Coding-challenge - Algorithms and Data-structures, problems and solutions in Rust language using cargo-workspaces


Coding Challenge

LeetCode/Hackerrank e.t.c

Using this as an opportunity to improve my knowledge of rust lang

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Please Note

*If the rust and js cell of a row is empty, it means the solution is present on the title col of that specific row. This is owing to changes in how this table used to be. Updates would be made later to ensure consistency

# Title JS Rust
1 Reverse Bits
2 Binary tree from inorder, postorder
3 Binary tree from preorder, inorder
4 Lowest Common Ancestor
5 Next Pointer (javascript)
6 Sherlock and the Valid string
7 Town Sunset
8 Two Sums
9 Walls and Gates
10 Circular Queue
11 Moving Data Stream
12 Inorder traversal
13 Level Order traversal
14 Lowest Common Ancestor
15 Maximum Depth
16 Path Sum
17 Post order traversal
18 Pre order traversal
19 Priority queue
20 Serialize Deserialize Binary Tree
21 Symmetric tree
22 Doubly linked list
23 Linked Cycle
24 Linked Cycle Position
25 Linked List Palindrome
26 Linked List- nth from last
27 Linked List - Arrange into odd/even
28 Linked List - Remove Linked elem
29 Linked List - Remove nth node from the last
30 Reverse Linked List
31 Number of Islands
32 Walls and Gates - dfs Walls and Gates - dfs
33 Chief Hopper Chief Hopper Chief Hopper
34 Open the Lock - bfs
35 Perfect Squares Perfect Squares
36 Min Stack
37 Valid Parenthes
38 Daily Temperatures
39 Reverse Polish Notation
40 Max Min
41 Number of Islands
42 Jim and the Others Jim and Others Jim and the Others
43 Clone Graph
44 Game Of Thrones 1
45 Grredy Florist Greedy Florist
46 Queue with Stack Queue with Stack Queue with Stack
47 Stack with Queues
48 Decode String
49 Flood Fill Flood Fill
50 01 Matrix Matrix 01 Matrix 01
51 Keys and Rooms Keys and Rooms
52 Permuting Two Arrays Permuting Two Arrays Permuting Two Arrays
53 Mark and Toys Mark and Toys Mark and Toys
54 Two Strings Two Strings Two Strings
55 Making Anagrams Making Anagrams
56 Reverse String (recursion) Reverse String Reverse String
57 Swap Node Pairs Swap Node Pairs
58 Reverse Linked List (Recursion) Reverse Linked List (Recursion)
59 Create Binary Tree from a vector create BT
60 Search BST (Recursion) search BST (Recursion)
61 Pascal's Triangle Pascal's Triangle Pascal's Triangle
62 Fibonacci Fibonacci
63 Climbing Stairs Climbing Stairs Climbing Stairs
64 Binary Tree (Max depth - bfs) Binary Tree (Max depth)
65 Pow(x, n) Pow(x, n) Pow(x, n)
66 Merge Two Sorted Lists Merge Two Sorted Lists
67 Kth Symbol In Grammar Kth Symbol In Grammar
68 Unique Binary Trees II Unique Binary Trees II Unique Binary Trees II πŸ˜‚ πŸ€“
69 Merge Sort Algorithm Merge Sort Merge Sort
70 Sort an Array Sort an Array Sort an Array
71 Quick Sort Quick Sort Quick Sort
72 Validate BST Validate BST Validate BST
73 Search 2D Matrix II Search 2D Matrix II
74 Kth largest element Kth largest element Kth largest element
75 Largest Rectangle in Histogram Largest Rectangle in Histogram
76 N-Queens II n-Queens II
77 Sudoku Player Sudoku Player
78 Combinations Combinations
79 Same Tree Same Tree
80 Generate Parenthesis Generate Parenthesis
81 Binary Tree Level Order traversal Binary Tree Level Order traversal
82 Permutations Permutations
83 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
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