562 Repositories
Rust script-language Libraries
An implementation of a predicative polymorphic language with bidirectional type inference and algebraic data types
Vinilla Lang Vanilla is a pure functional programming language based on System F, a classic but powerful type system. Merits Simple as it is, Vanilla
Is it fast? Does it have an efficient runtime? Why is Bash so slow?
Testing Languages Is it fast? Does it have an efficient runtime? Why is Bash so slow? Usage Compile and execute the run.rs file to run benchmarks. rus
Experimental treesiter based language server, let's see how far this goes 😆.
tsls Tree-sitter based language server for general languages. Warning: It's in active development right now, and bug is expected. Features Go To Defin
🚀 A fast, modern & efficient interpreted language.
Lace is an efficient, modern and predictable procedural programming language written in rust. Easy to write: Lace's syntax is easy to learn and write,
Safe, efficient, and ergonomic bindings to Wolfram LibraryLink and the Wolfram Language
wolfram-library-link Bindings to the Wolfram LibraryLink interface, making it possible to call Rust code from the Wolfram Language. This library is us
A stack (ram) based language written in rust
The Ram programming language A stack based programming language created to experiment my crappy lang-dev only capable of making some mathematical form
Rust Language Cheat Sheet
Rust Language Cheat Sheet A single-page Rust resource for people who like high information density. Use cases, in order of priority: identification &
Locate local installations of the Wolfram Language.
wolfram-app-discovery Discovery local installations of the Wolfram Language and Wolfram applications. This crate provides: The wolfram-app-discovery l
The Ribbon Programming Language, made in Rust.
The Ribbon Programming Language (WIP) This language is designed to be quick to write and is heavily inspired by Rust, which is also the language it wa
Representing Wolfram Language expressions in Rust.
wolfram-expr Representation of Wolfram Language expressions. Examples Construct the expression {1, 2, 3}: use wolfram_expr::{Expr, Symbol}; let expr
The Rust Compiler Collection is a collection of compilers for various languages, written with The Rust Programming Language.
rcc The Rust Compiler Collection is a collection of compilers for various languages, written with The Rust Programming Language. Compilers Language Co
rinflux is Rust based influx client implementation that have been inspired from influx other language implementation, developed with 💖
Unofficial InfluxDB Driver for Rust This library is a work in progress. This means a feature you might need is not implemented yet or could be handled
Notes on learning the Rust programming language syntax.
notes-on-rust Notes on learning the Rust programming language syntax. Resources https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started https://doc.rust-lang.org/
Rust bindings to the Wolfram Symbolic Transport Protocol (WSTP)
wstp Bindings to the Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol (WSTP) library. This crate provides a set of safe and ergonomic bindings to the WSTP library,
ArbOS operating system, to run at Layer 2 on Arbitrum chains. Also a compiler for Mini, the language in which ArbOS is written.
ArbOS and Mini compiler ArbOS is the "operating system" that runs at Layer 2 on an Arbitrum chain, to manage the chain's operation, maintain security,
Noir is a domain specific language for zero knowledge proofs
The Noir Programming Language Noir is a Domain Specific Language for SNARK proving systems. It has been designed to use any ACIR compatible proving sy
REPL for the Rust programming language
Rusti A REPL for the Rust programming language. The rusti project is deprecated. It is not recommended for regular use. Dependencies On Unix systems,
Deduplicating Training Data Makes Language Models Better
Deduplicating Training Data Makes Language Models Better This repository contains code to deduplicate language model datasets as descrbed in the paper
Common stop words in a variety of languages
About Stop words are words that don't carry much meaning, and are typically removed as a preprocessing step before text analysis or natural language p
🐉 Making Rust a first-class language and ecosystem for GPU shaders 🚧
🐉 rust-gpu Rust as a first-class language and ecosystem for GPU graphics & compute shaders Current Status 🚧 Note: This project is still heavily in d
Rust-like syntax for OpenGL Shading Language
Rust-like syntax for GLSL glassful translates a small subset of Rust to OpenGL Shading Language. Besides one's personal preferences regarding Rust-lik
Rust language bindings for the LIBLINEAR C/C++ library.
