Rust crate for obfuscating string literals.



github license

This crate provides a obfuscation macro for string literals. This makes it easy to protect them from common reverse engineering attacks like string reference lookup in something like a debugger or hex editor.

A string literal "" is given as the input and converted into a [u8; str_size*2] array literal that is then stored inside the binary. Every character is offset by a random amount. This offset is stored alongside the original data so it can be reconstructed.


obfustring = "0.5.0"

Syntax & Usage

The crate provides a obfustring!() macro that takes in a single string literal.

use obfustring::obfustring;

let obfuscated_string = obfustring!("Hello obfustring!"); // <-- Won't show up in binaries or hex editors
let generic_string = String::from("Hello regular string!"); // <-- Will show up in binaries or hex editors

println!("obfuscated_string: {}", obfuscated_string);
println!("generic_string: {}", generic_string);


Note that you should never have any encryption/api keys or sensitive data hardcoded into your program. Though this macro would make it harder, it wouldn't absolutely hide it from someone looking hard enough. Stick to environment variables.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

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  • Comply with deterministic compilation concept

    Comply with deterministic compilation concept

    Currently, this library doesn't follow the concept of reproducible builds (a.k.a. deterministic compilation), i'd to comply with this as i belive it would be best practice. A solution to this problem would be to seed the RNG used when making offsets of the original characters.

    See this comment from (one of) the obfstr maintainer(s):

    Your implementation is not compatible with the concept reproducible builds (that is, building the code twice should result in exactly the same binary). This is easily fixable by seeding the rng (I use an env var + file, line, column + hash of the string itself)

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