Experimental Rust UI library for Audulus. "rui" is a temporary name.

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Command-line rui


Experimental Rust UI library for Audulus. "rui" is a temporary name.

Looks like this:

    fn counter(start: usize) -> impl View {
        state(start, |count: State<usize>| {
            let count2 = count.clone();
            let value_string = format!("value: {:?}", *count.get());
            stack! {
                button("increment", move || {
                    *count.get() += 1;
                button("decrement", move || {
                    *count2.get() -= 1;
  • Encode UI in types to ensure stable identity.
  • Use immediate mode initially, then optimize to reduce redraw later.
  • Use a forthcoming rust port of vger for rendering.


Towards principled reactive UI

Towards a unified theory of reactive UI

Flutter's Rendering Pipeline

Static Types in SwiftUI

  • Get error when running the example

    Get error when running the example

    I get an error when running the example:

    RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run --example counter


        Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.12s
         Running `target/debug/examples/counter`
    Using Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 (CFL GT2) (Gl)
    thread 'main' panicked at 'wgpu error: Validation Error
    Caused by:
        In a RenderPass
          note: encoder = `vger encoder`
        In a set_pipeline command
          note: render pipeline = `<RenderPipeline-(0, 1, Gl)>`
        Render pipeline targets are incompatible with render pass
        Incompatible color attachment: the renderpass expected [Some(Rgba8UnormSrgb)] but was given [Some(Bgra8UnormSrgb)]
    ', /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/wgpu-0.13.1/src/backend/direct.rs:2391:5
    stack backtrace:
       0: rust_begin_unwind
                 at /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library/std/src/panicking.rs:584:5
       1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
                 at /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library/core/src/panicking.rs:142:14
       2: wgpu::backend::direct::default_error_handler
                 at /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/wgpu-0.13.1/src/backend/direct.rs:2391:5
       3: core::ops::function::Fn::call
                 at /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library/core/src/ops/function.rs:77:5
       4: <alloc::boxed::Box<F,A> as core::ops::function::Fn<Args>>::call
                 at /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library/alloc/src/boxed.rs:1954:9
       5: wgpu::backend::direct::ErrorSinkRaw::handle_error
                 at /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/wgpu-0.13.1/src/backend/direct.rs:2377:17
       6: wgpu::backend::direct::Context::handle_error
                 at /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/wgpu-0.13.1/src/backend/direct.rs:261:9
       7: <wgpu::backend::direct::Context as wgpu::Context>::command_encoder_end_render_pass
                 at /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/wgpu-0.13.1/src/backend/direct.rs:2087:13
       8: <wgpu::RenderPass as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop
                 at /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/wgpu-0.13.1/src/lib.rs:3143:13
       9: core::ptr::drop_in_place<wgpu::RenderPass>
                 at /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library/core/src/ptr/mod.rs:487:1
      10: vger::Vger::encode
                 at /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/vger-0.2.4/src/lib.rs:293:9
      11: rui::context::Context::render
                 at ./src/context.rs:280:9
      12: rui::event_loop::rui::{{closure}}
                 at ./src/event_loop.rs:385:17
      13: winit::platform_impl::platform::sticky_exit_callback
                 at /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/winit-0.26.1/src/platform_impl/linux/mod.rs:753:5
      14: winit::platform_impl::platform::wayland::event_loop::EventLoop<T>::run_return
                 at /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/winit-0.26.1/src/platform_impl/linux/wayland/event_loop/mod.rs:394:21
      15: winit::platform_impl::platform::wayland::event_loop::EventLoop<T>::run
                 at /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/winit-0.26.1/src/platform_impl/linux/wayland/event_loop/mod.rs:209:9
      16: winit::platform_impl::platform::EventLoop<T>::run
                 at /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/winit-0.26.1/src/platform_impl/linux/mod.rs:669:56
      17: winit::event_loop::EventLoop<T>::run
                 at /home/timpaikx/.cargo/registry/src/mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn-4c6e9dcaa6bd74e7/winit-0.26.1/src/event_loop.rs:154:9
      18: rui::event_loop::rui
                 at ./src/event_loop.rs:289:5
      19: counter::main
                 at ./examples/counter.rs:4:5
      20: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
                 at /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library/core/src/ops/function.rs:248:5
    note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.
    fish: Job 1, 'RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run --ex…' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)

    OS: Archlinux DE: GNOME 43 Wayland git commit: 15273d1f70ddeeba05c330411233659950d0150d

    If you need more information, I'm more than happy to provide it

    opened by Tim-Paik 6
  • wrong display in shapes example on Linux Xorg/Nvidia

    wrong display in shapes example on Linux Xorg/Nvidia

    excepted display a circle and rectangle but the display is confused


    [w@ww rui]$ rustc --version
    rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23)
    [w@ww rui]$ screenfetch -n
     OS: Manjaro 21.2.4 Qonos
     Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.10.102-1-MANJARO
     Uptime: 1d 1h 9m
     Packages: 1541
     Shell: bash 5.1.16
     Resolution: 1920x1080
     DE: KDE 5.91.0 / Plasma 5.24.2
     WM: KWin
     GTK Theme: Adwaita-dark [GTK2/3]
     Icon Theme: breeze-dark
     Disk: 247G / 489G (53%)
     CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core @ 24x 3.7GHz
     GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030
     RAM: 20197MiB / 64288MiB

    all example of rui not working on Linux with Nvidia graphic card

    opened by pymongo 4
  • Questions regarding this project

    Questions regarding this project

    Hey guys I have some questions regarding this project:

    1. Can this library be used to integrate into a game engine as easily as somehting like egui
    2. Are there any caching capabilities even though it is immediate?
    3. Does it compile for web as well?
    4. Does it lock you into some kind of framework like iced does?
    opened by Raj2032 3
  • Why not use AppKit/UIKit APIs for iOS/macOS targets?

