Extreme Bevy is what you end up with by following my tutorial series on how to make a low-latency p2p web game.


Extreme Bevy

Extreme Bevy is what you end up with by following my tutorial series on how to make a low-latency p2p web game.

There game can be played here: https://helsing.studio/extreme

It's a showcase on how to use the following together:

  • Bevy: ECS game engine for rust users.
  • GGRS for rollback networking
  • Matchbox for p2p connections between browsers

Word of caution

I intend to keep the git history of this repo as clean as possible. That means that whenever there is a new major version of one of my dependencies (or a bug fix). I'll rebase the history, instead of putting the commit at the end. That way I can easily link from the tutorial to relevant commits in the history in this repo. It also means I will force-push main and move tags around.


This project is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal. I'd be happy to hear if you found it useful or made anything with it, though! @jkhelsing.

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