An impish, cross-platform binary parsing crate, written in Rust



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Goblin requires rustc 1.40.0.

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goblin = "0.4"


  • awesome crate name
  • zero-copy, cross-platform, endian-aware, ELF64/32 implementation - wow!
  • zero-copy, cross-platform, endian-aware, 32/64 bit Mach-o parser - zoiks!
  • PE 32/64-bit parser - bing!
  • a Unix and BSD style archive parser (latter courtesy of @willglynn) - huzzah!
  • many cfg options - it will make your head spin, and make you angry when reading the source!
  • fuzzed - "I am happy to report that goblin withstood 100 million fuzzing runs, 1 million runs each for seed 1~100." - @sanxiyn
  • tests

libgoblin aims to be your one-stop shop for binary parsing, loading, and analysis.


Goblin primarily supports the following important use cases:

  1. Core, std-free #[repr(C)] structs, tiny compile time, 32/64 (or both) at your leisure.

  2. Type punning. Define a function once on a type, but have it work on 32 or 64-bit variants - without really changing anything, and no macros! See examples/ for a basic example.

  3. std mode. This throws in read and write impls via Pread and Pwrite, reading from file, convenience allocations, extra methods, etc. This is for clients who can allocate and want to read binaries off disk.

  4. Endian_fd. A truly terrible name 😆 this is for binary analysis like in panopticon or falcon which needs to read binaries of foreign endianness, or as a basis for constructing cross platform foreign architecture binutils, e.g. cargo-sym and bingrep are simple examples of this, but the sky is the limit.

Here are some things you could do with this crate (or help to implement so they could be done):

  1. Write a compiler and use it to generate binaries (all the raw C structs have Pwrite derived).
  2. Write a binary analysis tool which loads, parses, and analyzes various binary formats, e.g., panopticon or falcon.
  3. Write a semi-functioning dynamic linker.
  4. Write a kernel and load binaries using no_std cfg. I.e., it is essentially just struct and const defs (like a C header) - no fd, no output, no std.
  5. Write a bin2json tool, because why shouldn't binary formats be in JSON?


libgoblin is designed to be massively configurable. The current flags are:

  • elf64 - 64-bit elf binaries, repr(C) struct defs
  • elf32 - 32-bit elf binaries, repr(C) struct defs
  • mach64 - 64-bit mach-o repr(C) struct defs
  • mach32 - 32-bit mach-o repr(C) struct defs
  • pe32 - 32-bit PE repr(C) struct defs
  • pe64 - 64-bit PE repr(C) struct defs
  • archive - a Unix Archive parser
  • endian_fd - parses according to the endianness in the binary
  • std - to allow no_std environments


Thank you all ❤️ !

In lexicographic order:


  1. Please prefix commits with the affected binary component; the more specific the better, e.g., if you only modify relocations in the elf module, then do "elf.reloc: added new constants for Z80"
  2. Commit messages must explain their change, no generic "changed", or "fix"; if you push commits like this on a PR, be aware @m4b or someone will most likely squash them.
  3. If you are making a large change to a module, please raise an issue first and lets discuss; I don't want to waste your time if its not a good technical direction, or etc.
  4. If your PR is not getting attention, please respond to all relevant comments raised on the PR, and if still no response, ping @m4b, @philipc, or @willglynn in github and also feel free to email @m4b.
  5. Please add tests if you are adding a new feature. Feel free to add tests even if you are not, tests are awesome and easy in rust.
  6. Once cargo format is officially released, please format your patch using the default settings.
  • Added a feature to disable pe rva resolve for already mapped modules

    Added a feature to disable pe rva resolve for already mapped modules

    It would be extremely helpful to use the capabilities of goblin when working with memory/process dumps as well as files on disk. Since memory dumps are already mapped we can just skip over the rva resolve function and all of the other functionality will work still.

    I'm not sure however if it would be best to implement this as a compile-time feature (as this PR does it) or as a runtime feature (maybe splitting the parse function into parse_image / parse_mapped or something similiar.

    opened by ko1N 21
  • Replace unsafe bits using crate `plain`.

    Replace unsafe bits using crate `plain`.