    Why not use AppKit/UIKit APIs for iOS/macOS targets?

    It’s nice to see a UI toolkit inspired by SwiftUI, there’s a lot of things I really like about it, but I believe SwiftUI is just a VDOM-like frontend to UIKit/AppKit.

    Anyway with regards to this library, wouldn’t it make more sense to build upon UIKit/AppKit APIs for iOS and macOS targets?

    It’s all written in objective-c and therefore it’s viable to use from rust, and seems like you’d get much more mileage/utility from it.

    opened by colbyn 2
  • Wrong rendering of Gradient in Windows

    Wrong rendering of Gradient in Windows

    I tried running the gradient example from the readme in my Windows 10:

    use rui::*;
    fn main() {
        rui(canvas(|rect, vger| {
            vger.translate(rect.center() - LocalPoint::zero());
            let paint = vger.linear_gradient(
                [-100.0, -100.0],
                [100.0, 100.0],
            let radius = 100.0;
            vger.fill_circle(LocalPoint::zero(), radius, paint);

    And it looks like:


    When it is supposed to look like ( image from the readme ):


    opened by marc2332 2
  • support for layout where things don't expand to the available space

    support for layout where things don't expand to the available space

    I'm working on a port of Flow to rui.

    One immediate issue is with layout: a node in a node graph doesn't expand to fit the available space.

    How can rui support that sort of layout?

    It seems that SwiftUI doesn't actually expand stacks like rui does. Here's a simple SwiftUI VStack:


    Here's a rui vstack:

    opened by wtholliday 1
  • Mouse button info for drag

    Mouse button info for drag

    Added MouseButton to drag view modifier. When mouse is pressed / released, a field in Context gets updated. Also adapted the gestures.rs example to print the pressed mouse button.

    opened by rsaccon 1
  • Key modifiers

    Key modifiers

    This PR makes Keyboard ModifiersState accessible from key, tap and drag View modifiers. ModifiersState is stored now in Context and not part of EventKind::Key anymore. I hope that makes sense. An example key_mods.rs is added. I modified the Button view so it does not pass ModifiersState to its closure and (and therefore works as before).

    opened by rsaccon 1
  • make rui more testable

    make rui more testable

    Currently rui would require a GPU for automated testing. If we could provide a text layout interface to layout (instead of vger) then we could do testing without a GPU (GitHub CI VMs don't have GPUs)

    opened by wtholliday 0
  • crate should have features to select winit, tao, or none

    crate should have features to select winit, tao, or none


    In the "none" case, the user would supply their own rendering surface and events (e.g. when embedding an iOS app)

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by wtholliday 0
  • how to add modifiers for views built through function composition

    how to add modifiers for views built through function composition

    For example, currently, sliders are built through composition of other views: https://github.com/audulus/rui/blob/566f1086dd67eb8ca56fa4f8bcc194292c0c0bc9/src/slider.rs#L7

    The view returned by hslider is an opaque type, so we can't add methods to it.

    How can methods be added to the result of hslider while still defining hslider mostly as a function (i.e. not having to define it entirely in terms of an implementation of View)?

    opened by wtholliday 0
  • Z-sorting components based on user interaction

    Z-sorting components based on user interaction

    I'd like to make some textboxes which are draggable. That means they'll be able to overlap, so I have to make the one that has been interacted with most recently float on top of the others.

    Can I do it with the current facilities (without implementing this manually with canvas)?

    opened by ruza-net 1
  • can we nest states using only references?

    can we nest states using only references?

    I was looking into using references instead of passing around a context, and it seems tricky. Just wanted to record somewhere how far I got.

    This is close, but doesn't quite work:

        struct State<F, V> {
            f: F,
            state: String,
            phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<V>,
        impl<'a, V: View + 'a, F: Fn(&'a String) -> V + 'a> View for State<F, V> {
            fn draw(&self) {

    The problem is in F: Fn(&'a String) -> V + 'a. This says the entire closure cannot outlive the String passed in. That's not quite what we want. It's ok if the closure lives longer. What we want is for the return type (V) to live as long as the String passed in.

    What we want is something like F: for<'a> Fn(&'a String) -> V<'a> where V is a higher-kinded-type, but rust doesn't (yet) have this feature.

    opened by wtholliday 1
  • WIP: Documentation

    WIP: Documentation

    This is the branch containing my ongoing efforts to help document the library (https://github.com/audulus/rui/issues/10). Please do not merge them yet.

    If you have any problems with the docs, please tell me and/or edit the branch.

    opened by UARTman 1
  • text bounds should be typographic bounds, not geometric

    text bounds should be typographic bounds, not geometric

    Currently the bounding box for text is based on the geometry of the text, so "aaa" has a different bounding box than "AAA". This may require some digging down into vger.

    bug enhancement 
    opened by wtholliday 0
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