6143 Repositories
Rust rust-todomvc Libraries
A fast, resilient, isomorphic hacker news clone in ~1k lines of rust.
Hackernews sauron A hacker news clone in ~1k lines of rust. This is using sauron web-framework. Feature Isomorphic Completely identical server-side re
Rust runtime for Vercel Functions.
Rust Rust runtime for Vercel Functions. Community-maintained package to support using Rust inside Vercel Functions as a Runtime. Usage First, you'll n
rage is a simple, modern, and secure file encryption tool, using the age format
A simple, secure and modern encryption tool (and Rust library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
git-cliff can generate changelog files from the Git history by utilizing conventional commits as well as regex-powered custom parsers.⛰️
git-cliff can generate changelog files from the Git history by utilizing conventional commits as well as regex-powered custom parsers. The changelog template can be customized with a configuration file to match the desired format.
Rust implementation of the `URLPattern` web API
urlpattern This crate implements the URLPattern web API in Rust. We aim to follow the specification as closely as possible. Contributing We appreciate
A tiling window manager for Windows
komorebi Tiling Window Management for Windows. About komorebi is a tiling window manager that works as an extension to Microsoft's Desktop Window Mana
Process killer daemon for out-of-memory scenarios
bustd: Available memory or bust! bustd is a lightweight process killer daemon for out-of-memory scenarios for Linux! Features Small memory usage! bust
Raytracer tutorial for PPCA 2021, written in Rust.
Pseudo Photograph Company of ACM 工科和ACM的朋友们都已结课!看看这些了不起的艺术品: 工科 ACM ACM伪摄影公司,简称PPCA,于2021年成立 😉 这个项目的主要工作是使用Rust语言实现一个光线追踪渲染器。以这个形式,你能通过学习一门新的(而且漂亮的)语
A browser app that evolves vehicles using genetic algorithms, written in Rust and Bevy
Vehicle Evolver Deluxe This is a simulation that uses AI (to be specific: genetic algorithms) to try to build better and better vehicles. The vehicles
Obake is a procedural macro for declaring and maintaining versioned data-structures.
Obake is a procedural macro for declaring and maintaining versioned data-structures. The name 'obake' is taken from the Japanese 'お化け (おばけ)', a class of supernatural beings in Japanese folklore that shapeshift.
The fastest way to identify any mysterious text or analyze strings from a file, just ask `lemmeknow` !
The fastest way to identify anything lemmeknow ⚡ Identify any mysterious text or analyze strings from a file, just ask lemmeknow. lemmeknow can be use
A interface for Rust to interact with the taskbar
Taskbar_interface A Rust library to communicate with the desktop taskbar, featuring: Show a progress indicator in your app taskbar button. Highlight y
Real-time CLI level meter built in Rust.
Meter This is a very simple command line utility written in Rust for measuring the gain of a microphone. It displays the values in dBFS. This is usefu
bootable x86 snake game in rust
SnakeOS This is the game snake, bootable on a x86_64 CPU, written completely in rust. Its foundation is following the very interesting Writing an OS i
Copy Translator 是使用Rust编写的翻译小工具,使用DeepL翻译
Copy Translator Copy Translator 是使用Rust编写的翻译小工具 特点 程序大小12MB,极其轻量 自动去除多余的换行和断句,优化PDF翻译体验 选中即翻译(划词翻译),专注论文阅读 使用DeepL进行翻译,翻译效果极佳 使用说明 工具仅一个exe,启动后会驻留后台,选
Rust client to Opensea's APIs and Ethereum smart contracts
opensea.rs Rust bindings & CLI to the Opensea API and Contracts CLI Usage Run cargo r -- --help to get the top level help menu: opensea-cli 0.1.0 Choo
A tool crate to quickly build rust command line application.
Falsework A tool crate to quickly build rust command line application.
Typing the technical interview, translated from Haskell to Rust
Typing the technical interview, translated from Haskell to Rust % cargo run Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s Running
A Rust SQL query builder with a pleasant fluent API closely imitating actual SQL
Scooby An SQL query builder with a pleasant fluent API closely imitating actual SQL. Meant to comfortably build dynamic queries with a little bit of s
zero runtime cost default arguments in rust
Default Arguments in Rust Enables default arguments in rust by macro in zero cost. Just wrap function with default_args! and macro with name of functi
Vaporetto: a fast and lightweight pointwise prediction based tokenizer
🛥 VAporetto: POintwise pREdicTion based TOkenizer Vaporetto is a fast and lightweight pointwise prediction based tokenizer. Overview This repository
Engine / framework for creating highly customizable and user modable action RPG's
Rust RPG Toolkit PLEASE NOTE: this in early and very heavy development. API is subject to constant change, as it has newly transitioned from being a g
Crate to generate files in ROFF format (Rust)
roffman A crate to generate roff man pages. Usage Add the following to the Cargo.toml: [dependencies] roffman = "0.3" Example use roffman::{Roff, Roff
Keyhouse is a skeleton of general-purpose Key Management System written in Rust.
