Rust crate to implement a counterpart to the PBRT book's (3rd edition) C++ code.


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Rust crate to implement a counterpart to the PBRT book's (3rd edition) C++ code:

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> cargo build --release --no-default-features
> ./target/release/rs_pbrt --help
rs_pbrt 0.9.3
Parse a PBRT scene file (extension .pbrt) and render it

    rs_pbrt [OPTIONS] <path>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --cropx0 <cropx0>            Specify an image crop window <x0 x1 y0 y1> [default: 0.0]
        --cropx1 <cropx1>            Specify an image crop window <x0 x1 y0 y1> [default: 1.0]
        --cropy0 <cropy0>            Specify an image crop window <x0 x1 y0 y1> [default: 0.0]
        --cropy1 <cropy1>            Specify an image crop window <x0 x1 y0 y1> [default: 1.0]
    -i, --integrator <integrator>    ao, directlighting, whitted, path, bdpt, mlt, sppm, volpath
    -t, --nthreads <nthreads>        use specified number of threads for rendering [default: 0]
    -s, --samples <samples>          pixel samples [default: 0]

    <path>    The path to the file to read

Test Scenes

Some images of the test scenes are shown below, but you can find more test scenes on GitLab.

Ganesha Statue

Very detailed scan of a small statue with over 4.3 million triangles, illuminated by a few area light sources.

Ganesha Statue

The scene can be found within the repository (assets/scenes/ganesha.tar.gz).

Subsurface Scattering (SSS)

SSS Dragon


Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping (SPPM)

SPPM Caustic Glass


Ecosystem (Cover image for the first edition of the PBRT book)



Landscape (Cover image for the third edition of the PBRT book)



The hair scattering model in action:

Curly and straight hair rendered by Rust version of PBRT

Japanes Classroom by NovaZeeke

Classroom room rendered by rs_pbrt


The White Room by Jay-Artist

The White Room rendered by rs_pbrt


Country Kitchen by Jay-Artist

Kitchen rendered by rs_pbrt


The Wooden Staircase by Wig42

Staircase rendered by rs_pbrt


Conference Room by Anat Grynberg and Greg Ward

Conference room rendered by rs_pbrt


Theater by Charles Ehrlich and Greg Ward

Theater rendered by rs_pbrt

Theater rendered by rs_pbrt


For more info look at the Wiki page or the release notes.

Here you find another Rust implementation:


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

  • Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping (SPPM)

    Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping (SPPM)

    Look at chapter 16.2 of the Physically Based Rendering book for the theoretical background on this topic and a simple test scene for caustics. Let's use that scene to see caustic from light passing through the glass becoming increasingly sharper.

    opened by wahn 23
  • anim-bluespheres.pbrt


    Compare C++ vs. Rust render times (on purism laptop) :

    $ time ~/builds/pbrt/release/pbrt anim-bluespheres.pbrt
    pbrt version 3 (built Apr  1 2019 at 17:45:44) [Detected 4 cores]
    Copyright (c)1998-2018 Matt Pharr, Greg Humphreys, and Wenzel Jakob.
    The source code to pbrt (but *not* the book contents) is covered by the BSD License.
    See the file LICENSE.txt for the conditions of the license.
    Rendering: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]  (897.6s)
    real    14m58.087s
    user    52m55.853s
    sys     0m0.932s

    So, the C++ implementation needs about 15 minutes on a 4 processor Linux laptop.

    opened by wahn 17
  • Implement DisneyMaterial

    Implement DisneyMaterial

    Recently (in July 2017) Matt Pharr added the DisneyMaterial to the C++ version of PBRT:

    commit d9bfba3e9f185894a67563e9c52b55381fcfeef4
    Author: Matt Pharr <[email protected]>
    Date:   Tue Jul 11 17:07:05 2017 -0700
        Added implementation of Disney BSDF
        Specifically, this is the extended model with integrated subsurface
        scattering described in

    Let's do the same on the Rust side ...

    opened by wahn 11
  • Implement FourierMaterial

    Implement FourierMaterial

    The test scene ~/git/gitlab/rs-pbrt-test-scenes/pbrt/pbrt_vw_van/vw-van.pbrt uses a fourier material:

    $ rg fourier /home/jan/git/gitlab/rs-pbrt-test-scenes/pbrt/pbrt_vw_van
    55:    "string type" "fourier" "string bsdffile" "bsdfs/ceramic.bsdf"

    On the C++ side we have this class:

