The fastest way to identify any mysterious text or analyze strings from a file, just ask `lemmeknow` !


The fastest way to identify anything


Identify any mysterious text or analyze strings from a file, just ask lemmeknow.

lemmeknow can be used for identifying mysterious text or to analyze hard-coded strings from captured network packets, malwares, or just about anything, for identifying

  • All URLs
  • Emails
  • Phone numbers
  • Credit card numbers
  • Cryptocurrency addresses
  • Social Security Numbers
  • and much more.

🧰 Usage

If you have the executable, then just pass TEXT or /PATH/TO/FILE as argument e.g. lemmeknow secrets.pcap and it will determine if the argument is a file or just a text and then perform analysis accordingly!

If you want output in JSON, then pass --json, e.g. lemmeknow UC11L3JDgDQMyH8iolKkVZ4w --json


🔭 Installation

Download executable 📈

You can directly download executable and run it. No need for any installation.

  • Check releases here.

Using cargo 🦀

  • cargo install lemmeknow

Build it from source 🎯

Clone repository

  • git clone && cd lemmeknow

then build and run

  • cargo run e.g. cargo run -- [OPTIONS]


  • cargo build --release
  • cd target/release/
  • ./lemmeknow e.g. ./lemmeknow [OPTIONS]


Want to use this as a crate in your project? or make a web api for it? No worries! Just add a entry in your Cargo.toml

lemmeknow = "0.1.0"


lemmeknow = { git = "" }

Refer to documentation for more info.

🚧 Contributing

You can contribute by adding new regex, improving current regex, improving code performance or fixing minor bugs! Just open a issue or submit a PR.


This project is inspired by PyWhat! Thanks to developer of it for the awesome idea <3 .

  • Unable to identify base64

    Unable to identify base64

    Hi, I'm trying lemmeknow and I gotta say that it works quite well with links (e.g. YouTube channels, wallets and so on), but it misses to detect the easiest things. For example it is unable to recognize a base64 encoded text.

    Nice work though.

    opened by thelicato 3
  • Allow querying the online lemmeknow by URL

    Allow querying the online lemmeknow by URL

    When opening the lemmeknow webpage with a URL such as this: It should use this as input and try to figure out what the search term could be.


    Browser Search engines.

    With this feature you could register lemmeknow as a search engine for your browser. You could (for example) use the alias lmk to search lemmeknow.

    Then typing lmk dQw4w9WgXcQ would lead you to find out what the ID stands for.

    opened by DrRuhe 1
  • Use bytes instead of strings, ditch fancy_regex for regex crate

    Use bytes instead of strings, ditch fancy_regex for regex crate

    Currently lemmeknow uses the fancy_regex crate for matching regex. The problem is that it doesn't support bytes. The regex crate, however does:

    If there is no reason to use fancy_regex then we should switch. Both pyWhat and lemmeknow only support ASCII strings. We need to support UTF-8, UTF-16, etc. and bytes.

    See this equivalent pyWhat issue:

    opened by SkeletalDemise 1
  • Add some benchmarks!

    Add some benchmarks!

    This project uses same regex database as PyWhat , we need some performance benchmarks against it <3 !

    • For identifying single text
    • For analyzing strings from a file
    • Calling function multiple times through API i.e. lemmeknow::what_is("text here") for lemmeknow and Identifier.identify("text") for pyWhat.

    API documentations available here 😸 :-

    documentation good first issue 
    opened by swanandx 1
  • Add support for filtering output

    Add support for filtering output

    We have entries for Rarity and Tags in database. We need to implement a filter so that user can filter based on rarity and/or tags.

    For example, lemmeknow --rarity 0.2:0.6 --tags Credentials TEXT.

    making it a module will be nice idea 😄 src/output/

    opened by swanandx 1
  • Add Nix package instructions

    Add Nix package instructions

    Nix package is added in and I added myself as a maintainer in

    opened by Br1ght0ne 0
  • Show Exploits in cli output

    Show Exploits in cli output

    We have Exploit for some identifications. It would be great if we could show them if user passed -v i.e. verbose flag on cli.