    Wrapped in a separate tiny crate this time, because it's just that bit of functionality that totally should be in core. It is possible to go one step further and implement #[derive(Plain)], with static checking of the prescribed requirements, but I'm not yet guru enough to do that.

    opened by le-jzr 21
  • Goblin panics when reading certain kinds of UPXed binaries

    Goblin panics when reading certain kinds of UPXed binaries

    I was investigating my options for parsing EXE files to determine what environment to auto-fill in my experimental game launcher (ie. DOSBox, Wine, Wine+qemu-user, Mono, etc.) and I managed to trigger some panics in goblin.

    unknown magic: ./
    Parse error: ./hello_owatcom_os2v2.exe => Invalid magic number: 0x1
    pe: ./hello_pacific.exe
    Parse error: ./hello_owatcom_dos.upx.exe => requested range [309100590..309100594) from object of len 6881
    Parse error: ./hello_owatcom_dos4g.exe => Invalid magic number: 0x1
    Parse error: ./hello_owatcom_windows.exe => Invalid magic number: 0x0
    pe: ./hello_mingw32.exe
    pe: ./hello_csharp_exe_itanium.exe
    pe: ./hello_owatcom_win95.exe
    Parse error: ./hello_owatcom_dos4g.upx.exe => Invalid magic number: 0x1
    elf: ./hello_gcc.x86
    unknown magic: ./hello_djgpp.upx.coff.exe
    unknown magic: ./
    unknown magic: ./
    unknown magic: ./
    pe: ./hello_mingw64.exe
    Parse error: ./hello_djgpp.exe => Invalid magic number: 0x0
    PANICKED on hello_mingw32.upx.exe
    Parse error: ./hello_owatcom_dos.exe => Invalid magic number: 0x20
    PANICKED on hello_owatcom_win95.upx.exe
    pe: ./hello_owatcom_nt.exe
    Parse error: ./hello_owatcom_win386.exe => Invalid magic number: 0x0
    Parse error: ./hello_djgpp.upx.exe => Invalid magic number: 0x0
    Parse error: ./hello_owatcom_dos4gnz.exe => Invalid magic number: 0x1
    PANICKED on hello_mingw64.upx.exe
    Parse error: ./hello_owatcom_os2.exe => Invalid magic number: 0x0
    pe: ./hello_csharp_exe_arm.exe
    pe: ./hello_csharp_exe_x64.exe
    pe: ./hello_csharp_exe_x86.exe
    elf: ./hello_gcc.x86_64
    PANICKED on hello_owatcom_nt.upx.exe
    Parse error: ./hello_pacific.upx.exe => requested range [309100590..309100594) from object of len 4527

    Here's a backtrace which appears to represent all of the panics:

    ssokolow@monolith test_exes [rusty-core] % RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./pe-test/target/debug/goblin-test hello_owatcom_nt.upx.exe
    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', /checkout/src/libcore/
    stack backtrace:
       0: std::sys::imp::backtrace::tracing::imp::unwind_backtrace
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/sys/unix/backtrace/tracing/
       1: std::sys_common::backtrace::_print
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/sys_common/
       2: std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/sys_common/
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/
       3: std::panicking::default_hook
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/
       4: std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/
       5: std::panicking::begin_panic
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/
       6: std::panicking::begin_panic_fmt
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/
       7: rust_begin_unwind
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/
       8: core::panicking::panic_fmt
                 at /checkout/src/libcore/
       9: core::panicking::panic
                 at /checkout/src/libcore/
      10: <core::option::Option<T>>::unwrap
                 at /checkout/src/libcore/
      11: goblin::pe::import::SyntheticImportDirectoryEntry::parse
                 at /home/ssokolow/.cargo/registry/src/
      12: goblin::pe::import::ImportData::parse
                 at /home/ssokolow/.cargo/registry/src/
      13: goblin::pe::PE::parse
                 at /home/ssokolow/.cargo/registry/src/
      14: goblin::parse
                 at /home/ssokolow/.cargo/registry/src/
      15: goblin_test::run
                 at ./pe-test/src/
      16: goblin_test::main
                 at ./pe-test/src/
      17: __rust_maybe_catch_panic
                 at /checkout/src/libpanic_unwind/
      18: std::rt::lang_start
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/
                 at /checkout/src/libstd/
      19: main
      20: __libc_start_main
      21: <unknown>

    While this renders it unsuitable for my project (the mere fact that Goblin is capable of dying at an unwrap (when the other PE parser I've tried so far simply used Result to indicate a parse failure) indicates that using it in my project would cause me more worry than simply writing my own MZ/NE/PE parser with Nom), I thought you'd want to know so you can fix the problem for others.

    If you want to re-create my test binaries, the source materials are in the test_exes folder of ssokolow/game_launcher and contains instructions for the simplest, easiest way to install the requisite packages on a *buntu Linux 14.04 LTS machine like mine.

