6196 Repositories
Rust learn-rust-the-hard-way Libraries
BingGPT command line client, written in rust.
BingGPT BingGPT command line client, written in rust 中文说明 This project is a rust language implementation of EdgeGPT, all the hard stuff was done by th
A pretty simple tool for password generation, written in Rust.
passwdgen A pretty simple tool for password generation, written in Rust. Usage: passwdgen - a pretty simple tool for password generation Usage: passw
Write UTXO-based Susbtrate Runtimes
Tuxedo Write UTXO-based Substrate Runtimes Table of Contents Architecture Repository Contents Tuxedo Core Template Runtime Template Node Wallet Fundin
A code generator to reduce repetitive tasks and build high-quality Rust libraries. 🦀
LibMake A code generator to reduce repetitive tasks and build high-quality Rust libraries Welcome to libmake 👋 Website • Documentation • Report Bug •
Charted's email service built in Rust that can be connected via gRPC
email-service is a small microservice to help transfer emails towards other people without trying to implement it in different languages. This is used in charted-server for member invitations, passwordless authentication, and more.
Neovim plugin for moving lines up and down, written in Rust
Moveline.nvim Moveline is a simple plugin for moving lines up and down. It's written in Rust using my library nvim-utils. Installation Moveline can be
SQL database to read and write "discord"
GlueSQL Discord Storage After discussing how CI testing will be managed, we plan to move it upstream. Precautions for use discord ToS https://discord.
Rosenpass is a formally verified, post-quantum secure VPN that uses WireGuard to transport the actual data.
Rosenpass README This repository contains A description of the Rosenpass protocol The reference implementation of the protocol – the rosenpass tool A
Rust-based CLI library for OpenAI ChatGPT API
This is a Rust library that provides a CLI (command-line interface) for easy and convenient access to the OpenAI ChatGPT API. The library offers a simple and straightforward way to integrate the ChatGPT API into your Rust-based applications.
"Philips Ambilight for desktops". A tool to generate color palettes from your desktop wallpaper and send them to Home Assistant.
Desktop Dye DesktopDye is an open source project written in Rust that allows users to have their lights paired with Home Assistant adjust to the most
🦀 Rust crate that allows creating weighted prefix trees that can be used in autocomplete
weighted_trie 🦀 Rust crate that allows creating weighted prefix trees that can be used in autocomplete Released API Docs Quickstart To use weigthed-t
A CLI and library to convert data to sound, and vice versa (dependency-free)
Data to sound A simple crate to convert data to sound, and sound to data. The sound file format is wave (.wav). You can use it as a library or as a co
Lightweight, higher-order parser in Rust.
Higher Order Parser HOP is a lightweight, higher-order parser in Rust. Hi-Parser provides a more Haskell-like parser style, and explores the ? syntax
🐢 Our game engine written in Rust 🦀
tort Our game engine using Vulkan based on Bevy, written in Rust 🦀 🚨 Warning 🚨 This library is still experimental and should not be used for anythi
c-library wrapper around the rust pdb crate
pdbcrust: pdbcrust is a c-library wrapper around the rust pdb crate. The API only exports a minimum subset of the pdb crate functionality. The project
Course Material for Ardan Labs - Ultimate Rust: Foundations
Ultimate Rust 1: Foundations Presented by Ardan Labs, Ultima Rust: Foundations gives you a "zero to hero" class to get you started with Rust. You'll l
💬 a CLI for learning to distribute CLIs in rust
axolotlsay 💬 a CLI for learning to distribute CLIs in rust Usage axolotlsay "hello world" +-------------+ | hello world |
Browse and listen to thousands of radio stations across the globe right from your terminal 🌎 📻 🎵✨
TuneIn CLI A command line interface for TuneIn Radio. You can search for stations, play them, and see what's currently playing. 🚚 Installation Compil
RanvOS, (from norwegian; raven), is a operative system programmed in Rust
RanvOS, (from norwegian; raven), is a operative system programmed in Rust. Aims to be; minimal, stable, secure and modern ( this maybe you know as; state-of-art ).
