6147 Repositories
Rust holochain-rust Libraries
An implementation of Olm and Megolm in pure Rust.
A Rust implementation of Olm and Megolm vodozemac is a Rust implementation of libolm, a cryptographic library used for end-to-end encryption in Matrix
Compile time static maps for Rust
Rust-PHF Documentation Rust-PHF is a library to generate efficient lookup tables at compile time using perfect hash functions. It currently uses the C
Rust language bindings for Bitcoin secp256k1 library.
Full documentation rust-secp256k1 rust-secp256k1 is a wrapper around libsecp256k1, a C library by Pieter Wuille for producing ECDSA signatures using t
Pure-Rust traits and utilities for constant-time cryptographic implementations.
subtle Pure-Rust traits and utilities for constant-time cryptographic implementations. It consists of a Choice type, and a collection of traits using
Pure Rust implementation of the Double Ratchet algorithm
Double Ratchet A pure Rust implementation of the Double Ratchet, as specified by Trevor Perrin and Moxie Marlinspike. The Double Ratchet allows two us
Collection of Key Derivation Functions written in pure Rust
RustCrypto: Key Derivation Functions Collection of Key Derivation Functions (KDF) written in pure Rust. Supported Algorithms Algorithm Crate Crates.io
Rust-language assets for Zcash
Zcash Rust crates This repository contains a (work-in-progress) set of Rust crates for working with Zcash. Security Warnings These libraries are curre
Rust(1) cli prototype
rust-cli rust(1) CLI prototype API Docs | Releases | Contributing Installation $ cargo add rust-cli Safety This crate uses #![deny(unsafe_code)] to en
A Rust library for evaluating log4j substitution queries in order to determine whether or not malicious queries may exist.
log4j_interpreter A Rust library for evaluating log4j substitution queries in order to determine whether or not malicious queries may exist. Limitatio
Android-related tools for building and developing applications 🛠
Rust Android Tools Android-related tools for building and developing applications: Name Description Status aapt2 Android Asset Packaging Tool ✅ bundle
A firebase HTTP v1 client implementation in Rust using google-authz
firebase-client A firebase HTTP v1 client implementation in Rust using the google_authz library. Example There are two ways to send notifications, one
Solutions of Advent of Code 2021 in Rust, and some other languages.
advent-of-rust Solutions of Advent of Code 2021 in Rust, and some other languages. Puzzles Puzzle Stars Languages Day 1: Sonar Sweep ⭐ ⭐ Rust Python D
A SameGame/TileFall-like game written in Rust/FLTK.
Gravitate A SameGame/TileFall-like game written in Rust/FLTK. Tested on Linux and Windows. gravitate.exe is a precompiled Windows binary that should r
A demo blog post engine in Rust, using Rocket and MongoDB
A demo blog post engine written in Rust, using Rocket and MongoDB Quick Start Setup a new MongoDB cluster https://cloud.mongodb.com/ create a new data
Try to learn Rust in a week. The goal is to finish a quiz at the end of the week.
RustInAWeek Try to learn Rust in a week. The goal is to finish the quiz at the end of the week. Quiz link https://dtolnay.github.io/rust-quiz/1 Book l
The simplest build-time framework for writing web apps with html templates and typescript
Encoped A build-time fast af tool to write static apps with html and TypeScript Features Template-based ESLint, Prettier and Rollup integration No ext
Tic-Tac-Toe on the GPU, as an example application for wgpu
Tic-Tac-GPU A simple (cough cough) example on a tic-tac-toe game with wgpu. Why? Because I didn't find that many small applications which use wgpu as
A silly program written in Rust to output nonsensical sentences in the command line interface.
A silly program written in Rust to output nonsensical sentences in the command line interface.
A simple, plug-and-play Rust-implementation of D3vd/Meme_API
🌃 Rua A simplified Rust-implementation of D3vd/Meme_API. You can self-host this with ease through Docker, but you can also opt to use our free servic
Easily update your minecraft mods with 1 file (guess I'm back to rust again)
Mod Updater This program updates all your mods to a newer/later version. To use: Create a file named config.toml Create a folder named mods; Add the f
ChiselStore is an embeddable, distributed SQLite for Rust, powered by Little Raft.
ChiselStore ChiselStore is an embeddable, distributed SQLite for Rust, powered by Little Raft. SQLite is a fast and compact relational database manage
🔑 Threshold Shamir's secret sharing in Rust
Rusty Secrets Rusty Secrets is an implementation of a threshold Shamir's secret sharing scheme. Documentation (latest) Documentation (master) Design g
An implementation of Verifiable Delay Functions in Rust
Verifiable Delay Function (VDF) Implementation in Rust What is a VDF? A Verifiable Delay Function (VDF) is a function that requires substantial time t
🌳 A lightning-fast system fetch tool made with Rust.
