6160 Repositories
Rust rust-sqlite Libraries
darkforest is a console and web-based Roguelike written in Rust and WebAssembly.
darkforest darkforest is a console and web-based Roguelike written in Rust and WebAssembly. Key Features TBA Quick Start TBA How To Contribute Contrib
A lightweight and flexible framework to build your tailored blockchain applications.
TRINCI Blockchain Core A lightweight and flexible framework to build your tailored blockchain applications. Requirements The required dependencies to
Linux kernel modules written in Rust
Linux kernel modules written in Rust A collection of in-progress experimental Linux kernel modules written for the Rust for Linux project To run the o
godot-logger is an easy-to-use logger for godot-rust projects.
godot-logger is an easy-to-use logger for godot-rust projects. It prints logs to Godot's output console and supports module-specific log levels.
Use enum to predicate something, support | and & operator.
Predicate Use enum to predicate something. Just need to implement Predicate Trait with predicate-macros crate, support | and & operator. Don't impleme
Trinci blockchain node
TRINCI TRINCI Blockchain Node. Requirements The required dependencies to build correctly the project are the following: clang libclang-dev (ver. 11 su
A cli based pastebin in Rust, but very insecure
pasta A cli based pastebin in Rust, but very insecure Use nightly toolchain to build rustup override set nightly When this program is running, you can
Core Rust-C FFI for Stackmate Wallet.
STACKMATE-CORE A Rust-C FFI library exposing composite functionality from rust-bitcoin & bdk; to create cross-platform descriptor wallets. Currently u
Red Light, Green Light is a traditional Korean children's game, popularised by the Squid Game TV series.
Red Light, Green Light Red Light, Green Light is a traditional Korean children's game, popularised by the Squid Game TV series. This project is the di
A node package based on jsonschema-rs for performing JSON schema validation
A node package based on jsonschema-rs for performing JSON schema validation.
Revolutionary Machine (revm) is a fast Ethereum virtual machine written in rust.
revm - Revolutionary Machine Is Rust Ethereum Virtual Machine with great name that is focused on speed and simplicity.
Scripting language focused on processing tabular data.
ogma Welcome to the ogma project! ogma is a scripting language focused on ergonomically and efficiently processing tabular data, with batteries includ
This project aims to implement a CSS(less like) parser in rust. Currently the code is targeting the PostCSS AST. Very early stage, do not use in production.
CSS(less like) parser written in rust (WIP) This project aims to implement a CSS(less like) parser in rust. Currently the code is targeting the PostCS
An experimental Rust crate for sigstore
Continuous integration Docs License This is an experimental crate to interact with sigstore. This is under high development, many features and checks
Perhaps the fastest and most memory efficient way to pull data from PostgreSQL into pandas and numpy. 🚀
flaco Perhaps the fastest and most memory efficient way to pull data from PostgreSQL into pandas and numpy. 🚀 Have a gander at the initial benchmarks
Rust TLS/SSL certificate expiration date from command-line checker
Rust TLS/SSL certificate expiration date from command-line checker
Rust library to ease the task of creating daemons
Rust library to ease the task of creating daemons
Small game where you play a big spider chasing small spiders, written in Rust and Macroquad.
Ludum Dare #49 Compo entry - Procedural Spider Small game where you play a big spider chasing small spiders. Each spider you catch makes you bigger! C
Rust speech synth
Grail-rs (Work in progress) Grail, A simple formant speech synthesizer, built for portability This is the rust version The goal of this synthesizer is
General-purpose asynchronous socket stream.
async-socket This crate implements a general-purpose asynchronous socket. The Socket implements AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Stream and Clone traits and thu
ROCCA cipher implementation for Rust.
ROCCA for Rust This is a Rust implementation of the ROCCA authenticated cipher, ported from the Zig implementation. ROCCA is key committing, has a 256
🐉 Aggregate of Solana stake pools.
🐉 aSOL: Aggregate Stake Pool aSOL is an unbiased stake pool aggregator built to tackle one goal: to ensure all SOL on Solana is staked into stake poo
Finding the shortest and fastest path in the graph to optimize traffic.
Finding the shortest and fastest path in the graph to optimize traffic. Because we don't want to spend unnecessary time searching for the optimal route back to home.
TeleMQ is an experimental MQTT broker implemented in Rust language.
