Api testing tool made with rust to use for api developement (Kind of Tui)

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Command-line Fastreq

Api testing tool made with rust to use for api developement (Kind of Tui)

This Rust project provides a simple yet powerful tool for making HTTP requests and handling responses. Built with reqwest for performing HTTP requests, tokio for asynchronous runtime, and serde_json for JSON parsing, it offers functionalities to make GET, POST, PUT, and PATCH requests, manage request headers and body, and pretty-print JSON responses.

Image description


  • Support for various HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH.
  • JSON body and headers configuration via external files.
  • Pretty-printing JSON responses directly within the application.
  • Configuration through a config.json file for default values.
  • Synchronous reading of user inputs and asynchronous request handling.


  • Rust programming language
  • Cargo package manager


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/Kythonlk/rust-api-client.git
cd rust-api-client
  1. Build the project:
cargo build
  1. Run the project:
cargo run


After running the application, follow the on-screen prompts to:

  1. Enter the URL or leave blank to use the URL from config.json.
  2. Select the request type (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH).
  3. If applicable, specify the path to the JSON body file for POST, PUT, or PATCH requests.
  4. Decide whether to add headers from a file and specify the path to the JSON headers file if yes.
  5. View the pretty-printed JSON response or raw response text in the console.


  • config.json: Set default values for the URL and any other configurations you might need.
  • JSON files for request bodies and headers: Format according to the requirements of your API endpoint.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue for any bugs, feature requests, or improvements.

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  • v0.1.0(Feb 14, 2024)

    Release Notes for FastReq Version 0.1


    FastReq 0.1 is the initial release of our lightweight, powerful command-line utility designed for making HTTP requests. This release includes support for GET and POST requests, customizable request headers and body content through JSON files, and a default configuration mechanism.


    • HTTP Request Types: Supports GET and POST requests with easy command-line switches.
    • Custom Headers and Body: Allows users to specify custom headers and body content for POST requests via external JSON files.
    • Configuration File Support: Includes a default configuration file (config.json) for setting commonly used parameters.
    • Response Time Measurement: Offers an option to measure and display the response time for each request.
    • Simplified Command-Line Usage: Designed with simplicity in mind, providing clear and concise command-line options.

    How to Run FastReq

    After extracting the provided fastreq.zip file, you will find the fastreq binary along with example body.json, header.json, and config.json files. Here's how to run FastReq in a production environment:

    1. Ensure Required Files Are Present: Make sure body.json, header.json, and config.json are in the same directory as the fastreq binary or specify their paths when running commands.

    2. Execute a Request: Run FastReq from the command line by navigating to the directory containing the fastreq binary and executing it with the appropriate flags. Below are some example commands:

      • GET Request:

        ./fastreq -u 'http://example.com' -t g
      • POST Request (using body.json and header.json):

        ./fastreq -u 'http://example.com' -t p -b body.json -H header.json
      • Measure Response Time for a GET request:

        ./fastreq -u 'http://example.com' -t g -m

    Release Package Contents

    The fastreq.zip file includes the following:

    • fastreq: The executable binary for FastReq.
    • body.json: An example JSON file for HTTP POST body content.
    • header.json: An example JSON file containing custom request headers.
    • config.json: The default configuration file, which can be customized as needed.

    System Requirements

    FastReq is built to run on Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS. Windows support is pending.


    No formal installation is required. Simply extract fastreq.zip and run the fastreq binary from the command line. Ensure executable permissions are set correctly (e.g., using chmod +x fastreq on Unix-like systems).

    Support and Contributions

    For support, feature requests, or contributions, please visit [GitHub repository URL]. We welcome community feedback and contributions to improve FastReq in future releases.

    This release note provides a concise overview of FastReq's capabilities, usage, and contents of the release package. Adjust the GitHub repository URL and any specific instructions or descriptions according to your actual project details and hosting arrangements.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    fastreq.zip(2.63 MB)
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