Random utility stuff for bevy for my personal use. You're welcome to use it, too, if you like.



Random utility stuff for bevy for my personal use. You're welcome to use it, too, if you like.


It's all in the prelude: use bevy_cleancut::prelude::*

Thing Does What?
play_sound Plays a single sound effect with a minor, random pitch alteration which then despawns itself.
collision_started Easy way to verify if entities of two specific types have started colliding. (bevy_rapier2d)
collision_stopped Easy way to verify if entities of two specific types have stopped colliding. (bevy_rapier2d)
particle_trail_bundle Creates a particle trail as a bundle to be added as a child to an entity
spawn_particle_poof Creates a oneshot particle system that poofs in a global location
PlayerColors A struct with nice default colors to use for players


bevy bevy_cleancut
0.14.* 0.1.0-0.2.x
< 0.14 Unsupported
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