⚡ Fast Web Security Scanner written in Rust based on Lua Scripts 🌖 🦀


⚠️ We're Looking for maintainers #39


Fast Web Security Scanner written in Rust based on Lua Scripts 🌖 🦀

Currently this project is still under beta version, there are alot of features that are still under developing it would be better if you make a contribute to this project to make it finish faster, you can check the project issues page for more, Don't forget to Join Us on Discord


you can build it from source

$ cargo install --git=https://github.com/rusty-sec/lotus/

or download the binary file from the release page

| img[onerror="alert()"][src="x"] ❯ cat test.json | jq [ { "risk": "medium", "name": "reflected cross site scripting", "description": "https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/xss/", "url": "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1%22%3E%3Cimg+src%3Dx+onerror%3Dalert%28%29%3E", "param": "cat", "attack": "\">", "evidence": "img[src=\"x\"][onerror=\"alert()\"]" } ] [ { "risk": "high", "name": "SQL Injection", "description": "https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/SQL_Injection", "url": "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1%27123", "param": "cat", "attack": "'123", "evidence": "check the manual that (corresponds to|fits) your MySQL server version" }, { "risk": "high", "name": "SQL Injection", "description": "https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/SQL_Injection", "url": "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1%27%27123", "param": "cat", "attack": "''123", "evidence": "check the manual that (corresponds to|fits) your MySQL server version" } ]">
echo "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1" | lotus --scripts fuzzer/active --workers 30 --output test.json
🔥 RXSS: http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1%22%3E%3Cimg+src%3Dx+onerror%3Dalert%28%29%3E | "> | img[onerror="alert()"][src="x"]

❯ cat test.json | jq
    "risk": "medium",
    "name": "reflected cross site scripting",
    "description": "https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/xss/",
    "url": "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1%22%3E%3Cimg+src%3Dx+onerror%3Dalert%28%29%3E",
    "param": "cat",
    "attack": "\">>",
    "evidence": "img[src=\"x\"][onerror=\"alert()\"]"
    "risk": "high",
    "name": "SQL Injection",
    "description": "https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/SQL_Injection",
    "url": "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1%27123",
    "param": "cat",
    "attack": "'123",
    "evidence": "check the manual that (corresponds to|fits) your MySQL server version"
    "risk": "high",
    "name": "SQL Injection",
    "description": "https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/SQL_Injection",
    "url": "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1%27%27123",
    "param": "cat",
    "attack": "''123",
    "evidence": "check the manual that (corresponds to|fits) your MySQL server version"
Lotus 0.2-beta
Khaled Nassar <[email protected]>
Fast Web Security Scanner written in Rust based on Lua Scripts

    lotus [OPTIONS] --workers <workers> --scripts <scripts> --output <output> [nolog]

    <nolog>    no logging

    -h, --help                               Print help information
    -l, --log <log>                          Save all lots to custom file
    -o, --output <output>                    Path of the JSON output fiel
    -s, --scripts <scripts>                  Path of scripts dir
    -t, --script-threads <script_threads>    Workers for lua scripts [default: 5]
    -V, --version                            Print version information
    -w, --workers <workers>                  Number of works of urls [default: 10]


Function About output type Example
is_match check if regex is matching with the text or not bool is_match("\d\d\d","123") -- true
println print message above the progress bar Nil println("XSS FOUND :D")
log_info logging with info level Nil log_info("Hello")
log_debug logging with debug level Nil log_debug("Hello")
log_warn logging with warn level Nil log_warn("Hello")
log_error logging with error level Nil log_error("Hello")
generate_css_selector generate Css Selector pattern for Xss payloads String generate_css_selector("
html_parse get the type of your payload in the response page List of Location Enum html_parse("