TeleMQ TeleMQ is an experimental MQTT broker implemented in Rust language. The broker implements MQTT version 3.1.1 specification. License This projec
Simple and fast layer 4 proxy in Rust
Fourth 这一波在第四层。 English Fourth是一个Rust实现的Layer 4代理,用于监听指定端口TCP流量,并根据规则转发到指定目标。 功能 监听指定端口代理到本地或远端指定端口 监听指定端口,通过TLS ClientHello消息中的SNI进行分流 安装方法 为了确保获得您架构
Rust library for handling CHIP-8 configuration options
octopt octopt is a library for handling CHIP-8 configuration settings. It contains Rust data structures that aim to represent all possible CHIP-8 opti
Rust library to convert RGB 24-bit colors into ANSI 256 (8-bit) color codes with zero dependencies and at compile-time.
rgb2ansi256 rgb2ansi256 is a small Rust library to convert RGB 24-bit colors into ANSI 256 (8-bit) color codes with zero dependencies and const fn. Th
A tui to test regexes on the rust regex crate
regex-tui Structure src/ ├── app.rs - holds the states and renders the widgets ├── event.rs - handles the terminal events (key press, mouse cl
A command line gadget by rust
mini-grep A command line gadget by rust Examples 🌰 1. Normal use Input: cargo run cold rainy.txt Output: There are 2 matching results The day is cold
Procedural-generation in Rust
Procedural Generation This is a crate for for procedurally generating maps written in Rust. It's very elegant to use and creates nice results, see the
Rust+Cargo lightweight hello world with the most minimum binary size possible.
Lightweight Cargo Hello World Rust+Cargo lightweight hello world with the most minimum binary size possible. requirements 1: Rustup (Rustc, Cargo) Ins
Command line application for searching
maven_search_rs Command line application for searching in https://search.maven.org Usage Non-interactive $ maven-search -f maven wicket-core The abov
Rust library for HTTP authentication. Parses challenge lists, responds to Basic and Digest challenges. Likely to be extended with server support and additional auth schemes.
Rust library for HTTP authentication. Parses challenge lists, responds to Basic and Digest challenges. Likely to be extended with server support and a
RusTiny -- A Rust implementation of Tiny+ language
RusTiny -- A Rust implementation of Tiny+ language 编译器实践 基本要求: 参考《编译原理及实践》的TINY语言编译器(已上传到群中)完成TINY+ 语言(见附录 A)的解释器:即给定满足 TINY+语言的源代码输入,你的解 释器可以给出对其的解释执
Strongly typed Elasticsearch DSL written in Rust
Strongly typed Elasticsearch DSL written in Rust This is an unofficial library and doesn't yet support all the DSL, it's still work in progress. Featu
argmax is a library that allows Rust applications to avoid Argument list too long errors (E2BIG) by providing a std::process::Command wrapper with a
argmax argmax is a library that allows Rust applications to avoid Argument list too long errors (E2BIG) by providing a std::process::Command wrapper w
Monadic checked arithmetic for Rust
Monadic checked arithmetic for Rust This library provides types wrapping raw numeric types, and tracking possibility of an overflow, enforcing correct
Golang like WaitGroup implementation for sync/async Rust.
wg Golang like WaitGroup implementation for sync/async Rust.
Efficient, lightweight, configurable file organizer.
FileClassed Efficient, lightweight, configurable file organizer. This project is very simple : it takes a file in certains directories (that can be co
SubStrings, Slices and Random String Access in Rust
SubStrings, Slices and Random String Access in Rust This is a simple way to do it. Description Rust string processing is kind of hard, because text in
A Discord bot for sending GeoGuessr challenge links that uses the GeoGuessr API written in rust.
GeoGuessr-bot-rs This is a simple implementation of a discord bot that send GeoGuessr-challenge links on demand. Features: Slash-commands Lightning-fa
MRT/BGP data parser written in Rust.
BGPKIT Parser BGPKIT Parser aims to provides the most ergonomic MRT/BGP message parsing Rust API. BGPKIT Parser has the following features: performant
An API for getting questions from http://either.io implemented fully in Rust, using reqwest and some regex magic. Provides asynchronous and blocking clients respectively.
eithers_rust An API for getting questions from http://either.io implemented fully in Rust, using reqwest and some regex magic. Provides asynchronous a
A pure Rust implementation of the Web Local Storage API, for use in non-browser contexts
Rust Web Local Storage API A Rust implementation of the Web LocalStorage API, for use in non-browser contexts About the Web Local Storage API MDN docs
Tiny library for handling rust strings in windows.
tinywinstr Tiny library for handling rust strings in windows.
Rust on ESP32 STD "Hello, World" app. A "Hello, world!" STD binary crate for the ESP32[XX] and ESP-IDF.
Rust on ESP32 STD "Hello, World" app A "Hello, world!" STD binary crate for the ESP32[XX] and ESP-IDF. This is the crate you get when running cargo ne
Wait Service is a pure rust program to test and wait on the availability of a service.
Wait Service Wait Service is a pure rust program to test and wait on the availability of a service.
3MF (3D Manufacturing Format) support for Rust
3MF (3D Manufacturing Format) support for Rust About This library provides support for 3MF files to programs written in the Rust programming language.