    // FourierMaterial Declarations
    class FourierMaterial : public Material {
        // FourierMaterial Public Methods
        FourierMaterial(const std::string &filename,
                        const std::shared_ptr<Texture<Float>> &bump);
        void ComputeScatteringFunctions(SurfaceInteraction *si, MemoryArena &arena,
                                        TransportMode mode,
                                        bool allowMultipleLobes) const;
        // FourierMaterial Private Data
        FourierBSDFTable *bsdfTable;
        std::shared_ptr<Texture<Float>> bumpMap;
        static std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<FourierBSDFTable>> loadedBSDFs;

    We have to implement the Rust counterpart ...

    opened by wahn 10
  • Fix integrators (using enum samplers)

    Fix integrators (using enum samplers)

    Did we break anything by replacing the sampler traits by enum?

    Integrator "ambientocclusion":

    > imf_diff -d -f pbrt_rust.exr pbrt.exr
    pbrt_rust.exr pbrt.exr: no differences.
    == "pbrt_rust.exr" and "pbrt.exr" are identical

    Integrator "directlighting" "integer maxdepth" [10]:

    > imf_diff -d -f pbrt_rust.exr pbrt.exr
    pbrt_rust.exr pbrt.exr: no differences.
    == "pbrt_rust.exr" and "pbrt.exr" are identical

    Integrator "whitted" "integer maxdepth" [5]:

    > imf_diff -d -f pbrt_rust.exr pbrt.exr
    pbrt_rust.exr pbrt.exr: no differences.
    == "pbrt_rust.exr" and "pbrt.exr" are identical

    Integrator "path":

    > imf_diff -d -f pbrt_rust.exr pbrt.exr
    pbrt_rust.exr pbrt.exr: no differences.
    == "pbrt_rust.exr" and "pbrt.exr" are identical

    Integrator "bdpt":

    > imf_diff -d -f pbrt_rust.exr pbrt.exr diff.jpg
    differing pixels:	 81.946% (204866 of 250000)
    average difference:	 12.432%
    maximum difference:	 85.706%
    Summary: Many pixels differ strongly.
    == "pbrt_rust.exr" and "pbrt.exr" are different


    opened by wahn 9
  • Implement HairMaterial

    Implement HairMaterial

    Once we solved issue #37 to create curves, which can be used as hair, we need a matching HairMaterial:

    $ rg '"hair"' ~/Graphics/Rendering/PBRT/pbrt-v3-scenes/hair/
    14:	Material "hair" "float eumelanin" .3
    14:	MakeNamedMaterial "black_hair" "string type" [ "hair" ] "float eumelanin" [ 8 ]
    15:	MakeNamedMaterial "red_hair" "string type" [ "hair" ] "float eumelanin" [ 3 ]
    16:	MakeNamedMaterial "brown_hair" "string type" [ "hair" ] "float eumelanin" [ 1.3 ] "float beta_m" .25 "float alpha" 2
    17:	MakeNamedMaterial "blonde_hair" "string type" [ "hair" ] "float	eumelanin" [ .3 ]
    17:  Material "hair" "rgb color" [ .2 .8 .3 ]

    Here is the source code for the C++ implementation:

    $ rg -tcpp "class HairMaterial :" ~/git/github/pbrt-v3/src/
    57:class HairMaterial : public Material {
    opened by wahn 9
  • Fix links in documentation

    Fix links in documentation

    I'm going to move the documentation to a new web page:

    There are some hardcoded paths to which have to be replaced by relative paths:

    > rg -trust janwalter
    18://! [here]:
    19://! [render_bdpt]:
    20://! [render_mlt]:
    23://! ![Ambient Occlusion](
    33://! ![Direct Lighting](
    40://! ![Path Tracing](
    51://! Tracing](
    10://! ![A Volumetric Caustic](
    2177:/// ![bdpt](
    390:/// ![bdpt](
    18://! ![Perspective Camera](
    21://! ![HairMaterial](
    25://! ![SubstrateMaterial](
    19://! ![halton](
    28://! ![random](
    37://! ![sobol](
    49://! ![lowdiscrepancy](
    opened by wahn 8
  • VW scene

    VW scene

    I will add a new test scene to the GitLab repository (for test scenes):


    This will probably spawn more issues to be created. For example we will have to implement a new material, FourierMaterial:

    $ rg bsdf -B 1  
    54-MakeNamedMaterial "Mat.1"  # white painted stuff
    55:    "string type" "fourier" "string bsdffile" "bsdfs/ceramic.bsdf"

    Which can read .bsdf files. I'm also not sure if the already existing MetalMaterial can read .spd files:

