Source text parsing, lexing, and AST related functionality for Deno



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Source text parsing, lexing, and AST related functionality for Deno.

use deno::ast::MediaType;
use deno::ast::parse_module;
use deno::ast::ParseParams;
use deno::ast::SourceTextInfo;

let source_text = Arc::new("class MyClass {}");
let source_text_info = SourceTextInfo::new(source_text);
let parsed_source = parse_module(ParseParams {
  specifier: "file:///my_file.ts".to_string(),
  media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
  source: source_text_info,
  capture_tokens: true,
  maybe_syntax: None,
}).expect("should parse");

// returns the comments
// returns the tokens if captured
// returns the module (AST)
// returns the `SourceTextInfo`
  • Update swc_ecmascript

    Update swc_ecmascript and have been fixed by, but swc_ecmascript hasn't been updated in a while.

    cc @dsherret

    opened by nayeemrmn 6
  • deno-ast 0.15 does not compile

    deno-ast 0.15 does not compile

    My guess is there are some swc feature flags that deno-ast is depending on implicitly, but I have not debugged yet.

    $ rustc --version    
    rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18)

    I created a new cargo project and added the following dependency:

    deno_ast = "0.15.0"

    The body of the code is:

    use deno_ast::parse_module;
    use deno_ast::MediaType;
    use deno_ast::ParseParams;
    use deno_ast::SourceTextInfo;
    use std::sync::Arc;
    fn main() {
        let source_text = Arc::new("class MyClass {}");
        let text_info = SourceTextInfo::new(source_text);
        let parsed_source = parse_module(ParseParams {
          specifier: "file:///my_file.ts".to_string(),
          media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
          capture_tokens: true,
          maybe_syntax: None,
          scope_analysis: false,
        }).expect("should parse");
        // returns the comments
        // returns the tokens if captured
        // returns the module (AST)
        // returns the `SourceTextInfo`


       Compiling swc_ecma_parser v0.104.2
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
       --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    323 |             span: span!(self, expr.span_lo()),
        |                                    ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
      --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    96 |             let start = left.span_lo();
       |                              ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
       --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    215 |             span: Span::new(left.span_lo(), right.span_hi(), Default::default()),
        |                                  ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
       --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    215 |             span: Span::new(left.span_lo(), right.span_hi(), Default::default()),
        |                                                   ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
       --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    256 |             let span = Span::new(start, arg.span_hi(), Default::default());
        |                                             ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
       --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    314 |                 span: Span::new(start, arg.span_hi(), Default::default()),
        |                                            ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
       --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    347 |                 span: span!(self, expr.span_lo()),
        |                                        ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
      --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    22 |         let start = expr.span_lo();
       |                          ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
       --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    220 |             let span = Span::new(start, alt.span_hi(), Default::default());
        |                                             ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for reference `&Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
       --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    918 |                     exprs.first().unwrap().span_lo(),
        |                                            ^^^^^^^ method not found in `&Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for reference `&Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
       --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    919 |                     exprs.last().unwrap().span_hi(),
        |                                           ^^^^^^^ method not found in `&Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
       --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    960 |         let tagged_tpl_start = tag.span_lo();
        |                                    ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for enum `swc_ecma_ast::Callee` in the current scope
        --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    1171 |             let span = Span::new(obj.span_lo(), self.input.last_pos(), Default::default());
         |                                      ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::Callee`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for enum `swc_ecma_ast::Callee` in the current scope
        --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    1172 |             debug_assert_eq!(obj.span_lo(), span.lo());
         |                                  ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::Callee`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for enum `swc_ecma_ast::Callee` in the current scope
        --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    1293 |             let span = span!(self, obj.span_lo());
         |                                        ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::Callee`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for enum `swc_ecma_ast::Callee` in the current scope
        --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    1294 |             debug_assert_eq!(obj.span_lo(), span.lo());
         |                                  ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::Callee`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for enum `swc_ecma_ast::MemberProp` in the current scope
        --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    1295 |             debug_assert_eq!(prop.span_hi(), span.hi());
         |                                   ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::MemberProp`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_hi` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>` in the current scope
        --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    1634 | ...                   span: Span::new(start, alt.span_hi(), Default::default()),
         |                                                  ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for reference `&swc_ecma_ast::Expr` in the current scope
        --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    1841 |         Ok(self.state.potential_arrow_start == Some(expr.span_lo())
         |                                                          ^^^^^^^ method not found in `&swc_ecma_ast::Expr`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::TsType>` in the current scope
        --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    2152 |                     span: span!(self, ty.span_lo()),
         |                                          ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::TsType>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `Box<swc_ecma_ast::TsType>` in the current scope
        --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    2159 |                     span: span!(self, ty.span_lo()),
         |                                          ^^^^^^^ method not found in `Box<swc_ecma_ast::TsType>`
    error[E0599]: no method named `span_lo` found for struct `swc_ecma_ast::Ident` in the current scope
        --> /home/carllerche/.cargo/registry/src/
    2262 |         let start = expr.span_lo();
         |                          ^^^^^^^ method not found in `swc_ecma_ast::Ident`
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.
    error: could not compile `swc_ecma_parser` due to 22 previous errors
    opened by carllerche 3
  • Revert