Keyhouse Keyhouse is a skeleton of general-purpose Key Management System. Keyhouse is not an off-the-shelf system, and it's not ready for production.
Run your Rust CLI programs as state machines with persistence and recovery abilities
step-machine Run your CLI programs as state machines with persistence and recovery abilities. When such a program breaks you'll have opportunity to ch
Minesweeper game developed with Rust, WebAssembly (Wasm), and Canvas
👉 click here to play the game 👈 Minesweeper game Revealing all the cells without hitting the mines is the task. Each number in the cell denotes how
A crate to implement leader election for Kubernetes workloads in Rust.
Kubernetes Leader Election in Rust This library provides simple leader election for Kubernetes workloads.
Magical Automatic Deterministic Simulator for distributed systems in Rust.
MadSim Magical Automatic Deterministic Simulator for distributed systems. Deterministic simulation MadSim is a Rust async runtime similar to tokio, bu
A Rust port of BuntDB
This is a Rust port of fantasitc BuntDB project by Josh Baker. Big parts of this project are taken directly from BuntDB including API surface and API
A Collection of Rust Tips and Tricks
Table of Contents Using Nested Paths in Rust Struct Update Syntax in Rust Field Init Shorthand in Rust Shadowing in Rust Using Nested Paths in Rust So
A game made for the Rusty Jam https://itch.io/jam/rusty-jam
Murder-User Dungeon Introduction Tony is a young man. Finally having its own apartment is a good thing! He will learn how to live by himself and how t
GBWT in Rust
GBWT (in Rust) This is a Rust reimplementation of parts of the GBWT and the GBWTGraph. It is based on the Simple-SDS library. Scope GBWT Simple-SDS fi
RUSTENGINE is the high-assurance HTTP server.
RUSTENGINE Table of Contents RUSTENGINE Table of Contents About RUSTENGINE Inspiration with Rust Features Compares with Nginx Build & Run About this R
🚧 (Alpha stage software) Binary that supports remote filesystem and process operations. 🚧
distant Binary to connect with a remote machine to edit files and run programs. 🚧 (Alpha stage software) This program is in rapid development and may
Yet another ROS2 client library written in Rust
RclRust Target CI Status Document Foxy (Ubuntu 20.04) Introduction This is yet another ROS2 client library written in Rust. I have implemented it inde
Algorithms and Data Structures of all kinds written in Rust.
Classic Algorithms in Rust This repo contains the implementation of various classic algorithms for educational purposes in Rust. Right now, it is in i
Kiss3d - Keep it simple, stupid 3d graphics engine for Rust.
Kiss3d - Keep it simple, stupid 3d graphics engine for Rust.
Fontdue - The fastest font renderer in the world, written in pure rust.
Fontdue is a simple, no_std (does not use the standard library for portability), pure Rust, TrueType (.ttf/.ttc) & OpenType (.otf) font rasterizer and layout tool. It strives to make interacting with fonts as fast as possible, and currently has the lowest end to end latency for a font rasterizer.
A cross-platform GUI library for Rust focused on simplicity and type-safety
A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm
Hypergraph is data structure library to create a directed hypergraph in which a hyperedge can join any number of vertices.
Hypergraph is data structure library to create a directed hypergraph in which a hyperedge can join any number of vertices.
Hypergraph is a data structure library to generate directed hypergraphs.
Hypergraph is data structure library to create a directed hypergraph in which a hyperedge can join any number of vertices.
A feature-rich, production-ready, general purpose 2D/3D game engine written in Rust with a scene editor.
A feature-rich, production-ready, general purpose 2D/3D game engine written in Rust with a scene editor.
Real-time UI for bots, microservices, and IoT
Real-time UI for bots, microservices, and IoT
Gtk/Rust native Spotify client for the GNOME desktop.
Gtk/Rust native Spotify client for the GNOME desktop.
Shisho is a lightweight static analyzer for developers.
Lightweight static analyzer for several programming languages
Re-implementation of Panda Doodle in Rust targetting WASM, a mobile game originally written in C++
Description This is the source code of my game Panda Doodle, which can be played at https://pandadoodle.lucamoller.com/ (it's best playable on touch s
Sci-fi run 'n' gun action RPG created in Rust, using Macroquad
Capstone - Twilight of the Archons This is an action/run 'n' gun RPG, created in Rust using macroquad. The future holds huge boss fights, and a mind-n
Jamsocket is a lightweight framework for building WebSocket-based application backends.
Jamsocket is a lightweight framework for building services that are accessed through WebSocket connections.