    $ rg spd -B 3
    49-MakeNamedMaterial "Metal - Chrome" 
    50-        "float roughness" [ 0.01 ] 
    51-        "string type" [ "metal" ] 
    52:        "spectrum k" "spds/Al.k.spd"
    53:        "spectrum eta" "spds/Al.eta.spd"

    Goal of this issue is to document the progress until we can render the entire VW test scene without changes ...

    enhancement task 
    opened by wahn 8
  • [MLT] bootstrap samples differ

    [MLT] bootstrap samples differ

    Since commit 87b0b5ecb94aaada973381bde8e9497eb9eeb14d we can generate bootstrap paths multi-threaded. While debugging something else I figured that the generated bootstrap samples differ slightly between the C++ and Rust version. To dig deeper into the problem I modified both versions to print out very specialized information regarding the test scene (assets/scenes/caustic.pbrt) and the resulting bootstrap samples.

    In Rust (src/core/

    impl Distribution1D {
        pub fn new(f: Vec<Float>) -> Self {
            let n: i32 = f.len() as i32;
            // compute integral of step function at $x_i$
            let mut cdf: Vec<Float> = Vec::with_capacity(n as usize + 1);
            cdf.push(0.0 as Float);
            for i in 1..(n + 1) {
                if n == 600000 && f[(i - 1) as usize] > 0.0 as Float {
                    println!("f[{:?}] = {1:2.8}", i - 1, f[(i - 1) as usize]);

    In C++ (src/core/sampling.h):

    struct Distribution1D {
        // Distribution1D Public Methods
        Distribution1D(const Float *f, int n) : func(f, f + n), cdf(n + 1) {
            // Compute integral of step function at $x_i$
            cdf[0] = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < n + 1; ++i) {
              if (n == 600000 && f[i - 1] > 0.0) {
                printf("f[%d] = %2.8f\n", i - 1, f[i - 1]);

    I will attach the resulting difference between both versions to the issue and report on any progress ...

    opened by wahn 7
  • Debug volume-caustic scene

    Debug volume-caustic scene

    For debugging we use a lower resolution and the bdpt integrator, instead of mlt:

    diff --git a/assets/scenes/caustic.pbrt b/assets/scenes/caustic.pbrt                                                                        
    index 382670a..c17389a 100644                                                                                                               
    --- a/assets/scenes/caustic.pbrt                                                                                                            
    +++ b/assets/scenes/caustic.pbrt                                                                                                            
    @@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ MakeNamedMedium "vol"                                                                                                     
             "rgb sigma_a" [ 0.0199999996 0.0199999996 0.0199999996 ]                                                                           
             "rgb sigma_s" [ 0.3499999940 0.3499999940 0.3499999940 ]                                                                           
     Film "image"                                                                                                                               
    -        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ]                                                                                                      
    -        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ]                                                                                                      
    -        "string filename" [ "caustic.exr" ]                                                                                                
    -Integrator "mlt"                                                                                                                           
    -        "integer mutationsperpixel" [ 16384 ]                                                                                              
    +        "integer xresolution" [ 400 ]                                                                                                      
    +        "integer yresolution" [ 400 ]                                                                                                      
    +        "string filename" [ "f16-22a.exr" ]                                                                                                
    +Sampler "02sequence"                                                                                                                       
    +        "integer pixelsamples" [ 64 ]                                                                                                      
    +Integrator "bdpt"                                                                                                                          
     MediumInterface "" "vol"                                                                                                                   
     LookAt -0.75 0.800000012 -1.25                                                                                                             
             -1 0.800000012 0                                                                                                                   
    @@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ AttributeEnd                                                                                                              
         Rotate -60 0 0 1                                                                                                                       
         LightSource "infinite"                                                                                                                 
    -            "string mapname" [ "textures/skylight-day.hdr" ]                                                                               
    +            "string mapname" [ "textures/skylight-day.exr" ]                                                                               
                 "rgb scale" [ 1.5000000000 1.5000000000 1.3999999762 ]                                                                         
     LightSource "spot"                                                                                                                         

    We can render the scene with bdpt (bi-directional path tracing) but the results of the C++ and Rust versions render very differently:


