rsv is a command line tool to deal with small and big CSV, TXT, EXCEL files (especially >10G)


csv, excel toolkit written in Rust

rsv is a command line tool to deal with small and big CSV, TXT, EXCEL files (especially >10G). rsv has following features:

  • written in Rust
  • fast and parallel data processing (based on Rayon)
  • real-time progress bar
  • simple usage
  • support command pipelines


download rsv.exe from release tab, and append the file directory to system path.

Available commands

  • head - Show head n lines of CSV, TXT or EXCEL file.
  • header - Show file headers.
  • count - Count the number of lines of file πŸƒ .
  • estimate - Fast estimate the number of lines.
  • clean - Clean file with escape char (e.g. ") or other strings πŸƒ .
  • frequency - Show frequency table for column(s) πŸƒ ⭐ .
  • split - Split file into separate files sequentially or based on column value πŸƒ ⭐ .
  • select - Select rows and columns by filter πŸƒ .
  • flatten - Prints flattened records to view records one by one.
  • slice - Prints a slice of rows from file.
  • search - Search with regexes πŸƒ ⭐ .
  • sort - In-memory data sorting, support for at most two columns ⭐ .
  • stats - Statistics for column(s), including min, max, mean, unique, null πŸƒ ⭐ .
  • excel2csv - Convert excel to csv.
  • to - Save command output data to disk, can be one of TXT, CSV, TSV, XLSX or XLS.
  • table - Format data as an aligned table.

Tips 1:

  • πŸƒ means the command is supported with a real-time progress bar.
  • ⭐ means the command is supported with parallel data processing.

Tips 2:

All commands, except "clean" and "excel2csv", are allowed to be chained.

Tips 3:

You can always check usage of each command by rsv command --help or rsv command -h, for example, rsv frequency --help.

Basic Usage

  • rsv head
rsv head data.csv                   # print as the file is
rsv head --tabled data.csv          # tabled
rsv head -t data.csv                # tabled too
rsv head -s \t data.csv             # CSV file with a tab separator
rsv head data.xlsx                  # EXCEL file
rsv head --help                     # help info on all flags
  • rsv header
rsv headers data.csv                # separator "," (default)
rsv headers -s \t data.csv          # separator tab
rsv headers data.xlsx               # EXCEL file
rsv headers --help                  # help info on all flags
  • rsv count
rsv count data.csv                  # plain-text file
rsv count data.xlsx                 # EXCEL file
rsv count --no-header data.csv
rsv count --help                    # help info on all flags
  • rsv estimate
rsv estimate data.csv
rsv estimate data.xlsx
rsv estimate --help                 # help info on all flags
  • rsv clean
rsv clean data.csv                               # default to clean escape char "
rsv clean -e \"content-to-delete\" data.csv      # escape is a str, clean str to empty
rsv clean -o new-file.csv data.csv               # save to new-file.csv, the default is data-cleaned.csv
rsv clean --help                                 # help info on all flags
  • rsv frequency
rsv frequency -c 0 data.csv              # default to the first column, descending order
rsv frequency -c 0 data.xlsx             # EXCEL file
rsv frequency -c 0,1,2,5 data.csv        # columns 0, 1, 2, and 5
rsv frequency -c 0-2,5 data.csv          # same as above
rsv frequency -c 0-2 --export data.csv   # export result to data-frequency.csv
rsv frequency -n 10 data.csv             # keep top 10 frequent items
rsv frequency -a 10 data.csv             # in ascending order
rsv frequency --help                     # help info on all flags

column selection syntax:
-c 0,1,2,5   -->    cols [0,1,2,5]
-c 0-2,5     -->    same as cols [0,1,2,5]
  • rsv split
rsv split data.csv                # default to first column and field separator of ,
rsv split data.xlsx               # EXCEL file
rsv split -s \t data.csv          # tab separator
rsv split -c 1 data.csv           # split based on second column
rsv split -c 0 -s \t data.csv     # first column, \t separator
rsv split --size 1000 data.xlsx   # Sequential split, 1000 records in a file.
rsv split --help                  # help info on all flags
  • rsv select
10&1=c" data.csv # first column > 10 numerically, AND the second column equals c rsv select -f 0!= --export data.csv # export result, in which the first column is non-empty rsv select --help # help info on other options Filter syntax, support =, !=, >, >=, <, <= and &: -f 0=a,b,c --> first column is a, b, or c -f 0N=1,2 --> first column numerically equals to 1 or 2 -f 0!= --> first column is not empty -f "0>=2022-01-21" --> first column equal to or bigger than 2022-01-21, lexicographically -f "0N>10" --> first column > 10 numerically -f "0N>10&2=pattern" --> first column > 10 numerically, AND the third column equals to NOTE: 1. only & (AND) operation is supported, | (OR) operation is not supported. 2. The filter option can be omitted to select all rows. column selection syntax: -c 0,1,2,5 --> cols [0,1,2,5] -c 0-2,5 --> same as cols [0,1,2,5]">
rsv select -f 0=a,b,c data.csv          # first column has values of a, b, or c
rsv select -f 0=a,b,c data.xlsx         # EXCEL file, sheet can be specified with the --sheet flag
rsv select -f "0N>10&1=c" data.csv      # first column > 10 numerically, AND the second column equals c
rsv select -f 0!= --export data.csv     # export result, in which the first column is non-empty
rsv select --help                       # help info on other options

