A tool for chatting using the ChatGPT API, written in Rust CLI.



  • A tool for chatting using the ChatGPT API, written in Rust CLI.
  • You can use this tool to chat, just by setting your API Key.
  • You can modify the API domain and other API parameters when you start the chat.
  • If you like this tool, please join me to complete the TODO list, and let's improve this tool together



  • Linux/MacOS Run the following command in your terminal:


  • Use prompt: chatgpt_rust -p "xxxx"

  • Use Ctrl+c cancel the gpt request

cargo Install

  • If you have Rust installed, you can install the CLI using cargo:
cargo install chatgpt_rust

Install from source code

  1. build code
cargo build
  1. cd target/debug

User Guide

  • chatgpt_rust --help
                    ChatGPT CLI Create by zhulg ([email protected])
            | 1.You just need to input your api key, the cli version V0.2.0     |
            | 2.You can modify the API domain and other API parameters          |
            | 3.If you want to use it in China, you can use my api key          |

Usage: chatgpt_rust [OPTIONS]

  -d, --Domain <DomainName>        Sets the API Domain name. [default: api.openai.com]
  -k, --key <APIKey>               Sets the API key. If not provided, the cli will ask for it,
                                   You can also set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. [default: ]
  -p, --prompt <prompt>            Sets the prompt for this session. [default: ]
  -m, --model <model>              Sets the GPT model to use. gpt-3.5-turbo or gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 [default: gpt-3.5-turbo]
  -t, --temperature <temperature>  Sets the temperature for text generation. [default: 0.5]
  -l, --length <max_tokens>        sets the max_tokens, default is 1000 [default: 1000]
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version

Longer explanation to appear after the options when displaying the help information from --help or -h


Set your ‘OPENAI_API_KEY’ Environment Variable using zsh, No set will ask the user to input the API key in the terminal.

  1. Run the following command in your terminal, replacing yourkey with your API key.
echo "export OPENAI_API_KEY='yourkey'" >> ~/.zshrc

  1. Update the shell with the new variable:
source ~/.zshrc
  1. Confirm that you have set your environment variable using the following command.

The value of your API key will be the resulting output.


  • Support save message to file
  • import chat message from file
  • Support read prompt from file
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