    Revert "fix: allow specifying a base for source maps"

    Temporarily reverting this one because it causes source maps to have blank source file names and there's too much to deal with WRT the latest swc upgrade (so let's do a follow up PR).


    Reverts denoland/deno_ast#87

    cc @kitsonk

    opened by dsherret 3
  • fix: add text/jscript to content type matchers

    fix: add text/jscript to content type matchers

    Some mime type registries associate this content type with the .jsx extension.


    opened by lucacasonato 3
  • fix: MediaType from content type with conflicting extension

    fix: MediaType from content type with conflicting extension

    @dsherret I thought about the issue you pointed out, and I think I had it wrong, in that if we have a content type of application/javascript we should respect that, assuming the remote did the transpile already and is clearly overriding automatic content types, except for situations where it would be a type only file anyways (.d.ts, .d.mts, .d.cts) where clearly something is "wrong" since those don't emit.

    I don't know any specific behaviours in the wild, but best to keep the behaviour and document it. Based on that, I also aligned it so that a application/javascript with a .mts file becomes MediaType::Mjs and application/javascript with .cts file becomes MediaType::Cjs.

    @bartlomieju @ry while I still have my reservations about it, this whole thing we are having to do for TypeScript 4.5 should also allow us to identify and handle CJS files through the module "pipeline". I guess if we are going to do it, I would rather do it properly. 😒

    opened by kitsonk 3
  • Example does not compile

    Example does not compile

    While trying to run the example:

    use deno_ast::parse_module;
    use deno_ast::MediaType;
    use deno_ast::ParseParams;
    use deno_ast::SourceTextInfo;
    use std::sync::Arc;
    let source_text = Arc::new("class MyClass {}");
    let text_info = SourceTextInfo::new(source_text);
    let parsed_source = parse_module(ParseParams {
      specifier: "file:///my_file.ts".to_string(),
      media_type: MediaType::TypeScript,
      capture_tokens: true,
      maybe_syntax: None,
      scope_analysis: false,
    }).expect("should parse");
    // returns the comments
    // returns the tokens if captured
    // returns the module (AST)
    // returns the `SourceTextInfo`

    I get an error saying:

    error[E0308]: mismatched types
      --> src/parsers/javascript/
    32 |         let text_info = SourceTextInfo::new(source_text);
       |                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `str`, found `&str`

    I've tried casting the string, but I can only ever get it to be a &str. Any help is appreciated, I'm not sure what I'm going wrong.

    opened by Nevin1901 2
  • Upgrade swc after resolution of swc issues

    Upgrade swc after resolution of swc issues

    The new OptCall in swc makes a lot of our code more error prone. We will upgrade once this issue is resolved or alternatively change dprint-swc-ecma-ast-view to combine these two nodes together in the wrapper:

    opened by dsherret 2
  • deno_graph tests fail with swc 0.99.9

    deno_graph tests fail with swc 0.99.9

    ---- ast::tests::test_analyze_dependencies_import_assertions stdout ----
    thread 'ast::tests::test_analyze_dependencies_import_assertions' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
      left: `None`,
     right: `Some("json")`', src\
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    ---- tests::test_create_graph_import_assertions stdout ----
    thread 'tests::test_create_graph_import_assertions' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
    Diff < left / right > :
         "roots": Array([
         "modules": Array([
                 "size": Number(
                 "mediaType": String(
                 "specifier": String(
                 "size": Number(
                 "mediaType": String(
                 "specifier": String(
                 "size": Number(
                 "mediaType": String(
                 "specifier": String(
                 "size": Number(
                 "mediaType": String(
                 "specifier": String(
                 "dependencies": Array([
                         "specifier": String(
                         "code": Object({
                             "specifier": String(
                             "span": Object({
                                 "start": Object({
                                     "line": Number(
                                     "character": Number(
                                 "end": Object({
                                     "line": Number(
                                     "character": Number(
                         "assertionType": String(
                         "specifier": String(
                         "code": Object({
                             "specifier": String(
                             "span": Object({
                                 "start": Object({
                                     "line": Number(
                                     "character": Number(
                                 "end": Object({
                                     "line": Number(
                                     "character": Number(
                         "isDynamic": Bool(
    >                    "assertionType": String(
    >                        "json",
    >                    ),
                         "specifier": String(
                         "code": Object({
                             "specifier": String(
                             "span": Object({
                                 "start": Object({
                                     "line": Number(
                                     "character": Number(
                                 "end": Object({
                                     "line": Number(
                                     "character": Number(
                         "assertionType": String(
                         "specifier": String(
                         "code": Object({
                             "specifier": String(
                             "span": Object({
                                 "start": Object({
                                     "line": Number(
                                     "character": Number(
                                 "end": Object({
                                     "line": Number(
                                     "character": Number(
                         "isDynamic": Bool(
                 "mediaType": String(
                 "size": Number(
                 "specifier": String(
         "redirects": Object({}),
    ', src\
    ---- tests::test_parse_module_import_assertions stdout ----
    thread 'tests::test_parse_module_import_assertions' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
    Diff < left / right > :
         "dependencies": Array([
                 "specifier": String(
                 "code": Object({
                     "specifier": String(
                     "span": Object({
                         "start": Object({
                             "line": Number(
                             "character": Number(
                         "end": Object({
                             "line": Number(
                             "character": Number(
                 "assertionType": String(
                 "specifier": String(
                 "code": Object({
                     "specifier": String(
                     "span": Object({
                         "start": Object({
                             "line": Number(
                             "character": Number(
                         "end": Object({
                             "line": Number(
                             "character": Number(
                 "isDynamic": Bool(
    >            "assertionType": String(
    >                "json",
    >            ),
         "mediaType": String(
         "size": Number(
         "specifier": String(
    ', src\
    swc blocker 
    opened by dsherret 2
  • feat: attach additional diagnostics to `ParsedSource`

    feat: attach additional diagnostics to `ParsedSource`

    From my code -- Going to move it down here into deno_ast.

    Will fix and probably some other --no-check issues.

    cc @lucacasonato

    opened by dsherret 2
  • Suggestion: Move transpiling and bundling to deno_ast?

    Suggestion: Move transpiling and bundling to deno_ast?

    I think it would be beneficial to:

    1. Move all transpiling and bundling out of the CLI and to deno_ast. It would be in a feature flag. Obviously this would be bundling without deno_graph so there would be some adapter that deno_graph would be plugged into.
    2. Add a ton of bundling and transpiling tests in here.
    3. Pin all swc deps to a specific patch version so everything upstream gets tested on the same swc deps (might be good to do this anyway)

    I think this would allow us to:

    1. Ensure everything is in a good state before we upgrade all the upstream crates. (We don't find something is wrong after integrating into the cli).
    2. Help us refactor out Deno.emit to a Wasm module that could connect this with deno_graph.

    @kitsonk thoughts? I think this would be quick to do. I could start soon if you agree.

    opened by dsherret 2
  • Add option to apply swc `ts_resolver` on parse

    Add option to apply swc `ts_resolver` on parse

    We should move in this code from deno_lint to this crate so it can be used in the deno lsp. I'm not sure exactly what that entails...

    Once this is done, we should open up a PR in deno to reuse the ast for linting.

    opened by dsherret 2
  • Return structured error from `deno_ast::ParsedSource::transpile`

    Return structured error from `deno_ast::ParsedSource::transpile`

    Currently returns an anyhow::Error. Should really be returning a proper structured enum based error (for ease of use thiserror can be used to build this error struct).

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by lucacasonato 0
  • Compare cjs exports implementation with one in

    Compare cjs exports implementation with one in

    We should at the minimum add more tests from here:

    opened by dsherret 1
  • Improve diagnostic to have the ability to format with source code text

    Improve diagnostic to have the ability to format with source code text


    This would allow taking a Diagnostic and then formatting it showing the position in the source file text the diagnostic occurred for.

    opened by dsherret 0
  • Add more unit tests for transpile function

    Add more unit tests for transpile function

    We should add more unit tests that run this transpile using input and output files.

    opened by dsherret 0
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