    To reiterate what says, all compilers are optional, so producing just the binaries which caused panics here should only require apt-get install upx-ucl mingw-w64 and then downloading and unpacking OpenWatcom.

    opened by ssokolow 20
  • pe: Fix resolution of redirect unwind info

    pe: Fix resolution of redirect unwind info

    Fixes the resolution of redirected unwind information in the PE exception table.

    The issue originated in Runtime function entries usually specify an offset of a UnwindInfo struct, which is always 4-byte aligned. However, sometimes the last bit of this offset is flipped, with indicates that instead another RuntimeFunction must be resolved at the offset (with the bit flipped back). This logic is handled by get_unwind_info.

    There was a bug in the initial implementation, that treated the offset as relative, where in fact it is absolute. To fix this, get_function_by_offset now expects an absolute offset.

    opened by jan-auer 19
  • elf: The strtab in the section header is wrong.

    elf: The strtab in the section header is wrong.


    $ cat src/
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::Read;
    use std::env;
    use goblin::elf::*;
    fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
      let args = env::args().collect::<Vec<String>>();
      if args.len() < 2 {
          eprintln!("Usage: {} binary", args[0])
      } else {
          let mut f = File::open(&args[1])?;
          let mut buf = Vec::new();
          f.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
          let elf = Elf::parse(&buf)?;
          let strtab = elf.shdr_strtab.to_vec().unwrap();
          for s in strtab {
              println!("{}", s)
    $ cargo r `which ls`
    ~ snip ~
        Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.16s
         Running `target/debug/readstrtab /usr/bin/ls`
    $ readelf -S `which ls`|grep "\["
      [Nr] Name              Type             Address           Offset
      [ 0]                   NULL             0000000000000000  00000000
      [ 1] .interp           PROGBITS         0000000000000318  00000318
      [ 2][...] NOTE             0000000000000338  00000338
      [ 3] .note.gnu.bu[...] NOTE             0000000000000358  00000358
      [ 4] .note.ABI-tag     NOTE             000000000000037c  0000037c
      [ 5] .gnu.hash         GNU_HASH         00000000000003a0  000003a0
      [ 6] .dynsym           DYNSYM           0000000000000450  00000450
      [ 7] .dynstr           STRTAB           0000000000001050  00001050
      [ 8] .gnu.version      VERSYM           0000000000001616  00001616
      [ 9] .gnu.version_r    VERNEED          0000000000001718  00001718
      [10] .rela.dyn         RELA             00000000000017b8  000017b8
      [11] .rela.plt         RELA             0000000000002bf8  00002bf8
      [12] .init             PROGBITS         0000000000004000  00004000
      [13] .plt              PROGBITS         0000000000004020  00004020
      [14]          PROGBITS         00000000000046c0  000046c0
      [15] .plt.sec          PROGBITS         00000000000046f0  000046f0
      [16] .text             PROGBITS         0000000000004d80  00004d80
      [17] .fini             PROGBITS         0000000000018bc4  00018bc4
      [18] .rodata           PROGBITS         0000000000019000  00019000
      [19] .eh_frame_hdr     PROGBITS         000000000001e324  0001e324
      [20] .eh_frame         PROGBITS         000000000001ec70  0001ec70
      [21] .init_array       INIT_ARRAY       0000000000022fd0  00021fd0
      [22] .fini_array       FINI_ARRAY       0000000000022fd8  00021fd8
      [23]      PROGBITS         0000000000022fe0  00021fe0
      [24] .dynamic          DYNAMIC          0000000000023a58  00022a58
      [25] .got              PROGBITS         0000000000023c58  00022c58
      [26] .data             PROGBITS         0000000000024000  00023000
      [27] .bss              NOBITS           0000000000024280  00023268
      [28] .gnu_debugaltlink PROGBITS         0000000000000000  00023268
      [29] .gnu_debuglink    PROGBITS         0000000000000000  000232b4
      [30] .shstrtab         STRTAB           0000000000000000  000232e8

    .pltdoesn't appear in shdr_strtab.

    opened by n01e0 16
  • Elf gnu symbol versioning

    Elf gnu symbol versioning

    GNU symbol version extension for ELF files (#263).

    WIP PR to discuss overall design.


