Rust Language Cheat Sheet


Logo Rust Language Cheat Sheet

Read Online Cached PDF

A single-page Rust resource for people who like high information density.

Use cases, in order of priority:

  • identification & lookup guide for constructs encountered in code,
  • discover parts of the language you might not know,
  • learn about Rust if you have prior programming experience.


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Constructive feedback would be most actionable, but if you just want to vent your frustration that's fine too :)


Big shout-out to all the contributors and people filing issues and pull requests for being awesome!


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  • gh action to generate release

    gh action to generate release

    resolves #91

    Added basic github action to generate a PDF and create a release. We could do some fine tuning now, for example on the generated PDF.

    Current status includes:

    • Dockerfile (+ build script)
    • gh action to
      • build and run docker image
      • create release and upload pdf

    Example of action run. Example of generated release PDF 2020-10-21-213802.

    Running the actions takes between 60s - 70s.

    opened by johannst 9
  • Suggestions to improve

    Suggestions to improve "Custom Types" visualizatiaton

    While great overall, there are some aspects i think could be made more clearer

    • [ ] What is the T: !Sized example with the arrow trying to show?
    • [ ] Does the grey border take up space? In other word: has struct S; a size? If not: is it big?

    Maybe the space within the struct (especially the padding) could be made more clearer using grey boxes within those grey borders?

    I think this way we could make more clear whether the tuple (A, B, C) and the struct S { a: A, b: B, c: C} have the same size or not.

    type: content type: design 
    opened by kud1ing 8
  • suggestion: note about Cargo.lock and git

    suggestion: note about Cargo.lock and git

    I'm not sure if this is worthy of inclusion but I've had multiple times where I forgot and had to look up if I should or shouldn't commit Cargo.lock for bins and libs.

    It might be worth adding a note somewhere that mentions that Cargo.lock should be version controlled for bins and not for libs so that people can easily find the rule when they forget it. cargo new --lib adds it to the .gitignore file by default, so this may be an issue most people don't worry about, I'll leave it up to you to determine if it should be included.

    type: content needs-discussion 
    opened by yaahc 8
  • Add references to RFCs defining good documentation practices

    Add references to RFCs defining good documentation practices

    In these RFCs, great details and example are given about the right way to do documentation. I’m not sure if this is worth being detailed on, but a link is a way as good as another to find these documents.

    In particular, these RFC are way more detailed than the Reference book.

    See Rust-lang for a proof that RFC1574 is used for std.

    opened by cljoly 8
  • Suggestion: section about iteration/iterators

    Suggestion: section about iteration/iterators

    An "Iteration" section could give an overview over:


    • iterate over references: as_ref()
    • iterate over mutable references
    • iterate and consume


    type: content 
    opened by kud1ing 7
  • suggestion: proc macro section

    suggestion: proc macro section

    I can't seem to find any information about proc macros in I feel like this is a relatively important part of the rust ecosystem and it deserves a section. Particularly with syn and quote just hitting their 1.0.0 releases, it seems like a good time to bring in some documentation for them.

    I'd be happy to add one myself as a PR but I don't know proc macros well yet so it will have to wait until after I take the time to properly learn them.

    type: content needs-discussion postponed 
    opened by yaahc 7
  • "Hardcoded magic"

    From Reddit:

    Next to the “invisible sugar” perhaps also provide ”hardcoded magic” for traits and other stuff that “seems” like a normal library item, but cannot be reimplemented by the user in terms of other items. For example, the traits “Copy”, “Clone”, “Deref”, etc.

    type: content 
    opened by ralfbiedert 6
  • Printed Output Has Significant Flaws

    Printed Output Has Significant Flaws

    I've noticed that the site redesign has caused serious breakages in both the print and cached PDF output.

    • The noprint class on the "Fork Me on GitHub ribbon" has no effect.
    • Entire sections of the reference which I'd want to print are hidden inside <noprint> elements.
    • Tab widgets which do print are not unrolled, denying access to all but their default tabs.
    • Expandable explanations in the memory diagrams print collapsed.
    • If I turn off noprint to access the stuff I want, bits of your diagrams show up in the top-left of page 1 in print mode. (Honestly, I'd suggest using inline SVG for those rather than abusing things like position: absolute and <table> to do illustration.)
    • If I uncollapse the tab widgets the most obvious way, they overdraw the next section down.

