Rust scaffold system with Lua embedded applets.



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Frontend screenshot


Rendered sample code (Lua 5.1 - luajit)

Sample code rendered screenshot

Sample source code

Sample code screenshot


  • GET / - Frontend w/Editor - Lua 5.1 support (Under development)

Applets (runner) - Lua 5.1 Interpreter (modPHP-Like)

  • GET /api/runner/:applet_id?param1=value&param2=value - query_string
  • POST /api/runner/:applet_id?param1=value&param2=value - query_string and Form URL encoded


Default tables:

  • request_form (POST)
  • request_query_string (GET,POST)
  • request_cookies (GET,POST)


  • echo (Render HTML like PHP)
Sample code
function debug_api()
    local html_header = [[
        table, th, td {
          border: 1px solid black;
          border-collapse: collapse;
    local html_footer = [[

    if request_form
        local table_header = [[
            <h2>Logon - (request_form)</h2>
        for k,v in pairs(request_form) do
            local key_column = "<td>" .. k .. "</td>"
            local value_column = "<td>" .. v .. "</td>"
        echo ("</tbody></table>")
    if request_query_string
        local table_header = [[
            <h2>Logon - (request_query_string)</h2>
        for k,v in pairs(request_query_string ) do
            local key_column = "<td>" .. k .. "</td>"
            local value_column = "<td>" .. v .. "</td>"
        echo ("</tbody></table>")
    if request_cookies
        local table_header = [[
            <h2>Logon - (request_cookies)</h2>
        for k,v in pairs(request_cookies) do
            local key_column = "<td>" .. k .. "</td>"
            local value_column = "<td>" .. v .. "</td>"
        echo ("</tbody></table>")


function main()

Sample code(rendered)

Sample code screenshot


  • HEAD /api/applets - Read (Count)
  • GET /api/applets - Read (All)
  • GET /api/applets/:id - Read (One)
  • POST /api/applets - Create (One)
  • PATCH /api/applets/:id - Update (One)
  • DELETE /api/applets/:id - Delete (One)


  • HEAD /api/users - Read (Count)
  • GET /api/users - Read (All)
  • GET /api/users/:id - Read (One)
  • POST /api/users - Create (One)
  • PATCH /api/users/:id - Update (One)
  • DELETE /api/users/:id - Delete (One)


  • HEAD /api/departments - Read (Count)
  • GET /api/departments - Read (All)
  • GET /api/departments/:id - Read (One)
  • POST /api/departments - Create (One)
  • PATCH /api/departments/:id - Update (One)
  • DELETE /api/departments/:id - Delete (One)


  • HEAD /api/permissions - Read (Count)
  • GET /api/permissions - Read (All)
  • GET /api/permissions/:id - Read (One)
  • POST /api/permissions - Create (One)
  • PATCH /api/permissions/:id - Update (One)
  • DELETE /api/permissions/:id - Delete (One)


$ make

Makefile Help
======== ====

        make            - This message!
        make help       - This message!
        make prep       - Prepare project to open inside vscode
        make release    - Generate release artifact
        make debug      - Generate debug artifact
        make tests      - Compile and run tests
        make audit      - Check dependencies licenses and disclosured vulnerabilities
        make clean      - Clean compilation files and artifact folder: './dist'

   If you don't know what to choose, type:

        make release

CLI help

$ ./brickpack-2022 --help
BrickPack 0.1.0

    brickpack-2022 [OPTIONS]

            Hostname for auto-generated TLS cert [env: AUTO_TLS_FOR_HOSTNAME=]

    -e, --endpoints
            Show endpoint names

            Enable tokio-console [env: ENABLE_TOKIO_CONSOLE=]

    -h, --help
            Print help information

            IPv4 address to listen [env: IPV4_ADDRESS=]

            Port number to listen [env: IPV4_PORT=]

            TLS certificate file [env: TLS_CERT_PATH=]

            TLS private key file [env: TLS_KEY_PATH=]

    -V, --version
            Print version information

Getting started

Install dependencies:

# Ubuntu Linux
sudo apt-get install build-essential make musl-tools -y

Install Rust:

# Install Rust compiler
$ curl -sSf | sh
# Clone repo
$ git clone --depth=1 --recursive
# Build project(Release) and Run
$ cd ./brickpack
$ make release
$ cd ./dist/release
$ ./brickpack-2022

Lean artifact (< 12 MB)

The whole artifact is built with static compiling using musl target.

$  ls -lh
total 11M
-rwxrwxr-x 1 user user 11M jan 15 00:34 brickpack-2022
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 48K jan 15 00:24 database.sqlite3

$ ldd ./dist/release/brickpack-2022 
        statically linked

Startup message

$ ./brickpack-2022 
2022-01-07T20:49:32.820952Z  INFO web_server: Starting App [Brickpack v0.1.0]:
2022-01-07T20:49:32.820969Z  INFO web_server: Tracing started successfully
2022-01-07T20:49:32.820977Z  INFO web_server: RUST_LOG was not set. Setting default value: RUST_LOG=info
2022-01-07T20:49:32.820988Z  INFO web_server: File `.env` not found!
2022-01-07T20:49:32.821499Z  INFO application_models::database: Bootstraping database...
2022-01-07T20:49:32.821675Z  INFO application_models::database: Database bootstrapped!
2022-01-07T20:49:32.821748Z  INFO web_server: Webserver started!
2022-01-07T20:49:32.821759Z  INFO web_server: Listening on

Show endpoints

$ ./tide-crud-users -e

  Internal Endpoints:
    /                - index_page
    /maintenance     - maintenance
    /auth            - check_auth

   # TODO

Running with all options

RUST_LOG=trace ./brickpack-2022 --ipv4-address= --ipv4-port=8000 --enable-tokio-console  --tls-cert-path ./some-test-ca/ecdsa/end.cert --tls-key-path ./some-test-ca/ecdsa/end.key
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