    • [x] Parse .gnu.version_r section
    • [x] Parse .gnu.version_d section
    • [x] Parse .gnu.version section
    • [x] Test parsing .gnu.version_r section
    • [x] Test parsing .gnu.version_d section
    • [x] Test parsing .gnu.version section
    opened by johannst 16
  • [safety-dance] Remove some unsound or fragile usages of unsafe

    [safety-dance] Remove some unsound or fragile usages of unsafe


    (This is currently a WIP PR, for other members of safety-dance to help audit and improve the code)

    This PR aims to tackle the issues raised in :

    • unsafe { ... } blocks and unsafe impls had no

      // # Safety
      //   - ...

      annotations, which makes it easy to forget or miss safety requirements / invariants to uphold, be it when the code is written, or later when the code is modified; it also makes quickly auditing the code harder. That's why, imho, it is very important to have such safety comment annotations;

    • The usages of unsafe corresponded to four cases:

      • .get_unchecked indexing for pe/data_directories array getters.

        • These have been factored in a macro to avoid code repetition, and within that macro compile-time assertions have been added so that the code is robust to changes;
      • unsafe fn exported to the API;

        • These have not been audited (yet): by virtue of being marked unsafe, users of the library must explicitely opt into calling these unsafe functions, and it is thus (mainly) their responsibility to do it correctly, hence making it a low-priority fix.
      • unsafe impl (for ::plain::Plain).

        • These (implicitly) relied on each field also being Plain, such as integers, but where also used with a macro (à la C++ template): hence a static assertion has been added in those cases to ensure that the "template" type parameter is indeed Plain.

        • Plain on its own offers non-unsafe transmute-based APIs to go into and from slices of bytes; the soundness responsibility of it falls down on the ::plain crate and has not been audited either. Ideally, all the ::plain usages could be replaced by ::zerocopy, since thanks to the #[derive(...)] it offers compile-time checks for the soundness of these impls.

      • unsafe { fd.read_exact(plain::as_mut_bytes(&mut /* some structure */)?); }

        • These have been the main change of the PR: with the compile-time checked #[derive(AsBytes)], we get access to a non-unsafe ::zerocopy::AsBytes::as_bytes_mut for equivalent functionality.

        • This, in turn, has showed that there were some structures that did have padding, which has been removed with the #[repr(C, packed)] annotation, and the appropriate ptr::read_unaligned-based getters.

    opened by danielhenrymantilla 15
  • Get proper name for over-8-character sections

    Get proper name for over-8-character sections

    Fixes #99

    An early PR to get some reviews, as there are probably better ways to do this. I need to implement the base64 kind of section table names, and fix the error handling in some places.

    opened by roblabla 15
  • mach: Support archive entries in fat binaries

    mach: Support archive entries in fat binaries

    Adds support for archives entries in a fat binary. I ended up going down the breaking change route because I wasn't sure of a good way of doing it without one. Super happy to do another pass on this if you think there is a way!

    Basically, there's just an enum MultiArchEntry with variants for a MachO or an Archive. All the functions for retrieving entries in MultiArch now return this enum, rather than MachO. This does mean you could technically represent a fat binary with a mixture of binaries and archives even though I'm not sure if that is actually allowed.

    Testing-wise, I've added tests for parsing fat binaries (both the binary and archive variants). They require binaries to be checked in which I've done. I thought it was easiest to check them in as they're pretty small and I saw there was already a DLL file checked in. Alternatively, we could build them as part of the test if you'd prefer, though that would mean that the tests could only run on MacOS because I don't think lipo exists on Linux.

    opened by nick96 13
  • Implement PE exception tables

    Implement PE exception tables

    This implements parsing for the exception tables data directory and x64 unwind codes. Respective documentation from Microsoft is located here:

    The exception directory is only present on x64 builds, so the entire implementation can assume x64 exception handling.

    Tests are still missing as I haven't taken the time to extract relevant bits from an actual executable for realistic testing yet.

    opened by jan-auer 13
  • Get build artifact path reliable with std::env::current_exe

    Get build artifact path reliable with std::env::current_exe

    We sort the package section based on

    @m4b Do we need to include examples, tests and fuzz directories in goblin crate?

    opened by tesuji 12
  • add ability to parse OriginalFilename

    add ability to parse OriginalFilename

    MS doc: Yara rule support for field:

    This is a useful field in threat hunting and forensics in general.


    opened by theflakes 0
  • COFF overflow/underflow issue with method

    COFF overflow/underflow issue with method

    overflow/underflow issue with this line of code it seems:

    stack backtrace:
       0: rust_begin_unwind
                 at /rustc/69f9c33d71c871fc16ac445211281c6e7a340943/library/std/src/
       1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
                 at /rustc/69f9c33d71c871fc16ac445211281c6e7a340943/library/core/src/
       2: core::panicking::panic
                 at /rustc/69f9c33d71c871fc16ac445211281c6e7a340943/library/core/src/
       3: goblin::pe::symbol::Symbol::name_offset::{{closure}}
                 at /home/username/.cargo/registry/src/
       4: core::option::Option<T>::map
                 at /rustc/69f9c33d71c871fc16ac445211281c6e7a340943/library/core/src/
       5: goblin::pe::symbol::Symbol::name_offset
    opened by invlpg 0
  • `features = [