🌳 treefetch A lightning-fast minimalist system fetch tool made in Rust. Even faster than neofetch and pfetch. Made to practice my new Rust skills 🦀
Sqllogictest parser and runner in Rust.
Sqllogictest-rs Sqllogictest parser and runner in Rust. License Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apa
A fast and stable reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust
rathole A fast and stable reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust rathole, like frp, can help to expose the service on the device behind the
An in-depth resource to learn Rust 🦀
Learning Rust 🦀 Hello friend! 👋 Welcome to my "Learning Rust" repo, a home for my notes as I'm learning Rust. I'm structuring everything into lesson
Rust = Solidity
POC harness for writing Solidity tests in Rust using ethers-rs. Usage Run forge tests forge test Run rust tests forge build cargo test Notes The usag
Quick Pool: High Performance Rust Async Resource Pool
Quick Pool High Performance Rust Async Resource Pool Usage DBCP Database Backend Adapter Version PostgreSQL tokio-postgres qp-postgres Example use asy
A language that ports⚓: examining the limits of compilation⚙️.
⚓ harbor ⚓ A language that ports: examining the limits of compilation. Demo | Crates | Contact Me Written in Rust 🦀 💖 NOTE: Click the images above f
Pure-Rust DTLS
dustls, a pure-rust DTLS implementation A DTLSv1.2 implementation in Rust, reusing rustls for cryptographic primitives and most message payload format
Rust client for apache iotdb.
Apache IoTDB Apache IoTDB (Database for Internet of Things) is an IoT native database with high performance for data management and analysis, deployab
Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
Lapce Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust About Lapce is written in pure Rust, with UI in Druid. It's using Xi-Editor's Rope Scien
Register access crate for AVR microcontrollers
avr-device Auto-generated wrappers around registers for AVR microcontrollers. Usage Add the following to Cargo.toml: [dependencies.avr-device] version
Hardware Abstraction Layer for AVR microcontrollers and common boards
avr-hal Hardware Abstraction Layer for AVR microcontrollers and common boards (for example Arduino). Based on the avr-device crate. This is a new vers
Low level access to ATmega32U4 registers in Rust
Deprecation Note: This crate will soon be deprecated in favor of avr-device. The approach of generating the svd from hand-written register definitions
Hardware Abstraction Layer for ATmega32U4
Deprecation Note: This crate will soon be deprecated in favor of avr-hal. avr-hal is a new approach to writing the HAL crate, that was designed with s
Board Support Crate for Arduino Leonardo in Rust
Deprecation Note: This crate will soon be deprecated in favor of avr-hal. avr-hal is a new approach to writing the HAL crate, that was designed with s
CHIP-8 implementation in Rust targeting AVR microcontrollers
CHIP-8 implementation for a very simple breadboard toy This is a CHIP-8 virtual machine implementation running on AVR. Its big party trick is that it
Keyboard firmware implemented in Rust
flutterby-rs Keyboard firmware implemented in Rust. It doesn't do anything useful yet! Building for atmega32u4 devices (ergodox-ez, feather32u4) First
Demo for Arduboy written in rust
arduboy-hello-rs Install Install Rust with rustup https://www.rust-lang.org/en-US/install.html Install Arduino IDE https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Soft
A blinking LED program written in Rust for the AVR
blink A small Hello World Rust application for the AVR. The program itself toggles a LED on PORTB periodically. Designed for the ATmega328p. The AVR-R
Install `wasm-pack` by downloading the executable
wasm-pack-action Install wasm-pack by downloading the executable (much faster than cargo install wasm-pack, seconds vs minutes). Usage - uses: jetli/w
🎵 A super simple VST written in Rust
DigiDist This is a simple little VST plugin, developed in Rust using the vst2 crate. It doesn't sound particularly great, but it demonstrates just how
Cross-platform GUI toolkit written in Rust
Tuix is a cross-platform GUI toolkit written in Rust. The driving principle behind tuix is to be a self-contained, small-as-possible, but still fast,
VST2 frequency modulation synthesizer written in Rust
OctaSine VST2 frequency modulation synthesizer written in Rust. Official website with downloads OctaSine.com Audio examples SoundCloud Screenshots Lig
simple-eq is a crate that implements a simple audio equalizer in Rust.
simple-eq A Simple Audio Equalizer simple-eq is a crate that implements a simple audio equalizer in Rust. It supports a maximum of 32 filter bands. Us
Eternally liquid. Forward compatible. Nested, conditional, & Multi-resourced NFTs.
RMRK Substrate Rust Setup First, complete the basic Rust setup instructions. Run Use Rust's native cargo command to build and launch the template node
A general-purpose distributed memory cache system compatible with Memcached
memcrsd memcached server implementation in Rust memcrsd is a key value store implementation in Rust. It is compatible with binary protocol of memcache
dustls, a pure-rust DTLS implementation
dustls, a pure-rust DTLS implementation A DTLSv1.2 implementation in Rust, reusing rustls for cryptographic primitives and most message payload format
IDX is a Rust crate for working with RuneScape .idx-format caches.
