ISG lets you use YouTube as cloud storage for ANY files, not just video


I was working on this instead of my finals, hope you appreciate it.

I'll add all relevant executables when I can


ezgif com-gif-maker

AKA ISG (written entirely in Rust my beloved) lets you embed files into video and upload them to youtube as storage.

YouTube has no limit on amount of video that you can upload. This means that it is effectively infinite cloud storage if you were able to embed files into video with some kind of tool. ISG is the tool.

This has been quite heavily inspired by suckerpinch's Harder Drive video and discord as a filesystem. Unfortunately no filesystem functionality as of right now.

If you are having trouble with the program please dm me.

Now, you might be asking yourself:

But is this against TOS ? Answer is: maybe?

I doubt there is any part of the TOS saying that you can't upload videos containing files, but I also did not want to shovel through all the legalese. I still don't condone using this tool for anything serious/large. YouTube might understandably get mad.


Recommended way (building from source):
=== Please note: building from source takes a lot of CPU and RAM usage. ===
You need to have installed:

If having any issues also try installing ffmpeg.

If you want to or already have went through the hassle of installing Rust, you can git clone this repository, then cargo build --release. Cd to /target/release directory and run the program ./isg_4real.

The easier way:

  1. Download the executable from the releases
  2. Place the executable inside a folder
  3. Open terminal inside the directory
  4. chmod +x isg_4real
  5. Run the executable: ./isg_4real
  6. Enjoy!

Note that the binary is not an exe file, it will not work on windows, try following the first method instead.
I might add an .exe if this somehow gets popular

How to use

  1. Archive to zip all the files you will be uploading
  2. Run the executable
  3. Use the embed option on the archive (THE VIDEO WILL BE SEVERAL TIMES LARGER THAN THE FILE, 4x in case of optimal compression resistance preset)
  4. Upload the video to your YouTube channel. You probably want to keep it up as unlisted
  5. Use the download option to get the video back
  6. Use the dislodge option to get your files back from the downloaded video



Flashing lights warning !!!1!1 - YouTube Link

Try to use the program on this video and find the files hidden inside.

No it's not just a rick roll.

Explanation 4 nerds

The principle behind this is pretty simple. All files are made of bytes and bytes can be interpreted as numbers ranging from 0-255. This number can be represented with pixels using one of two modes: RGB or binary.

RGB: The cooler mode. Every byte perfectly fits inside one of the colors of an rgb pixel. One rgb pixel can contain 3 bytes at a time. You just keep adding pixels like this until you run out of data. It is leagues more efficient and quick than binary.

Binary: Born from YouTube compression being absolutely brutal. RGB mode is very sensitive to compression as a change in even one point of one of the colors of one of the pixels dooms the file to corruption. Black and white pixels are a lot harder to mess up. Every pixel is either bright representing a 1 or dark representing a 0. We string these bits together to get bytes and continue until we run out of data.

Both of these modes can be corrupted by compression, so we need to increase the size of the pixels to make it less compressable. 2x2 blocks of pixels seem to be good enough in binary mode.

To make it easier on the user, we also include all the relevant settings used to create the video on the first frame of the video. This allows the program to know what mode the video is in and what size to use in order to avoid making the user remember.

Final comments

I will come back to this project a bit later after I work on something else

I appreciate any and all roasting of the code so I can improve.

Do what you want with the code, but credit would be much appreciated and if you have any trouble with ISG, please contact me over discord.

  • need a color video to increase compression

    need a color video to increase compression

    there is not enough data in black and white video, color video is needed to increase compression. use only 16 colors so that it will be possible to accurately recognize them later when pinching

    opened by OmlineEditor 2
  • Add encryption, as my entire nft collection is now up for grabs

    Add encryption, as my entire nft collection is now up for grabs

    As the videos are public everybody will be able to download my precious NFT collection. Can you please consider adding an uncrackable encryption scheme with a simple password I can easily remember or guess if I forget it.

    opened by Xerxes249 2
  • Arch Linux: building executable yields libclang error and downloading+running executable yields Exec format error

    Arch Linux: building executable yields libclang error and downloading+running executable yields Exec format error

    Building executable yields libclang error and downloading+running executable yields Exec format error

    Build fail: === Using OpenCV headers from: /usr/include/opencv4 thread 'main' panicked at 'Cannot initialize clang: "couldn't find any valid shared libraries matching: ['', '', '', ''], set the LIBCLANG_PATH environment variable to a path where one of these files can be found (invalid: [])"', /home/host/.cargo/registry/src/ note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...

    Executable fail:

    [host@kingston ~]$ ./isg_4real.v1.0.0 -bash: ./isg_4real.v1.0.0: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

    opened by vandonsel 1
  • Improve EmbedSource struct code by removing unnecessary comments, usi…

    Improve EmbedSource struct code by removing unnecessary comments, usi…


    This pull request improves the existing code by making it safer and more robust. The following changes were made:

    • Removed unnecessary comments that did not add value to the code.
    • Replaced the unsafe block in the new() function with a match expression to handle any errors that might occur.
    • Added error handling to the from() function to ensure that the input image has the expected number of rows and columns. These changes improve the maintainability and reliability of the code.
    opened by mossein 0
  • Could not find encoder for codec id 62: Encoder not found

    Could not find encoder for codec id 62: Encoder not found

    output message when Embed

    Could not find encoder for codec id 62: Encoder not found Video embedded succesfully at output.avi Etching video ended in 4247ms

    opened by lost22git 1
  • thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zero'

    thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zero'

    Pick what you want to do with the program Dislodge What is the path to your video ? output [DcdKfmpmPwA].mp4 Where should the output go ? Dislodging frame ended in 17ms thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zero', src/ note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace Dislodging frame ended in 54ms

    I am wondering if this is because I did not give YT enough time to render SD/HD?

    opened by stevebanik 1
  • Similarity to Data2QR

    Similarity to Data2QR

    Hey I just found out about this project and found it funny how it is a bit similar to a project I made back in a while (

    We both had the idea to use Google's unlimited video storage functionality to store data in a different format to get unlimited storage :D

    However, I think your project is far better as it uses Rust and transforms the input way better than mine project does.

    opened by Myzel394 0
  • Could be technique for robust long-term data archival (data > video > celluloid rolls > video > data)

    Could be technique for robust long-term data archival (data > video > celluloid rolls > video > data)

    If this technique is robust, this could be proposed as a method for long-term data archiving. This method could theoretically allow:

    • To convert an arbitrary data file into a "video"
    • Optically print that video into celluloid rolls
    • Once the rolls are scanned back in, the method could be used to decode that back into the original data

    So, this may have utility beyond the "YouTube glitch".

    opened by twardoch 0
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