    `features = ["std", "elf32"]` doesn't build

    While trimming down my dependencies, I noticed that building Goblin with default-features = false, features = ["std", "elf32"] fails:

        Checking goblin v0.6.0
    error[E0432]: unresolved import `crate::elf64`
       --> /Users/mjk/.cargo/registry/src/
    249 |             use crate::elf64;
        |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `elf64` in the root
    error[E0433]: failed to resolve: could not find `elf64` in the crate root
       --> /Users/mjk/.cargo/registry/src/
    802 |     elf_dyn_std_impl!(u64, crate::elf64::program_header::ProgramHeader);
        |                                   ^^^^^ could not find `elf64` in the crate root
    Some errors have detailed explanations: E0432, E0433.
    For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0432`.

    This isn't a big deal – I can add elf64 to the feature list – but the Rust Book advises against it:

    A consequence of this is that features should be additive. That is, enabling a feature should not disable functionality, and it should usually be safe to enable any combination of features.

    opened by mkeeter 3


    There is an extension to gABI that add this program header : see

    Would it be possible to consider adding it in?

    The relevant sections :

    3.1 Program header
    The following Linux program header types are defined:
    Table 3.1: Program Header Types
    Name Value
    PT_GNU_EH_FRAME 0x6474e550
    PT_GNU_PROPERTY 0x6474e553
    PT_GNU_EH_FRAME The segment contains .eh_frame_hdr section. See
    Section 2.1.3 of this document.
    PT_GNU_PROPERTY The segment contains sec-
    tion. See Section 2.1.5 of this document.
    2.1.5 section section contains a program property note which de-
    scribes special handling requirements for linker and run-time loader. It can be
    merged with other SHT_NOTE sections.
    Table 2.9: The Program Property Note Format
    Field Length Contents
    n_namsz 4 4
    n_descsz 4 The note descriptor size
    n_type 4 NT_GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE_0
    n_name 4 GNU
    n_desc n_descsz The program property array
    n_namsz Size of the n_name field. A 4-byte integer in the format of the target
    processor. It should be 4.
    n_descsz Size of the n_desc field. A 4-byte integer in the format of the target
    n_type Type of the note descriptor. A 4-byte integer in the format of the target
    processor. It should be NT_GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE_0.
    n_name Owner of the program property note. A null-terminated character string.
    It should be GNU.
    n_desc The note descriptor. The first n_descsz bytes in n_desc is the pro-
    gram property array.
    opened by ETKNeil 0
  • Return `CStr` in `goblin::strtab::Strtab` instead of `str`

    Return `CStr` in `goblin::strtab::Strtab` instead of `str`

    There is no way to get access to null-terminated C strings that are not valid UTF-8, through goblin::strtab::Strtab. Strtab.get() and Strtab.get_at() should return Option<&CStr> instead of optional UTF-8 strs.

    opened by koutheir 4
  • Redesign `goblin::elf::dynamic::DynamicInfo` to expose the optionality of `DT_JMPREL`

    Redesign `goblin::elf::dynamic::DynamicInfo` to expose the optionality of `DT_JMPREL`

    In ELF, the DT_JMPREL dynamic array tag is optional, and can be present (holding an address value) or absent. The value of that tag is exposed as goblin::elf::dynamic::DynamicInfo.jmprel, which is of type usize. DynamicInfo.jmprel is set to zero if DT_JMPREL is absent from the ELF file.

    Therefore, based on the definition of goblin::elf::dynamic::DynamicInfo, there is no way to differentiate the absence of DT_JMPREL from its presence with the value zero, because zero can be a valid address, especially in privileged mode and in embedded systems.

    I think DT_JMPREL should be exposed by DynamicInfo as optional information. We should make the type of DynamicInfo.jmprel an Option<usize> instead.

    opened by koutheir 6
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rd is a record/replay debugger written in rust

rd The Record & Debug Tool The Record & Debug Tool (rd) is a Rust language port of the rr-debugger/rr debugger. With rd you can record Linux program e

Sidharth Kshatriya 947 Dec 8, 2022
Symbolic execution of LLVM IR with an engine written in Rust

haybale: Symbolic execution of LLVM IR, written in Rust haybale is a general-purpose symbolic execution engine written in Rust. It operates on LLVM IR

UCSD PLSysSec 404 Jan 1, 2023