strictly speaking, this crate is more than a basic bitmap font, because it encodes each pixel as a byte and not as a bit, which results in a much nicer result on the screen.


  • no_std, zero allocations, no floating point operations
  • most important symbols, numbers, and letters as pre-rasterized bitmap
  • Noto Sans Mono font as base
  • different sizes and font weights (light, normal, bold)
  • nice anti-aliasing/smoothing and better looking than legacy bitmap fonts
  • every pixel is encoded in a byte (0-255) and not a bit, which results in a much nicer result on the screen.
  • relevant font sizes: 14, 16, 24, 32, and 64px (as optional build time features)

Screenshot of the bitmap font.

Terminology: Is Bitmap Font The Right Term?

Legacy (8x8) bitmap fonts usually refer to a font where each symbol is encoded in 8 bytes. The ones in a byte (0b00110000) means "pixel on" and the zeroes' means "pixel off". However, my bitmap font actually encodes the intensity of each pixel as a byte from 0 to 255. Hence, this is less size efficient than legacy bitmap fonts, but looks much better. I still use the term bitmap font, because that term is used and known when talking about pre-rasterized fonts/font rendering in an early stage of the boot process.

When To Use This Crate

If you develop a kernel, you usually don't want to use the FPU (i.e. only soft float), because otherwise you need to save the floating point registers on every context switch, which is expensive. Because nice font rendering of TTF fonts heavily relies on many floating point operations, this is not optimal inside a kernel (noticeable performance penalties). Furthermore, in my experience it was hard to get some of the popular font rasterization crates to compile with CPU features "+soft-float" and "-sse" (at least on x86_64).

Legacy 8x8 bitmap fonts are ugly when printed to the screen. My crate can be seen as a nice replacement with very nice anti-aliasing.

If you have a standard environment or support for floating point operations, you might want to rasterize the font by yourself with the crate fontdue and some TTF fonts rather than using my crate.

Minimal Code Example

use noto_sans_mono_bitmap::{get_bitmap, get_bitmap_width, BitmapHeight, FontWeight};

// Minimal example.
fn main() {
    let width = get_bitmap_width(FontWeight::Regular, BitmapHeight::Size16);
        "Each char of the mono-spaced font will be {}px in width if the font \
         weight={:?} and the bitmap height={}",
    let bitmap_char = get_bitmap('A', FontWeight::Regular, BitmapHeight::Size16).expect("unsupported char");
    println!("{:?}", bitmap_char);
    for (row_i, row) in bitmap_char.bitmap().iter().enumerate() {
        for (col_i, pixel) in row.iter().enumerate() {
            println!("[{:02}][{:02}]: {:03}", row_i, col_i, pixel);

Cargo Build Time Features

If all Cargo features are available, this bitmap fonts supports light, regular, and bold, but no italic style, because Noto Sans Mono doesn't have an italic TTF file. The rasterization was done with the awesome fontdue-Crate.

By default, all sizes and font styles/weights are included via the cargo feature all. This can be restricted by only using features such as regular and size_14. Anyhow, a test of mine showed, that including all features in a release build only increases the file size by a few dozen to a few hundred kilobytes. The Rust compiler is really smart throwing out unused parts of the bitmap font, even if they are included as dependency. Your binary will not be bloated by a few megabytes, according to my findings.

The bitmap font includes the following unicode range:

  • LATIN 1 Supplement

This means unicode symbols from 0 .. 0x17f, hence letters and symbols from a QWERTZ/QWERTY keyboard plus symbols such as Ö, Ä, and Ü. Control characters are not included.

Quick Demo

$ cargo run --example show_chars_in_window

Build Prerequisites

Because the examples uses "minifb" as dependency, on Linux the package libxkbcommon-dev is required to run them. This is not necessary, if you just use this crate as dependency.


See LICENSE file in repository.


Rust stable 1.52.1.

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  • v0.2.0(Oct 7, 2022)

    v0.2.0 (2022-10-07)

    • Breaking renamed get_bitmap to get_raster
    • Breaking renamed get_bitmap_width to get_raster_width
    • Breaking renamed BitmapHeight to RasterHeight
    • Breaking Now there are only the following RasterHeight available: 16, 20, 24, 32. Otherwise the space requirements are too big, especially, if new symbols are added in the future.
    • it's clear now which unicode ranges are supported: check the Cargo.toml's feature section
    • changed the amount and naming of modules that are offered
      • now, there is a *_default and *_all module for font-weight, raster height, and unicode ranges

    Furthermore, I investigated the impact on size. The crate size (what needs to be downloaded) is relatively high. It is multiple MiB. However, after compilation, this is very small. The compiler reliably discards unused code paths. For example, if basic-latin and latin-1-supplement are used with FontWeight::Regular and RasterHeight::14, then the overhead is less than 200KiB. If the full support of all currently supported font weights and raster heights is needed, this adds about 5 MiB to the binary.

    While the compiler can reliable discards unused font weights, it can not reliably discard unused unicode ranges. Usually, if you pass a char to get_raster, the whole variety of unicode ranges can be reached. Thus, Rust doesn't discard unused ranges. Hence, it is recommended to only select the unicode ranges that you do need.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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