liblinear-rs Rust bindings for the liblinear C/C++ library. Provides a thin (but rustic) wrapper around the original C-interface exposed by the librar
Apache Arrow is a multi-language toolbox for accelerated data interchange and in-memory processing
Apache Arrow Powering In-Memory Analytics Apache Arrow is a development platform for in-memory analytics. It contains a set of technologies that enabl
Masked Language Model on Wasm
Masked Language Model on Wasm This project is for OPTiM TECH BLOG. Please see below: WebAssemblyを用いてBERTモデルをフロントエンドで動かす Demo Usage Build image docker
Nes-emulator - A NES emulator made to learn the Rust programming language
nes-emulator Building $ rustc --version rustc 1.32.0 (9fda7c223 2019-01-16) $ cargo --version cargo 1.32.0 (8610973aa 2019-01-02) $ cargo build --rel
Rust - Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
The Rust Programming Language This is the main source code repository for Rust. It contains the compiler, standard library, and documentation. Note: t
RustPython - A Python Interpreter written in Rust
RustPython A Python-3 (CPython = 3.9.0) Interpreter written in Rust 🐍 😱 🤘 . Usage Check out our online demo running on WebAssembly. RustPython req
Coding-challenge - Algorithms and Data-structures, problems and solutions in Rust language using cargo-workspaces
Coding Challenge LeetCode/Hackerrank e.t.c Using this as an opportunity to improve my knowledge of rust lang If you found this repo useful to you, add
The ray tracer challenge in rust - Repository to follow my development of "The Raytracer Challenge" book by Jamis Buck in the language Rust
The Ray Tracer Challenge This repository contains all the code written, while step by implementing Ray Tracer, based on the book "The Ray Tracer Chall
Pua-lang - a dialect of The Monkey Programming Language
pua-lang PUA Programming Language written in Rust. What's pua-lang? pua-lang is a dialect of The Monkey Programming Language, intended to mirror the i
Aws-sdk-rust - AWS SDK for the Rust Programming Language
The AWS SDK for Rust This repo contains the new AWS SDK for Rust (the SDK) and its public roadmap. Please Note: The SDK is currently released as a dev
Aya is an eBPF library for the Rust programming language, built with a focus on developer experience and operability.
Aya API docs | Chat | Aya-Related Projects Overview eBPF is a technology that allows running user-supplied programs inside the Linux kernel. For more
Cloc - cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
cloc Count Lines of Code cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages. Latest release: v1.9
Nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Node Version Manager Table of Contents Intro About Installing and Updating Install & Update Script Additional Notes Troubleshooting on Linux Troublesh
A Text User Interface library for the Rust programming language
Cursive Cursive is a TUI (Text User Interface) library for rust. It uses ncurses by default, but other backends are available. It allows you to build
Cargo script subcommand
cargo-script cargo-script is a Cargo subcommand designed to let people quickly and easily run Rust "scripts" which can make use of Cargo's package eco
The Reactive Extensions for the Rust Programming Language
This is an implementation of reactive streams, which, at the high level, is patterned off of the interfaces and protocols defined in http://reactive-s
Repository for the Rust Language Server (aka RLS)
Rust Language Server (RLS) The RLS provides a server that runs in the background, providing IDEs, editors, and other tools with information about Rust
Yfin is the Official package manager for the Y-flat programming language
Yfin is the Official package manager for the Y-flat programming language. Yfin allows the user to install, upgrade, and uninstall packages. It also allows a user to initialize a package with the Y-flat package structure and files automatically generated. In future, Yfin will also allow users to publish packages.
My 'Lugli' language compiler for learning purposes, written in rust. 🥰🤠
Lugli language compiler My 'Lugli' language compiler for learning purposes, written in rust. This language is to be a subset for other purposes, for e
clone of grep cli written in Rust. From Chapter 12 of the Rust Programming Language book
minigrep is a clone of the grep cli in rust Minigrep will find a query string in a file. To test it out, clone the project and run cargo run body poem
The Rust Programming Language, Chapter 8, Exercise 1
Rust Common Collections - Exercise 1 In the book The Rust Programming Language by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols, chapter 8 - Common Collections - pr
An interpreter for the esoteric programming language, Brainf*ck.
Brainf*ck Interpreter This is just a normal Brainf*ck interpreter written in Rust. If you don't know what Brainf*ck is, you can check out the wikipedi
An esoteric language/compiler written with Rust and Rust LLVM bindings
MeidoLang (メイドラング) A not so useful and esoteric language. The goal of this project was to contain some quirky or novel syntax in a stack-style program
The compiler of the okta programming language.
oktac The compiler of the okta programming language. For more information please visit the official website, and to quickly get okta running refer to
The purpose of this example is to provide details as to how one would go about using GraphQL with the Rust Language.
Zero to GraphQL Using Rust The purpose of this example is to provide details as to how one would go about using GraphQL with the Rust Language. Thus,
AIDL Language Server Protocol (LSP) server
AIDL Language Server Protocol (LSP) server Experimental AIDL LSP server based on rust-aidl-parser. Features: diagnostics workspace symbols (Ctrl+T in
A dead simple configuration language.
