This PAM module provides ssh-agent based authentication



This PAM module provides ssh-agent based authentication. The primary design goal is to avoid typing password when you sudo on remote servers. Instead, you can simply touch your hardware security key (e.g. Yubikey/Canokey) to fulfill user verification. The process is done by forwarding the remote authentication request to client-side ssh-agent as a signature request.

This project is developed in Rust language to minimize security flaws.

Development Status

It's a preliminary version now. Test and feedback are needed.

Currently supported SSH public key types:

  • RSA (with SHA256 digest)
  • ECDSA 256/384/521
  • ED25519

Under development:

  • FIDO2 (ed25519-sk/ecdsa-sk)

Build and Install


  • OpenSSL (>=1.1.1)
  • libpam
  • Rust (with Cargo)
cargo build --release
cp target/release/ /usr/local/lib/


Add the following line to /etc/pam.d/sudo (place it before existing rules):

auth sufficient /usr/local/lib/

Then edit sudoers with visudo command. Add the following line: (It makes sudo keep the environment variable, so this module can communicate with ssh-agent)

Defaults        env_keep += "SSH_AUTH_SOCK"

Start a ssh-agent on your client, then add your keys with ssh-add.

Try to ssh to your server with forwarded agent (-A option), and make a sudo there.


The following arguments are supported:

  • loglevel= Select the level of messages logged to syslog. Defaults to warn.
  • debug Equivalent to loglevel=debug.
  • ssh_agent_addr= The address of ssh-agent. Defaults to the value of SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable, which is set by ssh automatically.
  • auth_key_file= Public keys allowed for user authentication. Defaults to /home/ /.ssh/authorized_keys .

Arguments should be appended to the PAM rule. For example, auth sufficient /usr/local/lib/ debug.

  • Fails to build

    Fails to build

    First, thank you for this. pam_ssh_agent_auth does not support ed25519-sk for use with sudo so this project looks promising.

    Unfortunately, I am 100% unfamiliar with rust and cargo.

    In simply cloing the repository and running cargo build --release I am presented with an error.

        Updating index
    error: failed to get `pam` as a dependency of package `pam_rssh v0.2.0 (/home/dopefish/builds/pam_rssh)`
    Caused by:
      failed to load source for dependency `pam`
    Caused by:
      Unable to update /home/dopefish/builds/pam_rssh/dep/pam-rs/pam
    Caused by:
      failed to read `/home/dopefish/builds/pam_rssh/dep/pam-rs/pam/Cargo.toml`
    Caused by:
      No such file or directory (os error 2)

    From here I googled pam-rs and found another github repository. In the dep folder I cloned

    Again, I built but received another error.

        Updating index
    error: failed to get `ssh-agent` as a dependency of package `pam_rssh v0.2.0 (/home/dopefish/builds/pam_rssh)`
    Caused by:
      failed to load source for dependency `ssh-agent`
    Caused by:
      Unable to update /home/dopefish/builds/pam_rssh/dep/
    Caused by:
      failed to read `/home/dopefish/builds/pam_rssh/dep/`
    Caused by:
      No such file or directory (os error 2)

    I searched online for and found an other github repository. Just like before I cloned

    I went back to build again and received yet another error.

        Updating index
    error: no matching package named `pam` found
    location searched: /home/dopefish/builds/pam_rssh/dep/pam-rs/pam
    required by package `pam_rssh v0.2.0 (/home/dopefish/builds/pam_rssh)`

    There is a pam folder inside of pam-rs from the repository.

    I have been unable to get past building at this point.

    Help is appreciated!

    opened by dlrudie 4
  • Searches for authorized_keys at user's home dir

    Searches for authorized_keys at user's home dir

    Changes the default place to search for authorized_keys file.

    Instead using hardcoded /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys, uses the user's home directory as returned by getpwnam. Some users (notably, root) have their home directories outside /home.

    Closes #1

    opened by piterpunk 3
  • Compiling errors

    Compiling errors

    After compiling everything I get this error:

    ... = note: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpam

    I understand that this means ld can't find but I don't know where to get that on Pop! OS. I'll keep looking but please let me know if you know of a solution.

    opened by hoopahmadness 1
  • Can't use pam_rssh to auth as root without a centralized authorized_keys file

    Can't use pam_rssh to auth as root without a centralized authorized_keys file

    The default per user authorized_keys is hardcoded to /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys. As root home dir is /root, the authorized_keys isn't found and pam_rssh auth fails:

    Jun 15 15:49:25 number5 pam_rssh[20769]: read_authorized_keys: Failed to read `/home/root/.ssh/authorized_keys`

    It's possible to set a centralized authorized_keys file as an workaround, but them, all users will accept the same keys, which brings another problems.

    Will be nice if pam_rssh searches for authorized_keys at the user's home directory, so the we can have a per user authorized_keys not only for users that have their home dir at /home/<username>, but also in other locations, like /root.

    opened by piterpunk 0
  • two minor changes

    two minor changes

    1. rustc 1.66 want to treat PamHandle differently, adding &mut fix that.

    *** orig/ 2022-12-27 06:29:57.846782481 -0800 --- src/ 2022-12-27 06:23:00.133932449 -0800

    *** 73,79 **** }

    impl PamHooks for PamRssh { ! fn sm_authenticate(pamh: &PamHandle, args: Vec<&CStr>, _flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode { /* if (flags & pam::constants::PAM_SILENT) == 0 */ { setup_logger(); --- 73,79 ---- }

    impl PamHooks for PamRssh { ! fn sm_authenticate(pamh: &mut PamHandle, args: Vec<&CStr>, _flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode { /* if (flags & pam::constants::PAM_SILENT) == 0 */ { setup_logger();

    *** 171,177 **** }

      // Always return PAM_SUCCESS for sm_setcred, just like pam-u2f

    ! fn sm_setcred(_pamh: &PamHandle, _args: Vec<&CStr>, _flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode { info!("set-credentials is not implemented"); PamResultCode::PAM_SUCCESS } --- 171,177 ---- }

      // Always return PAM_SUCCESS for sm_setcred, just like pam-u2f

    ! fn sm_setcred(_pamh: &mut PamHandle, _args: Vec<&CStr>, _flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode { info!("set-credentials is not implemented"); PamResultCode::PAM_SUCCESS } 2) pam-rs changed to package reference to pam-bindings, so updated Cargo.toml to use entry pam-bindings = "^0.1.1"

    the build was successful and used it in some of my machines now.

    opened by aphuang2013 3
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