","hackerman") -- AttrName

html_search Search with CSS Selector in HTML String html_search("


change_urlquery add your payload to all url parameters Table (List) change_urlquery("http://google.com/?hello=1","hacker")
set_urlvalue Change custom parameter value in the url String set_urlvalue("http://google.com/?test=1","test","hacker")
urljoin Join Path to the url String urljoin("http://google.com/","/search")
send_req send Get http request to the url Table with ( url , status , body , errors ) send_req("https://google.com")


To get the value from lua script you can call it with value:GetEnumTypeOrNil

  • send_req
pub enum RespType {
local resp = send_req("http://google.com")
if resp.errors:GetErrorOrNil() == nil then
  -- NO Connection ERRORS
  if string.find(resp.body:GetStrOrNil(),"google") then
    log_info("FOUND GOOGLE")
  • html_parse
pub enum Location {
Hello","Hello") for index_key,index_value in ipairs(searcher) do if index_value:GetTextOrNil() then println(string.format("FOUND IT IN TEXT %s",index_value:GetTextOrNil())) end end">
local searcher = html_parse("


,"Hello") for index_key,index_value in ipairs(searcher) do if index_value:GetTextOrNil() then println(string.format("FOUND IT IN TEXT %s",index_value:GetTextOrNil())) end end
  • interact.sh API

    interact.sh API

    lotus needs OAST client for interact.sh

    here's the client in Python as an example

    class Interactsh:
        # Source: https://github.com/knownsec/pocsuite3/blob/master/pocsuite3/modules/interactsh/__init__.py
        def __init__(self, token="", server=""):
            rsa = RSA.generate(2048)
            self.public_key = rsa.publickey().exportKey()
            self.private_key = rsa.exportKey()
            self.token = token
            self.server = server.lstrip('.') or 'interact.sh'
            self.headers = {
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
            if self.token:
                self.headers['Authorization'] = self.token
            self.secret = str(uuid4())
            self.encoded = b64encode(self.public_key).decode("utf8")
            guid = uuid4().hex.ljust(33, 'a')
            guid = ''.join(i if i.isdigit() else chr(ord(i) + random.randint(0, 20)) for i in guid)
            self.domain = f'{guid}.{self.server}'
            self.correlation_id = self.domain[:20]
            self.session = requests.session()
            self.session.headers = self.headers
            self.session.verify = False
            self.session.proxies = proxies
        def register(self):
            data = {
                "public-key": self.encoded,
                "secret-key": self.secret,
                "correlation-id": self.correlation_id
            res = self.session.post(
                f"https://{self.server}/register", headers=self.headers, json=data, timeout=30)
            if 'success' not in res.text:
                raise Exception("Can not initiate interact.sh DNS callback client")
        def pull_logs(self):
            result = []
            url = f"https://{self.server}/poll?id={self.correlation_id}&secret={self.secret}"
            res = self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=30).json()
            aes_key, data_list = res['aes_key'], res['data']
            for i in data_list:
                decrypt_data = self.__decrypt_data(aes_key, i)
            return result
        def __decrypt_data(self, aes_key, data):
            private_key = RSA.importKey(self.private_key)
            cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(private_key, hashAlgo=SHA256)
            aes_plain_key = cipher.decrypt(base64.b64decode(aes_key))
            decode = base64.b64decode(data)
            bs = AES.block_size
            iv = decode[:bs]
            cryptor = AES.new(key=aes_plain_key, mode=AES.MODE_CFB, IV=iv, segment_size=128)
            plain_text = cryptor.decrypt(decode)
            return json.loads(plain_text[16:])
        def __parse_log(self, log_entry):
            new_log_entry = {"timestamp": log_entry["timestamp"],
                             "host": f'{log_entry["full-id"]}.{self.domain}',
                             "remote_address": log_entry["remote-address"]
            return new_log_entry
    opened by knassar702 3
  • Installing Error

    Installing Error

    Hello, When I was trying to install the tool, I got an error image

    But I don't have enough knowledge to figure out what happened, and what is the solution are you can help me with that?

    good first issue 
    opened by xElkomy 1
  • removed redundant features from mlua

    removed redundant features from mlua

    Tealr already passes the features to mlua. No need to set them again in mlua.

