Provide free GPT-3.5 API service by reverse engineering the login-free ChatGPT website.


ChatGPT Free API

CI Docker Pulls

Provide free GPT-3.5 API service by reverse engineering the login-free ChatGPT website.

Note: This service requires the IP to be able to use the login-free Chatgpt normally.



docker run -d -p 3040:3040 --name chatgpt-free-api xsigoking/chatgpt-free-api

Binaries for macOS, Linux, and Windows

Download it from GitHub Releases, unzip, and add chatgpt-free-api to your $PATH.


Run server

chatgpt-api-server                                  # Listening on, no proxy
PORT=8080 chatgpt-api-server                        # Listening on port 8080
ALL_PROXY=http://localhost:18080 chatgpt-api-server # Use a proxy

Request Example

curl \
  -i -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    "messages": [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Hello!"
    "stream": true


The project is under the MIT License, Refer to the LICENSE file for detailed information.

  • Failed to get answer caused by: Invalid header value:

    Failed to get answer caused by: Invalid header value: "application/json"

    I tried:

    • running the server from the released binary
    • docker: docker run -d --name chatgpt-free-api xsigoking/chatgpt-free-api
    • docker-compose:
    version: '3'
        image: xsigoking/chatgpt-free-api:latest
        restart: always
          - "3040:3040"

    Everything led to the same error:

    Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 12 07 41 Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 12 09 53

    System Software Overview:

      System Version: macOS 14.4.1 (23E224)
      Kernel Version: Darwin 23.4.0
      Boot Volume: Macintosh HD
      Boot Mode: Normal
      Computer Name: echo
      User Name: Basil (bf)
      Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled
      System Integrity Protection: Enabled
      Time since boot: 12 days, 20 hours, 11 minutes

    Hardware Overview:

      Model Name: MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier: Mac14,9
      Model Number: MPHE3SM/A
      Chip: Apple M2 Pro
      Total Number of Cores: 10 (6 performance and 4 efficiency)
      Memory: 16 GB
      System Firmware Version: 10151.101.3
      OS Loader Version: 10151.101.3
      Serial Number (system): M77K97QL9N
      Activation Lock Status: Disabled
    opened by bs10x 12
  • Error Decoding Response Body

    Error Decoding Response Body

    chatgpt-free-api service running on a proxy in the USA

    curl   -i -X POST   -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -d '{
        "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
        "messages": [
            "role": "user",
            "content": "Hello!"
        "stream": false


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
    access-control-allow-origin: *
    access-control-allow-methods: GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE
    access-control-allow-headers: Content-Type,Authorization
    content-length: 98
    date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 09:05:57 GMT
    {"status":false,"error":{"message":"error decoding response body","type":"invalid_request_error"}}

    log of the service:

    Access the API server at:
    Environment Variables:
      - PORT: change the listening port, defaulting to 3040
      - ALL_PROXY: configure the proxy server, supporting HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5 protocols
      - AUTHORIZATION: only for internal use to protect the API and will not be sent to OpenAI
    Please contact us at if you encounter any issues.
    [2024-04-17T10:56:13Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T10:58:57Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:00:57Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:01:10Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:13:07Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:44:44Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:47:40Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:48:11Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:48:37Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:50:04Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:50:46Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:51:10Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:52:01Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T11:52:19Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T12:01:21Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-17T12:07:59Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-18T07:48:47Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-18T08:57:13Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-18T09:00:32Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-18T09:00:44Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-18T09:01:01Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-18T09:02:21Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-18T09:02:42Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-18T09:04:54Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    [2024-04-18T09:05:57Z ERROR] POST /v1/chat/completions 200 error decoding response body
    opened by bs10x 2
  • What is the reason for the error message?

    What is the reason for the error message?

    What is the reason for the error message { "status": false, "error":{ "message": "Failed to meet chat requirements, error decoding response body", "type": "invalid_request_error" } }

    opened by kutemao 1
  • The ChatGPT page is not working properly.  error is displayed:

    The ChatGPT page is not working properly. error is displayed:

    {"status":false,"error":{"message":"The requested endpoint was not found.","type":"invalid_request_error"}}

    opened by AndyLin2020 1
  • Failed to check the chat requirements, `{

    Failed to check the chat requirements, `{"details":"Unauthorized"}`

    Login-free ChatGPT is being gradually launched. It may not be available in your current region.

    OpenAI, April 1, 2024

    Starting today, you can use ChatGPT instantly, without needing to sign-up. We're rolling this out gradually, with the aim to make AI accessible to anyone curious about its capabilities.

    Run the following command to check if it is available

    curl '' \
      -H 'accept: */*' \
      -H 'accept-language: en' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'oai-device-id: 31d07b2e-40ae-4af8-9501-573ed853e39b' \
      -H 'oai-language: en-US' \
      -H 'origin:' \
      -H 'pragma: no-cache' \
      -H 'referer:' \
      -H 'sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="123", "Not:A-Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="123"' \
      -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' \
      -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' \
      -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' \
      -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' \
      -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin' \
      -H 'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' \
      --data-raw '{}'

    If curl returns {"details":"Unauthorized"}, then login-free ChatGPT is not available in your current region.

    opened by xsigoking 0
  • feat: protect api with AUTHORIZATION

    feat: protect api with AUTHORIZATION

    AUTHORIZATION: only for internal use to protect the API and will not be sent to OpenAI

    AUTHORIZATION="Bearer abc" chatgpt-free-api
    # If api server have been runned  with `AUTHORIZATION` environment variable,
    # then the request must also have `Authorization` header. 
    curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer abc' localhost:3040/v1/models
    opened by xsigoking 0
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