The module graph logic for Deno CLI
deno_graph The module graph/dependency logic for the Deno CLI. This repository is a Rust crate which provides the foundational code to be able to buil
A prolog like syntax for egg
egglog Using the egg library with a file format and semantics similar to datalog. Explanatory blog posts: https://www.philipzucker.com/egglog-checkpoi
Computational Component of Polkadot Network
Gear is a new Polkadot/Kusama parachain and most advanced L2 smart-contract engine allowing anyone to launch any dApp for networks with untrusted code.
StarWM is an extensible window manager written in Rust.
StarWM is an extensible, floating and tiling, X window manager for Linux-based operating systems written in Rust.
Benchmarking web frameworks written in rust with rewrk tool.
Web Framework Benchmarks Benchmarking web frameworks written in rust with rewrk tool.
Probabilistically split concatenated words using NLP based on English Wikipedia unigram frequencies.
Untanglr Untanglr takes in a some mangled words and makes sense out of them so you dont have to. It goes through the input and splits it probabilistic
Ruo is a dictionary-based password cracker written in rust 🦀 .
Ruo is a dictionary-based password cracker written in rust 🦀 . The primary purpose is to crack weak hashes/commonly used passwords.
🦔 Fast, lightweight & schema-less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM.
🦔 Fast, lightweight & schema-less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM.
🚀 efficient approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm collections library written in Rust 🦀 .
🚀 efficient approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm collections library written in Rust 🦀 .
A Machine Learning Framework for High Performance written in Rust
polarlight polarlight is a machine learning framework for high performance written in Rust. Key Features TBA Quick Start TBA How To Contribute Contrib
A weekly dive into commonly used modules in the Rust ecosystem, with story flavor!
Rust Module of the Week A weekly dive into commonly used modules in the Rust ecosystem, with story flavor! Build status Release Draft The goal The goa
Rust library for emulating RISC-V rv32imac
This library can execute instructions against any memory and register file that implements the required primitives in the traits lib_rv32::traits::{Memory, RegisterFile}. This is to encourage usage with whatever frontend you desire.
In-memory, non stateful and session based code sharing application.
interviewer In-memory, non stateful and session based code sharing application. Test it here: interviewer.taras.lol Note: it's deployed to render auto
Replace an app's icon from a png with a single terminal script. Made with Rust
Replace macOS App Icon Replace an app's icon from a png with a single terminal CLI. Made with Rust
A simple entity-component-system crate for rust with serialization support
Gallium A simple entity-component-system crate for rust with serialization support Usage You can include the library using carge: [dependencies] galli
eJNI is a Rust crate to make working with Java's JNI less painful by providing abstractions.
eJNI provides abstractions for often-used classes from the Java standard library, like Map and List. Besides this eJNI also provides easy ways to work with Java's primitives and their object counterparts (e.g int and Integer).
Inertia.js implementations for Rust. Currently supports Rocket.
Inertia.rs Inertia.js implementations for Rust. Currently supports Rocket. Why Inertia? From inertiajs.com Inertia is a new approach to building class
Rust version of tomnomnom/waybackurls
wayback-rs Rust version of tomnomnom/waybackurls Command line interface for fetching url from Wayback Machine, CommonCrawl, VirusTotal.
A interactive and fun to use memory game written in Rust
memg - Memory Game memg is a interactive and fun to use memory game written in rust Installation Make sure you have rust installed. Use this official
Blazing fast immutable collection datatypes for Rust.
imbl Blazing fast immutable collection datatypes for Rust. This is a fork of the im crate, which appears to be unmaintained. (This fork is not current
🦀 Rust-based implementation of a Snowflake Generator which communicates using gRPC
Clawflake Clawflake is a Rust application which implements Twitter Snowflakes and communicates using gRPC. Snowflake ID numbers are 63 bits integers s
A simple program to show a histogram on the terminal.
A simple program to show a histogram on the terminal.
Lineiform is a meta-JIT library for Rust interpreters
Lineiform Lineiform is a meta-JIT library for Rust interpreters. Given an interpreter that uses closure generation, it allows an author to add minimal
The official kernel for Popcorn OS, and operating system designed for handheld devices.
About Popkern is the kernel for Popcorn OS, an operating system designed for handheld devices. As such, the kernel is (to be) optimised at all levels
This crate implements fast route planning algorithms in Rust.
This crate implements fast route planning algorithms in Rust. Algorithms Currently implemented: Contraction Hierarchies: The implementat
Skytable is an extremely fast, secure and reliable real-time NoSQL database with automated snapshots and TLS
Skytable is an effort to provide the best of key/value stores, document stores and columnar databases, that is, simplicity, flexibility and queryability at scale. The name 'Skytable' exemplifies our vision to create a database that has limitless possibilities. Skytable was previously known as TerrabaseDB (and then Skybase) and is also nicknamed "STable", "Sky" and "SDB" by the community.
