Blazingly fast Rust CLI app to sync data from a folder of excel workbooks into generated c# code for unity usage


img Rust Release

Extensions supported ( .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xla, .xlam, .ods )

Speed Test


Image shows the results of 5000defs synced from 2 workbooks and 5 sheets. over 180,000 lines of c# generated

How To Use

Running it

  1. Run the release exe from command line.
  2. Pass in the required args 1(Sheets Folder) 2(Sheets Extension) 3(Output Folder)
  3. Example: datasyncer.exe Sheets .ods Output
    1. ./target/release/datasyncer.exe Sheets/ .xlsx Output/
  4. Verbose/Debugging output: pass in fourth arg of --verbose

Creating a Sheet

  1. Right now just use the TesterBook.xlsx for reference as to how it will need to be structured as well as all the functionalities that are supported


  • DO NOT USE degree SYMBOLS IN YOUR PARSED .CS files .. it does not parse those well will break swapping of the blocks


  • handle primitives and enums
  • handle lists of primitives and enums
  • handle class's on defs
  • minor cleanup pass / refactor
  • Code Cleanup - Break out some functions, handle all the unwraps. those are ugly and not handled correctly
  • Create Data dump first C# file
  • Open up existing c# Output and slam over them with the new values
  • Support one excel workbook or a folder of them
  • add in --verbose if you want to see all the logs
  • Implement progress bars ->
  • Implement nicer CLI look ->
  • Show progress bar / stopwatch status how fast it exported
  • strip down the block start and ends (quicker)
  • add in generated getter function
  • global headers just a comment generated with a title and a space above
  • add in fix for varying lengths of lists on defs if nothing in the field don't add in another item
  • add in support for datetimes in defs and global
    • add in support for unix time,
    • add in support for utc/local
  • implement global enums not the creation the actual value
  • fix stripping out whitespace on the CONST and all over the var names, this causes confusion when trying to import.
  • Implement vec 2, 3, 4 2.4|5.4|234
  • Multithread this .. work on 4 cores. .. basically parse through a sheet per thread.
  • [NOT-POSSIBLE][x] Support Def Comments, Field Comments, Value Comments etc. insert these above values or above classes or to the side of a value
    • [NOT-POSSIBLE][x] Add in notes for the id .. after the id enum could have a comment note // Something about this id
  • fix the cur_list_index .. just redo this logic entirely very bad
  • Add in better handling of the incoming command line args ..
    • don't care about ordering and handle test paths with spaces in them
  • fix up the final strings for the data types
  • Add in arrays of classes ???
  • add in enabled def solution / getter function
  • Add in dev options at the top of the sheet next to the sync ..
  • make a bash script that after the build is successful copys the --release build over to brawlquest
  • ? Implement Passing in if you want an enum array built or just straight up global_fields named nicely
  • ? Implement Passing in if you want it static
  • Add in only importing the excel books that changed (need to generate some sort of last imported modification)
  • FIX - EMPTY DEF SHEET, right now if you go from an empty def sheet to adding in defs to it they wont fill.. you have to delete the file
  • HANDLE inserting \ before " automatically in strings
  • HANDLE inserting "\n" in the string where it would be a straight up next line
  • under the COUNT generated number have a FIRST {get{return defs[1]}} and LAST {get{return defs[COUNT]}}

Using It In Unity

public static class EditorUtils

    [MenuItem("Enable/Run Data-Sync %#d", priority = -10000)] // ctrl + shift + d
    static void RunDataSyncer()
        string root = GetRootDirectory();

        string extension = ".xlsx"; // Extensions supported (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xla, .xlam, .ods)
        string appendixPath = root + "Design/";
        string outputPath = root + "Assets/DataSynced"; // c# in unity
        string args = appendixPath + " " + extension + " " + outputPath;//  + " --verbose";


        string exe = root + "Assets/DataSyncer/datasyncer.exe";
        var process = Process.Start(exe, args);


    let start = Instant::now();
    println!("BENCH TEST ({}ms)", start.elapsed().as_millis());
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