⚡ Blazing ⚡ fast ⚡ compiler for Cairo, written in 🦀 Rust 🦀
Cairo 1.0 🐺 ⚡ Blazing ⚡ fast ⚡ compiler for Cairo, written in 🦀 Rust 🦀 Report a Bug - Request a Feature - Ask a Question Getting Started Prerequisi
TopK algorithm implementation in Rust (Filtered Space-Saving)
TopK TopK algorithm implementation in Rust. This crate currently provides the Filtered Space-Saving algorithm. Version numbers follow the semver conve
⚡ Blazing fast async/await HTTP client for Python written on Rust using reqwests
Reqsnaked Reqsnaked is a blazing fast async/await HTTP client for Python written on Rust using reqwests. Works 15% faster than aiohttp on average RAII
GTK 4 front-end to ChatGPT completions written in Rust
ChatGPT GUI Building git clone [email protected]:teunissenstefan/chatgpt-gui.git cd chatgpt-gui cargo build --release Todo Connect insert_text to only al
Rust regex in ECMAScript regular expression syntax!
ecma_regex The goal of ecma_regex is to provide the same functionality as the regex crate in ECMAScript regular expression syntax. Reliable regex engi
A repo for learning how to parallelize computations in the GPU using Apple's Metal, in Rust.
Metal playground in rust Made for learning how to parallelize computations in the GPU using Apple's Metal, in Rust, via the metal crate. Overview The
A blazingly fast & lightweight Obsidian CLI ⚡️
obs - the Obsidian CLI ⚡️ Connecting your second brain to the termainl - blazing fast ⚡️ Note 🚧 obs is under active development and currently only su
SimpleX Chat GUI built with Rust, Tauri and Yew
simplex-desktop A desktop application for simplex-chat. WIP, contributions are welcome. Architecture For the back end we rust with tauri and frontend
An opinionated 2D sparse grid made for use with Bevy. For storing and querying entities
bevy_sparse_grid_2d An opinionated 2D sparse grid made for use with Bevy. For storing and querying entities. Personally, I'm using it for simple stupi
Free and open-source reimplementation of Native Mouse Lock (display_mouse_lock) in rust.
dml-rs display_mouse_lock in rust. Free, open-source reimplementation of display_mouse_lock (Native Mouse Lock) in Rust. Written because I felt like i
A high-performance Rust library designed to seamlessly integrate with the Discord API.
Rucord - Rust Library for Discord API Interactions Note: This library is currently under development and is not yet recommended for production use. Ov
port sniffer, multithreading
SniffSniff I am trying to learn Rust programming language. Here is a small project that sniffs the ports of a given host. I want to give some info wha
Easily add metrics to your system -- and actually understand them using automatically customized Prometheus queries
A Rust macro that makes it easy to understand the error rate, response time, and production usage of any function in your code. Jump from your IDE to
A MITM Proxy Written in Rust 🦀! Toolkit for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets with SSL/TLS Capabilities. Learning Project.
Man In The Middle Proxy Description Rust-based Man in the Middle proxy, an early-stage project aimed at providing visibility into network traffic. Cur
Extract the dominant colors from any image.
Paleta Find the dominant color palette from any image and manage palettes with Paleta. An intuitive tool for designers, artists, or anyone looking to
A type-safe Rust interface to the Nix CLI
runix A typesafe interface to the nix CLI. by flox Installation Install with cargo add (Rust = 1.64) cargo add runix Alternatively, manually add runi
Preview Image in CLI.
PIC 📷 PIC (Preview Image in CLI ) is a lightweight Rust tool to preview images in your terminal! With support for various image protocols (Kitty, Six
3D wechat jump-jump game made with bevy engine.
English jump-jump 微信跳一跳游戏 角色跳跃动画 角色和平台蓄力效果 角色蓄力粒子特效 角色摔落效果 相机跟随 自动生成平台 飘分效果 分数统计 游戏UI 游戏音效 WASM支持 在线游玩:点这里(电脑版Chrome/Firefox/Edge打开) 运行 本地运行 cargo run
An open source WCH-Link library/command line tool written in Rust.
wlink - WCH-Link command line tool NOTE: This tool is still in development and not ready for production use. Known Issue: Only support binary firmware
🏭 Convert Markdown documents into themed HTML pages with support for code syntax highlighting, LaTeX and Mermaid diagrams.
