Low level access to ATmega32U4 registers in Rust


Deprecation Note:

This crate will soon be deprecated in favor of avr-device.

The approach of generating the svd from hand-written register definitions has proven to be way to tedious to be scalable. In avr-device, we base our work on atdf files provided by Atmel(Microchip). This allows much faster growth of the list of supported devices (and peripherals). Please head over there if you want a register-access-crate for AVR microcontrollers.

ATmega32U4 crates.io page docs.rs

Low level access to ATmega32U4 registers. Refer to the ATmega32U4 datasheet for more detailed information.

Implemented Peripherals

This crate not yet done and support for a lot of peripherals is still missing. The following have been implemented already:

  • PORTB: Digital IO
  • PORTC: Digital IO
  • PORTD: Digital IO
  • PORTE: Digital IO
  • PORTF: Digital IO
  • TIMER0: 8-bit Timer/Counter0 with PWM
  • TIMER1: 16-bit Timer/Counter1
  • TIMER3: 16-bit Timer/Counter3
  • TIMER4: 10-bit High Speed Timer/Counter4
  • EXT_INT: External Interrupts
  • USB: USB Controller

If support for a peripheral you need is missing, please open an issue or implement it yourself and send a pull request ;)

Generating this crate

This crate is built using svd2rust. However, as there are no svd files available for ATmega32U4, a python script is used to generate the svd file. Take a look at gen-svd.py and svd/peripheral.py.

Peripherals can be specified in a toml format which should make adding new ones easier. Use the existing ones as reference (eg. svd/timer0.svd).

To actually perform a build, run build.sh.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

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