Snake Game in rust for the web
About This template shows how to create a web app using Yew and wasm-pack. 🚴 Usage 🛠️ Build When building for the first time, ensure to install depe
Generating Permutations with Rust
rust_permutations Generating Permutations with Rust Permutation Input: a string of unknown length that can contain only three characters: 0, 1, or . F
The Raft algorithm implement by Rust.
Raft The Raft algorithm implement by Rust. This project refers to Eli Bendersky's website, the link as follows: https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2020/imp
A small holepunching implementation written in Rust (UDP)
rust-udp-holepunch A small holepunching implementation written in Rust (UDP) Prerequisites Your rendezvous server must lay in a network which doesn't
A command-line shell like fish, but POSIX compatible.
A command-line shell like fish, but POSIX compatible.
A small subset of PHP implemented in Rust. 🐘
microphp A small subset of PHP implemented in Rust. About This project aims to implement a small subset of PHP's feature-set using a Rust powered pars
Rust driver for the Blues.io Notecard
Rust driver for notecard This is a rust driver for the blues.io notecard based on embedded-hal. use notecard::Note; let mut note = Note::new(i2c); no
Classic snake in RUST!
rusty_snake Classic snake game built in Rust using Piston Window. Running the game Requirements Rust Cargo Steps to run git clone https://github.com/c
A tiny, super simple and portable benchmarking library.
benchmark-simple A tiny benchmarking library for Rust. Trivial to use Works pretty much everywhere, including WebAssembly (WASI, but also in-browser)
A LSM-based Key-Value Store in Rust
CobbleDB A LSM-based Key-Value Store in Rust Motivation There is no open-source LSM-based key-value store in Rust natively. Some crates are either a w
Filen.io is a cloud storage provider with an open-source desktop client.
Library to call Filen.io API from Rust Filen.io is a cloud storage provider with an open-source desktop client. My goal is to write a library which ca
uefi update 4 amd cpu's
Description UEFI is the successor to the BIOS. It provides an early boot environment for OS loaders, hypervisors and other low-level applications. Whi
asynchronous and synchronous interfaces and persistence implementations for your OOD architecture
OOD Persistence Asynchronous and synchronous interfaces and persistence implementations for your OOD architecture Installation Add ood_persistence = {
My journey of learning rust as a web developer.
My journey of learning rust Low-level languages seem very interesting to me. I always wanted to learn a low-level language but never had the chance. T
A series of test cases to evaluate async Rust on the nrf52840 in terms of power usage and ergonomics.
A series of test cases to evaluate async Rust on the nrf52840 in terms of power usage and ergonomics. This is an experiment that uses unstable features only available on nightly rust.
Rust bindings for accessing the Go containers/image stack
Rust bindings for accessing the Go containers/image stack This crate contains a Rust API that forks /usr/bin/skopeo and talks to it via a custom API.
Command-line program to manage PS battle logs. WIP.
psbattletools psbattletools is a command-line tool written in Rust for manipulating Pokémon Showdown battle logs. Installation psbattletools currently
Lightweight Google Cloud Storage sync Rust Client with better performance than gsutil rsync
gcs-rsync Lightweight and efficient Rust gcs rsync for Google Cloud Storage. gcs-sync is faster than gsutil rsync when files change a lot while perfor
The Voting example based on MoonZoon and Solana + Anchor framework.
The Voting example based on MoonZoon and Solana + Anchor framework.
A GC for a VM in Rust
A GC for a VM in Rust
Culture ship names in a rust library.
General Systems Vehicles Culture Ships In case you ever needed Iain M. Banks's Culture ship names as a service. Names sourced from the pleasingly exte
Scalable and encrypted embedded database with 3-tier caching
Infinitree is a versioned, embedded database that uses uniform, encrypted blobs to store data.
Non-Recursive Inverting of Binary Tree in Rust
Non-Recursive Inverting of Binary Tree in Rust The idea is to implement the classical Inverting of Binary Tree but without using recursion. Quick Star
A (flash) message framework for actix-web. A port to Rust of Django's message framework.
actix-web-flash-messages Flash messages for actix-web Web applications sometimes need to show a one-time notification to the user - e.g. an error mess
AEGIS cipher for Rust.
AEGIS for Rust This is a Rust implementation of the AEGIS authenticated cipher, ported from the Zig standard library. AEGIS is extremely fast on CPUs
Example sqlite3 Dynamic Loadable Extension in Rust - vfs and vtab modules - port of vfsstat.c
Example sqlite3 Dynamic Loadable Extension in Rust - vfs and vtab modules The vfs and vtab This is a port of the official ext/misc/vfsstat.c sqlite3 e
Following along with the Geometry Processing with Intrinsic Triangulations course in Rust.