    > imf_diff -d f16-22a_cpp.png f16-22a_rust.png diff.jpg
    differing pixels:	100.000% (160000 of 160000)
    average difference:	 51.499%
    maximum difference:	 86.603%
    Summary: Many pixels differ strongly.
    == "f16-22a_cpp.png" and "f16-22a_rust.png" are different


    opened by wahn 7
  • Upgrade pest crate

    Upgrade pest crate

    The pest crate reached now version 1.0 (or later): This needs some re-writing of the current code in examples/

    opened by wahn 7
  • Rendering progress preview with tev

    Rendering progress preview with tev

    Hey @wahn , It finally happened. I found time again to work on communication with tev. This definitely is just a barely working prototype, but it can actually display progress while rendering. It is just full of unwraps that should be handled properly and many things are done in a very un-rust way, but we have something that works somewhat. At the moment the values sent to tev are not scaled properly and I would love to work on fixing and improving from here on with you together if you can find time.

    opened by iXialumy 0
  • [parse_blend_file] depth of field

    [parse_blend_file] depth of field

    It would be useful to be able to specify depth of field (DOF) settings within the Blender scene and use those on the rs-pbrt side. For .pbrt files those should work correctly already, but forparse_blend_file we still need a way how to translate the settings from the Blender UI to camera settings, which can be used for e.g. the struct PerspectiveCamera. Here an example from the Italian Flat scene:


    In Blender version 2.79 the two settings in questions are shown here:


    The depth of field distance can be used as parameter focaldistance directly, but Blender's f-stop value has to be translated somehow to PBRT's lensradius (in this example I used lensradius = 0.0125):

    diff --git a/src/cameras/ b/src/cameras/                                  
    index 92c77db..72f9d98 100644                                                                         
    --- a/src/cameras/                                                                      
    +++ b/src/cameras/                                                                      
    @@ -173,6 +173,10 @@ impl PerspectiveCamera {                                                         
             //     params.find_one_float(String::from("halffov"), -1.0);                                 
             // TODO: if (halffov > 0.f)                                                                  
             // TODO: let perspective_camera: Arc<Camera + Sync + Send> =                                 
    +       // TMP                                                                                        
    +        let lensradius: Float = 0.0125;                                                              
    +        let focaldistance: Float = 5.6;                                                              
    +       // TMP                                                                                        

    The best solution would be to look into Blender's source code to find a proper translation hint.

    opened by wahn 2
  • [parse_blend_file] Attic Close-up

    [parse_blend_file] Attic Close-up

    On the Blender Cloud there is a project called Attic Close-up (by Gleb Alexandrov). You can download a Blender scene from there. The goal of this issue is to create a similar Blender (version 2.79) scene, which can be used to render directly with parse_blend_file (see examples folder).

    opened by wahn 5
  • v0.9.6(Mar 16, 2022)

    I released two new versions of my crates last week. The renderer is currently not changing that much anymore. The Windows .msi installer was changed to report the dual licensing correctly (MIT & Apache 2.0), and to contain two executables, one to render .pbrt (v3) files, and one to parse and render Blender's binary .blend files (in theory independent of the Blender version using it's DNA info). Using the crate blend_info not as an executable to inspect a .blend file, but as a crate (like the example mentioned above) is now documented a little more, but I hope to improve the documentation soon, so other people get interested in using blend_info as a crate to cherry pick information they want to re-use in their own code. Examples would be OpenGL or Vulkan viewers of geometry which was modelled within any Blender version ...

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    blend_info-0.2.7-x86_64.msi(584.00 KB)
    rs_pbrt-0.9.6-x86_64.msi(4.15 MB)
  • v0.9.5(Feb 10, 2022)

  • v0.9.2(Jun 4, 2021)

    Bug fix for the Ganesha Statue scene (see issue #135).

    Add some command line options to replace the '--cropwindow' option (of the C++ counterpart):

    $ ./target/release/rs_pbrt -h
    rs_pbrt 0.9.2
    Parse a PBRT scene file (extension .pbrt) and render it
        rs_pbrt [OPTIONS] <path>
        -h, --help       Prints help information
        -V, --version    Prints version information
            --cropx0 <cropx0>        Specify an image crop window <x0 x1 y0 y1> [default: 0.0]
            --cropx1 <cropx1>        Specify an image crop window <x0 x1 y0 y1> [default: 1.0]
            --cropy0 <cropy0>        Specify an image crop window <x0 x1 y0 y1> [default: 0.0]
            --cropy1 <cropy1>        Specify an image crop window <x0 x1 y0 y1> [default: 1.0]
        -t, --nthreads <nthreads>    use specified number of threads for rendering [default: 0]
        <path>    The path to the file to read
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    rs_pbrt-0.9.2-x86_64.msi(2.03 MB)
  • v0.9.0(Mar 25, 2021)

Jan Walter
I worked for The Mill, mental images, Digital Domain, Mill Film, MPC, NaN, and Fraunhofer.
Jan Walter
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