Marky Markdown Magician 🧙 Features Hot reload previewing 🔥 Conversion to HTML / PDF 🏭 Themes! ✨ Extensions - Math, diagrams, syntax-highlighting 🧩
Proost - A small proof assistant written in Rust
A simple proof assistant written in Rust. The specification of the project may be found here, and the user manual here. The API documentation c
A simple forum engine written in rust.
Hikari - Forum Engine based on Rust Still in progress Build the web server # Build the app cargo run --bin build-server # Run the app cargo run --bin
This is a UPnP client library for Rust.
UPnP Client This is a UPNP client library for Rust. Usage Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] upnp-client = "0.1" Example This example will pr
Testing out if Rust can be used for a normal Data Engineering Pipeline.
RustForDataPipelines Testing out if Rust can be used for a normal Data Engineering Pipeline. Check out the full blog post here. https://www.confession
gomicollector is a simple mark-sweep garbage collector in Rust.
gomicollector gomicollector is a simple mark-sweep garbage collector in Rust. gomicollector collects garbage when the heap is full. Since pointer oper
Compiler & Interpreter for the (rather new and very experimental) Y programming language.
Y Lang Why would anyone build a new (and rather experimental) language with no real world use case. Design Y (pronounced as why) is based on the idea
HTTP Proxy based solution for real-time interception and prioritization of SQL queries.
starproxy ⚠️ starproxy is a prototype: Not currently used in production, but will likely be some day. Table of Contents starproxy Table of Contents Ba
Quickner is a new tool to quickly annotate texts for NER (Named Entity Recognition). It is written in Rust and accessible through a Python API.
Quickner ⚡ A simple, fast, and easy to use NER annotator for Python Quickner is a new tool to quickly annotate texts for NER (Named Entity Recognition
Coinkite Tap Protocol implementation for use with SATSCARD™ and TAPSIGNER™ products
rust-cktap A Rust implementation of the Coinkite Tap Protocol for use with SATSCARD and TAPSIGNER products. Desktop Example Prerequisites USB PCSC NFC
Rust crate for obfuscating string literals.
Obfustring This crate provides a obfuscation macro for string literals. This makes it easy to protect them from common reverse engineering attacks lik
Rust - Build a CRUD API with SQLX and PostgreSQL
In this article, you'll learn how to build a CRUD API in Rust using SQLX, Actix-web, and PostgreSQL. Learning how to build a CRUD API as a developer will equip you with valuable skills for building robust, maintainable, and scalable applications.
Rust continuation of the Skyrim AE Uncapper.
Previous Versions My original, C++, implementation of this mod (versions 1.1.0 and below) Vadfromnu's SE/AE update to Kassents original mod Kassent's
A template for writing CMSIS-Pack flash algorithms in Rust
Flash Algorithm Template This is a flash algorithm template for writing CMSIS-Pack flash algorithms in Rust. It can be used to generate new flash algo
Simple rust asset handling derive macro for enums, and a proc-macro learning resource!
asset-derive Summary • Todos • Docs Summary Simple Rust asset loading derive macro for Enums, and a resource for learning proc-macros! Please feel fre
Regorus - Rego interpreter, analyzer and validator written in Rust
regorus THIS REPOSITORY IS IN ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT AND NOT INTENDED FOR PRODUCTION USE. Regorus is a Rego interpreter, analyzer and checker written in R
Example (with solution) for the Rust Fundamentals Workshop
Workshop Repo: Rust Fundamentals NOTE: This is Work-In-Progress! Please check for updates a day before the workshop. This Github repository contains a
A simple interpreter written in Rust programming language.
Interpreter in Rust A simple interpreter written in Rust programming language. Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project u
Fast, concurrent, arena-based allocator with drop support
blink-alloc Blink-alloc is extremely fast allocator based on the common idea of allocating linearly zipping a cursor through memory chunk and reset ev
Quick poc of the rsync wire protocol in Rust. Supports delta transfer.
Rsync wire protocol in Rust This is a quick poc of the rsync wire protocol in Rust. It supports delta transfer. The code is really a mess right now, a
Rust-based command-line language-learning game. Uses the Tatoeba database.
minicloze A command-line language learning game using Tatoeba's great database. Accelerate your studies by putting your knowledge to the test in an ad
An easy-to-use SocketCAN library for Python and C++, built in Rust.
