Rust Sound Synthesis Library




Oscen [“oh-sin”] is a library for building modular synthesizers in Rust.

It contains a collection of components frequently used in sound synthesis such as oscillators, filters, and envelope generators. It lets you connect (or patch) the output of one module into the input of another.


use crossbeam::crossbeam_channel::{unbounded, Receiver, Sender};
use nannou::prelude::*;
use nannou_audio as audio;
use nannou_audio::Buffer;
use oscen::filters::Lpf;
use oscen::operators::Modulator;
use oscen::oscillators::{SineOsc, SquareOsc};
use oscen::signal::*;

fn main() {

struct Model {
    pub stream: audio::Stream<Synth>,
    receiver: Receiver<f32>,
    samples: Vec<f32>,

struct Synth {
    sender: Sender<f32>,
    rack: Rack,

fn model(app: &App) -> Model {
    let (sender, receiver) = unbounded();
    app.new_window().size(700, 360).view(view).build().unwrap();
    let audio_host = audio::Host::new();

    // Build the Synth.
    // A Rack is a collection of synth modules.
    let mut rack = Rack::new(vec![]);

    // Use a low frequencey sine wave to modulate the frequency of a square wave.
    let sine = SineOsc::new().hz(1).rack(&mut rack);
    let modulator = Modulator::new(sine.tag())
        .rack(&mut rack);

    // Create a square wave oscillator and add it the the rack.
    let square = SquareOsc::new().hz(modulator.tag()).rack(&mut rack);

    // Create a low pass filter whose input is the square wave.
    Lpf::new(square.tag()).cutoff_freq(880).rack(&mut rack);

    let synth = Synth { sender, rack };
    let stream = audio_host

    Model {
        samples: vec![],

fn audio(synth: &mut Synth, buffer: &mut Buffer) {
    let sample_rate = buffer.sample_rate() as Real;
    for frame in buffer.frames_mut() {
        // The signal method returns the sample of the last synth module in
        // the rack.
        let amp = synth.rack.signal(sample_rate) as f32;

        for channel in frame {
            *channel = amp;

fn update(_app: &App, model: &mut Model, _update: Update) {
    let samples: Vec<f32> = model.receiver.try_iter().collect();
    model.samples = samples;

fn view(app: &App, model: &Model, frame: Frame) {
    use nannou_apps::scope;
    scope(app, &model.samples, frame);
  • Architecture Idea #1

    Architecture Idea #1

    The biggest problem with our existing architecture is that when we nest waves in structures like PolyWave and VCO we loose access to the specific features of the "inner" waves. For example, if we put a SinWave in a VCO we can't access the hz field in the sine wave. The idea in this PR is twofold:

    • Change the base type of compound waves from Box<dyn Wave + Send> to Arc<Mutex<dyn Wave + Send>>, the Arc allows us to have multiple owners of the inner wave, e.g.
    let wave = SineWave::boxed(440.);
    let polywave = Polywave::boxed(wave);

    we can access the inner SineWave from either wave or polywave. The mutex is so we can mutate the inner wave in a thread safe way.

    • Create compound wave types that are parameterized by the types of the underlying waves. For example: SumWave<V, W>. This allows us to "talk" to the inner waves because the compiler knows their type.

    The main benefits of this approach are that:

    1. It allows us to retain most of our existing architecture
    2. It allows users of the library to create new types of waves and controls without changing the library code
    3. It works

    The main negative is that the syntax becomes quite cumbersome. Which hopefully can be alleviated with smart constructors and macros.

    Another idea which I haven't fully explored yet is to use a DAG instead of our nested waves, a la dsp-chain. As far as I can tell the problem here is that our node type has to be an enum containing all of the different types of synth component. Therefore a library user can't extend the code to include new synths, controllers, filters, etc. I could be wrong about this but that is my impression from a cursory glance at dsp-chain.

    Let's all try to think of other potential architechtures!

    opened by jeffreyrosenbluth 1
  • Time


    Don't merge yet, I want to do a few more things on this branch. But I do think we should use this branch soon. The architecture is better, more rust like and we can define new Oscillators without breaking any code, even in separate modules as opposed to having to update the enum

    opened by jeffreyrosenbluth 1
  • Std osc

    Std osc

    • Create a StdOsc struct instead of various standard oscillators: sine, saw, square, triangle, etc.
    • Redo Modulator so that both timbre remains constant at different frequencies
    opened by jeffreyrosenbluth 0
  • Cannot compile to WASM

    Cannot compile to WASM

       Compiling rustc-serialize v0.3.24
       Compiling libc v0.2.73
       Compiling midir v0.5.0
       Compiling num-iter v0.1.41
    error[E0432]: unresolved imports `backend::MidiInput`, `backend::MidiInputConnection`, `backend::MidiOutput`, `backend::MidiOutputConnection`
     --> /Users/chaosprint/.cargo/registry/src/
    3 |     MidiInput as MidiInputImpl,
      |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `MidiInput` in `backend`
    4 |     MidiInputConnection as MidiInputConnectionImpl,
      |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `MidiInputConnection` in `backend`
    5 |     MidiOutput as MidiOutputImpl,
      |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `MidiOutput` in `backend`
    6 |     MidiOutputConnection as MidiOutputConnectionImpl
      |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `MidiOutputConnection` in `backend`
       Compiling memoffset v0.5.5
       Compiling num-bigint v0.2.6
    error: aborting due to previous error
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0432`.
    error: could not compile `midir`.
    warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
    error[E0046]: not all trait items implemented, missing: `encode`
        --> /Users/chaosprint/.cargo/registry/src/
    853  |     fn encode<S: Encoder>(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error>;
         |     ---------------------------------------------------------------- `encode` from trait
    1358 | impl Encodable for path::Path {
         | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ missing `encode` in implementation
    error[E0046]: not all trait items implemented, missing: `decode`
        --> /Users/chaosprint/.cargo/registry/src/
    904  |     fn decode<D: Decoder>(d: &mut D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>;
         |     ----------------------------------------------------------- `decode` from trait
    1382 | impl Decodable for path::PathBuf {
         | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ missing `decode` in implementation
    error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0046`.
    error: could not compile `rustc-serialize`.
    To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.

    Seems that some dependencies do not support WASM. Is it possible to replace it?

    opened by chaosprint 0
  • Fail to build

    Fail to build

    When building the top-level workspace (with a simple cargo build), on Linux, I get the following error:

    error: multiple packages link to native library `alsa`, but a native library can be linked only once
    package `alsa-sys v0.1.2`
        ... which is depended on by `alsa v0.2.2`
        ... which is depended on by `midir v0.5.0`
        ... which is depended on by `nannou_apps v0.1.0 (/home/hub/source/oscen/nannou-apps)`
    links to native library `alsa`
    package `alsa-sys v0.3.0`
        ... which is depended on by `alsa v0.4.2`
        ... which is depended on by `cpal v0.12.1`
        ... which is depended on by `cpal-apps v0.1.0 (/home/hub/source/oscen/cpal-apps)`

    cpal-apps shall downgrade cpal to 0.11. Otherwise midir 0.7.0 should work, but nannou-audio still pull cpal 0.11.

    opened by hfiguiere 0
  • Perfomance


    • Get rid of ArcMutex
    • Check cpu usage when idle
    • Allocations (pushing onto a vector in graph)
    • most efficient way to share common state and resources such as buffers/wavetables, but could be other large structures as well, without any locks so that's one thing.
    • support control rate signals for things like LFOs that are only calculated once per block instead of every sample
    opened by jeffreyrosenbluth 1
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