Cookiecutter Rust Actix template for jumpstarting production-ready projects quickly.


Cookiecutter actix simple clean architecture

This is a reusable Rust Cookiecutter template. The project is based on Actix web in combination with Diesel ORM.

Complete list of features the template provides:

  • Onion architecture
  • Actix Web
  • Maintenance window support
  • Diesel ORM
  • Database migrations
  • Local postgres database docker support
  • Test containers integration for testing

Getting started

To start a new project, run the following command:

cookiecutter -c v1

This will prompt you for some information about your project. The information you provide will be used to populate the files in the new project directory.

You can then build the project locally.

cargo build


The application follows the Onion Architecture pattern. An article is written about our experience integrating an onion architecture with actix web in combination with diesel ORM that can be found here.

This architecture is a design pattern that organizes the codebase of a software application into multiple layers, where the innermost layer is the domain layer and the outermost layer is the application layer. Each layer depends only on the layers inside of it and not on the layers outside of it, creating a separation of concerns, allowing for a more maintainable and scalable codebase.

For this template we suggest using a service-repository design pattern. For example implementations you can have a look at

Running the application locally

To run the application locally, you need to have a Postgres database running. You can use the script in the scripts directory to run a Postgres container.


You can then run the application.

cargo run

Testing support

All tests are can be found under the src/tests folder. When using the template you can place all you tests in this folder.

To run the tests, you can use the following command:

cargo test

To run the tests with error output you can run the following command:

cargo test -- --nocapture


cargo test -- --show-output

Diesel ORM

The template uses Diesel ORM for its database connection and database models integration. Its is currently setup with postgres, however you can change it to any other database that is supported by diesel. For other databases have a look at the official Diesel documentation that can be found here

Database migrations

  1. Make sure you have the diesel cli installed. You can install it with the following command:
    cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
  2. Add your postgres database url to the .env file:
    echo DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password@localhost/diesel_demo > .env
  3. Setup diesel before creating a migration:
    diesel setup
  4. Create a migration with the following command:
    diesel migration generate <migration_name>
  5. Apply your migrations:
    diesel migration run

Service repository design pattern

Diesel Repositories

The onion architecture is best being used with a repository-service pattern. An example repository can be seen below:

// Can be placed under /src/domain/repositories/
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TodoQueryParams {
    pub limit: Option<i64>,
    pub offset: Option<i64>,
    pub title: Option<String>,

impl QueryParams for TodoQueryParams {
    fn limit(&self) -> i64 {
    fn offset(&self) -> i64 {

pub trait TodoRepository: Send + Sync {
    async fn create(&self, new_todo: &CreateTodo) -> RepositoryResult<Todo>;
    async fn list(&self, params: TodoQueryParams) -> RepositoryResult<ResultPaging<Todo>>;
    async fn get(&self, todo_id: i32) -> RepositoryResult<Todo>;
    async fn delete(&self, todo_id: i32) -> RepositoryResult<()>;
// Can be placed under /src/infrastructure/repositories/
pub struct TodoDieselRepository {
    pub pool: Arc<DBConn>

impl TodoDieselRepository {
    pub fn new(db: Arc<DBConn>) -> Self {
        TodoDieselRepository { pool: db }

impl TodoRepository for TodoDieselRepository {

    async fn create(&self, new_todo: &CreateTodo) -> RepositoryResult<Todo> {
        use crate::infrastructure::schema::todos::dsl::todos;
        let new_todo_diesel: CreateTodoDiesel = CreateTodoDiesel::from(new_todo.clone());
        let mut conn = self.pool.get().unwrap();
        let result: TodoDiesel = run(move || diesel::insert_into(todos).values(new_todo_diesel)
            .get_result(&mut conn))
            .map_err(|v| DieselRepositoryError::from(v).into_inner())?;

    async fn list(&self, params: TodoQueryParams) -> RepositoryResult<ResultPaging<Todo>> {
        use crate::infrastructure::schema::todos::dsl::todos;
        let pool = self.pool.clone();
        let builder = todos.limit(params.limit()).offset(params.offset());
        let result = run(move || {
            let mut conn = pool.get().unwrap();
            builder.load::<TodoDiesel>(&mut conn)
            .map_err(|v| DieselRepositoryError::from(v).into_inner())?;
        Ok(ResultPaging {
            total: 0,
            items: result.into_iter().map(|v| v.into()).collect()

    async fn get(&self, todo_id: i32) -> RepositoryResult<Todo> {
        use crate::infrastructure::schema::todos::dsl::{id, todos};
        let mut conn = self.pool.get().unwrap();
        run(move || todos.filter(id.eq(todo_id)).first::<TodoDiesel>(&mut conn))
            .map_err(|v| DieselRepositoryError::from(v).into_inner())
            .map(|v| -> Todo { v.into() })

    async fn delete(&self, todo_id: i32) -> RepositoryResult<()> {
        use crate::infrastructure::schema::todos::dsl::{id, todos};
        let mut conn = self.pool.get().unwrap();
        run(move || diesel::delete(todos).filter(id.eq(todo_id))
            .execute(&mut conn))
            .map_err(|v| DieselRepositoryError::from(v).into_inner())?;


The onion architecture is best being used with a repository-service pattern. An example service can be seen below:

// Can be placed under /src/services/
pub struct TodoServiceImpl {
    pub repository: Arc<dyn TodoRepository>,

impl TodoServiceImpl {
    pub fn new(repository: Arc<dyn TodoRepository>) -> Self {
        TodoServiceImpl {

impl TodoService for TodoServiceImpl {
    async fn create(&self, todo: CreateTodo) -> Result<Todo, CommonError> {
        let mut cloned = todo.clone();
            .create(&mut cloned)
            .map_err(|e| -> CommonError { e.into() })

    async fn list(&self, params: TodoQueryParams) -> Result<ResultPaging<Todo>, CommonError> {
            .map_err(|e| -> CommonError { e.into() })

    async fn get(&self, todo_id: i32) -> Result<Todo, CommonError> {
            .map_err(|e| -> CommonError { e.into() })

    async fn delete(&self, todo_id: i32) -> Result<(), CommonError> {
            .map_err(|e| -> CommonError { e.into() })
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