Please Note: StarWM is not in a very usable state as of yet. It is for this reason that there is very little documentation as it will most likely change quite quickly.
StarWM is an extensible window manager written in Rust.
StarWM is a window manager that was initially started as an experiment. Nowadays, it's a community effort to create a window manager that can be used on your favourite linux distro. StarWM isn't really usable day to day just yet, but with ongoing work, we hope that it will provide a great experience. We aim to keep the codebase as clean as possible, so that anyone can read the code and understand with as little effort as possible. Feel free to have a look at the commit history and take the time to understand how it's constructed. You can use it to create your own WM, if you feel like it, just be sure to keep the GPL3 license if redistributing it.
There are plans to make this extensible, possibly through a Lua interpreter. We are looking into if it could function perfectly as both a tiling and floating window manager, perhaps the addition of window decorations would also be possible.
Currently StarWM is not packaged in any distribution,
Please see for installation instructions
Made with love by Cob:web-Aclevo and our Open source contributors:
Curlpipe - Lead Developer
lyiriyah - Contributing towards active window features.
whyAdamSalt - Writing installation instructions and re-wording the readme file.