An implementation of Olm and Megolm in pure Rust.


A Rust implementation of Olm and Megolm

vodozemac is a Rust implementation of libolm, a cryptographic library used for end-to-end encryption in Matrix. At its core, vodozemac is an implementation of the Olm and Megolm cryptographic ratchets, along with a high-level API for easily establishing cryptographic communication channels with other parties.


Olm is an implementation of the Double Ratchet algorithm, very similar to that employed by the Signal Protocol. It allows the establishment of a 1-to-1 private communication channel, with perfect forward secrecy and self-healing properties.

A detailed technical specification can be found at


The core component of the crate is the Account, representing a single Olm participant. An Olm Account consists of a collection of key pairs, though often documentation shortens this by just saying "keys". These are:

  1. An Ed25519 signing key pair representing the stable cryptographic identity of the participant (the participant's "fingerprint").
  2. A Curve25519 sender key pair (also sometimes called the identity key pair, somewhat confusingly).
  3. A number of one-time key pairs.
  4. A current and previous (if any) "fallback" key pair.

While the key in 1 is used for signing but not encryption, the keys in 2-4 participate in a triple Diffie-Hellman key exchange (3DH) with another Olm participant, thereby establishing an Olm session on each side of the communication channel. Ultimately, this session is used for deriving the concrete encryption keys for a particular message.

Olm sessions are represented by the Session struct. Such a session is created by calling Account::create_outbound_session on one of the participating accounts, passing it the Curve25519 sender key and one Curve25519 one-time key of the other side. The protocol is asynchronous, so the participant can start sending messages to the other side even before the other side has created a session, producing so-called pre-key messages (see PreKeyMessage).

Once the other participant receives such a pre-key message, they can create their own matching session by calling Account::create_inbound_session and passing it the pre-key message they received and the Curve25519 sender key of the other side. This completes the establishment of the Olm communication channel.

    use anyhow::Result;
    use vodozemac::{Account, messages::OlmMessage};

    fn main() -> Result<()> {
        let alice = Account::new();
        let mut bob = Account::new();

        let bob_otk = *bob.one_time_keys().values().next().unwrap();

        let mut alice_session = alice
            .create_outbound_session(*bob.curve25519_key(), bob_otk);


        let message = "Keep it between us, OK?";
        let alice_msg = alice_session.encrypt(message);

        if let OlmMessage::PreKey(m) = alice_msg.clone() {
            let mut bob_session = bob
                .create_inbound_session(alice.curve25519_key(), &m)?;

            assert_eq!(alice_session.session_id(), bob_session.session_id());

            let what_bob_received = bob_session.decrypt(&alice_msg)?;
            assert_eq!(message, what_bob_received);

            let bob_reply = "Yes. Take this, it's dangerous out there!";
            let bob_encrypted_reply = bob_session.encrypt(bob_reply).into();

            let what_alice_received = alice_session
            assert_eq!(&what_alice_received, bob_reply);


Sending messages

To encrypt a message, just call Session::encrypt(msg_content). This will either produce an OlmMessage::PreKey(..) or OlmMessage::Normal(..) depending on whether the session is fully established. A session is fully established once you receive (and decrypt) at least one message from the other side.


vodozemac (will soon) supports pickling of both Account and Session, in which the entire state contained within is serialized into a form called a "pickle". Subsequently, accounts and sessions can be restored from a pickle ("unpickled") in order to continue operation. This is used to support some Matrix features like device dehydration.

Legacy pickles

The legacy pickle format is a simple binary format used by libolm. Currently unimplemented, but will need to be implemented for interoperability with legacy clients using libolm.

Modern pickles

The pickle format used by this crate. The exact format is currently undecided, but is likely to be based on Protocol Buffers. For now, we're pickling to JSON. Also unimplemented at the moment in the repository but will be added shortly.


Megolm is an AES-based single ratchet for group conversations with a large number of participants, where using Olm would be cost prohibitive, (because it would imply establishing a pairwise channel between each pair of participants).

