API bindings, CLI client and FUSE filesystem for Wiki.js written in Rust.



API bindings, CLI client and FUSE filesystem for Wiki.js written in Rust.

Tests Crates.io Crates.io

What's inside?

  • Library: Rust bindings to Wiki.js's entire GraphQL API as well as asset up- and download via the REST API. Usable but not battle-tested
  • CLI: Command-line client for those bindings allowing things like editing pages with your editor. Usable but not complete yet
  • Filesystem: A FUSE filesystem to mount your wiki and work on it locally. Not usable yet, heavily work-in-progress.


The library basically gives you a struct Api that you hand the url and credentials for you Wiki.js instance to, and that exposes functions for all the different GraphQL queries and mutations as well as asset down- and upload via the REST API. For detailed information check the documentation, otherwise here a short example:


Add the following dependency to your Cargo.toml:

wikijs = "0.1"

Create an instance of Api and use its functions:

use wikijs::{Api, Credentials};

let api = Api::new(
println!("{:?}", api.page_get(1).unwrap());


This crate ships a command-line tool also called wikijs to directly interact with your Wiki.js instance from the CLI. On top of exposing the library functions it also offers additional functionality like editing pages with your favorite editor.


cargo build --features=cli


The CLI is packaged via cargo, as well as Debian and AUR package, see Installation for details.


The tool takes the URL and credentials either from the arguments or environment variables. For the latter option use something like this:

export WIKI_JS_BASE_URL=https://wiki.mydomain.com

Then you can for example create a page named test, list pages and edit it with:

wikijs page create test
wikijs page list
wikijs page edit <ID>

where the ID is found in the page list output.


WARNING: Not really usable yet! Careful!

Also in case you wanna PR on this please coordinate via issues, as I'm currently heavily refactoring this to add a caching layer and include assets.

This crate also ships FUSE filesystem called wikifs to mount your Wiki.js instance locally and view and manipulate it with what ever programs you like.


cargo build --features=fuse


cargo install wikijs --features=fuse


The tool takes the URL and credentials either from the arguments or environment variables. For the latter option use something like this:

export WIKI_JS_BASE_URL=https://wiki.mydomain.com

Then you can mount the filesystem like so:

mkdir /tmp/wikijs
wikifs /tmp/wikijs

And in another terminal use it like this:

cd /tmp/wikijs
cat test.md

provided you have a markdown page located at /test in your wiki.


These instructions are for the CLI only so far, as the FUSE filesystem is not ready to be shipped.


Run the following to install the CLI from crates.io:

cargo install wikijs --features=cli


The CLI is available on AUR.

Debian and Ubuntu

The CLI is available from deb.gierens.de. The GPG public key is in this repo under deb.asc.

First make sure you have the gpg command, and otherwise install it via:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y gpg

Then install wikijs-rs via:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gierens/wikijs-rs/main/deb.asc | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/gierens.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/gierens.gpg] http://deb.gierens.de stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gierens.list
sudo chmod 644 /etc/apt/keyrings/gierens.gpg /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gierens.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y wikijs-rs


Use small commits that make isolated changes to a single module and name them according to conventional commits.

Two parts where especially first-time contributions should be fairly easy and are also really needed is writing docstrings and integration tests. Apart from that the CLI still needs to implement many of the library functions.

Please check issues and PRs first and maybe make an issue or draft PR of your own so we can coordinate work. This is especially important for the FUSE filesystem, as I'm currently heavily refactoring that.


Since this depends on Wiki.js the integration tests located in tests/ can also not be done without it. Therefore the docker-compose.yml is used to run a local instance of it on port 80. This setup is also used in the CI workflows. Note that many tests assume the wiki to be fresh, no pages no anything ... that's why there is also no Docker volume, so that on every rebuild all previous data is lost. This also means you should make sure you removed everything yourself from the instance during debugging when testing.

The tests furthermore assume the wiki to have the following admin credentials:

To set this up automatically on initial startup of the wiki, you may use scripts/finalize_wiki_setup.sh which also assumes the wiki to run on http://localhost:80.


This projects is licensed under AGPL-3.0 since Wiki.js is, too.

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  • v0.1.1(Sep 17, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Add more documentation to the library by @gierens in https://github.com/gierens/wikijs-rs/pull/4
    • Add Debian/Ubuntu packaging by @gierens in https://github.com/gierens/wikijs-rs/pull/5
    • Add Arch AUR package
    • Add more documentation to the README

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/gierens/wikijs-rs/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Sep 17, 2023)

    Initial release.

    What's the State


    The library should be usable but is not battletested yet. It includes the following features:

    • structs for all types used by the GraphQL API
    • functions for all GraphQL queries and mutations
    • functions for asset download and upload via REST API
    • login via username/password for API key
    • error handling via custom module specific error types


    This is usable but not complete yet. It includes the following features:

    • login credentials via arguments or environment variable
    • command subcommand structure in accordance to the functions offered by the library
    • commands of parts of those functions mostly focussed on the page module
    • a page edit command to modify page content via the chosen editor (EDITOR env variable or argument)


    This is not really usable yet and heavily work in progress. So far it does:

    • login credentials via arguments or environment variable
    • some basic operations for pages (directory structure, reading and writing pages)

    New Contributors

    • @gierens made their first contribution

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/gierens/wikijs-rs/commits/v0.1.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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