Rakh! A dead simple configuration language. No seriously, it's simple. With only 26 lines of code, it's one of the tiniest configuration languages the
A simple Pascal interpreter written in rust.
rascal A simple Pascal interpreter written in rust. Usage Download the latest rascal executable from the release page. Run the executable. rascal.exe
CouchDB client library for the Rust programming language
CouchDB This project is reborn! As of its v0.6.0 release, the couchdb crate has new life as a toolkit instead of providing a full-blown client. In a n
A turing-complete programming language using only zero-width unicode characters, inspired by brainfuck and whitespace.
Zero-Width A turing-complete programming language using only zero-width unicode characters, inspired by brainfuck and whitespace. Currently a (possibl
Zero-Knowledge Assembly language and compiler
zkAsm A Zero-Knowledge circuit assembly language, designed to represent Zero-Knowledge circuits in a compressed format, to be stored on blockchains. I
A tour of rust's language features
Tour of Rust Welcome to the source repo of Tour of Rust. Goals This project is meant to give an experienced programmer a swift introduction to Rust as
Writing Interpreters in Rust: a Guide
Writing Interpreters in Rust: a Guide This is an online book covering the lower level topics involved in writing an interpreter in Rust including: mem
🎄My Advent of Code 2021 solutions in the Rust programming language
Advent of Code 2021 in Rust My Advent of Code 2021 solutions in the Rust programming language. This repository holds a separate Rust project for each
Lisp-style programming language
Bobbylisp A programming language, syntax are like mal and clojure. This project follow mal guides, Planning to add some more features after finishing
[WIP] An experimental Java-like language and it's virtual machine, for learning Java and JVM.
Sky VM An experimental Java-like language and it's virtual machine, for learning Java and JVM. Dependencies Rust (rust-lang/rust) 2021 Edition, dual-l
A toolbox for zkSNARKs on Ethereum
ZoKrates ZoKrates is a toolbox for zkSNARKs on Ethereum. This is a proof-of-concept implementation. It has not been tested for production. Getting Sta
Rust language bindings for Bitcoin secp256k1 library.
Full documentation rust-secp256k1 rust-secp256k1 is a wrapper around libsecp256k1, a C library by Pieter Wuille for producing ECDSA signatures using t
Rust-language assets for Zcash
Zcash Rust crates This repository contains a (work-in-progress) set of Rust crates for working with Zcash. Security Warnings These libraries are curre
A language that ports⚓: examining the limits of compilation⚙️.
⚓ harbor ⚓ A language that ports: examining the limits of compilation. Demo | Crates | Contact Me Written in Rust 🦀 💖 NOTE: Click the images above f
An experimental IPC interface definition language for Hubris.
Idol: interface definitions for Hubris This is an experimental interface definition language for defining IPC interfaces between tasks in a Hubris app
📝 Web-based, reactive Datalog notebooks for data analysis and visualization
📝 Web-based, reactive Datalog notebooks for data analysis and visualization
A CI inspired approach for local job automation.
nauman A CI inspired approach for local job automation. Features • Installation • Usage • FAQ • Examples • Job Syntax About nauman is an easy-to-use j
Applied offensive security with the Rust programming language
Black Hat Rust Applied offensive security with the Rust programming language Buy the book now! While the Rust Book does an excellent job teaching What
CARBON is an interface-centric programming language named after the concept of an allotropy.
CARBON programming language Status: just an idea CARBON is an interface-centric programming language named after the concept of an allotropy. It is an
[Proof of Concept] Embedded functional scripting language with YAML ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[YAML, fun] Just an experimental project implementing embedded functional scripting language based on YAML syntax. API docs for the standard library:
Emerging smart contract language for the Ethereum blockchain.
Emerging smart contract language for the Ethereum blockchain.
Cookiecutter templates for Serverless applications using AWS SAM and the Rust programming language.
Cookiecutter SAM template for Lambda functions in Rust This is a Cookiecutter template to create a serverless application based on the Serverless Appl
A multithreaded programming language!
hydracane A multithreaded programming language! Getting started Coming Soon! Features: Multithreaded Platform independent Folders: src/vm: The Virtual
A curly-braces infix language that compiles to WebAssembly
CurlyWas CurlyWas is a (still WIP) curly-braces, infix synatx for WebAssembly. The goal is to have as to a 1:1 mapping to the resulting wasm instructi
📝 Web-based, reactive Datalog notebooks for data analysis and visualization
Percival is a declarative data query and visualization language. It provides a reactive, web-based notebook environment for exploring complex datasets, producing interactive graphics, and sharing results.