    This is how far I got to make a userscript to turn it into desired printable output before I got fed up with how seemingly ordinary tweaks caused strange breakages in the print preview, where the DOM Inspector is very crippled:

    /* Stuff that got applied to things I want printed */
    noprint, .noprint {
        display: block !important;
    tabs > tab > panel {
        display: inline !important;
    explanation { 
        display: inherit !important;
    /* Hacks to fix 'diagram is shoved to the top-left corner of page 1' bugs 
       revealed by turning off noprint. */
    #custom-types + p + datum { position: relative !important; }
    #custom-types + p + datum > .hidden { position: relative !important; }
    datum[style='margin-right:70px'] { position: relative !important; }
    datum[style='margin-right:70px'] code { white-space: nowrap !important; }
    datum.spaced[style='padding-bottom:165px'] memory-entry { 
        position: relative !important; 
    datum.spaced[style='padding-bottom:165px'] visual { 
        margin-right: 10em;
    /* Stuff that shouldn't be printed but is (or would be after my tweaks) */
    body > div:first-child > a.noprint:first-child { 
        /* Hide the GitHub ribbon that isn't hiding properly */
        display: none !important;
    page-controls, #helloctrl, subtext::after, tabs.lifetimes + footnotes {
        display: none !important;

    Overall, with the bits like the diagrams and the tab widget unrolling, it feels like I'm reverse-engineering your attempts to fight the CSS layout model instead of working with it.

    type: design 
    opened by ssokolow 5
  • Confusing statement.

    Confusing statement.

    In the "Strength" section of the "Hello Rust" it says:

    can avoid 70% of all (memory-related) safety issues present in C / C++

    This sounds like Rust can avoid 70% of memory-related issues, and can not handle 30% of memory-related issues. Maybe it should be reworded. Here is a suggestion (I'm not a native speaker): "can avoid memory-related safety issues (memory-related issues are 70% of all safety issues)"

    opened by hojjatabdollahi 5
  • Nightly mode is too dark

    Nightly mode is too dark

    If you look at how other sites or apps implement dark / nightly mode, you will almost never find full black backgrounds (except in "OLED dark" themes bc. OLED screens can just completely turn off pixels that are showing full black).

    When toggling the dark mode on the background immediately caught my eye as uncommonly dark. Would you consider switching to a dark grey instead?

    See also Never use Black.

    opened by jplatte 5
  • PDF should be created automatically via Github Action

    PDF should be created automatically via Github Action

    As discussed in #90, it would be nice if a (Docker) PDF action ran automatically and updated the releases. The ideal solution:

    • Builds the page Docker-locally via Zola (preferred), or just grabs the latest released one
    • Generates a portrait(?) PDF preserving background colors but w/o user visible "corner" metadata as some browsers do
    • Publishes the PDF as a new release
    • Generally works without modifying the repository
    type: infrastructure help-wanted 
    opened by ralfbiedert 5
  • Bit wise operations missing?

    Bit wise operations missing?

    I'm a bit new to rust and I encountered the symbol << which I wanted to know what does it mean and I didn't found it on the website. It'd be great if it was added in a proper location, with a link to here:

    Thanks a lot for maintaining this website.

    type: content help-wanted 
    opened by doronbehar 5
  • EPUB version of Rust cheat sheet

    EPUB version of Rust cheat sheet

    I think it would be useful to create a ePUB version of the Rust cheat sheet? That would be more readable in small screens, as in a smartphone, or tablets.

    type: infrastructure help-wanted 
    opened by oscaretu 8
  • FFI Chapter

    FFI Chapter

    Suggested via mail:

    • C-FFI chapter (e.g., Rust MVP to / from C)
    • Maybe even examples showing other languages (C#, Python, Java, ...)
    • repr(C), no_mangle, ...
    • Rust string conversion to / from char*
    • ...
    type: content needs-discussion suggested-via-site 
    opened by ralfbiedert 0
Ralf Biedert
Principal Engineer. Working on VR, AR, eye tracking, mostly in Rust.
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