Rust library for emulating RISC-V rv32imac



Rust library for emulating 32-bit RISC-V

build tests

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This library can execute instructions against any memory and register file that implements the required primitives in the traits lib_rv32::traits::{Memory, RegisterFile}. This is to encourage usage with whatever frontend you desire.

However, reference implementations are provided in lib_rv32::mcu. The library provides functions to read from the memory, registers, and step a single instruction. Since, the user decides when to call these functions, these will probably fit most use-cases.


use std::path::Path;

use lib_rv32::mcu::*;
use lib_rv32::exec_one;

fn main() {
    let mut mcu: Mcu = Mcu::new(1024 * 64);

        .expect("Could not program MCU.");

    loop {
        exec_one(&mut mcu.pc, &mut mcu.mem, &mut mcu.rf).unwrap();



The CLI is one example of how the core library can be used in an application. The primary use of the CLI is tracing execution of RISC-V programs and making assertions about their behavior. It currently only supports simple binary memory images (not ELF binaries).

    lrv-cli [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] 

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Enable verbose logging

    -a, --assertions     A JSON formatted set of assertions.
    -m, --mem              Set the size of the MCU memory (default 64 KB).
    -s, --stop              Set the program counter at which to stop emulation.

        RISC-V binary to execute


Enter assertions into a JSON file (note: all numbers are strings to allow for hex or decimal radices).


    "registers": {
        "x0": "0x0",
        "a0": "20"
    "memory": {
        "0x0000": "0x00010117"

Then run:

lrv-cli -v ./prog.bin -s 24 -a assert.json

This will execute prog.bin, stop at the PC value 0x24, and then make the assertions from assert.json.

The program will trace the execution instruction-by-instruction:

[0000]  00010117  |  auipc  sp, 0x10           |  sp <- 0x10000 (65536);
[0004]  fe010113  |  addi   sp, sp, -32        |  sp <- 0xffe0 (65504);
[0008]  00400513  |  addi   a0, zero, 4        |  a0 <- 0x4 (4);
[000c]  00500593  |  addi   a1, zero, 5        |  a1 <- 0x5 (5);
[0010]  00000097  |  auipc  ra, 0x0            |  ra <- 0x10 (16);
[0014]  018080e7  |  jalr   ra, (24)ra         |  ra <- 0x18 (24); pc <- 0x28;

When complete, it will summarize results:

[001c]  f0028293  |  addi   t0, t0, -256       |  t0 <- 0xf00 (3840);
[0020]  00a2a023  |  sw     a0, 0(t0)          |  (word *)0x00000f00 <- 0x14 (20);

Reached stop-PC.

a0 == 20
*0x00000000 == 65815


This project has a very flexible testing system.

Unit-tests are provided wherever appropriate.

Additionally, to test the whole system, test programs can be added to tests/programs. A test is simply a directory containing .c and .s source files and a test_case.json consisting of assertions about the state of the MCU after the program is complete.

During testing, Cargo will for each test:

  1. Compile it for RISC-V
  2. Spin up a new MCU
  3. Program it with the generated binary
  4. Run the test program for some number of cycles
  5. Make assertions
  6. Report succes or failure

If a test fails, it will describe the error that caused the crash or the assertion that failed and print an object dump of the compiled test binary:

[001c]  f0028293  |  addi   t0, t0, -256       |  t0 <- 0xf00 (3840);
[0020]  00a2a023  |  sw     a0, 0(t0)          |  (word *)0x00000f00 <- 0x14 (20);
Stopping because the stop PC 0x24 was reached.

Failed test: tests/programs/mul@0x00000024: Register assertion failed: (x10=0x00000014) != 0x00000018.

prog.elf:     file format elf32-littleriscv

Disassembly of section .text.init:

00000000 :
   0:   00010117                auipc   sp,0x10
   4:   fe010113                addi    sp,sp,-32 # ffe0 <__global_pointer$+0xf75c>
   8:   00400513                li      a0,4
   c:   00500593                li      a1,5

Tests are run in CI, but can be run locally provided your system has riscv(32|64)-unknown-elf-gcc.


  • Base/integer ISA (i)
    • Basic support
    • CSR/interrupt instructions
  • Multiply (m)
  • Atomics (a)
  • Compressed (c)
  • Support ELF binaries
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