This image proudly made in GIMP License Licensed under GNU GPL, Version 3.0, (LICENSE-GPL3 or https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/) Contributi
🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
Fast Node Manager (fnm) 🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust Features 🌎 Cross-platform support (macOS, Windows, Linux) ✨ Single
🐚 An async & dynamic ORM for Rust
SeaORM 🐚 An async & dynamic ORM for Rust SeaORM SeaORM is a relational ORM to help you build web services in Rust with the familiarity of dynamic lan
A CI inspired approach for local job automation.
nauman A CI inspired approach for local job automation. Features • Installation • Usage • FAQ • Examples • Job Syntax About nauman is an easy-to-use j
🕑 A personal git log and MacJournal output parser, written in rust.
🕑 git log and MacJournal export parser A personal project, written in rust. WORK IN PROGRESS; NOT READY This repo consolidates daily activity from tw
Rust Auto-Differentiation.
RustAD - Rust Auto-Differentiation A super restrictive rough WIP beginnings of a library attempting to implement auto-differentiation in Rust. forward
Basic chat example to demonstrate I/O and other rust features.
Basic chat Provides basic chat functions: create room send messages to room fetch room's messages Components STP - custom string transfer protocol lib
Stream-based FSEvents API bindings.
fsevent-stream Stream-based FSEvents API bindings. Features Support directory-granular and file-granular events. Retrieve related file inode with kFSE
MVC audio plugin framework for rust
__ __ | |--.---.-.-----.-----.-----.| |.--.--.-----. | _ | _ |__ --| -__| _ || || | | _ | |
egui: an easy-to-use immediate mode GUI in pure Rust
🖌 egui: an easy-to-use GUI in pure Rust egui is a simple, fast, and highly portable immediate mode GUI library for Rust. egui runs on the web, native
Simple examples to demonstrate full-stack Rust audio plugin dev with baseplug and iced_audio
iced baseplug examples Simple examples to demonstrate full-stack Rust audio plugin dev with baseplug and iced_audio WIP (The GUI knobs do nothing curr
A drum machine written in Rust
rudiments rudiments is a step-sequencing drum machine that plays rhythm patterns using audio samples. Features 16-step programmable measures. Configur
Rust Sound Synthesis Library
Oscen Oscen [“oh-sin”] is a library for building modular synthesizers in Rust. It contains a collection of components frequently used in sound synthes
Synthesizer IO - a synthesizer written in Rust.
Synthesizer IO Hopefully, this will become a synthesizer written in Rust. At the moment, it's experimental bits of technology toward that end. Running
Cross-platform realtime MIDI processing in Rust.
midir Cross-platform, realtime MIDI processing in Rust. Features midir is inspired by RtMidi and supports the same features*, including virtual ports
Loopers is graphical live looper, written in Rust, designed for ease of use and rock-solid stability
Loopers Loopers is a graphical live looper, written in Rust, designed for ease of use and rock-solid stability. It can be used as a practice tool, com
A mixer for jack-audio using rust and druid UI
A simple mixer to allow me to use my midi controller (Novation LaunchControl XL) on linux and also to explore the new druid ui. Features volume faders
Thin but safe ALSA wrappers for Rust
ALSA bindings for Rust Thin but safe wrappers for ALSA, the most common API for accessing audio devices on Linux. The ALSA API is rather big, so every
Struct mocking library for Rust
faux A library to create mocks out of structs. faux allows you to mock the methods of structs for testing without complicating or polluting your cod
Rust testing library
K9 - Rust Testing Library Snapshot testing + better assertions Available test macros snapshot assert_equal assert_greater_than assert_greater_than_or_
A code coverage tool for Rust projects
Tarpaulin Tarpaulin is a code coverage reporting tool for the Cargo build system, named for a waterproof cloth used to cover cargo on a ship. Currentl
Fixture-based test framework for Rust
Fixture-based test framework for Rust Introduction rstest uses procedural macros to help you on writing fixtures and table-based tests. To use it, add
Automated license checking for rust. cargo lichking is a Cargo subcommand that checks licensing information for dependencies.
