A basic text editor, written in Rust (hence the name).

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Command-line rut


A basic text editor, written in Rust (hence the name).

Why, though?

I just wanted a basic TUI text editor (like Nano) that could:

  • Be used with all major platforms (Linux, Windows, MacOS) by using cross-compatible libraries
  • Have the features I miss from more-advanced editors (like multi-cursor in Sublime/VSCode)
  • Have great support for third-party plugins
  • Be approachable to new terminal users (I'm looking at you, Vim)

Some more explanation

Largely speaking, this is a project to test my ability to make an actually somewhat-practical application, and it is basically my first "real" foray into UI. I also am doing a collaborative project for the first time.


This README was written in rut. :)

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    bug good first issue 
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