This is a trade-off in which we lose Olm's self-healing properties, because someone in possession of a Megolm session at a particular state can derive all future states. However, if the attacker is only able to obtain the session in a ratcheted state, they cannot use it to decrypt messages encrypted with an earlier state. This preserves forward secrecy.

A detailed technical specification can be found at

Vendored libraries

vodozemac currently vendors olm-rs to provide a fixed version of the SAS MAC calculation method, calculate_mac_fixed_base64. This is used solely for implementing correctness tests against libolm and will be removed once the fixed method has been exposed in upstream olm-rs.

  • feat: Expose encrypting and decrypting bytes

    feat: Expose encrypting and decrypting bytes

    This is a proposal to allow using bytes directly without extra conversion steps.

    Use case: I am using protobuf encoded messages and encrypt them with Olm. Now if I want to decrypt an Olm message vodozemac will decrypt the message convert bytes into string and return it to me. Me, in turn, need to convert string back into bytes and then decode my protobuf message. The same thing happens when encoding a message.

    What do you think? Current implementation breaks InboundCreationResult type for implementation simplicity.

    opened by zaynetro 3
  • Encoding issue with GroupSession

    Encoding issue with GroupSession

    Describe the bug

    I believe that there is an encoding issue with the GroupSession messages.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    fn test(payload: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        let outbound = vodozemac::megolm::GroupSession::new();
        let json = serde_json::to_string(&outbound.pickle())?;
        let mut outbound: vodozemac::megolm::GroupSession =
        let session_key = outbound.session_key().to_base64();
        let inbound = olm_rs::inbound_group_session::OlmInboundGroupSession::new(&session_key)?;
        let mut i = 10;
        let msg = loop {
            let msg = outbound.encrypt(payload).to_bytes();
            i -= 1;
            if i == 0 {
                break base64::encode(&msg);
        let _msg = inbound.decrypt(msg)?;
        //assert_eq!(payload, msg.0);
        //println!("Message: {msg:?}");
    fn main() {
        for i in 0..256 {
            let payload = "0".repeat(i);
            println!("{i}: {}", if test(&payload).is_ok() { "Ok" } else { "Err" });

    Expected behavior All messages decode properly.


    Log output
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    Additional context

    The reverse test (encoding with libolm and decoding with vodozemac) works all the time.

    opened by ctron 2
  • vodozemac: Switch to bincode to decode libolm pickles

    vodozemac: Switch to bincode to decode libolm pickles

    This PR switches towards using the bincode crate to decode libolm pickles. This requires a bincode patch, since bincode encodes slice lengths as u64 while libolm as u32.

    opened by poljar 2
  • Fix OTK pickling

    Fix OTK pickling

    We remove the OTKs from the public_keys map once they're published, but we need to keep the entries in reverse_public_keys for as long as they're still in private_keys.

    Not sure if we want to rename reverse_public_keys?

    opened by erikjohnston 2
  • Initial fuzzing setup

    Initial fuzzing setup

    This PR introduces an AFL based fuzzing setup for vodozemac.

    Not many things are yet fuzzed, a comprehensive list of codepaths we'll want to fuzz:

    opened by poljar 2
  • Fix rust-analyzer

    Fix rust-analyzer

    This patch fixes rust-analyzer on vscode, by temporarily patching the requirements to a commit version of ed25519-dalek

    You can see the differences here:

    The following difference is what makes this patch workable;

    +#![cfg_attr(not(test), forbid(unsafe_code))]


    Yes since this was added in 1.0.1, rust-analyzer is not happy since it compiles everything in test mode

    This should be applied as long as ed25519-dalek 1.1 isn't out, or this crate has to be published to

    opened by ShadowJonathan 2
  • Mutation testing

    Mutation testing

    Mutation testing using cargo-mutants reveals a bunch of test cases that aren't checking for all the code behavior we should.