Cocom - NTP client written in Rust
Cocom is an implementation of the NTP-protocol, to receive the time from NTP-server. The client does not necessarily need arguments.
Edit a file directly on Amazon S3 in CLI.
s3-edit-rs The original idea for this project comes from s3-edit written in Go by tsub. I started this project for educational purposes, and it is my
A controller for mpv, requires ipc to be enabled in mpv.
Configuration Requires either the flag --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket to be passed at mpv runtime, or for this line input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket
📼 Wrapper around ffmpeg which simplifies merging of multiple videos
Vidmerger A wrapper around ffmpeg which simplifies merging of multiple videos. 🙉 What is this exactly? Vidmerger is a command-line-tool which uses ff
A very simple third-party cargo subcommand to execute a custom command
cargo-x A very simple third-party cargo subcommand to execute a custom command Usage install cargo-x cargo install cargo-x or upgrade cargo install -
A tool used to evaluate the output of retrieval algorithms. Written in Rust.
Rusteval A tool used to evaluate the output of retrieval algorithms. Written in Rust. Building Install Rust with curl -sSf https://static.rust-lang.or
Cucumber testing framework for Rust. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies.
An implementation of the Cucumber testing framework for Rust. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies.
Simple goldenfile testing in Rust.
👑 Rust Goldenfile Simple goldenfile testing in Rust. Goldenfile tests generate one or more output files as they run. At the end of the test, the gene
A lib crate for gathering system info such as cpu, distro, environment, kernel, etc in Rust.
nixinfo A lib crate for gathering system info such as cpu, distro, environment, kernel, etc in Rust. To use: nixinfo = "0.2.8" in your Cargo.toml. Cur
Extensible, strongly-typed Rust OAuth2 client library
OAuth2 An extensible, strongly-typed implementation of OAuth2 (RFC 6749). Documentation is available on docs.rs. Release notes are available on GitHub
A Rust library for parsing the SOME/IP network protocol (without payload interpretation).
someip_parse A Rust library for parsing the SOME/IP network protocol (without payload interpretation). Usage Add the following to your Cargo.toml: [de
Granular locking crate for Rust
Granular locking crate for Rust. Instead of using coarse-grained Mutex or RwLock which can be used to lock an entire structure, glock provides more granular locking.
Rusoto is an AWS SDK for Rust
Rusoto is an AWS SDK for Rust You may be looking for: An overview of Rusoto AWS services supported by Rusoto API documentation Getting help with Rusot
Rustypaste is a minimal file upload/pastebin service.
Rustypaste is a minimal file upload/pastebin service.
An egui backend for godot-rust
Godot Egui An egui backend for godot-rust. Rationale Godot has a perfectly valid GUI system, so why egui? Here are my personal reasons: Simplicity: No
Arkworks bindings to Circom's R1CS, for Groth16 Proof and Witness generation in Rust.
ark-circom Arkworks bindings to Circom's R1CS, for Groth16 Proof and Witness generation in Rust.
Eventually consistent values for Rust
Eventuals give you the most up-to-date snapshots of some value. They are like Futures that update over time, continually resolving to an eventually co
A Modern Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS with Cloud-Native Architecture, built to make the Data Cloud easy
A Modern Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS with Cloud-Native Architecture, built to make the Data Cloud easy
RustViz is a tool that generates interactive visualizations from simple Rust programs to assist users in better understanding the Rust Lifetime and Borrowing mechanism.
Interactively Visualizing Ownership and Borrowing for Rust
A Modern Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS with Cloud-Native Architecture, built to make the Data Cloud easy
A Modern Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS with Cloud-Native Architecture, built to make the Data Cloud easy
delicate A lightweight and distributed task scheduling platform written in rust
A lightweight and distributed task scheduling platform written in rust.
A system handler to get information and interact with processes written in Rust
A system handler to get information and interact with processes written in Rust
🌱🦀🌱 Trillium is a composable toolkit for building web applications with async rust 🌱🦀🌱
🌱🦀🌱 Trillium is a composable toolkit for building web applications with async rust 🌱🦀🌱
Walleye is a chess engine written completely in rust.
Walleye is a UCI-compatible engine written using the classical alpha-beta style AI. It supports loading board positions from arbitrary FEN strings, Unicode pretty printing to the console, and UCI communication logs to help with debugging.
🚀Wasmer is a fast and secure WebAssembly runtime that enables super lightweight containers to run anywhere
Wasmer is a fast and secure WebAssembly runtime that enables super lightweight containers to run anywhere: from Desktop to the Cloud, Edge and IoT devices.
Thruster - An fast and intuitive rust web framework
A fast, middleware based, web framework written in Rust