JCAN An easy-to-use SocketCAN library for Python and C++, built in Rust, using cxx-rs and pyo3. Warning: I have never used Rust before and I don't kno
A timer toolkit that is generic over the underlying timer implementation.
timer-kit A timer toolkit that is generic over the underlying timer implementation. This crate does not implement any platform-specific timer but uses
RedMaple offers an oppinionated yet extremely flexible data modeling system based on events for back-end applications.
RedMaple offers an oppinionated yet extremely flexible data modeling system based on events for back-end applications.
A basic text editor, written in Rust (hence the name).
rut A basic text editor, written in Rust (hence the name). Why, though? I just wanted a basic TUI text editor (like Nano) that could: Be used with all
LSR - A Rust Implementation of LS for Windows
LSR - A Rust Implementation of LS for Windows(and possibly other platforms) This is underdevelopment Quick Start For now, I only tested this code on t
A fast, powerful and configurable interpreter written in Rust
brainfuck-interpreter Overview A fast, powerful and configurable interpreter written in Rust, which allows various options to meet different demends,
A project for developing Rust applications
rust_dev This is a project for developing Rust applications. The goal of this project is to provide a solid foundation for building robust and scalabl
A simple authentication flow using Rust and Actix-web, with a PostgreSQL database and a sveltekit frontend.
Rust-auth-example This repository aims to represent a simple authentication flow using Rust and Actix-web, with a PostgreSQL database and a sveltekit
Notification demon + web server using async Rust
Async Rust example Road to the asynchronous Rust Table of Contents About the Project Screenshots Tech Stack Features Getting Started Prerequisites Clo
Rust - JWT Authentication with Actix Web
In this article, we will delve into the implementation of JWT authentication in Rust, covering all crucial steps from generating and verifying JWT tokens with the HS256 algorithm, to registering users, signing them in, logging them out, and safeguarding private routes.
Rusty fast cross-platform 2D drawing library
Bly Rusty fast cross-platform 2D graphics library Concept Easy to use Bly is easy to use and yet can be called from various windowing libraries using
CHIP-8 emulator/interpreter in Rust
rCHIP-8 A CHIP-8 interpreter/emulator written in Rust. Currently the interpreter only runs on UNIX terminals because of the method used to control the
This is a test to port C++'s ymfm and Rust's vgmplay to ESP32(Xtensa).
m5stack-chipstream This is a test to port C++'s ymfm and Rust's vgmplay to ESP32(Xtensa). Still slow and impractical, depending on the sound chip you
Blazingly fast Rust CLI app to sync data from a folder of excel workbooks into generated c# code for unity usage
Extensions supported ( .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xla, .xlam, .ods ) Speed Test Image shows the results of 5000defs synced from 2 workbooks and 5 she
A companion repository for my Rust Talk.
Building a microservice in rust This project is a companion to my talk at ConFoo about building a rust project. You should checkout a fully fleshed ou
Allocscope - a memory tracking tool
allocscope a memory tracking tool allocscope is a tool for tracking down where the most egregiously large allocations are occurring in a C, C++ or Rus
ISG lets you use YouTube as cloud storage for ANY files, not just video
I was working on this instead of my finals, hope you appreciate it. I'll add all relevant executables when I can Infinite-Storage-Glitch AKA ISG (writ
VoceChat is a superlight rust written social server. Easy integration to your site/app.
Re-decentralized the Internet through personal cloud computing. VoceChat is the lightest chat server prioritizes private hosting! Easy integratation t
The JavaScript Oxidation Compiler - Linter / Prettier
The JavaScript Oxidation Compiler (oxc) Why this project? The goal of this project is to: Create a blazingly fast JavaScript Compiler written in Rust.
Python bindings for Milli, the embeddable Rust-based search engine powering Meilisearch
milli-py Python bindings for Milli, the embeddable Rust-based search engine powering Meilisearch. Due to limitations around Rust lifecycles, methods a
Tracing layer that automatically creates and manages progress bars for active spans.
tracing-indicatif A tracing layer that automatically creates and manages indicatif progress bars for active spans. Progress bars are a great way to ma
Tvix - A Rust implementation of Nix
Tvix Tvix is a new implementation of the Nix language and package manager. See the announcement post for information about the background of this proj
Dynamic dependency injection library for rust.