    Once we fix all those discovered issues, we should set up cargo-mutants to run as a daily CI job:

    • [ ] - Fix issues discovered by mutation testing
    • [ ] - Set up cargo-mutant in the CI

    Full cargo-mutant output follows:

    cargo mutants
    Freshen source tree ... ok in 0.051s
    Copy source and build products to scratch directory ... 1917 MB in 0.639s
    Unmutated baseline ... ok in 13.512s
    Auto-set test timeout to 20.0s
    Found 393 mutants to test
    src/ replace <impl Debug for EstablishedSas>::fmt -> std::fmt::Result with Ok(Default::default()) ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.381s
    src/olm/session/ replace MessageKey::key -> &[u8 ; 32] with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.405s
    src/olm/session/ replace Session::next_message_key -> MessageKey with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.225s
    src/olm/session/ replace MessageKey::index -> u64 with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 3.954s
    src/types/ replace Ed25519Signature::to_base64 -> String with "".into() ... NOT CAUGHT in 3.955s
    src/megolm/ replace MegolmMessage::encrypt -> MegolmMessage with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 3.988s
    src/olm/session/ replace MessageKeyStore::remove_message_key with () ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.156s
    src/olm/session/ replace ChainStore::is_empty -> bool with true ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.206s
    src/olm/account/ replace Account::remove_one_time_key -> Option<Curve25519SecretKey> with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.182s
    src/ replace SasBytes::decimals -> (u16, u16, u16) with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.275s
    src/olm/messages/ replace OlmMessage::message -> &[u8] with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.140s
    src/types/ replace <impl From for String>::from -> String with "".into() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.024s
    src/olm/messages/ replace Message::ciphertext -> &[u8] with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.241s
    src/types/ replace KeyId::to_base64 -> String with "xyzzy".into() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.275s
    src/ replace SasBytes::emoji_indices -> [u8 ; 7] with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.008s
    src/megolm/ replace InboundGroupSession::get_cipher_at -> Option<Cipher> with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.310s
    src/olm/messages/ replace Message::chain_index -> u64 with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 3.974s
    src/olm/account/ replace Account::max_number_of_one_time_keys -> usize with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.317s
    src/types/ replace Ed25519Signature::to_base64 -> String with "xyzzy".into() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.305s
    src/olm/account/ replace Account::forget_fallback_key -> bool with true ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.190s
    src/megolm/ replace MegolmMessage::add_signature -> Result<(), SignatureError> with Ok(Default::default()) ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.224s
    src/olm/session/ replace <impl Debug for Session>::fmt -> std::fmt::Result with Ok(Default::default()) ... NOT CAUGHT in 3.972s
    src/types/ replace Ed25519SecretKey::from_base64 -> Result<Self, crate::KeyError> with Ok(Default::default()) ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.374s
    src/megolm/ replace MegolmMessage::message_index -> u32 with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.239s
    src/types/ replace <impl Debug for Ed25519PublicKey>::fmt -> std::fmt::Result with Ok(Default::default()) ... NOT CAUGHT in 3.980s
    src/olm/account/ replace Account::mark_keys_as_published with () ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.270s
    src/olm/session/ replace <impl Drop for MessageKey>::drop with () ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.271s
    src/types/ replace Ed25519SecretKey::from_slice -> Result<Self, crate::KeyError> with Ok(Default::default()) ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.259s
    src/olm/account/ replace Account::forget_fallback_key -> bool with false ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.273s
    src/olm/account/ replace FallbackKeys::forget_previous_fallback_key -> Option<FallbackKey> with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.260s
    src/olm/session/ replace RemoteChainKey::advance with () ... TIMEOUT in 21.578s
    src/megolm/ replace MegolmMessage::mac -> [u8 ; Mac::TRUNCATED_LEN] with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.356s
    src/olm/session/ replace <impl Drop for RemoteMessageKey>::drop with () ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.240s
    src/types/ replace <impl From for String>::from -> String with "xyzzy".into() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.008s
    src/types/ replace Ed25519SecretKey::to_base64 -> String with "xyzzy".into() ... NOT CAUGHT in 3.903s
    src/olm/account/ replace FallbackKey::mark_as_published with () ... NOT CAUGHT in 3.929s
    src/megolm/ replace MegolmMessage::ciphertext -> &[u8] with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.259s
    src/types/ replace Curve25519PublicKey::to_vec -> Vec<u8> with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.309s
    src/megolm/ replace <impl Zeroize for ExportedSessionKey>::zeroize with () ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.291s
    src/olm/account/ replace FallbackKey::published -> bool with false ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.010s
    src/olm/session/ replace Session::has_received_message -> bool with false ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.159s
    src/olm/session/ replace Session::from_libolm_pickle::<impl Drop for Pickle>::drop with () ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.347s
    src/megolm/ replace <impl Drop for ExportedSessionKey>::drop with () ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.089s
    src/types/ replace <impl Debug for Curve25519PublicKey>::fmt -> std::fmt::Result with Ok(Default::default()) ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.158s
    src/olm/session/ replace RemoteChainKey::chain_index -> u64 with Default::default() ... TIMEOUT in 21.756s
    src/types/ replace Ed25519PublicKey::verify -> Result<(), SignatureError> with Ok(Default::default()) ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.356s
    src/types/ replace Ed25519SecretKey::to_base64 -> String with "".into() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.009s
    src/ replace EstablishedSas::verify_mac -> Result<(), SasError> with Ok(Default::default()) ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.366s
    src/types/ replace KeyId::to_base64 -> String with "".into() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.009s
    src/olm/messages/ replace PreKeyMessage::wrap -> Self with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.124s
    src/olm/session/ replace MessageKey::ratchet_key -> RatchetPublicKey with Default::default() ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.174s
    src/olm/account/ replace FallbackKeys::mark_as_published with () ... NOT CAUGHT in 4.406s
    opened by poljar 0
  • Many libolm unpickling structs have Debug implementations