Filter syntax, support =, !=, >, >=, <, <= and &:
-f 0=a,b,c           -->  first column is a, b, or c
-f 0N=1,2            -->  first column numerically equals to 1 or 2
-f 0!=               -->  first column is not empty
-f "0>=2022-01-21"   -->  first column equal to or bigger than 2022-01-21, lexicographically
-f "0N>10"           -->  first column > 10 numerically
-f "0N>10&2=pattern" -->  first column > 10 numerically, AND the third column equals to <pattern>

NOTE: 1. only & (AND) operation is supported, | (OR) operation is not supported.
      2. The filter option can be omitted to select all rows.

column selection syntax:
-c 0,1,2,5   -->    cols [0,1,2,5]
-c 0-2,5     -->    same as cols [0,1,2,5]
  • rsv flatten
rsv flatten data.csv                       # default to show first 5 records
rsv flatten -n 50 data.csv                 # show 50 records
rsv flatten data.xls                       # EXCEL file
rsv flatten --delimiter \"--\" data.csv    # change line delimiter to anything
rsv flatten --help                         # help info on all flags
  • rsv slice
rsv slice -s 100 -e 150 data.csv           # set start and end index
rsv slice -s 100 -l 50 data.csv            # set start index and the length
rsv slice -s 100 -l 50 data.xlsx           # EXCEL FILE
rsv slice -s 100 -l 50 --export data.csv   # export to data-slice.csv
rsv slice -e 10 --export data.csv          # set end index and export data
rsv slice -i 9 data.csv                    # the 10th line sliced only
rsv slice --help                           # help info on all flags
  • rsv search
rsv search PATTERN data.csv                # search PATTERN
rsv search "^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$" data.csv  # search dates
rsv search --export PATTERN data.csv       # export result
rsv search PATTERN data.xlsx               # search EXCEL file
rsv slice --help                           # help info on all flags
  • rsv sort
rsv sort -c 0 data.csv        # default to sort by first column in ascending
rsv sort -c 0D data.csv       # descending sort
rsv sort -c 0DN data.csv      # sort as numeric values
rsv sort -c 0DN,2N data.csv   # sort two columns
rsv sort -E data.csv          # export result
rsv sort data.xlsx            # sort EXCEL file
  • rsv stats
rsv stats data.csv                       # all columns, statistics include: min, max, mean, unique, null
rsv stats data.xlsx                      # EXCEL FILE
rsv stats -c 0,1 data.csv                # first two columns
rsv stats -c 0,1 --export data.csv       # export to data-stats.csv
rsv slice --help                         # help info on all flags
  • rsv excel2csv
rsv excel2csv data.xlsx                 # apply to xlsx file, default to first sheet (or sheet1)
rsv excel2csv data.xls                  # apply also to xls file
rsv excel2csv --sheet 1 data.xls        # second sheet, e.g., sheet 2
rsv excel2csv -S 1 data.xls             # same as above
  • rsv table
rsv head data.csv | rsv table                   # convert result to an aligned table
rsv slice -s 10 -e 15 data.csv | rsv table      # convert result to an aligned table

Command pipeline

  • two commands pipelined
10" data.csv | rsv head -n 5 # filter rows, and show head 5 records rsv select -f "2N=10,20" -c 0-4 data.csv | rsv stats # filter rows, select columns and make statistics rsv select -f "2N=10,20" -c 0-4 data.csv | rsv sort -c 2 # filter rows, select columns and sort data">
rsv search "^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$" data.csv | rsv table     # search date and print in an aligned table
rsv select -f 0=a,b data.csv | rsv frequency -c 0         # filter rows and get its frequency table
rsv select -f "0!=&2N>10" data.csv | rsv head -n 5        # filter rows, and show head 5 records
rsv select -f "2N=10,20" -c 0-4 data.csv | rsv stats      # filter rows, select columns and make statistics
rsv select -f "2N=10,20" -c 0-4 data.csv | rsv sort -c 2  # filter rows, select columns and sort data
  • more commands pipelined
=10&0N<20" data.csv | rsv search pattern | rsv table # select, search, and print in a table">
rsv search pattern1 data.csv | rsv sort -c 1ND | rsv table             # search, sort and print
rsv select -f 1=a,b data.csv | rsv search pattern | rsv stats          # select, search, and make statistics
rsv select -f "0N>=10&0N<20" data.csv | rsv search pattern | rsv table # select, search, and print in a table

Data export

  • method 1: by the --export or -E flag, support exporting to csv file only
=10" --export pattern data.xlsx # export select data">
rsv slice -s 1000 -e 2000 --export data.csv           # the data export flag
rsv slice -s 1000 -e 2000 -E data.csv                 # same as above
rsv search --export pattern data.xlsx                 # export search data
rsv select -f "0N>=10" --export pattern data.xlsx     # export select data
  • method 2: by "rsv to" subcommand, support csv, txt, tsv, excel
=10" pattern data.xlsx | rsv to out.txt # export to TXT">
rsv slice -s 1000 -e 2000 data.csv | rsv to out.csv          # export to CSV
rsv slice -s 1000 -e 2000 data.csv | rsv to out.xlsx         # export to EXCEL
rsv search pattern data.xlsx | rsv to out.tsv                # export to TSV
rsv select -f "0N>=10" pattern data.xlsx | rsv to out.txt    # export to TXT

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new features will be added in the future.

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