a command-line tool that transforms a Git repository into a minimal format for ChatGPT queries




a command-line tool that transforms a Git repository into a minimal format for ChatGPT queries.


  • Excludes LICENSE and files in the .gitignore
  • Can exclude specific files or directories
  • Reduces whitespace for files with non-significant whitespace
  • Optional preamble file for adding custom instructions
  • Uses the R-word (R*st)


gprepo [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]


  • -h, --help: Prints help information
  • -V, --version: Prints version information


  • -i, --ignore <IGNORE_PATH>: File paths to ignore (can be specified multiple times)
  • -o, --output <OUTPUT_PATH>: Output file path (default: stdout)
  • -p, --preamble <PREAMBLE_PATH>: Optional path to the preamble file
  • -r, --repo-path <REPO_PATH>: Path to the repository


Translate a Git repository and output the result to a file:

gprepo -r /path/to/repo -o output.txt

Exclude specific files or directories:

gprepo -i "target/" -i "node_modules/"

Add a custom preamble file:

gprepo -p my_preamble.txt


cargo install --git https://github.com/jtrv/gprepo


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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