FUSE filesystem that provides FizzBuzz.txt(8 Exabyte)



root@8a2db3fc6292:/# cd /mnt/FizzBuzz/
root@8a2db3fc6292:/mnt/FizzBuzz# ls -l
total 9007199254740992
-rw-r--r-- 1 501 dialout 9223372036854775807 Jan  1  1970 FizzBuzz.txt
root@8a2db3fc6292:/mnt/FizzBuzz# ls -lh
total 8.0E
-rw-r--r-- 1 501 dialout 8.0E Jan  1  1970 FizzBuzz.txt
root@8a2db3fc6292:/mnt/FizzBuzz# head FizzBuzz.txt
root@8a2db3fc6292:/mnt/FizzBuzz# dd if=FizzBuzz.txt ibs=512 count=1 skip=999999


docker build -t fizzbuzzfs .
docker run -it --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --device /dev/fuse fizzbuzzfs
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