    Some features from mlua (actually, most of them) break its API in some way that tealr needs to know about. As a result, I highly recommend to not enable any features in mlua directly but instead enable their equivalent in tealr. Doing this enables them in mlua (including in the mlua you depend directly on) and makes it harder to accidentally enable a feature only in mlua, which can cause compile errors.

    Ideally, you don't depend on mlua directly and instead use the reexport under tealr::mlu::mlua to side step this entire problem but I also agree that depending on mlua directly is nicer if its used a lot and it isn't a problem for as long as you keep the feature thing in mind.

    opened by lenscas 1
  • print the report automatically

    print the report automatically

    i think we can just print the report in the CLI for the use without using the println function just add the report and lotus will display it

        NewReport:setName("reflected cross site scripting")
    [+] Reflected XSS on: {URL}
    [!] Vulnerable Parameter: {PARAM}
    [!] Risk: {RISK}
    [!] Used Payload: {PAYLOAD} 
    [!] Matching Pattern: {MATCHING PATTERN}
    [!] Matched with: {MATCHIGN}
    opened by knassar702 0
  • [lua-api] xss payloads generator

    [lua-api] xss payloads generator

    we need to make something to generate xss payloads based of the location of the reflected point

    Avaible locatons

    • HTML TAG
    • TEXT
    opened by knassar702 0
  • Convert Lua Talbes to Vec or HashMap in reporting side

    Convert Lua Talbes to Vec or HashMap in reporting side

    when you tried to run some lua scripts like sqli.lua script you will find a weird thing in the reports, there's no List only hashmaps with numbers of index

    we can convert it from this

      "5": {
        "payload": "\"\"123",
        "match": "Warning.*?\\Wmysqli?_",
        "url": "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/artists.php?artist=1%22%22123"

    to this

      "report": [ {
        "payload": "\"\"123",
        "match": "Warning.*?\\Wmysqli?_",
        "url": "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/artists.php?artist=1%22%22123"

    lotus report handler

                  let mut test_report: HashMap<String, mlua::Value> = HashMap::new();
                        .get::<_, mlua::Table>("REPORT")
                        .pairs::<String, mlua::Value>()
                        .for_each(|out_report| {
                            let current_out = out_report.clone();
                            test_report.insert(current_out.unwrap().0, out_report.unwrap().1);
                    let results = serde_json::to_string(&test_report).unwrap();
    bug core-changes 
    opened by knassar702 0
  • Change http method with send_req function

    Change http method with send_req function

    headers = {}
    headers["User-agent"] = "Firefox"
    opened by knassar702 0
  • raw http request handler

    raw http request handler

    I think lotus need to make the payload injection process simple to the user, so instead of calling a lot of functions to change the parameters values like this

    for payload in PAYLOADS:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
       new_querys = HttpMessage:setAllParams("testxss")
       for param_name, pay_url in pairs(new_querys) do 
          -- scanner logic

    to this

    HttpMessage -> 
        set_payload(new_txt) -> set the chosien parameter value to the new_txt parameter value
        get_method() -> get http method
        get_url() -> get the request url
        get_body() -> get the request 
        get_targetparam() -> get the current param
        injection_point() -> get the injection point [body, url parameter value, url parameter name, url path, headers]
        set_*() -> to change all of get_* functions value
    for payload in PAYLOADS:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
        new_req = HttpMessage:set_payload("xss_test")

    this will make the normal scanning tasks easier and faster for reading or writing

    inspired by zaproxy scripting


    new-api core-changes 
    opened by knassar702 0
  • Set scripts loading limit

    Set scripts loading limit

    There is a possibility to set a limit for loading and reading lua scripts, for example, by using the command --limit 5 (5 scripts per URL).

    We can read five scripts for each url if we have 100 scripts; when the five scripts end, we can read five more scripts for that url.

    opened by knassar702 2
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