Intrinsic Triangulations in Rust In this repo is code I wrote following along with the Nicholas Sharp, Mark Gillespie, Keenan Crane's course on geomet
A library for advanced finite element computations in Rust
A Rust library for building advanced applications with the Finite Element Method (FEM). Although developed with a special emphasis on solid mechanics
Provides a Rust-based SQLite extension for using Hypercore as the VFS for your databases.
SQLite and Hypercore A Rust library providing SQLite with an virtual file system to enable Hypercore as a means of storage. Contributing The primary r
Diplo is a script runner and dependency manager made in rust mainly for Deno.
Diplo is a script runner and dependency manager made in rust mainly for Deno. Documentation Tricked.pro/diplo Installing - windows installer Features
A RSS forwarder
newsfrwdr Checks inputs for new entries and forwards them to outputs (based on name/tag). For now, the only inputs it supports are rss feeds. Inspired
A Bancho implementation made in Rust for the *cursed* stack.
cu.rs A Bancho implementation made in Rust for the cursed stack. THIS PROJECT IS REALLY UNFINISHED AND IN ITS EARLY STAGES A drag and drop replacement
Rust in 100 seconds, potentially and beyond!
Rust in 100 seconds Watch the Rust in 100 Seconds Video. Article: What is Rust, and why is it so popular? What is Rust? Rust is blazingly fast and mem
Outputs a random number of 🌈's
Rainbows Outputs a random number of 🌈 's. Rust implementation of rainbows. 📦 Installation Install Rust and Cargo Run cargo install rainbows $ rainbo
S-expression parsing and writing in Rust
rsexp S-expression parsing and writing in Rust using nom parser combinators. This implemantion aims at being compatible with OCaml's sexplib. The main
Welcome to LibraCity - city planning on a needle!
🏙 LibraCity - city planning on a needle! Tentative entry for LDJam #49 - Theme: unstable. LibraCity is a city planning game on a needle. Literally. I
Terminal UI that allows Alacritty users to quickly and easily shuffle through provided themes 🦄
Alac-pretty alac-pretty.mp4 If you're like me in that you constantly need to change the colors of your dev environment because visual stagnation reall
🦀 Syncing dotfiles and more
DT DT allows you to sync/populate configuration files at will. It currently provides a CLI tool dt-cli. Usage The command line interface dt-cli takes
The Loop programming language
Loop Language Documentation | Website A dynamic type-safe general purpose programming language Note: currently Loop is being re-written into Rust. Mea
An experimental Rust crate for sigstore
Continuous integration Docs License This is an experimental crate to interact with sigstore. This is under high development, many features and checks
Creative Coding Framework based on Entity Component System (ECS) written in Rust
creativity creativity is Creative Coding Framework based on Entity Component System (ECS) written in Rust. Key Features TBA Quick Start TBA How To Con
A barely functional terminal emulator written in Rust. For nothing but fun.
Nothing much to say now. The basic architecture (kind of) so far is: ┌────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐ │ ptm │◀──────▶│ device::Shell │ └─┬
📘 Utilities for the Fibonacci Number and Sequence
Fibora Port of fibonacci-deno for Rust. Utilities for the Fibonacci Number and Sequence. Usage This package exposes two Functions, fibonacci and fibon
Owlyshield is an open-source AI-driven behaviour based antiransomware engine written in Rust.
Owlyshield (mailto:[email protected]) We at SitinCloud strongly believe that cybersecurity products should always be open-source: Critical decis
Hydrogen is the desktop application for Geplauder, built with tauri studio.
Hydrogen Hydrogen is the desktop application for Geplauder, built with tauri studio. For more information on Geplauder, click here. Usage To configure
The 峨眉 (EMei) JIT/AOT backend framework.
emei The 峨眉 (EMei) JIT/AOT backend framework. Support Instructions x86_64 mov mov mov_zero_extend_bit8/16 mov_sign_extend_bit8/16/32 mov_rev movs(is m
One-Stop Solution for all boilerplate needs!
One Stop Solution for all boilerplate needs! Consider leaving a ⭐ if you found the project helpful. Templa-rs Templa-rs is a one-of-a-kind TUI tool wr
A swiss army knife for creating binary modules for Garry's Mod in Rust.
A swiss army knife for creating binary modules for Garry's Mod in Rust.
Command line interface for Solana Metaplex programs.
Metaplex Command Line Interface This is a command line interface for creating and managing non-fungible tokens on the Solana blockchain through the Me
Xrs is a POSIX-subset operating system kernel written in Rust.
XRS-OS ( 🚧 WIP) Xrs is a POSIX-subset operating system kernel written in Rust. Current project team members 0x5459 core developer (he/him) 0x5457 cor
A MongoDB ODM for Rust based on Mongoose
Nongoose MongoDB ODM for Rust based on Mongoose Basic usage use mongodb::{bson::oid::ObjectId, sync::Client}; use nongoose::Schema; use serde::{Deseri