          "Name": "Mailchimp API Key",
          "Description": null,
          "Exploit": "Use the command below to verify that the API key is valid (substitute <dc> for your datacenter, i. e. us5):\n  $ curl --request GET --url 'https://<dc>' --user 'anystring:API_KEY_HERE' --include\n",
          "Rarity": 0.8,
          "URL": null,
    opened by swanandx 0
  • need some tests to validate the regexes from JSON file

    need some tests to validate the regexes from JSON file

    The regex.json file also have Examples for some regexes,

          "Name": "Capture The Flag (CTF) Flag",
          "Regex": "(?i)^(flag\\{.*\\}|ctf\\{.*\\}|ctfa\\{.*\\})$",
          "plural_name": false,
          "Description": null,
          "Rarity": 1,
          "URL": null,
          "Tags": [
             "CTF Flag"
          "Examples": {
             "Valid": [
             "Invalid": []

    We need to check if the regex is matching those examples correctly to validate it! For that, we can create a file under tests like lemmeknow/tests/ and just parse the JSON file and validate it there.

    opened by swanandx 0
  • Optimize release builds & add CI checks

    Optimize release builds & add CI checks

    Add some more fields to Cargo.toml to optimize release builds more. Reference:

    Also adds CI checks that run cargo check, cargo test, cargo fmt, and cargo clippy

    opened by SkeletalDemise 0
  • Identifies JWT as LTC/Ripple/BCH-Wallet-Adress

    Identifies JWT as LTC/Ripple/BCH-Wallet-Adress

    Input: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c

    Output: Found Possible Identifications :) | Matched text | Identified as | Description | |--------------------|--------------------|-----------------| | eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1..._adQssw5c | Litecoin (LTC) Wallet Address | URL: |

    Expected "Identified as" would be JWT. Shortened the JWT for better visibility.

    Another example:

    Input: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIifQ.JTvQIxZOL_-00JdKfTAEmhV-a6KUlB6OUWM8NuN7MN8 Output: No Possible Identifications :(

    Expected "Identified as" would be JWT.

    opened by tolik518 1
  • There are no unit tests

    There are no unit tests

    I am debugging if my program is broken or if LemmeKnow is broken, there is no unit tests in LemmeKnow so I cannot prove it works. Please add unit tests for the API :)

    opened by bee-san 1
  • Use `&str` for tags

    Use `&str` for tags

        /// Only include the Data which have at least one of the specified `tags`
        pub tags: Vec<String>,
        /// Only include Data which doesn't have any of the `excluded_tags`
        pub exclude_tags: Vec<String>,

    String is a growable buffer, we do not expect them to grow so we should use str

    opened by bee-san 0
  • calculate min and max length for regex, if any

    calculate min and max length for regex, if any

    TryHackMe flag will be min 3 ( as it must have thm in it ) and there is no max limit.

    YouTube Video ID will be 11 characters long, ( n92YrzELBJU )

    We need a list with this for every regex.

    • if there is no fixed length, put *
    • if min but no max, use 3-*
    • can only be 8 or 10, use 8/10
    • exact length 11, use 11

    Many regex identify text which have fixed size range, if we filter based on it first, we might optimize our algorithm. Suggestions are welcomed for other ways to optimize.

    opened by swanandx 0
  • rewrite regex without using look-around

    rewrite regex without using look-around

    Following regex won't compile as regex crate doesn't support look-around.

    If possible, can we rewrite them in such a way that they don't use look-around??

    • [ ] Internet Protocol (IP) Address Version 6
    • [ ] Bitcoin (₿) Wallet Address
    • [ ] American Social Security Number
    • [ ] Date of Birth
    • [ ] JSON Web Token (JWT)
    • [ ] Amazon Web Services Access Key
    • [ ] Amazon Web Services Secret Access Key
    • [ ] YouTube Video ID

    Update them in src/data/regex.json

    PS: You can run following command in repo if you want to see exact syntax error of regex ( or just use regex crate to compile them one by one )

    cargo test validate_regex_examples -- --show-output
    opened by swanandx 0
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