    Many libolm unpickling structs have Debug implementations

    While the Debug implementations aren't really harmful since they can't be used, all the structs are private, we should remove them since we don't want to have any Debug implementations over private key material.

    opened by poljar 0
  • Interoperability with libolm

    Interoperability with libolm

    I am trying to use Megolm. Having one side running the (Outbound)GroupSession, and the other side the InboundGroupSession. Pretty straightforward I guess.

    On the outbound side I would like to use this crate, as it is native Rust. On the incoming side, I need to use libolm, or at least, I want to enable users to use libolm if they like.

    Now the problem seems to be that there are different "pickle" formats. And they don't work together very well. My original issue was that I cannot decode on the libolm side, as I get "BAD_SIGNATURE". While the same message gets decoded by this create just fine.

    So I tried some tests, trying to use olm-rs (which is a wrapper to libolm) in the process and see where the differences are. However, I can't import a session pickle created by this create into libolm. I also cannot create a GroupSession from a libolm pickle, only an InboundGroupSession, as the "from libolm" function doesn't exist GroupSession.

    All of this is a pretty frustration experience, and I guess it would be helpful to document what is expected to work, and what not.

    On top of that, I think there should be a way that both implementations can be used together. And if can't export a pickle to the libolm format from this crate, then at least I should be able to import an (Outbound) GroupSession from a libolm pickle.

    opened by ctron 4
  • Update ed25519-dalek to allow rust-analyzer to work properly

    Update ed25519-dalek to allow rust-analyzer to work properly

    From #3, this is currently blocked as-is.

    I'm converting that PR into an issue to track this problem, as ed25519-dalek has gone two years without a release, with some improvements on master branch that should be in a normal release.

    Original issue, which is now closed as fixed, but not in a release yet:

    Issue on their repo calling for a new release:

    Alternatively, the following could be added to .vscode/settings.json to fix this for everyone using vscode;

      "rust-analyzer.cargo.unsetTest": [
    opened by ShadowJonathan 0
  • Replace `#[zeroize(drop)]` with `#[derive(ZeroizeOnDrop)]` when moving to `zeroize` 1.5.x

    Replace `#[zeroize(drop)]` with `#[derive(ZeroizeOnDrop)]` when moving to `zeroize` 1.5.x

    In zeroize 1.5.x, the #[zeroize(drop)] attribute was deprecated and replaced with ZeroizeOnDrop. We can't switch to newer zeroize versions due to dalek, but once we do, we should replace all uses of #[zeroize(drop)].

    opened by dkasak 0
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