pithy 0.1.0 - an absurdly fast, strangely accurate, summariser
Quick example:
pithy -f your_file_here.txt --sentences 4
Print this help message
The file pithy will read from. Required.
The number of sentences for pithy to return. Defaults to 3.
Experimental setting. Defaults to 3. Setting it lower
makes for more general summaries with more common words,
setting it higher prioritises important highlights that
might not be central to the text.
If set, pithy splits the text into sections, and each section is
summarized separately. Defaults to false.
The number of sentences to read at a time. Defaults to 500
if unspecified.
If set, pithy reads the text all at once. Can be quite
slow once you go past the 7k mark. Defaults to false.
If set, regardless of how large the text is, pithy splits it
into chunks. Should be used in combination with chunk_size
and by_section.
--ngrams: If set, pithy uses ngrams rather than words. It's usually crap, but you might use it as a last resort for non-spaced languages that you can't pre-tokenise. Defaults to false.
The minimum sentence length before filtering. Defaults to 30.
The maximum sentence length before filtering. Defaults to 1500.
The separator used to split the text into sentences.
Defaults to '. '. You can type newline to separate by newlines.
If set, removes sentences with excessive whitespace. Useful for
pdfs and copy-pastes from websites.
If set, removes sentences with too many non-alphabetic characters.
If set, removes sentences with too many capital letters. Useful
if the text contains a lot of references or indices.
The length penalty. Defaults to 1.5. Decrease to make glance for longer
sentences, increase for shorter sentences.
If set, the context surrounding sentences isn't provided.
Defaults to false.
If set, the sentences are sorted by their relevance rather
than their order in the original text. Defaults to false.
If set, the progress bar is not printed. Defaults to false because
progress bars are cool.