cargo-lichking Automated license checking for rust. cargo lichking is a Cargo subcommand that checks licensing information for dependencies. Liches ar
Audit Cargo.lock files for dependencies with security vulnerabilities
RustSec Crates 🦀 🛡️ 📦 The RustSec Advisory Database is a repository of security advisories filed against Rust crates published via crates.io. The a
Applied offensive security with the Rust programming language
Black Hat Rust Applied offensive security with the Rust programming language Buy the book now! While the Rust Book does an excellent job teaching What
The Mullvad VPN client app for desktop and mobile
Mullvad VPN desktop and mobile app Welcome to the Mullvad VPN client app. This repository contains all the source code for the desktop and mobile vers
Minimal and persistent key-value store designed with security in mind
microkv Minimal and persistent key-value store designed with security in mind. Introduction microkv is a persistent key-value store implemented in Rus
Bindings to the macOS Security.framework
macOS/iOS Security framework for Rust Documentation Bindings to the Apple's Security.framework. Allows use of TLS and Keychain from Rust. License Lice
A Rust implementation of the Message Layer Security group messaging protocol
Molasses An extremely early implementation of the Message Layer Security group messaging protocol. This repo is based on draft 4 of the MLS protocol s
A pure-Rust implementation of various threshold secret sharing schemes
Threshold Secret Sharing Efficient pure-Rust library for secret sharing, offering efficient share generation and reconstruction for both traditional S
Mundane is a Rust cryptography library backed by BoringSSL that is difficult to misuse, ergonomic, and performant (in that order).
Mundane Mundane is a Rust cryptography library backed by BoringSSL that is difficult to misuse, ergonomic, and performant (in that order). Issues and
Secure storage for cryptographic secrets in Rust
secrets secrets is a library to help Rust programmers safely held cryptographic secrets in memory. It is mostly an ergonomic wrapper around the memory
Small container runtime for threat detection
confine Containers, but for dynamic malware analysis confine is a container runtime for dynamically analyzing suspicious executables. Given a sample s
Simple prepender virus written in Rust
Linux.Fe2O3 This is a POC ELF prepender written in Rust. I like writting prependers on languages that I'm learning and find interesting. As for the na
Compiletime string literal obfuscation for Rust.
String Obfuscation Compiletime string constant obfuscation for Rust. The string constant itself is embedded in obfuscated form and deobfuscated locall
Simple verification of Rust programs via functional purification in Lean 2(!)
electrolysis About A tool for formally verifying Rust programs by transpiling them into definitions in the Lean theorem prover. Masters thesis: Simple
Rust mid-level IR Abstract Interpreter
MIRAI MIRAI is an abstract interpreter for the Rust compiler's mid-level intermediate representation (MIR). It is intended to become a widely used sta
Symbolic execution of LLVM IR with an engine written in Rust
haybale: Symbolic execution of LLVM IR, written in Rust haybale is a general-purpose symbolic execution engine written in Rust. It operates on LLVM IR
symbolic execution engine for Rust
Seer: Symbolic Execution Engine for Rust Seer is a fork of miri that adds support for symbolic execution, using z3 as a solver backend. Given a progra
Breaking your Rust code for fun and profit
Breaking your Rust code for fun & profit this is an architecture-preview, not all components are there This is a mutation testing framework for Rust c
QuickCheck bug hunting in Rust standard library data structures
BugHunt, Rust This project is aiming to provide "stateful" QuickCheck models for Rust's standard library. That is, we build up a random list of operat
Hypothesis-like property testing for Rust
Proptest Introduction Proptest is a property testing framework (i.e., the QuickCheck family) inspired by the Hypothesis framework for Python. It allow
Automated property based testing for Rust (with shrinking).
quickcheck QuickCheck is a way to do property based testing using randomly generated input. This crate comes with the ability to randomly generate and
☢ Guerrilla (or Monkey) Patching in Rust for (unsafe) fun and profit.
Guerrilla Guerrilla (or Monkey) Patching in Rust for (unsafe) fun and profit. Provides aribtrary monkey patching in Rust. Please do not use this crate
Binary Analysis Framework in Rust
Welcome to Falcon Falcon is a formal binary analysis framework in Rust. Expression-based IL with strong influences from RREIL and Binary Ninja's LLIL.
radare2-based decompiler and symbol executor
Radeco A radare2 based binary analysis framework consisting from the Radeco client, in ./radeco/ directory, ./radeco-lib/ - library where whole high-l
rd is a record/replay debugger written in rust
rd The Record & Debug Tool The Record & Debug Tool (rd) is a Rust language port of the rr-debugger/rr debugger. With rd you can record Linux program e
Rust bindings for the unicorn CPU emulator
unicorn-rs THIS PACKAGE IS DEPRECATED AND NO LONGER MAINTAINED. Rust bindings are now included with unicorn and will be maintained there from now on.
An impish, cross-platform binary parsing crate, written in Rust
libgoblin Documentation https://docs.rs/goblin/ changelog Usage Goblin requires rustc 1.40.0. Add to your Cargo.toml [dependencies] goblin = "0.4" Fea
How-to: Sanitize your Rust code!
rust-san How-to: Sanitize your Rust code! Intro How to use the sanitizers? Examples AddressSanitizer Out of bounds access Use after free LeakSanitizer