DDI (dynamic dependency injection) This library provides a generic dependency injection container that can be easily integrated into any application a
Simple RISC-V emulator presented at Rust Nation 2023
A tale of binary translation This repo contains the code for the RISC-V emulator that I presented at Rust Nation 2023. It is intended as a teaching ex
A process memory reader and debugger for Windows (x86_64)
Winreader Winreader is a process memory reader and debugger for Windows, implemented and developed in the Rust language, using the official Microsoft
🧼 A popup translation tool.
Popup translation 通过 wry 打开一个 webview 窗口,然后打开某个翻译平台的网页翻译内容,并通过 js 代码屏蔽掉不需要的内容,专注于翻译内容本身。 💫 Features 利用 wry 提供的网页视图功能实现的弹窗功能 从剪贴板读取文本并翻译 在 Linux(x11)
STARK 101 Workshop in Rust 🐺🦀
STARK101-rs 🦀 About This repository is based on the STARK 101 workshop, originally written in Python. A Rust tutorial for a basic STARK (Scalable Tra
Cookiecutter Rust Actix template for jumpstarting production-ready projects quickly.
Cookiecutter actix simple clean architecture This is a reusable Rust Cookiecutter template. The project is based on Actix web in combination with Dies
A open port scanner.
opscan A open port scanner. Install With cargo cargo install --force opscan With docker docker run --rm -it sigoden/opscan opscan.nmap.org Binaries
Cuprate, an upcoming experimental, modern & secure monero node. Written in Rust
Cuprate an upcoming experimental, modern & secure monero node. Written in Rust (there is nothing working at the moment, stay tuned if you want to see
🧮 alphatensor matrix breakthrough algorithms + simd + rust.
simd-alphatensor-rs tldr; alphatensor matrix breakthrough algorithims + simd + rust. This repo contains the cutting edge matrix multiplication algorit
Open-source Rust framework for building event-driven live-trading & backtesting systems
Barter Barter is an open-source Rust framework for building event-driven live-trading & backtesting systems. Algorithmic trade with the peace of mind
A template project for building a database-driven microservice in Rust and run it in the WasmEdge sandbox.
Secure & lightweight microservice with a database backend In this repo, we demonstrate a microservice written in Rust, and connected to a MySQL databa
A basic raytracer implementation in Rust based on the Ray Tracing in One Weekend book.
Raytracer A basic raytracer implementation in Rust based on the Ray Tracing in One Weekend book. Live Demo Result How to Run Standalone Binary $ cargo
Rust Cannon Template 🦀 💣 💥
A build system and a minimal Rust program for building MIPS binaries that are executable in the context of [Optimism Cannon]
Collect crash reports, triage, and estimate severity.
CASR: Crash Analysis and Severity Report CASR – collect crash reports, triage, and estimate severity. It is based on ideas from exploitable and apport
Rate Limiting middleware for Tower/Axum/Tonic/Hyper utilizing the governor crate
A Tower service and layer that provides a rate-limiting backend by governor. Based heavily on the work done for actix-governor. Works with Axum, Hyper
An async-ready Phoenix Channels v2 client library in Rust
Phoenix Channels This crate implements a Phoenix Channels (v2) client in Rust. Status NOTE: This client is still a work-in-progress, though it has eno
An implementation of a mirror SponsorBlock server in Rust.
sponsorblock-mirror This is a Rust-based mirror of the SponsorBlock API. It also uses sb-mirror for mirroring the CSV dumps via rsync. Instances spons
Rust library for practical time-lock encryption using `drand` threshold network
tlock-rs: Practical Timelock Encryption/Decryption in Rust This repo contains pure Rust implementation of drand/tlock scheme. It provides time-based e
DNS Server written in Rust for fun, see https://dev.to/xfbs/writing-a-dns-server-in-rust-1gpn
DNS Fun Ever wondered how you can write a DNS server in Rust? No? Well, too bad, I'm telling you anyways. But don't worry, this is going to be a fun o