A tool to make grocery lists written in Rust
grusterylist: makes grocery lists, written in Rust grusterylist uses and can add to local libraries of user-added recipes and grocery items to put tog
A formal, politely verbose programming language for building next-gen reliable applications
vfpl Pronounced "Veepl", the f is silent A politely verbose programming language for building next-gen reliable applications Syntax please initialize
A simple programming language made for scripting inspired on rust and javascript.
FnXY Programming Language Quick move: CONTRIBUTING | LICENSE What? FnXY is a simple programming language made for scripting inspired on rust and javas
A small embeddable scripting language
There is currently a tree-walking interpreter called bird in progress, but the plan is to have a bytecode vm in the end language_name is a small embed
A forth-inspired, bytecode-compiled scripting language for Anachro Powerbus
Anachro Forth (core) Anachro Forth is a forth-inspired, bytecode-compiled scripting language for Anachro Powerbus platform. Use Case The intended use
A diff-based data management language to implement unlimited undo, auto-save for games, and cloud-apps which needs to retain every change.
Docchi is a diff-based data management language to implement unlimited undo, auto-save for games, and cloud-apps which needs to save very often. User'
A language server implementation for the WGSL shading language
wgsl-analyzer wgsl-analyzer is a language server plugin for the WGSL Shading language. It comes with a VS Code plugin located in ./editors/code, but d
A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Rust programming language, and continuing to learn the language.
Learning Rust I started learning the Rust programming language before using GitHub, but increased its usage afterwards. I have found it to be a fast a
RusTCP is an attempt to rewrite some of the PyTCP stack functionality using Rust language.
RusTCP is an attempt to rewrite some of the PyTCP stack functionality using Rust language. Currently, the main goal of this project is to create a stable IPv6 platform that could be used to facilitate the process of labing the SRv6 technology.
A short exercise to introduce people to the Rust programming language
Searching primes by brute force This code is ment to be an exercice to teach rust and give a first impression on how to work with the language during
A newborn programming language for extensible software
A newborn programming language for extensible software.
The programming language for scalable development
Pen programming language Pen is the programming language that makes software development scalable, focusing on software maintainability and portabilit
This repository contains the source of "The Rust Programming Language" book.
The Rust Programming Language This repository contains the source of "The Rust Programming Language" book. The book is available in dead-tree form fro
The official home of the Nyson Programming Language, built off Rust.
Nyson Programming Language The official home of the Nyson Programming Language, built off Rust. (created by Nyelsonon and AMTitan, 2021) Advertisement
A safe-against-invalid-input version of wren.io, written in Rust.
safe_wren A nearly-complete implementation of the Wren language (wren.io) in Rust. The original https://github.com/wren-lang/wren from wren.io is refe
❗️ Small script to view GitHub notifications in the terminal
github-notifications Small script to view GitHub notifications in the terminal Shows and color-codes the notification source, eg if you're the owner o
A simple compile-to-WebAssembly language rewritten in Rust
chasm A very simple compile-to-WebAssembly language You can play with chasm online. This is a rewrite in Rust of the compiler for the language chasm.
Czech for the Rust programming language
rez Nejsi you tired from writing Rust programs in English? Do you like saying do prdele or pivo a lot? Would you like to try something different, in a
Rust Language Learning material
RustMaterial Rust Language Learning material Rust Rust is blazingly fast systems programming language that prevents segfaults and guarantees thread sa
AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations
AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust.
Flou is a domain-specific language (DSL) for describing flowcharts.
Flou is a domain-specific language (DSL) for describing flowcharts. It is also a CLI of the same name that renders the previously mentioned flowchart description into an SVG file.
Program analysis playground for a simple, imperative language
Proggers Proggers is a program analysis playground for a simple, imperative language. Features Numerical analysis using abstract interpretation Type-c
Gecko is a high-level, general-purpose programming language built on top of the LLVM project.
Gecko is a high-level, general-purpose programming language built on top of the LLVM project. Gecko Technology & principles Gecko is a general-purpose
Might have a go at implementing Pulumi for Rust 🤷♂️
Might have a go at implementing Pulumi for Rust 🤷♂️
A Star Wars inspired by programming language
The Force The Force is a gateway to abilities many believe are unnatural... Getting Started Install Rust. We also provide a Dev Container if you would
An elegant language for script-kiddies and terminal squatters.
Tonic An elegant language for script-kiddies and terminal squatters. About I started Tonic to complete the Advent of Code 2021. My eventual goal is to
A high level language for SELinux policy
Introduction Cascade is a project to build a new high level language for defining SELinux policy. The overall structure of the language is essentially
Programming Language Inspired by Brainfuck
Brainsuck Brainfuck but not really... like... a better version of it. Installation Requirements: Rust version 1.50 or higher Linux curl https://raw.gi